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Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:01 pm
A new year was on the horizon, and people were filling the streets with rowdy, raucous celebrations. Dozens, perhaps even hundreds of people filed through the plaza of the small bustling metropolis, some drunk on their friends' presence and their good luck, some simply drunk on alcohol. They wandered along, dreadfully unaware of how close they were to death itself...he walked among them, standing completely straight, and making sure never to touch them on any unclothed part. The humans were nudged, crowded, and corralled so subtly none of them even thought to fight against it as they moved further and further away from their buildings. They were heading towards the darkest sections of the town...the areas where stories arose of furious ghosts walking the streets. Most of them were beginning to split off, each returning to their homes as the chill of the atmosphere struck them. But roughly twenty of them were too drunk and too riled up to care. They shoved each other, joking and laughing, and daring each other to do increasingly more foolish things in this harsh, dimly lit realm.

Yaksha watched with bemusement; did he even have to herd them anymore? It was getting foolish, with how these humans all drove each other and even themselves further and further forward, towards the maw of some waiting beast. It reminded him of crab buckets; he'd seen it only a few times, but it was a sobering thing to watch. Such small, dim beasts...freedom waved right in their faces, and what did they do? Every single crab, every damn one of them dragged every other crab back into the bucket. A crab, slighted in its attempt to leave, slights another...and in the end not a single crab was ever allowed to leave. Every single other one would simply grab them and yank them back in, all but demanding SOMEONE share the same fate. The humans were exactly the same; as soon as one of them showed doubt, never the same one, all the others would jeer and prod and taunt them, until retreat was simply unthinkable. It was like they knew this was stupid, and they refused to be the only stupid was almost sad to watch.

"Keep on walking, children. They'll be here soon enough...and it'll be suppertime."

Last edited by Yaksha on Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:32 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Itadakimatsu(Open) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Blue Stahli - Song: Takedown (Instrumental) - Word Count: 515

Ah, Karakura town. A town that she had known quite well from her time as a child, and her time as an adult even. However, she was not here to simply reminisce about the past. She had heard reports of a hollow that was not attacking humans, for some strange reason. She didn't like it; not one bit. So, as soon as she was informed about this hollow, Toshiko had already left the City of Light and made a B-line for Karakura. It was strange that this hollow was not killed on sight, but, it was obviously on the outskirts of Karakura; the only place that hollowss could really reside without immediately getting their existences terminated. So, she was here to make sure the hollow was exterminated if it wasn't true to the reports that had been received.

With a hop, a skip, and a jump, Toshiko had arrived in Karakura; using much more complex movement methods than hopping, skipping, or jumping. Regardless, she was still keeping an eye out for the hollow; making sure it killed not a thing.

Toshiko watched from the roofs of buildings; keeping a sharp eye on the hollow as it continued to move through the city. It was hard not to notice, and frankly it was surprising so many didn't notice him already. Most humans had *some* sense of supernatural being by now; especially with demons around and about. Regardless, the fact that no one noticed the hollow was very surprising to her; and worrying. It was not often a hollow did such things without murdering all the humans around it. This was because they hungered for human souls so much that it was nearly impossible to ignore the cravings to devour humans. Did that mean that this hollow had somehow found a way to bypass that or was it eating other hollows, as most hollows did, to gain it's daily dose of soul. With a rather sharp sigh, Toshiko continued to follow the Hollow; keeping an eye out for the humans and other hollows.

Toshiko also never had seen a hollow use any type of illusion tactics to try and block her from seeing the true picture. Even if they did, her sunglasses would help her target potential enemies with things that dampened her ability to see correctly. However, she saw only the hollow and the humans. This especially sent Toshiko on edge as she continued to follow the Hollow closely; being careful to not give away her position both spiritually and physically. Of course, detection likely won't be avoided since it is a hollow; their sense of smell is normally excellent. However, only time would tell if this hollow would notice her presence. If it did, hopefully the damn thing wouldn't go off and attack her. But, judging from the energy coming off of the thing it isn't that powerful. But, better safe than sorry. So, Toshiko continued to follow the hollow; making sure it killed no one. Hopefully this day wouldn't turn into total shit.

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Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:40 am
Yaksha paused, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly; his hackles had risen almost immediately, and his eyes began to scout the nearby area with dizzying speed, drinking in every detail; nothing escaped his attention, from the manhole covers nearby, sealed almost completely watertight, to the lamp-posts that were cracked and buzzing noisily. Hiding himself from people without spiritual presence was...really no impressive feat, after this long. People always seemed to have an enormous blind spot when it came to inconvenient facts. It didn't take much effort to make yourself seem to be something that it wasn't worth the effort to acknowledge.

But when it came to those with the right sense of mind, those who knew exactly what they were looking at, and wanted to do their very best to engage with the was like night and day. Yaksha's best efforts could be rendered null in a split second if he wasn't careful. Sometimes it wasn't even his own efforts that undid him, but simply a confluence of unexpected changes...or worse yet, someone else's ineptitude. Yaksha preferred to go lean for just that reason; when it came to hollows, "ally" was just another word for "traitor".

He paused entirely, allowing his senses to expand outwards, to probe at the passing people; clearly there was someone in this crowd who hadn't fallen for Yaksha's little trick, at least one who had no intention of leaving the curtain unmolested. His tongue flickered out from between his teeth-what passed for teeth in a creature made entirely of spiritual chitin- at least. And his hair, each and every strand, began to stand on end, giving him the impression he had just gotten a nasty shock. He remained that way for a good ninety seconds, just...listening. Waiting very patiently. Finally, with the careful and horrible finality of the Titanic's nemesis, he began to turn his head through the crowd, tongue now darting at remarkable speeds.

There was one part of Yaksha everyone seemed ill-poised to deal with. He had been on this world for far longer than most people could even fathom. Time passed differently, when you got to be his age. A year could pass in the blink of an eye. And so it was that Yaksha simply...turned off. It wasn't quite sufficient to say he had stopped moving, or even that he had stopped breathing. He folded his hands by his side, eyes staring off into nothing. The reaitsu signature was still there, undeniable...but any and all trace of life seemed to have gone. It was entirely possible to convince oneself they were looking at a statue.

Let this little child enter a staring contest with the abyss. Yaksha was used to waiting decades to get his way, after all.
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Itadakimatsu(Open) Empty Re: Itadakimatsu(Open)

Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:09 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Itadakimatsu(Open) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Blue Stahli - Song: Takedown(instrumental) - Word Count: 479

Toshiko sighed softly as she watched the hollow as it looked around for her, likely, searching and searching; but did not find her. Toshiko shook her head softly and then jumped down from the building she was on top of and landed amidst the crowd without disturbing their movement or any of the people in general. Though, her heels did create an audible clack as she landed. The clacks then came in quick succession as she walked straight for the hollow that she was watching earlier; and who was looking for her. She sighed softly and soon came to be behind the hollow that she was following. The one that had been reported to not be eating humans. While that was the only information that was provided she sighed softly as she noticed that the hollow was trying to fake that it wasn't there. Obviously, it was terrible at concealing it's presence because, not only could Toshiko see it, it's reiatsu was clearer than the sky.

Toshiko sighed softly as she peered at the moving hollow, trying to act like it didn't exist. She thought for a couple of seconds, wondering if she should kick the hollow in the back side and send it flying. Toshiko sighed softly and then, in a swift motion, kicked the hollow in its backside; using about half of her strength so the kick wouldn't right out kill the beast, but, it would definitely get its attention. Whether or not the beast went flying she would give an exasperated sigh and speak to the hollow; whether it could understand her or not was not entirely of her concern right now.

"So, apparently, you're the hollow that doesn't eat humans. Mind proving that to me before I fill your mask with reishi bullets?"

Toshiko's face was completely serious, sunglasses covering the brown eyes that were trying to burrow into the heartless being's soul; if it even had one by this point. She wouldn't say anymore, but, just by judging from her body language and how she was holding herself, Toshiko was not only confident, but, meant business. She also allowed her reiatsu to be shown now, revealing how powerful she actually is. Not even hoping to scare the hollow into submission; just a little incentive to prove itself quick. Otherwise, it would be destroyed completely. With a soft sigh, Toshiko stood in wait. Waiting for the hollow to reply to her in some way. Whatever the reaction she was ready for it. Though she did not come here to endure a blood bath; she may end up in one if this hollow was not careful. But, now only time could tell. And he better show his hand soon or a certain hollow may end up losing a little too much.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:26 pm
The woman's foot struck against Yaksha's backside, and he simply...crumbled. He seemed to collapse in on himself, as if he were just a hollow shell, some hollow-shaped residue left behind. And then, from just behind her, a voice escaped, as a thin white rivulet of moisture could be seen leaking out from the destroyed, shredded remains of what had once been his body. He could already be seen, reforming at one of the nearby walls.

"You talk about it as if I'm the only one. You know, it really does baffle me how people don't ever take the time to use their brains. I mean, does it actually sound logical to you? Billions upon billions of hollows and we still haven't conquered the human world? How many adjuchas do you think it would take to wipe out the soul society? How many Vasto Lorde? If we were such a threat, why have you been able to -avert disaster- over and over again?"

The white, nearly liquid monstrosity was reforming into a solid form at a rapid pace, his eyes and face already clearly outlined, stretching out from the pile of organs and muscle. He tilted his head to the side; an oddly, unpleasantly boneless motion, that left him looking at her very nearly upside down. His laughter was dry, almost amused.

"Personally, I blame the schools. But I suppose they can't exactly bring in a hollow to talk to all the children, and dispose of all those filthy rumors. So...hollow 101, I suppose. I am what is known as a Gillian. Also called a Menos."

He rose ever so slightly, a pair of legs reforming from the pile of white sludge, leaving him looking at her from approximately waist level now.

"Stop me if you've heard all of this before. I get the feeling it's actually an eye-opener; people always seem to have a problem with telling the full story."
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:35 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Itadakimatsu(Open) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Blue Stahli - Song: Takedown (Instrumental) - Word Count: 346

Toshiko sighed softly as she watched the hollow crumble into nothingness and then averted her eyes to where he was now. She hoisted her bag up and, halfway through the motion, it turned into a Gatling gun which she rested against her shoulder so the barrels of the firearm were now pointing towards the ground behind Toshiko. She waved a hand at the hollow and sighed.

"Let's get something clear here. First: I may not be that old but I know enough about hollows to be able to discern the different types. Second: I AM using my mind. I'm also using a little force to get you to talk so I don't have to kill something that I need not kill. Though, I have no qualms with killing hollows. Third: If you really are a hollow who doesn't eat humans, then what the hell do you eat and what are you doing?"

Toshiko was clearly looking for explanations. Also, she was being a little threatening, possibly on accident, while she was staring at the hollow; finding it hard to believe that the hollow is not a human eater. There haven't been Hollows that have done this before; in both her memory and what she's read. With a soft, and rather exasperated, sigh, Toshiko stood in wait for the hollow to do something. Whether it be attack, talk, or even just sit there and do nothing. Whatever it may be, she was prepared for it.

However, a Hollow that didn't eat humans was indeed rather strange to her, very strange actually. Since most hollows do need to eat souls to survive. Due to how Hueco Mundo is basically an endless free-for-all with temporary truces or actual bonds that could last. Regardless, it was still weird to Toshiko. So, with not another word or movement, she waited for the hollow to speak again; to explain how exactly, and why, he doesn't eat humans. If he was just faking shit would get real quick.

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Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:49 pm
"Cannibalism. Hueco Mundo revolves around it. The hollows that bother to eat humans are universally the weakest of the weak, unable or unwilling to put themselves at risk for the real quarry. Or too stupid, I suppose. The point is, there doesn't exist a single hollow in the world that has any interest in human meat, once they hit...oh, about two or three hundred."

Yaksha rolled his eyes, looking up at the sky. His expression was one of silent disgust, but it was clearly not aimed at the quincy in front of him; whatever she had to say about the matter, it was patently clear at this point that the propaganda machine had been hard at work, warping this girl's mind and painting the enemy as something remarkably, sinisterly, deadly.

"What did they tell you, child? That there's some hollow mafia? That it's all some big conspiracy on our part? That we're the spirit world equivalent of the Illuminati; far-reaching, influential, and unfathomably malicious? No. Nothing like that. We're just animals, really. Doing our best to ape the humans we remember fondly. We're pale caricatures of the people we once were. And best of all? We have built in population control. Any hollow strong enough to be a realistic threat to this world...hell, any one strong enough to be a threat to you...finds you singularly unappetizing. That isn't to say, in the case of some hollows, that we aren't...curious. Amused. Certainly, you make better company than the white-clad monstrosities that waste their time chasing their own tails. None of you are especially appetizing. Just think of me as a man who only ever targets the...undesirables. It makes the entire process more palatable."

He had now managed to gain another foot of height, and his head had twisted the right way around now, staring at the quincy the right way up. His hands rested over his chest, his expression solemn. His voice was soft, somber, politely clipped in the most professional manner. "I give you my word. I feed exclusively on hollows. I'm simply here for the inevitable moment. You're free to kill them yourself; I won't even fault you for that decision. But I can guarantee you that I will remember this day. And it never hurts to have a friend in your back pocket."
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:10 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Itadakimatsu(Open) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Blue Stahli - Song: Takedown (Instrumental) - Word Count: 410

Toshiko sighed softly and resisted the urge to fill the hollow with reishi bullets and end it's existence. Frankly, the damn thing was pissing of Toshiko a little and made her want to launch a good 600 rounds throughout it's being. She shook her head and listened to the hollow still, not sure of his anything still. However, she was a little intrigued at some of his words. 'A hollow mafia?' What the actual fuck? Toshiko's face still remained still, not shifting, as she stared at the speaking hollow. She sighed softly and then slowly let her Gatling gun return to being a bag. She let the bag hand from it's shoulder strap, the immense weight of it seemingly not affecting her, as she crossed her arms and continued to stare at the Hollow. Not completely convinced but having a feeling this Hollow wasn't exactly someone to kill currently. She sighed and then spoke to him again.

"I'm sure you've heard some of the rumors about your race. Hollows have been stereotypes as violent creatures who eat humans for food; most of the time. Yes, I do know that a lot of hollows feed on mainly their own, and the occasional strong soul. I just needed to make sure that you weren't malicious and your intentions are true. If that is all well and good then I will leave eventually. But, tell me, by the inevitable moment, do you mean a hollow attack?"

Toshiko raised an eyebrow slightly before breathing out her nose in an exasperated manner. No, she did not much like conversing with this hollow, since he seemed to be a bit of a smart ass. Not only that, but, she still found it hard to believe that he did eat only hollows exclusively. Whatever proved to be right or wrong would be proved soon if this 'inevitable moment' was what she thought it was. However, Toshiko was also a little fixated on thinking of Sofia now. Only for a moment did she think of the girl before she returned her full attention to the slowly reforming Hollow. Regardless of his intentions, Toshiko really did not like the idea of having a hollow as a friend. Sure, it is possible in this world, technically, but it is very hard to do without something bad happening one way or another. But, Toshiko would just have to wait and see where things go; hopefully not to shit.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Itadakimatsu(Open) Empty Re: Itadakimatsu(Open)

Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:39 pm
"I keep my ear pressed to the ground, yes. Which is why I understand, child. I understand how hard it can be, to question yourself. It's an art I grew used to some time ago. But I still can't fully say I enjoy it; there's something uniquely horrible about having to twist each decision and thought you've had up to now over and over in your hand, like a rubix cube. I've had to do it no small number of times, and it's never easy." He reached a hand out now, not quite touching against the girl, simply hovering a few inches above her flesh.

"It -is- inevitable that a hollow will arrive the population this dense, you know; they just can't help themselves. It's somewhat pathetic, really. And I really do hope there will come a day where we can cut humans out of the equation entirely. Feeding off of each other keeps our numbers lean, and ensures cooperation and intellect are the defining features of greatness, not...savagery and malice. But so long as you humans continue to die unfulfilled...there will be an endless influx of empty-headed, buffoonish beasts trolling the streets."

He tilted his head, his eyes narrowing just a bit, softening. There was pity there, sadness, and boundless, limitlss weariness. Yaksha looked old for the first time in this conversation. Not smug, not superior, and not even disdainful. Simply...old. As if he were staring across a vast, impossibly vast divide, and trying to shout across it at the top of his lungs. He stared at her, his mouth moving silently a few times, his face shifting through countless facial features, too quickly to pin them down. Finally, he sighed, and spoke in a heavy, almost pained tone.

"Now that we've finished with the unpleasant part...can we at least trade names? I really feel more at home with that part of the social contract. Mentoring, teaching, even learning from's always been difficult for me. But you insisted upon an answer, and the answer seemed so obvious to me."

He shrugged, just slightly. An almost sheepish gesture, made all the more horrible by the fact that it was being made by an eight foot, slouching lizard monstrosity.
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