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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!

Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:29 am

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  6EdIfMt

Artist: Gooseworx - Song: Angel Dust Theme - Word Count: N/A

Oh, right, these people are a thing~

That's the line of thinkin' which began this oh-so-wonderfully sadistic journey into the nest of The Quincy home! You see, many years ago, Ol' Manic Mana had a deal dispatched between one of their former leaders: Hulderic Hayden! They shared drinks, made merry in the night n' just had a gay-o-wonderful time! Much happiness, right? Right. After the drinks settled in, the mania oozed over 'em and the bar closed; the two of 'em decided to hash out a treaty between Demons, Shadow Fall, Quincy and The Vandenreich to keep 'em on neutral to almost allied based terms. In fact, ol' Huddie even assisted Mana in a rebellion within Demon World with Quincy forces as a sign oh loyalty to this deal? ISN'T HE JUST A SWEETHEART? PAHAHAH

'Nyways, now that the trip down memory lane is dead n' done with, the reason that our Queen of Bitches decided to stomp her boots on the drab land of Quincy is because she wanted to see where they stood with herself, Shadow Fall n' Demon World. I mean, there were rumors that these guys hated her guts, n' there was nothing more that Mana was attracted to then a lil' bit of malice, right? It was a wonderful source of depravity, chaos and all things maddening~! So this was a go-to-trip for her right off the bat! Sorta' like booking a trip to Hawaii to soak up the rays of sun, get a tan, find a nice lil' lass to breed n' just kick back and relax.

So, it's why Ol' Queenie really couldn't give two shits about givin' proper warning or heads up with her visit. Since, from out of the heavens above, our pale-skinned protagonist (oh yes, we went there) came in like a wrecking ball and emerged out of a volt of emerald lightning. With an eruption more powerful and disturbing than the landslide victory of President Donald Trump in the 2016 election, the entire City Of Light would feel as if some rock hard energy smashed straight into their nether regions and gave 'em a good fuckin' or two with how her cosmic-scale energy influenced and gripped the lands.

"Oh my, 'sugah. I think my landin' was a bit too hard thar."

Rubbing her nose a bit, Mana had created quite the mass hole in the ground. Destroyed a few building, knocked some chumps out and got the whole city unnerved because The Queen Of Mother Fucking Demons was here. So, while The Quincy were always revved up to deal with intruders, dealing with this SPECIAL guest brought with it a certain amount of weight. Cause, yanno, ya can attack her. But given her track record -- was it really worth it without first konwin' why she was here? EXACTA! That's where our Hero (yes, we are still going with this) decided to speak up and make her intentions known!

With a hop, skip and a jump; Ol' Mana jumped out of the small hole in the ground, observed the quincy beginning to surround her and raised her hands up in the air as if to surrender. Even though many on the ground knew this was more bullshit than a Nigerian Prince claiming to have a small loan of a million dollars waiting for you in a secure offshore bank account, they would allow it given the fact that if they attacked -- it might be an act a war and they weren't exactly in a position to go all out against even just The Queen herself; yet alone all the tender lil' bastards that follow her every whim and call.

"Look, look~ Put 'em down~! No need to be stressed, darlins'. I just wanna know if ya s'ugah babes are still on my side. So give me whoever is in charge and send 'em out here. I just came 'fer drinks, I promise~!"

And so, with her intentions made clear for the moment, The Quincy would have no other choice but to run back to their masters, send in the intel reprots n' ol' Mana would just wait n' see what kind of response she would get.

Wahahahah: boredom is a bitch!

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  WVMWLOu
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Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty Re: Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!

Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:31 pm



Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”This is an evacuation notice, All quincy are to flee the city of light for the next seventy-two hours. “

Shortly after the fiendish energy howled into reality from the demonic queen, this order echoed throughout every quincies soul, every fiber of their being. Only then did the city truly become a ghost town as women, children, and fathers, all of them vanished in a blink of an eye. The city which had been bustling cleared out faster than mana’s mood-swings. Only then could the sound of footfalls be heard as a female whose very body gave of an air of purity, strength and regality walked forth from the street almost like she had simply appeared there. Each step this girl had taken was unhurried even in front of the majestic queen that stood before her.

Silver eyes had a limitless mercury color and gleamed in the light as she came to stop roughly several foot-falls worth the distance from Mana asthavon. Only then with a wave of her hand did a traditional japanese table form, this table was a cozy two by two feet, and in the air wine had appeared from something that looked like a mirror. In reality this was her utilizing reishi and linking imagery from locations she had an intimate memory of. In this case it was the wine-cellar in the city of light, and by bridging those two images into her energy it allowed her to teleport things. It was a fairly new way to apply her C the control, which imbedded conscious thought into her energy.

”..Sit and lets talk then, since you came all this way.”

Rather, than getting to the heart of the matter and potentially stepping into the minefield that was mana asthavon. This leader had to at least knew that while she was certainly not going to ally herself with shadowfall, it was too soon to go against them openly, and yet as the one who was leading the quincy back to prosperity she simply would not lose face in front of another faction leader. Even if it was the manic queen of chaos, mana asthavon herself. This was why the wine she had picked was precious, it was preserved through the concept of “Halt Time” allowing for the reishi to while not literally having stopped time, had counteracted the process of aging on the object. It was because of this, that this wine was easily several hundreds years old, and it came from a place which had already been swept by the endless tides of time.

As this bottle landed on the table, she had set it down and let the clear ruby liquid shine brilliantly in the light. This was a red wine, slightly on the dry side but it was full of flavor as well. Niflheim had opened it and waited for the wine to settle some before pouring some in two wine-glasses. Only after did she wave her hand to the side, the concept of repair appearing fleetingly in the forefront of her mind. The hole, the buildings, each of these damaged units found themselves being repaired in the reishi-rich environment, to the point that it was simply almost like mana’s actions hadn’t taken place in the first place!

Around this time, Niflheim exhaled and sat down on her knee’s at the table, tucking her feet underneath her rear and waited for mana to join her, cushions forming underneath the spots they would sit, as if conjured there, which in a sense they had been, as the same shimmering mirror like construct niflheim was working on formed again, allowing the pillows to appear on the ground as if they had always been there. Afterwards her tranquil expression remained as such, while there remained hints of hardness in her gaze. Fear never crossed her mind for the simple reason that, if mana was here to destroy this city it would have already been turned to ashes. For now she waited for mana to sit down and take a sip of wine before she said anything else.

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Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  LzZCuy7
Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  BtXe12b
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Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty Re: Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!

Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:57 pm

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  6EdIfMt

Artist: DSO - Song: Velvet Embracer - Word Count: N/A

What, was everyone scared of the wicked ol' witch of the west? Geez, you'd think these people would have just turned into peer ghost and vanished from the face of the earth. It's why The Queen of Demons could only let out a most joyous laughter as she found great humor in them fleeing away like frighten crackheads the minute that one of the good ol' boys in blue looks their way. Ah~ But she didn't much care for pitiful thoughts like those. No. She was much more interested in the tasty piece of flesh that emerged from the snow: Niflheim.

The most gracious queen to ever walk the earth~

The most pristine being to have ever lived~


Niflheim was all that -- and more!

...least, that is what the rumors were supposed to be of this lil chick, anyway. n' like "IOU", it doesn't mean jackshit to Mana. It's why she wanted to affirm where this fine piece of breast, thighs n' ass stood and if they were going to present themselves to be an enemy or not. It was a fine to kill some time for a dull Queen, wasn't it?

So, Ol' Mana would give a bow to The Vandereich's leader and proceed to twirl on her feet, prance n' eventually fade into darkness n' appear with a rose in her mouth and posing ever-so-seductively on the table as she took one gulp of wine after spitting out the rose and having it fly on Niflheim's lap.

"Yas' S'ugah. Ya' got mah attention. I'll be a good gurl, sit n' listen about where you lovely dearies stand with me n' the good ol' Shadow Fall States of 'Murica."

Well -- that was a lie! AHAHA!

What had actually gotten Mana's attention was the fact that lil' miss perfect over there managed to swiftly repair what had already been broken with her handy dandy lil' reishi manipulation. Or whatever the fuck Quincy used. The Queen was a bit drunk on her power n' was feelin' herself too much to care about the hard specifics. It's why the many consciousnesses the run amok within her mind had already done the subconscious task of analyzing, decoding it and saving the knowledge for later to use in combat if she needed to clash against this bastardly thing should they turn violent. These enslaved minds were gauging her spiritual energy, how swiftly she repaired, the amount of force needed to cancel it and storing knowledge to be readily summoned in case she needed to whip out an ancient demon spell or two to shut her pretty lil' ass up.

Anyways, ENOUGH OF THAT! With the nerd shit put aside, it was clear that "The Perfect Shot" was waitin' for The Manic Empress to sit down n' have these wonderful peace talks. So, Ol' Mana would make herself at home, slither down and pluck herself in the lap of Niflheim while rubbing her index finger across her cheek and givin' a most cheeky n' sleazy grin at her.

"Well, ya' get this wonderful lady drunk, pushed aside the crowd n' now it's just me n' you. So, ya' gon' tell me the deets I need to know, or do we gotta' keep escalatin' this further?"

Then, with a flick of the nose, The Queen would give a ginger laugh and wait to see what kind of response would rile up from Snow Bitch~!

Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  WVMWLOu
Joined : 2011-09-01
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Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  Empty Re: Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!

Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:36 pm



Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Uncouth. That was Niflheim’s association with the queen of demons. As her gaze narrowed almost imperceivable her lips twitched pulling every so slightly downwards. In this era, there could be considered very few that would be able to break past the shell she had erected around her emotions. Right here and now though? Listening to the boisterous and rowdy words of the queen of shadow fall, she felt her heart beginning to twist. Her serene expression grew grim as unconsciously she began to circulate her spiritual energy, bolstering her bod to a certain extent even as they sat there, the air’s tranquility only broken by the queen’s words, by her demeanor . . Even as they sat there the storm that was building lay only just beneath the surface, that was the thing, Niflheim disliked mana for a very specific reason. Mana was the indirect cause of so much discord, strife and mayhem on the earth that was around them. So as she looked at the queen the air would almost seem to cool down.

There was a large gap in power between them true. However the leader of the quincy was one of the first of her kind. As she leveled her gaze on the queen of demons; it would be as if the air became absolutely glacial. An indescribable weight of will pushing down on the queen's very own psyche. None of this would be due to spiritual energy, spiritual attacks or some other kind of metaphysical offense mounted by the leader of the quincy. Instead, it was simply the bloodlust that had honed itself over the millennia she had been in existence. Normally she’d want to try to take the high-ground, try to mitigate and find a compromise that could be used to bolster the quincy into a higher moral ground in the world around them. Yet right now she wasn’t thinking of that rather she was thinking of her own heart, and what she thought about shadow fall.

”..The quincy will not be your allies so long as breath passes through my lips. “

She kept it curt, as she had exhaled slowly. Ice crystals forming from her lips as the frosty mood of the queen conveyed itself through the medium of her power. C the Control. Conscious thought was capable of shaping the energy that interacted with reality around it. In this case, it led to the glacial chill that descended on them. Her gaze not once flickering from the queen known as Mana Asthavon. Many could be said to be afraid of this queen, and while Niflheim felt her to be a formidable adversary worthy of respect, there was no fear held within her silver-hued gaze. Rather, there was resolve, and finality; this queen truly meant it that for her people she would not let them walk once more in the path of darkness.

Even if she was broken, this would not change; even if she was smote she would survive for them. She would break the natural order of this mundane planet. It went beyond merely willpower, it was in many ways love. She loved the new generations of the quincy race, she loved them as a mother would love their children. She would gladly die for them, to see them go on the right path. Even though she kept it earlier she’d elaborate on it now, to explain to mana just why she did so, since it certainly wasn’t purely out of emnity for the being before her.

”..The reason for it , is i don’t approve of the path that you walk. It is your choice to tread a path of turbulent tides, entrenched in the depths of darkness that is chaos. I want for the quincy people to be able to rise higher, to break from their old shackles, from the negativity that has suppressed them for so long. It is my job as the elder generation to do so for them.”

Afterwards she waited for the queen of demons to respond. Even now with the air practically misting around them her eyes remained as frosty as ever. She had given her response. Now it was time for mana’s retort.

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Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  LzZCuy7
Demons? Havin' Drinks With Quincy? This News Reporter Says: It's More LIkely To Happen Than Ya Think!  BtXe12b
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