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A Visit to Vastime Empty A Visit to Vastime

Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:12 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

It had been some time since Ghislain's battle as he began to ponder and think about things. It was a different world than he realized. His realization had come and he did understand more now. The training in Karakura was done and this was a stop before his trip to Radioactive. He planned to rest here before he went to that showdown. Ghislain's presence wasn't cloaked as he knew it wasn't needed. He was part of the Vanguard and well they shared a leader. It was more of we share him type thing he guessed. Ghislain found a stone next to something of a stream. His legs crossed as he inhaled softly looking down. His eyes closed as he could feel everything around him. Meditation was something special that Ghislain had begun to enjoy a lot. Finding himself and developing himself into far more since that moment. He'd remembered the fear Mana struck in him. He'd not realized how stuck in his ways he was till he fought against Desmond. That was a foolish and naive display if he knew what he knew now. He wouldn't have even gone that route against him.

As he felt his mind and body sync to what was around him. He began to feel it. Naturally, energy began to flow in of its own accord. Nothing required control wise from him as he delicately felt it move through his veins. Feeling each portion of it move as he was hyper-aware of his surroundings. He could feel the birds flapping from tree's as they moved. in on prey. Squirrels gathered nuts and vegetation for many reasons. Deer stood just out of reach as he calmly breathed without much movement. Potential energy lived in each being but nothing near what he sensed in himself. It was a faint flicker of life away from his vision. Ghislain's eyes remained closed as he truly began to ponder and think about things to come. Radioactive had slaughtered his people in cold blood. But they'd brought it on themselves. Doing the things they did and hunting hollows. It broke the balance and caused massive destruction. They didn't know what their power was doing in that regard.

Each moment had to be observed closely and watched to see their downfall. Two Emperors who failed and one who gave up the Throne. They were certainly an interesting lot by the very nature of things. But Ghislain's power on his people didn't leave completely. He could still interact in ways some beings couldn't fathom with them. But this didn't interest him as much as becoming the arrow did.

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Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:04 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja wandered around Vastime a bit, sniffing a sniff that had once been sniffed in the Kung-Pow Power Clash of King Zap and Quincy Guy. Mirja was great at naming things, create and giving things magnificent names for purposes of randomness. But that did not stop the smell from being sniffled down, and brought relatively close to said Quincy Guy. It was cool that she had a chance to actually meet him in the flesh, and a chance to get some training down with him. He was big and hard, she was eager to learn and had a cool Tulpa. What a meeting, huh?

In a flash, she would disturb his peaceful energy sensing with the erratic and somewhat immense energy that Mirja put out due to her intense Plus Ultra training. There was no Reiatsu output however, and her footsteps were quite because she wished them to be. The disparity between no Reiatsu but momentous energy might making the man a bit confused, but Mirja wasn't one to think like that, and so reached out to try give him a thump on the head. It was a playful thump, but didn't have much in the way of restraint because she had seen how he handled himself against King Zap. So while there was no malicious intent behind that thump, it was not weak by any means.

A thump on the head was a universal greeting for 'hello, I found you in this place and now I wish to squargle blarh bleep bleep'. Universal languages tended to get messy when they were translated into native. Still, the intent for Mirja to have a friendly clash of wills and skills would probably be evident to someone of Quincy Guy's prowess. You didn't get to be Quincy Guy by being oblivious, after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:53 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

It was perplexing to sense someone coming. But not detect reishi or reiatsu from them here. Though he guessed Desmond did have a different policy on things from other people. The energy potential in what came was strong. He could feel her presence and approach. Ghislain's hand moved upwards gently to catch the thump on the head in his palm. His energy detecting didn't go to just the common things. Right now he was connected to the very land's energy. Feeling her movements and knowing where he didn't require too much at present. His hand felt the impact of the blow as it hit his palm. He got up getting the gist of what she desired. Moving his cloak from his frame he gently set it down on the rock as he moved a bit across from her. Giving a polite bow as a gesture before taking a stance slowly. His left hand moved behind his back as he stood sideways facing her. Slowly his right hand was extended towards her as he prepared himself. It was an interesting fighting stance he was using here as it felt comfortable.

"Greetings, Mirja is your name correct? I am Ghislain Eberhart, of the Boros Guard. If you'd like to have a sparring match I am open to it." He spoke and his German accent did show slightly but not as much to overpower his English words. It was an easy language to speak as it was. Inhaling a bit as he kept his stance he seemed to draw in energy. There was more to developing a new style than just his people. Ghislain couldn't focus on doing things for the Quincy alone anymore. He needed to focus on his development and improvement. And in his eyes their techniques were useful. But lacked a form, something he could use them with. Then there was that pure reishi he'd discovered. It pulsed inside him still as though a massive amount was still buried in that potential energy. He wondered how much would he require to truly become the arrow. Being the bow at present didn't help the situation or conjure a way to do it. But she offered him a challenge or perhaps a sparring match in her own way.

Something to focus on another aspect of himself that needed improvement. From this position, he took which felt comfortable he could launch any number of attacks. He'd lowered his hand for speaking as he raised when done. Keeping his hand open for the moment he'd taken a pose as he prepared to fight her. Each cell of his body prepared for a different kind of combat. What form of fighting fit his style best he pondered as he would need to develop this even further. Becoming the arrow would require a lot more focus and determination. His sword and fist couldn't lag behind either if he were to truly find the answers. Becoming the arrow that purified himself and maybe somewhere down the road. His people would come next from his power. Of those with the pure blood Ghislain was the strongest. But this didn't mean anything truly in the sight of some. He needed to surpass the bow and become the arrow. Something few would understand and part of that lay in facing strong warriors like Mirja.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:34 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

He caught it!~ A good show to prove that he would be a guy to really spar with Mirja. Someone she didn't have to worry about hurting, someone she could fight and sharpen her technique with and not have trouble with the whole 'oops I ruptured your kidney you are about to bleed to death' kind of thing. He caught it and didn't have to waste time asking what she was doing or what she wanted or anything. Just went straight into the stance and even remembered her name. Mirja didn't remember his name because she'd never heard it, but it was here now.

"Ghislain Eberhart, of the Boros Guard. You must be really awkward to be mad at. Because shouting that name at the top of your lungs is liable to make you run out of breath before you have finished it. I am Mirja, and I am here to see you go kung pow. However, I have to say something before kung-powing. See, fights are not always to see who wins. Sometimes a fight is more to hear a person's heart, or even to sharpen yourself on the whetstone of another. Dummies are fine but never really work like a person.

"But. These kind of fights are easy to misunderstand. Because a lot of people don't like having their pride urinated on, so they do things that don't help anyone progress. They strike hard and fast and blast shit out of their eyeballs in an attempt to be the victor of a match that should not have a victor. And there in lies the confusion. The question to you, Ghislain Eberhart, of the Boros Guard, is if you can do it. If you can see a fight as a conversation with fists. You do not try to beat a person in a conversation, you do not speak over them or shout them down unless you are a slem fyr. So, can you be a stone, or are you a rock?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:49 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He remained quiet and let her speak as he smiled slightly. His title got put into his name. Well, introductions were generally this way. lowering his arm slowly as he maintained his stance to some extent. Comfortable was the feeling of an arm behind his back. "Warriors must converse in a different language than those of the spoken word Mirja. You may call me Ghislain if you find that easier. I seek something and I suspect you'll shed a light upon that pathway. The first move is yours." His eyes focused on her figure. He was aware still of his surroundings, meditation relaxed the soul a great deal. He didn't intend to use energy based techniques this time. It was a martial duel nothing more than that. As the female had desired he suspected without knowing he needed an answer. Inventing a new style with the old techniques of his childhood still there. This would be a responsive style that adapted to each situation with a response. The question was what sort of responses did he produce from it.

Could he be reactive enough with this form to absorb energy when shot and counter attack? His center felt correct and the pose would work with swordplay as well. Everything seemed to be good with the form of extending his arm as he raised slightly upwards. Letting the back of his hand face her as he folded his thumb across his palm. Intense focus began on his part to take in the aspects of Mirja's form. Ghislain's focus was something amazing as he needed to center his mind on this fight. What would come next was the question, could he be reactive and quick. His body seemed to be on something of alert. Watching the moves she would make studying her closely. What kind of fighting style did she use? She must have been quite skilled in it by silencing her footwork. Not many warriors could quiet their steps entirely in such a way. Only experts in the art of silence killing generally practiced that or someone exceptional at the Martial Arts. She felt like perhaps the ladder for the moment. Only time could be the judge of what kind of warrior she was.

This was one of those things that required him to speak to her in the way warriors do. Pride had nothing to do with a sparring match. It was about learning and growing and Mirja was exceptionally talented in that regard. His mind didn't wander from the situation as he prepared his counters he had in mind and would let his body react naturally.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:20 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja was glad that the man accepted where she was coming from, and wanted her to shed some light on something he was trying. He took his stance, and Mirja's eyes flickered from the eccentric look of not quite seeing anything to a look of sharp intensity. It was clear that she wasn't just skilled with her fists, but with every part of her body. The stance he had taken looked to be one favoring a defensive form, but not Iron Turtle style. More, Spiked Bulwak, so he would throw attacks off the back of Mirja's own. Although, it was not unheard of that the form he had taken meant nothing and he would snap into something else at the last moment. Seeing that would be interesting.

When she was given the first move, she walked forward to get into range, while pondering what exactly she was going to do. Wolf-Fu would seem too disreputable for a fight like this, And Bājíquán was not a style for a spar, regardless of how well he held his own in the fight against Hayden. That left Kempo, which would be entirely unsuited for a spar when he had taken his own counter style, Muay Thai wasn't something to do at the start of a spar, maybe after they warmed up a bit. So, she decided to just go for her Boxing. Simple and easy. If it wasn't Mirja doing it.

She arrived within range, and raising her fist, before throwing a jab at him. It wasn't anything flash, it didn't do her signature Crack as it broke the sound barrier, nor would it be a strain for even Ghislain to deflect. It was a test punch. That wasn't to say it was weak, it was a serious punch, just a serious punch, restrained.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:30 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He watched her stance and studied it for a moment. Boxing based in its form from what he could tell. His eyes studied it closely and decided this wasn't her main fighting style. Keeping his arm extended he watched the jab closely. This wasn't full power or speed in the slightest as his eyes watched. He simply watched the jab measuring it as it passed his arm. He did have a counter attack chance that he could have taken. Slipping into her guard as his eyes narrowed a bit. She wasn't taking the fight entirely seriously as he just used his footwork to avoid the blow. Deflecting it was an option as he knew the distance and could feel a bit of pressure from the punch. It wasn't that he wasn't taking her seriously, but he was waiting for a moment. To see what her strong point was exactly. Her punches were good and well above average. Perhaps one of the Hakuda practioneers in the world. That was interesting as his last time was against a shinigami during the war. He decided to show her something it was going to be a blur.

Ghislain's posture changed slowly into a south paw for a second. Sending out one jab at Mirja that sent what looked like a blow at her face. The real blow was at her midsection and ribs. If the blow connected the girl's frame would feel the pressure as the fist slammed into her gut and returned to a fast guard. He left very little openings in the south paw stance he'd taken. Ghislain's form than returned to normal as his arm returned back. He'd done the stance and switch extremely quick while a pause between her jab came and he'd avoided it. This was his counter attack as he cracked his shoulders a bit. Maybe swordplay wasn't his specialty after all. Ghislain had been a student in Martial Arts and studied them fervently. He enjoyed the clashes and battles against skilled enemies. His speed with his hands was exceptional. Holding back against her wasn't an intention nor was energy based attacks. He wouldn't resort to Quincy moves here either as he played a defensive posture for now.

What she didn't know what from this stance he could launch blows of any kind or form. Offensive or Defensive was up to him, he'd given her first move as gentlemen and it being her home turf.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:00 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

The first part of the test was successful, he managed avoid the incoming fist, specifically designed to grate on the nerves of any fighter by implying that Mirja thought less of them. It was all well and good saying words, but the heart was the true speaker, and she could tell how a person felt because of the way they fought, without them saying a single word. And this was were it sort of fell down. The man may have claimed he was capable of fighting how Mirja desired, but his fists could not do that, could not match the pace of the fight. Maybe it was because it was too much restraint, maybe he got pissed and wanted to do the tempo of the fight on his terms. But whatever it was, she knew this was going to go a bit down hill unless she caught it. He was being a rock, rather than a stone right now, and that was bad.

The blow to her ribs was taken hard, Mirja caught flat-footed and so even though she could see it coming, she hadn't the time to react without something like Physical Instant, which she distinctly refused to use. So she was left with a sore pair of ribs. Ghaslain would probably notice however, that Mirja's body was distinctly unique. Durable and sturdy, like most of the high class spiritual beings, but flesh was generally still flesh, regardless of how strong the person it covered was. But for Mirja, it would not feel that way, it would feel more like tightly packed rock, more akin to punching the ground than punching a person. This strange density could probably be the source of why she was without any Reiatsu, but also the source of her strength, because if her muscles were as dense as her skin, then they would pack something incredible inside them.

"If you want a different pace to this, then you could ask. I thought to warm up and build the pace gradually as the fight got underway. But you seem impatient" She muttered, stretching her side to work the pain out.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:11 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He blinked almost confused that had worked as he stopped to look at his hand. He smiled and simply shook his head left to right as he prepared to explain himself to her."It's not that, what I was wondering was if I could do what my teacher did. When I was a boy the thing you just saw was something he did often. I wondered if maybe I could get anything near it to make contact on a skilled warrior. Forgive my impatience, even now sometimes I get a little overzealous in wanting to figure things out." Ghislain said as he adjusted his stance turning his palm to face her now. It would be best to just defend and let her build the pace from here. He didn't know if she understood what it was like. Being hit by that frequently but never figuring it out as he slowly waited for her to come if she decided too. "If you wish to continue we may at whatever pace you set from here, I got what I sought an answer too." Waiting for her response his eyes of cerulean shone with honesty.

As a boy seeing that so often but never understanding. It was like a punch mixed in with a fake and he understood it. Returning to a similar stance he would only be defending now. His eyes remained calm and focused. He was happy to discover he'd come far enough to do his masters trick finally. He'd practiced doing that so often as a boy he got sick. Yet it never worked because he was maybe too slow with his punches. Perhaps the intention to attack wasn't strong enough in him. But that was what made him think about the moment as he watched her. His focus and senses became more alert as he stayed true to her form. It was time for him to help her discover what she sought. She'd done well in helping him understand he'd come to his master's level. Now he knew what was next on the list. To surpass that level and everything it meant. It was time for him as a person to find his own way. The Monk beliefs he was taught as a boy and that damn pride. It was something that would serve him well in this.

Now it was time for MIrja to find her answer whatever it may have been.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:51 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja nursed her ribs for a few moments, and then grinned at the man. He wanted a feint, huh? Then she would give him a feint. She would give him the best dam feint he had ever seen! Reclaiming her own stance, the arms were higher and the front foot was up on it's tip-toes, A classic Muay Thai stance, and that stance was one of much greater offensive capacity than the regular boxing stance. It was a style well known for it's powerful blows and it's use of every part of the body to deliver a blow.

Giving him a few seconds to adjust, Mirja stepped in and delivered a low hook to the kidney with enough muscle to make him realize that she wasn't just a girl with freakish supernatural strength, she was a girl who knew exactly how to use it to it's utmost. However, the beauty would be in the actual punch itself, rather than how it was thrown. If Ghislain decided to take the shot then he would certainly take the hellish blow to the kidney, but if he tried to block it or engage a grapple around it, the fist would vaporize as if it was never there to begin with, and a front-fisted uppercut would be delivered in it's wake, directed straight for the Quincy's chin. It was Mirja's own unique creation, born from the third Shinigami Shihō, Utsusemi and powered by her incredible combat instincts and prowess in the hand-to-hand field. It didn't have a flashy name yet, but it's effects were undeniable. Regardless of wither he managed to catch the second punch or not, the technique would certainly put the Quincy on his toes around the Wolf-Girl.

The only real flaw around the punch was that it worked once in general situations, and then required special circumstances to pull off again. With the first use the target would be on guard for the second shot, and only in a moment of distraction would a second be able to connect.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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