Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:01 pm
"I didn't ask for a written novel. A name suffices. I generally feel there isn't ever such a thing as useless information."

He examined her cards, nodding once, curtly, his expression still completely unreadable. Her hand was a very impressive one, of course, as befitting someone like him. He folded his hands together over his chest, exhaling slowly, eyes canting to the side; for a moment it looked like his attention was elsewhere, like he had noticed something for the first time. But he finally did start to speak, in a cool and detached tone.

"When I was young, I had little love for humans. I found myself stuck in a small town, surrounded by small people with small minds. Almost invariably, I found the dead to be better company. And that included hollows, naturally. I always felt a certain kinship with them. When I was young hollows very different. There was competition. The humans were all so densely packed, and hollows would have hunting grounds that were less than a mile wide. They were crafty. They were powerful. Humans worshiped them as gods, in places. Hollow used to be a designation that one could feel proud of, Rukia. And now it is that the humans and hollows have all bred so incredibly rapidly, and while humans have only grown craftier and more canny over the years, the standards to become a hollow have become so very lenient, and now when one mentions hollows it's with a sour taste in their mouth."

He rose from the table slowly, walking towards the kitchen once more and returning with a glass of wine; he began to pour a hefty measure into Rukia's glass, then into his own.

"I reject the very notion of hollowfication as a tragic circumstance, which must be rectified. I wish to show the world that there can exist such a thing as a happy hollow. Is that a sufficient answer, Rukia? I have no interest in being reminded, day after day, of how far my brethren have to come. And so I live here, rubbing elbows and proving that I am in no need of your Soul Society'"
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Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:24 pm

"I too had little love for humans... But that was before..." Rukia muttered, her gaze shifting sideways to the corner of her eyes, as if she were looking at something far out of reach from beneath her lashes. Her throat felt dry, like an arid desert with no source of water. She reached out, spreading her fingers as to delicately pick up the now filled wine-glass that was in front of her, lifting it to her lips as to sip the antioxidant rich beverage; sighing as it met her throat with a cool, slow burn that alleviated her previous thirst.

She took a few more sips of her wine before she spoke again, her eyes focusing on Yaksha once more.

"Shall we resume our game?" She asked, still holding her playing cards in her idle hand, which was folded neatly in her lap — the air about her patient, for she'd decided to forgo the anger that was lurking beneath her icy surface.

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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:54 am
"Please stop volunteering information. You'll quickly lose bargaining chips at this rate."

Again, his voice was airy and light, seeming almost devoid of any emotion. It seemed like she was hearing the words from the other end of a long, wind-blasted tunnel, one that had stripped them of all context and feeling, turning them as cold and as precise as a thrown dagger. The monotonous tone was almost distressing, particularly when one realized that he was hardly even moving now, as he shuffled the cards once more, this time with even greater precision.

"It seems you caught onto the nature of the game quickly. But your inadequacies will become clear before much longer. This game is as much about your opponent as yourself."

He flicked out five more cards negligently, then scooped up his own, sucking at his lower lips. Yaksha's poker face was...well, to put it simply it was like staring at an iceberg. He simply looked at the cards in absolute, unyielding silence; the silence of one trying very hard to make no sound at all. It was a hungry, cloying silence, one that seemed to batter at the chest and leave a horrible, nauseating sense of pressure there, demanding that it be filled.

And yet Yaksha let it ride on for a full minute, before setting his own cards down on the counter, and then drumming his fingers on the table.

"The Kuchiki family. Tell me about them. Are they all shinigami? How has your experience been with the clan as a whole? How many siblings do you have?"

He glanced up at her for just a second, and then rose his hand in a slow, almost chiding gesture to stop.

"Before you speak. Make sure you think long and hard about what that information is worth to you."
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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:27 pm

The idle hand of the Kuchiki rose from its position on her lap; while the hand that had been occupied by the wine glass extricated it, the two of them now meeting in a steepled position, her elbows resting firmly upon the smooth surface of the tabletop. Rukia's brow furrowed in thought, the thin raven lines drawing together, creasing her forehead. Was Yaksha goading her with his sudden inquiry about her family?

Rukia's tongue danced behind her lips as she fought the urge to speak, choosing to remain reticent. The woman's amethyst orbs peered at him from above her hands, watching intently as he shuffled the cards, and drew from the deck. She made no effort to collect her own cards, or move. She was frozen, watching the man, intent on trying to calculate her next move despite the odds that were increasingly against her.

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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:38 pm
"That's good. You're a fast learner. Remarkable, as a matter of fact. As a sign of respect for you, I'll wager something I hold rather dear to myself. Should you win this next hand, I will tell you about my comrades in arms; those who have aligned themselves with me, in my upcoming endeavours."

His expression was still as obdurate and unmoving as a rock as he folded his hands over the table, placing his own cards on the table. He examined them all, jaw set ever so slightly as he stared at them quietly, calmly. He then reached out and placed down a single card, drawing to replace it. He set his cards back down, and met Rukia's gaze.

"I thank you, Rukia. For passing this time with me. It's been quite productive. I apologize for turning this into something so farcical, but I can't help who I am. My soul and heart aches to know more, and you're simply too appealing a target for me to let you go without a fight. But you and I both know that you could slaughter me with a flick of your hand. In a sense it's...far more relaxing, knowing I'm so thoroughly outmatched. It means I needn't waste time with anxiety or fear. I'll simply...cease, should you find it in your interests to do so."

He pushed his own cards forward, eyes locked onto hers. He then flipped over his cards, one at a time; the ten of hearts, the ten of diamonds, the ten of clubs, the jack of clubs, the jack of diamonds.

"I call. It's time to see if the fates will continue to favor you, Rukia. You can hone your weapon all you like, but at a certain point, you simply have to accept that your weapon isn't well-suited to the task."
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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:22 pm

Rukia's head bobbed in a nod, and her eyes bore into Yaksha's with cold fury as she freed her hands of their once steepled form. Her jaw was set firmly with concentration, and her fingers found her cards once more, lifting them, and then fanning them infront of her face — prying her gaze from his own in order to inspect the cards available to her. They sparkled brilliantly as the light reflected from all corners of the room. She'd found the cards that she'd play against his own, flipping them effortlessly onto the table with her slim fingers.

Rukia was certain she had him now; but she looked from her hand of cards, to his own, and her air of confidence began to drain from her almost immediately. She'd made a grave error — where there were supposed to be five cards of the same suit, in numerical sequence, there were only four; a nine of hearts, an eight of hearts, a seven of hearts, and a six of hearts, the outlying card being a five of spades.

She'd played the wrong card.

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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:00 am

Yaksha said nothing else, simply reached idly out and scooped up all of the cards, continuing to shuffle them in absolute silence as he met Rukia's gaze. He looked...almost detached, on the verge of boredom, as he met her gaze. It was uncanny, to see someone so uniformly unexpressive, someone who kept so very much of his thoughts and feelings concealed. He set the deck down once more, and then splayed out the cards one at a time, and spoke in a soft, chiding tone.

"You were so blessedly close. You felt it, didn't you? That single wretched moment of uplifting warmth, telling you that this was the start of a long and beautiful winning streak. Telling you that your victory was inevitable, and that you could finally shut me up. And now you're feeling the sinking sensation that makes you wonder if you'll ever be able to make back your losses. This is Vegas, Rukia. This is life for so many tens of thousands of people. Fluctuating between manic highs and desperate lows."

He began to deal out still more cards, looking down at his hand, and then folding them over, hand placed over them.

"It's your turn to bare your heart and soul, Rukia. Don't worry. I'll be sure to put it to good use."
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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:41 pm

All traces of color had drained from Rukia's face, rendering her already pallid flesh to become sickly pale; her paper-thin eyelids dancing as she averted her gaze from Yaksha's own. Rukia raised her idle hand, and ran it through her chin-length raven locks, a nervous gesture, before she had begun to speak.

"He doesn't know that I have feelings for him," she said, pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts, "But, it's Kurosaki Ichigo."

Rukia's chest rose upon deep inhalation, before falling again in the same manner.

"I have two siblings, one of which is deceased. Byakuya-dono, who has always been more than kind to me, and my biological sister, Hisana-sama. We are the only two remaining members that are still alive, that we're aware of, though Father may be in hiding; and yes, we are all Shinigami," Rukia breathed, her facial expression strained, her thin eyebrows crinkling in response to the nature of the information Yaksha had just extracted from her.

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Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hope You've Guessed My Name. [Yaksha/Rukia]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:53 pm
"Yet again, Rukia, you offer more than necessary. This game will quickly become a hopeless one if you can't ascertain the weapons you have available to you."

He once more flicked out the cards over and over, his expression smooth and obdurate as he fanned his own out, baring his teeth in a mirthless, cold expression; it was the kind of smile that reminded one that when apes bared their teeth, it was a threat. He drummed his fingers on the table, eyebrows raising slowly, meticulously. His every motion seemed crisp and precise now, as measured and perfect as if he had a ruler. It was...unnerving, to see someone whose movements could be measured in micrometers.

"If the ultimate evil is to deliberately blind oneself, then the ultimate good is to understand. You no doubt find this needless frivolity; a distraction from what's important. But I want you to understand what makes these things important, Rukia. No good can come from engaging on a path when you have no clear idea of where you are, or where you're going. You'll never win this game if you can't face yourself, Rukia."

He folded his hands in his lap, eyes meeting hers. And for the first time there was something...else there. Something pleasant, and warm. He stared at her, his voice turning into a smooth drone, nearly mesmeric in its intonation. He spoke without pause, in a voice that almost seemed to wash over her.

"You speak of your past as if it's a pain. You share information as if you fear it will be used as a weapon against you. How can you even dream of becoming something great if you spend your entire life staring straight ahead? How can you be certain you won't repeat the mistakes of Hisana?"

He leaned forward once more, eyes widening, voice taking on a voice of absolute, cold, precise authority. He spoke in the same leaden, absolute tones which one would use to express that the sky was blue.

"She abandoned you. She ran, because she was afraid, and she was uncertain. She carried that stain with her, until her dying day. And since then you have watched person after person enter and leave your life. You have spent so many centuries trying so very hard to keep yourself distanced...and you don't think you'll carry that same weight to your grave? You wish to erase the sins of your sister from this world, and you wish to do keeping everyone else at arm's reach?"

"Then again...the case could be made you only got to where you were because you were abandoned. Ooooh, that one...that accusation hit a nerve, didn't it? To think that your adversity and your hardship is what made you great. You reject that notion wholeheartedly, don't you? You reject it so thoroughly that you rush headlong, leaving everyone else behind you, trying so very thoroughly to prove that you never needed Hisana's pity. That, to the very did it alone. And your reward will die alone."
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Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:51 pm

The noblewoman nodded towards the male, acknowledging his words as they echoed in her eardrums.

"You have a point, Yaksha," She murmured in consideration, her voice soft, like the sound of a flute's. She was flushed in color, now, and chose her words wisely before continuing.

"But the fear still remains — How will I amount to anything great if I'm plagued with hiding in their shadows? It frightens me to think that Nii-sama only keeps me around because I look like a carbon copy of Hisana?" She said, her eyes dim with a detectable sadness that clouded them, occluding their brilliance; her lips turning downwards at the corners, forming a thin frown.

She felt nauseous, her voice catching on the hard lump that had formed in her throat; Yaksha had seen through her in an instant, and Rukia now knew the taste of true defeat. With trembling fingers, she placed her playing cards on the table, before folding them neatly in her lap. The noblewoman's back began to ache, the muscles squealing in protest as the waves of her sadness enraptured them, attempting to diminish the shreds of her formal resolve completely.

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