- ConceitedEstablished Member
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Re: New Threat in New York City [Open]
Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:04 am
It had been months since the battle for… whatever country she had been set upon. Months since her parents found out that she went to war for no other reason that she wanted to burn something without consequence - that wasn’t her brightest moment. And months since she had been grounded for what her parents considered a reckless decision that could’ve resulted in her death - dramatic much? It also meant that it had been months since she had seen the giant doll that she had the pleasure of almost being crushed by - the doll almost cleaved her in two as well until her passionate plea to just have some fun - so, it was only right that she descend upon one of the areas controlled by Shadow Fall - that was their name, right? - in an attempt to check up on her. After all, the two were friends and friends visited one another when they were no longer grounded.
So, yes, she descends upon New York on a chilly afternoon with nothing more than a red scarf and her school uniform for warmth. And yes, she does so without considering rather or not the President would be present, the mood the President may be in, and if the President would turn her into human paste for intruding upon the capital but then again Tōki wasn’t known as someone who thought things all the way through. She had her objectives - check up on and catch up with Doll-chan - and that was all that truly mattered in the grand scheme of things. Right? Right! Besides, she had no intentions of wreaking havoc and despite popular belief, she wasn’t stupid. So, perhaps that alone would save her.
Regardless, she lands in one of New York’s many boroughs - don’t ask her which - only garnering a quick glance from several people roaming the street. She smiles - one of those unsettling ones that looks like she’s up to something - as she adjust her scarf, paying little mind to the chilly breeze. She doesn’t move for a moment, taking sometime to stretch her tired limbs - it does take a while to get to the USA from Japan - and enjoys the breathe of fresh air that comes with freedom. Only then does she set out on her mission to find her friend. Though she doesn’t have a picture to show the random strangers she will undoubtedly ask, she still has a pretty solid way of describing her friend.
Really, she had absolutely no intentions of causing a ruckus or playing hero this particular day. However, she ended up landing in quite the chaotic scene. She isn’t sure what the commotion was about, but it most definitely had something to do with a male beating on a poor, unfortunate soul. Naturally with the place being under the protection of the Queen, she expects for reinforcements to make their way to the scene in order to apprehend the crazed man. And that alone should be enough reason for her to take off and find some other borough - she was affiliated with the Vanguard no matter how brief it was. Yet, she wasn’t the sort of person to pass up the opportunity to ask someone where her friend was. So, instead of doing the sensible thing, she approaches the violent man and the guard, maintaining a safe distance from the two - she doesn’t want to get caught in the middle of it.
She marvels for a couple more seconds before finally interjecting herself by saying:
“Neh, mister. I know ya busy and all with…”
She waves her hand at the guard.
“But if ya can spare some of ya time and tell me if ya seen a gigantic doll, I be out ya hear real quick!”
- ConceitedEstablished Member
- Joined : 2015-09-18
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Re: New Threat in New York City [Open]
Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:43 am
Zero doesn’t understand why the man leaves. After all, she had made it clear that she had no intentions of being the hero and that he could continue with his activities the moment he told her where to find a gigantic doll. However, instead of simply telling her what she needed to know so that she could be on her merry way and he could continue whatever he was doing, he left without a word. It was really baffling to the girl as she had posed no threat, but perhaps he wasn’t a talkative person. It was of no matter though. She’d simply needed to find someone else who would be a little more forth coming with information and with that in mind, she departs from the borough.
[E X I T]
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