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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
- Joined : 2016-08-18
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The Wolf of Wan Street
Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:13 pm
- YaoXhuEstablished Member
- Joined : 2016-02-17
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Re: The Wolf of Wan Street
Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:34 pm
Artist: Mewmore - Song: Zinia Remix - Word Count: N/A
This should be the last day of my little break. At this point, I can call it coming out of retirement with how long it as been. I will miss this momentary calm, I certainly did enjoy the sights here.
Europe was one of Nemesis' favorite places to be in. The culture, the natural beauty, and the generally calmer atmosphere surrounding it all. If anyone was trying hard to find her, they'd only need to check around a bit in cities like London and Paris, the latter being where she was currently. Compared to how she looked just months ago, she seemed to look much calmer and relaxed. Her physique was kept on point, but her posture and everything made her seem as if she were just a resident who enjoyed keeping in shape.
As per usual, a cafe was her favorite place to be, legs crossed underneath the table she reclined at, slumping into her seat as she took gentle sips from a steaming hot cup of tea. Her attire fit the fact that it was starting to become spring time. White sneakers with blue stripes, jeans that clung rather nicely to her lower half, and a spaghetti strap blue shirt. The lack of sleeves easily showed off her physique, which would turn the heads of few considering she looked akin to an amazoness at this point. To top it all off, her hair was done in a neat, nice pony-tail, still keeping it's wavy nature.
Only one thing seemed to catch her attention. The energy of someone rather strong here, which she honestly found rather odd. She was used to powerful figure remaining in their fortresses or bases, or just generally away from the public, but someone seemed to enjoy the same past-times as her. Just being able to simply enjoy a calm atmosphere with a hot drink. The arrival of someone new led to the demon slowly pushing herself up in her seat, sitting tall as her attention fell on Mirja herself.
She didn't say anything, though the fact that she was staring for a bit was fairly obvious. There wasn't any leering or any type of negative look with it, just simply a curious look on a soft face.
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