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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:49 pm

Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Frozen Starfall - Song: Way Of Life - Word Count: N/A

Connections, appearances, management and leadership. These were some of the core components of the work that Cirno Iramasha had found herself under. The woman was traveling through different dimensions to gather resources, making whole factions affiliated with her organization, create allies, invest in her members and essentially take The Guild of Heroes from a group of rag-tag team heroes to someone with a legitimate front for being a major player in interdimensional affairs. And it was all started with but a simple desire to birth positivity, light, and goodwill in a cluster of worlds filled with such vile darkness that grips at the soul.

Yet, with all this work and responsibility bearing down on the weight of one individual, the celestial couldn't help but begin to feel and wear of tear of such a demanding cause induce her own feelings of exhaustion, doubt, and negativity. So, once she was out of the limelight, the woman sought to seek refuge in Karakura Forest and let the blood of her fallen angel's essence ring through this serene space.

The woman wasn't short by any means, but her adult stature shrunk to an adolescents height as she walked deeper into the forest. While a gray mist washed over the woodland area, The Iramasha's eyes soon shifted from aqua blue to blood red. And, none too long after that, the oceanic hair of the woman that flowed down to her back faded in the wind and all that remained was short, gold hair which passed not an inch pass her neck.

In response to this shift of blackened energy pouring into the forest, the heavens themselves became filled with an overcast from its once sunny sights. Following this shift in the environment, The Fallen Angel felt a sigh of relief come as she had time for herself. There was no need to put on the act of some unstoppable hero. Instead, this was the time for the sins, guilt, and heaviness which chains Cirno's very ego and soul to come forth in the form of Erna. Which is why the last change to be seen was the corrosion of her azure dress turning to black.

[How Erna looks now]

With this change complete, Erna felt as if she had shredded her clothes, let loose that tight suit and let herself truly be who she was: a deplorable fallen angel doing what she can to make this world and the people who live in have a happier life than herself with her tainted hands.

So it is why she did not feel remorse, nor did she bat an eye, when her powers started exterminating demons and hollows left and right. As this dampened stroll took a turn for the bloody as these spirits tried to slay and subdue The Fallen Angel. Instead, strings of crimson and shade overflowed from her body, purged these corrupted souls and purified them so that they could be reincarnated and have a shot at a better life than the one of sin they led. That was her gift to her enemies.

Yet -- what was her gift to those who were her allies? Distance. It was hard to find time for the people she cared for because of her extravagant desires. So this sense of disconnect, detachment and remorse grew to only make Erna's sense of self, power, and ego that much stronger within Cirno. And it is why, instead of wholly becoming a child in this form, it almost seemed as if Erna was growing at the same rate these clusters of guilt tore at the seams of Cirno's essence.

Thus, for this reason, Erna saw fit to wander through this world of lost and attempt to find that connection with a project she had invested in long ago: Henrex Astillon.

Perhaps finding missionary service with helping to cultivate that boys spirit would take the woman off such grim, morbid and outright immoral thoughts. As there was such a fine line of morality when it came to the actions of Erna that she bordered on the line of almost viewing herself as no better than her demons. Yet, the voice of Cirno that still rang within herself knew she was greater than that.

Thus, she proceeded forward, pinpointed the vicinity where the boy was standing and decided to let her presence come forth as she stepped ahead of a few bushes nearby.

"It's been some time hasn't it, Henrex?"

With those words uttered out, the chains of fate had locked their destiny together and the boy had not an iota of what the woman had in store for him going forward on this day. If the goals for herself and her faction were any indication of how grandiose her ambitions were, then driving that same sense of purpose into others could only produce magnificent things.

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Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] WVMWLOu
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Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:14 pm


Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Witch House - Song: Home, My Mind - Word Count: 769

Ho-hum, ho-hum.

Here he was again.

Tired, sad, and overall -- dull and drab.

The waters of the various lakes, rivers, and ponds of Karakura shone a brilliant crystal clear as the sun burned down onto the surface. Ripples gently traveled across the top of these areas, whether it be from the air, rocks, or even just the slightest disturbance to the calmness of the waters. The gentle sound of air fluttering past the trees, causing the leaves and branches to wobble and shake under the rough push of the current of wind.

There was a single boy that resided in the middle of it all. Standing on the water as if he were merely a silhouette, the male that was Henrex Astillon was currently, once again, back into one of those moods again. Those times where his mind couldn't seem to rise from the dark, murky pits of despair and nihilism, and in turn left him feeling these despicable feelings of sorrow and woe. In times like these, he mostly just hid them, and fought his emotions the best he could. Just lock away his heart, as the words from one of his voices said. never seemed to work.

Holding in all of that just seemed to make it worse, and rightfully so. After all, it would only cause those kind of emotions to worsen, and ferment -- deep within the core of one's being. It was a burden that Henrex was to bear alone. With his eyes opening, revealing the red and black orbs that were said eyes, and his head tilted towards the sky. The tight-fitting black tank-top fluttered by the slightest in the breeze as he continued to stand, a block in the pathway of the wind.

As the boy watched the clouds overhead hide the sun away, his head softly tilted downward, staring at the foliage ahead. Shivers traveled over his ashen skin as he began to feel the effects of the sun no longer warming him, and instead the wind bit his skin with cold needles that threatened his health. A chilled breath came from the male as he began to sit on the water, his clothing perfectly safe from being soaked as a small platform that was previously fitted to only be large enough for his feet, now stretching outward so that his entire lower half would compromise.

"Should have brought something warm with me if I knew that the weather would have been like this..." Henrex mumbled, his hands falling to his lap, and his fingers interlocking. The two pitch black protrusions on his back coiled around his body, feathers being knocked loose from his wings, and sending them drifting into the wind. Sighing softly, his eyes began to close once again, ready to sink into the alluring depths of meditation, and enlightenment. But, the words that would come would cause him to push that thought for another time.

All that the holy presence would need would be those seven words to grab his attention. He would know that voice, even if it had been so very long.


A spark of life burst into his chest, and his eyes opened completely. It truly had been quite a long time since they had seen one another. Erna, especially. The last time that Henrex had seen Cirno would have been at her wedding, so many months ago. An agonizing throbbing echoed through his nerves as he felt Erna's presence behind him, and the male rose to his feet, turning around to face the Fallen Angel. His gaze finally rested on the golden-haired girl, and a small smile spread onto his face, the small notation of emotion as fake as...

"It has been...quite some time, Erna." The boy said quietly, his steps leading him off the lake that he had been standing on. Soon standing in front of the shorter girl, his head tilted downwards, his partially crimson eyes scanning over the golden child. Another deep sigh left the lips of the boy, before his hands drifted towards his pockets. It was a tad bit awkward to just stand there, and not say anything. But, could someone really blame him? He didn't know what TO say. He wasn't the greatest person socially, even among friends.

So, it was a bit of a challenge for him to be able to rack his brain, and find the right words to say to Erna as a way to bring about conversation. While the end result had been simple, it was all that Henrex could think of to say. After all, some people weren't the best when it came to something like this.

" have you been?"

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Last edited by Henrex on Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:12 pm

Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt


Artist: FrostFM [Frostreturns] - Song: Phantom Rhapsody


Simplicity was the bliss of communication. People could say a million beautiful words, but the essence of what a person feels is best summed up into one short word. And for Erna? That word was stress. There was nothing but the weight of the world crushing down on her body as a heroine of this world and one of the major faces of heroism in this planet and neighboring dimensions. Therefore, to alleviate this stress, the crimson eyes of the young woman locked set on Henrex for a moment. They took the time to inspect him thoroughly before tilting her to the side with a sense of child like a curiosity at what she was about to say.

"Do you want to be of use and help this heroine with her stress?"

There was a pause taken after uttering that question out to existence.

In the time that it took Erna to cease speaking, it seemed as if she were taking all of the time in the universe to contemplate what she was going to compose next. Seconds went by and there wasn't a single peep out of her mouth. Instead, she took this time to move each of her arms out to strech and give herself room to de-stress further. Compared to the boy before her? The woman appeared to not be as fidgety, sweat ridden and energized as Henrex appeared to be with their meeting as she let out a smooth exhaling of breath.

Composed. Relaxed. In control.

Those few brief words summed up her body language quite well despite the immense amount of strain that Erna's mere existence brought to herself. Even in this moment there was a great sense of pain radiating throughout her core as she felt body aches, pains and chills running down her spain; yet her burning desire to see Cirno's own ambitions to the end fueled her to see beyond momentary physical suffering. The cycles of pain had to end, and much like her own, Henrex's own sense of existential suffering was going to cease.

"If you found the nerve to speak to me, fight alongside me and become a part of the Guild of Heroes, I assume you want to do more with yourself, your life and your ambitions, right?"

Crack and tilt. Her head shifted to the other side as she posed that question out in the air to further stab into what may be bothering his mindscape. It was a calculated question to get a response out of what his mind may or may not be thinking in that moment of silence between the two. Depending on what response he'd give her, the woman was going to adjust or proceed with her intentions.

"Should you want to move further along with this, do you want to be a pillar?"


Again, there was a need to think before carrying on with what she wanted to say. As Erna had all the blueprints developed in her head, now it was time to put these thoughts into words and words into action.

"A pillar that can help the foundations of our home stand. I require more heroes to help provide a sense of direction, balance and stability to The Guild of Heroes. A leader cannot sustain themselves alone on their power, so I want to see if you have the ability to be a pillar for me."

What was the response going to be? That was the only thought mulling around in Erna's mind before she pulled her head back and observed Henrex to see what he was going to do next.

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Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] WVMWLOu
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Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] Empty Re: Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes]

Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:28 pm



Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt

Sometimes, silence could be so loud. It was something that was calm,a nd tranquil. Something that allowed us to gather our thoughts, and be able to break something so fragile as silence with our thoughts, now hardened and strengthened into actual words. The single word that left the mouth of Erna was something that Henrex wasn't entirely surprised. With someone of her position, it wasn't exactly a stress-free job. Her position in the Guild of Heroes, along with the Iramasha Family would certainly leave someone like her to be engulfed by the amount of responsibilities that she would be tasked with.

And Henrex could relate to that, albeit he overdid it quite a bit. He was the Lieutenant of the Covert Operations squad of the Gotei United. He was someone who had to set a heavy example for the other members of his squad. As Kuro was AWOL, and Tsubasa was...well, Tsubasa -- it was pretty much down to him to manage the division. It was indeed a very mind-melting process if he somehow ended up getting behind with the work that he needed to do. It didn't help that he had things he needed to do for Vastime, and of course, the Guild of Heroes. So, Henrex's eyes closed slowly and nodded softly in understanding.

But, there was something that did in fact, surprise him. That was when Erna asked him to help her with the stress. A long pause came after, and Henrex took a deep breath, before nodding his head once more. It was something strange for someone to go to him for something such as stress. So, Henrex's head tilted slightly at the notion, before another pause.

"Of course." He said, blinking twice as he spoke.

As he said this, his eyes darted around, scanning the form of the Fallen Angel, before turning back to her. While he couldn't see much of what was happening to her, he could clearly see that her skin was having small pulsations, which was furthered by the goosebumps that rippled down and and down her skin. While he could tell that Erna was, for the most part, in control, there were moments where even she would end up having small breaks in this. But, before he was able to mention this, Erna spoke once again.

Further questions...

The male's eyes closed softly, before he felt the gentle touch of wind pass them by, causing more chills to creep down his spine. His left eye twitched slightly, as the wind softly brushed against the bare eye socket, causing a small burst of his tear ducts, to which Henrex quickly blinked away. As Erna finished her next statements, Henrex was quick to analyze them.

Become a pillar? The male's brow furrowed in uncertainty, his mind going to work on the word in an attempt to figure out what the phrase might mean. But, as he was thinking, his thoughts were once again answered by the red-eyed Angel.

"A pillar that can help the foundations of our home stand. I require more heroes to help provide a sense of direction, balance and stability to The Guild of Heroes. A leader cannot sustain themselves alone on their power, so I want to see if you have the ability to be a pillar for me."

Henrex's eyes slowly closed, his mind now understanding both the meaning, and the scope of what Erna was speaking of. Now, it was his turn to think, and contemplate what his response would be. It was something that he was both obligated to do, as well as something that he wanted to do. What she said had been true, a leader could not sustain themselves alone on their power. But, there were the fifteen words that she had said next. She wanted to see if he had the ability to be a pillar for her. So, with Henrex inhaling quietly, he spoke.

"After what you've done for me, it's something that is right for me to repay you with. Not just that, sister...but it is something that I would gladly do. I would gladly become a pillar, to bring further support, balance, and direction towards the Guild of Heroes. It would be my job as a hero." He whispered, the young man's hand extending outwards softly, and soon placing itself on Erna's shoulder, before his own twin red eyes, met the equal gaze of the Angel.

Whatever the test was, to challenge his ability to be the pillar that Erna and Cirno needed...he would face it head-on.

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Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:58 am

Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt


Artist: FrostFM [Frostreturns] - Song: Phantom Rhapsody


That single word was all that Erna needed to know in order to understand where she needed to head to next. In order for her to continue growing The Guild Of Heroes, Erna was going to need to rely on key members within her faction to further influence, handle and carry what it means to be a hero or heroine out to the best of their ability. Cirno, nor Erna, could NOT ALWAYS be there to bail out everyone when the circumstances call for it. So she needed to be able to trust that she could develop proper pillars to carry her, the people behind her and the weight on her shoulders in order to see a promising future for this organization.

With her blood gaze now fixed on Henrex after accepting her offer, streams of plum and oil drenched energy started to spew forth to life all around them. It was a foul source of energy at first, but the vileness of The Fallen Angel's essence could be nothing but rancid when the inner most four corners of her internal world were filled with strain, exhaustion, and stress. Forming from the abyss of this putrid atmosphere would come a beacon of white and aqua light. Taking shape into multiple sets of icicle shaped wings, a crest started to form and this cluster of power began to morph into the symbol of The Guild of Heroes.

"You are a hero. I believe in your potential."

With this intent cut deep into existence, Erna made her feelings be known as the crest began to decrease in size to the point where it could attach itself to the palm of Henrex with no issues. As the desire for this symbol of Cirno's heroism to be embedded into him was strong, so The Fallen Angel guided the crest toward Henrex in order for it to bond with him. The male already had the blessing of the Angel fused within him, so it was no wonder that he'd be a prime candidate to take on her Seal Of Heroism.

"And so, you should carry yourself more like one and accept this seal of heroism."

Then, in a moment of utter power, the fixings of the crest had been finalized and a high volume of energy swelled into it at the command of Erna. All around them a heavy sense of pressure spread out. The winds became chaotic, the skies darkened further and the ground itself began to rumble with a faint groan as this vortex of heroic intent burned with the intensity of a dying star. It took its power from the desire to grow, the ambition to implant good into the world and the collective might of the combined will of The Guild of Heroes. So this seal fed off of the subjective element of positivity, light and angelic justice.

....which is why Erna needed to be sure Henrex was ready for this next venture she was going to place him on.

"The Seal of Heroism feeds off of the abstract art of justice and a desire to do good, so I hope these are not just shallow words. As it will test you...."

In that moment of ominous wording, a pulsation of crimson light briefly radiated within the seal as it got closer to Henrex and attempted to bond with him.

"...if you aren't able to live up to my and it's needed, it will reject you and leave your body."

There was no mincing of the words here. It was straight, to the point and clear that if he couldn't create his own idealized version of himself that could birth light into this world, then this seal was not going to be for him and he'd gain nothing from it but a lot of wasted time, effort and energy. If he could live up to it's and Cirno's needs, then he'd be blessed with a greater insight, power and belief in himself than he could ever imagine now.

"Which is why this question is very important: what is your definition of heroism for you and you alone?"

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Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] WVMWLOu
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Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] Empty Re: Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes]

Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:11 am



Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt

Patience. It was what defining Henrex's mind and actions at this moment. After the fateful words that he spoke towards Erna, which had shown her that he was accepting of this test that she wanted to put him through. All that he was doing now -- was waiting. As he did, he could hear the noises of the energy that seeped from Karakura Forest, seeing the black, disgusting essence slowly begin to creep from her form, and drip out to the area around them. His head turned towards the sky, seeing darkness begin to cover more of the landscape.

Turning his gaze back to the Angel, he watched as the crest began to form, before the next words that Erna said began to have a sense of pride, and belief swell in his heart. Hearing those words from someone like Erna was something he never really expected, honestly. He was someone who was used to the absence of comments like those, so it was something that he always felt a large sense of pride whenever it did happen. As the crest decreased in size, Henrex found himself holding his arm out, causing the seal to hover over his hand. His eyes softly grazed the seal, memorizing every last detail as if it were the last thing that he would ever see.

As Erna's energy swirled into power, the world itself seemed to creak from the strain that such light and justice had wrought. Henrex's gaze moved towards The Fallen Angel's, hearing the change in tone -- her voice now becoming much, much more baleful. A crimson glow burned from the seal as it now was mere inches away from Henrex's hand, with Henrex able to feel -- and come to the conclusion that the seal was attempting to bond with him. Henrex's eyes closed, and he nodded once.

"I understand completely, Erna."

However, the next question caused him to -- at first, be taken aback. His own definition of heroism, that was to him, and him alone. It was something that he never really thought about too often. His own definition of heroism. Sure, he had thought about something that would be considered his own definition. Initially, when he had first started in the life of a Shinigami, he had believed that heroism was too broad of a term, and had come to the conclusion that it would be develop over time -- as, at the time, he hadn't been able to really figure out what his definition of heroism was.

But now, after everything that he had been through, everyone that he had met, and how much those people had influenced his life...

There was a definite answer to Erna's question.

So, Henrex inhaled softly, before his head turned down to his hand, looking at the crest that hovered mere centimeters above his ghostly pale palm.

"My definition of an oath. It's oath that you take when you finalize your choice to take the path of heroism. You swear to protect and help those who cannot do it themselves. Not only that, but to swear to live up to the expectations given to you, no matter how difficult they may be. They are monsters. That is the role they seem determined to play, so I will play mine. The man who stops the monsters." The male declared.

His fingers closed around his palm, before opening once again. Her question had been answered, his intentions known. What would be the result of this? What would this seal bring to him? The thought somewhat unnerved him. What would change in him? There were so many questions that he had, which would all be answered overtime.

And so, patience took it's hold once more.

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Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:16 pm

Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt


Artist: FrostFM [Frostreturns] - Song: Phantom Rhapsody

An understanding of what one was getting into was most important to the mind of Erna. She could not get him to be placed under the effects of this seal if he was not aware of the potential dangers and gains that is associated with magic such as this. Even as a Fallen Angel with a more ambiguous sense of mortality, The Iramasha could not partake in such underhanded things; even by any sort of naivety or ignorance. As that is as much of a crime as anything else in her point of view. It's why Erna herself was born because of how blind to the world Cirno had been up until venturing out into the world.

Therefore, a sigh of relief exited the lips of The Heroine. At the very least, Erna knew she could trust him with this information. And if she could learn to have faith in her fellow heroes, then perhaps they could help take her vision even further beyond what The Guild of Heroes initially became. As it was going to take more than one person to ensure that the value they bring to the four halls of existence were upheld, protected and spread. It was going to take an army of people to ensure light reaches this eclipse of abysmal hell most realms were swamped with, but Erna held out faith that these pillars could get the job done to help bring more hope, positivity, and love into the cosmos.

And to hear the male's oath brought a faint smile to the bloody gaze of this most violent angel. It meant that he was taking this with the utmost of sincerity and the seal could feel it. It was feeding on his symbolism, dedication, and bonding with him to ensure that it had a host that could properly bring out these values of heroism to the world around them. Ergo, as the male finished, the immaterial magic within the spell had deduced that he would be proper vessel given that Cirno's own influence was still already within him from their previous bout of training. This meant that she could sense his honest intent and the seal would have a greater rate of success than normal because of this sense of connection the two spirits possessed prior to the creation of the spell.

With everything now set in stone, the only thing left to do was bestow to him his heroic power. And being that Henrex was a person whom was guided by oath, it was befitting that his new ability would grant him just that. "Oath Of Heroism" is what the power was going to be called. Should he live up to his ideals as a hero, The Seal of Heroism will trigger this power which will allow him to induce alterations to reality itself based on his values of personal heroism. It cannot be used for his own selfish desires, but it can be activated when others require his ability. If he makes an oath to protect others, then this seal can induce a variety of creation related abilities fueled by Cirno's holy magic. Varying from seals, purification abilities, reality warping and whatever is within the scope of Henrex's power can be achieved.

The problem comes with mastering it, learning when to use it, bonding with it and learning how to take this power further. It's not something which should be taken lately because of the fact that it is should a hefty power. If it's ideals are not meant, then there is a great chance it will simply strike Henrex down and injure him rather than build the male up. Therefore, it was going to be up to him to attune himself to the seal, be aware of how it works and stick with the training required to keep it whole and pure.

This then meant that Erna was going to have to teach him how to utilize it once the seal was finished. So, her crimson eyes gazed at Henrex for a moment before deciding where they would venture to next:

"If you do not feel like death, do you wish to follow me to a mission? I'm sure the information of the seal is flooding to your head and I wish to teach you how to utilize this blessing."

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Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] WVMWLOu
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Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:48 pm



Masking Pain Through Generosity: The Feathers Of Remorse Fall [Guild Of Heroes] 6EdIfMt

Everything he had just said would be the thing that he swore to himself that he would always speak -- the truth. He truly believed that the oath he swore as a boy was how he would always see heroism. After all, when you dedicated yourself to performing acts meant for that kind of cause, you were always under a form of an oath. For Henrex, it would even go as far as him doing the deed a thousand times without him ever once needing to be thanked. It was his duty, his job, and his goal.

And so, the smile of the Fallen Angel quickly became infectious. Henrex's face broke out into a smile, while his eyes drifted towards his hand, looking at the shimmering light of the Seal of Heroism that now had bonded with him, and would be both a reminder, and a rememberance of his choices, and the words that he had spoken today. He was the man who would stop the monsters. That was his role, and he would never -- ever forget something like that.

It seemed that the Fallen Angel...was pleased.


It was good that she was content with what he had said. He was a hero, and he was the man who would stop the monsters. He held no remorse, or any lie within the words that he had spoken. So, as the sanguine gaze of the Angel burned into him, and the seal finalized it's bonding with the Raven, Henrex could feel the connection being made between them. The oath that he had made permanently completed this deal. Once more, he gazed at the Seal. He could feel the side effects of it rushing through his body, as well as the information of the Seal, it's power, and the power that he had been granted -- rushing to his head, flooding his mind.

And so, the next words that he spoke in response to Erna would be those that would allow him to fully capatalize on that in the best way, for both him, and for the thousands, or even millions of others that he swore to protect.

"I'm...pretty sure I'll be ok. But, I would love nothing more than that right now, Erna. I want to be able to utilize this as best I can, and learn how to do that as quickly as possible." He said, his voice dripping with both excitement, enthusiasm, and determination.

"You inspire me, Erna."

And so, the mission for the Seal's mastery awaited.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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