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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Sniper meets Sniper

Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:27 pm



Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 790

The beach was a great experience for Ritsuko too say the least, being able to bathe in the sunlight while also meeting two new quincies one of which was an actual king, she did take fond of the woman who hugged her which she still hasn't figured as too why she hugged her in the frst place. Was it because of her appearance or to be friendly? Whatever the case zeitsuko have gotten an invitation to this so called Stadt des Lichtes or "city of light" as most quincies call it.

Throughout Ritsuko's experience with people and others her worries continuously grew. The further Ritsuko traveled mind in mind further problems stacked atop others; leaving her without many backup plans. There were no allies beyond Yume however she had long gone elsewhere. Without those called friends, and shaky alliances, Ritsiko was left without a true friend. With none to place trust into she could only rely on herself. Seeing her personal combat skills lacking while also wishing to pursue greater creations Superia developed a method for crafting few Quincy ever possessed. The rapid creation of Soul Synthesized materials was something only intelligent quincy could muster however Ritsuko held exceptional skill, her craftsmanship holding few equal. The Nicklovich family sought that very skill, to synthesize objects from reishi but they were not a combat based family. They mostly focused on crafting and refining objects but Ritsuko would simply change a few things around then craft rapidly.

The female stood alone with her beautiful quincy outfit, her colors were the basic blue and white with a few brown varients in there. complete with a white hate with a blue long white staff with a yellow cross and a small blue gem in the middle finally with a brown pouch on the side of her waist. Quincy Outfit

Althought the reishi density was not high as Soul Society or hueco mundo but outstretched hands she focused on a mental image while also the particles around her. The basic idea for now was crafting Soul Synthesized Cloth from quickly without any flaws. Particles gathered with Ritsuko forming them in the correct chemical and structural compounds required for cloth. The process was done more quickly than standardly while lacking in quality. Synthesizing and amalgamating reishi was no simple task. However some thoughts halted her focus for a brief moment but the faint pain twinging inside her heart was tossed out for her own desires. This was no time to allow petty emotions to get in.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by BK on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:59 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 777

Toshiko yawned softly as she walked out of her office slowly, her sunglasses and hat left on her desk; along with the scarf and bunch of jewelry as she didn't exactly need all that with her right now. After all, she was just going to meet a new friend at the moment. Toshiko closed the door of her office behind her, a metallic click sounding as it closed; the door locking itself. Toshiko was nothing if not paranoid beyond rational thought, after all, she did not want someone to get their hands on the stuff she has in her computer and in the office itself. The computer was CERTAINLY private, totally didn't have a bunch of government sensitive information nah. However, the room itself was covered with experiments, screens, and random little bits and pieces of puzzles, tech, or some other device. It wasn't that Toshiko felt she needed to upkeep her intelligence, which she did, she just enjoyed the random puzzles and experiments.

Toshiko walked out of her office, the same familiar swagger, from how her hips moved, as present as it has always been thanks to both her hips and how the girl just liked to move; some sort of flirting mixed into it just because she wanted it that way. Not to mention it was always an occupational hazard she noticed as she got older. Didn't annoy her, it was just surprising. Toshiko yawned softly as she walked to the front of the City of Light; walking for a little bit until she spotted Ritsuko off in the distance. Toshiko walked up to her slowly as she was not exactly in a rush; just a time to hang out with a new friend. Not even to get her involved with the Vandenreich, just to hang out. Toshiko walked up to Ritsuko and lightly tapped her on the shoulder; smiling at her and giving her a soft wave.

"Hey Ritsuko~! How are ya? Cmon, let's go; my office isn't too far from here, we can chill there for now."

Toshiko opened her arms for a hug, hoping Ritsuko would hug her. If she did, Toshiko would give her a very nice hug in response; no groping included. However, if there was no hug Toshiko would just lower her arms, chuckle nervously, and then lead Ritsuko back to her office. After a little bit of walking, in which time Ritsuko could ask questions or talk if she wished, Toshiko and Ritsuko once more arriving at her office. Toshiko turned to smile at Ritsuko and then placed her hand on the door knob, a soft click coming from the door along with the small sound of something being scanned.

"Come on in! I'm sorry about the mess... OH SHIT THE MESS!"

Toshiko meeped audibly and started to clean up some of the random devices on the floor and in random areas before she accidentally tripped on one of them; falling over quite quickly. Toshiko did catch herself, but, she simply rolled over and sighed softly. She looked completely defeated by the random gadgets and junk in here; her face was also redder than a pale face should be. It was clear, especially now, that Toshiko was embarrassed. Not only was her backside on show for a moment when she tripped, but, she didn't even think about her office being a mess. She groaned softly and sat up slowly.

"I'm really sorry for the mess, Ritsuko. I kinda forgot about it, my mind was more focused on, well, technological experiments and this puzzle I just H-How are you, Ritsuko?"

Toshiko was clearly flustured, at least for now. It was rare Toshiko actually brought someone in here, so she was a little unsure what to do. Toshiko slowly stood up, picking up a few more devices, moving stuff off the nearby couch, and then sat down on it, patting the cushion next to her.

"Come, sit with me. Just wanna hang out and talk; just tell me if you need anything like water or food. Also, please don't mess with my laptop... I-It's private. Private in the sense of I'd rather people not find out what I've been hacking recently... heh..."

Toshiko grinned innocently before she yawned softly and relaxed some. This was certainly a bit of unknown territory, so, it made sense why she was a little flustered. But, she simply calmed herself and relaxed; this was nothing too bad after all. Just two friends/acquaintances hanging out.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:46 pm



Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 513

Ritsuko was walking around the city looking for anyone of interest, she didn't care who it was as long as she's doing something. However her prayers have been answered as Toshiko walked up to Ritsuko and lightly tapped her on the shoulder; smiling at her and giving her a soft wave.

Ritsuko continued to walk around until her body turning around to see Toshiko giving her a lovely smile and a soft wave.

"Oh...hello Toshiko, i'm doing good" Ritsuko said with a insipid look on her face. Toshiko was offering ritsuko a chance to see her office and unwind a bit, she would say no but it'd be nice to talk to someone for a change so she accepted the offer.

Toshiko opened her arms hoping to get a hug from her but she just continued to stare with a bland look on her face, besides it's kind of akward getting hugs from somebody you've only just met on the beach.

Neverless Ritsuko and Toshiko were going to her office, she would ask questions such as Where did the City of Light come from or Whether or not she lives here. But she just continued to follow her, without saying a single world; with the only sounds being heard was their own footsteps.

As they arrived to the office door, Toshiko turned and smiled at Ritsuko before placing her hand onto the door knob and opening the door. She could hear the sounds of what appears to be someone or something scanning an object of some kind, ritsuko stepped into her office and noticing an abundance of gadjets,tooks, and even paper scattered across her office floor. Toshiko tried cleaning up the mess she made but tripped revealing her backside for only a brief moment and apologizing for the mess.

"I'm doing fine, just exploring around the city looking for some wares." Ritsuko looked at toshiko before scanning the area of her office a bit.

She watched as toshiko continued to pick up a few more machines and moving them off of a couch, before patting on the cushion next to her wanting ritsuko to sit with her.

Ritsuko sat on the couch before readjusting her outfit; making sure her hat wasn't falling off or her bag didn't drop her sketchbook. However her throat was feeling a bit parched maybe because of all that walking.

"I am parched though. Do you have any tea?"

Ritsuko couldn't care less of what was on her laptop, whether it was for hacking purposes or doing explicit things on her free time she didn't care at all. Besides what kind of idiot would touch someone's personal items after they've just been told not too.

So you said you were doing some puzzles? What kind of puzzles anyway? Are they the standard crossword puzzle or is it the more complicated ones like cipher and sudoku?

Ritsuko asked awaiting an answer from her. Hopefully it'll be something intellectual, besides she adores people like that.

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:28 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: N/A

Toshiko rubbed the back of her neck softly as she sat there, the fact that her hair was a little messy was obvious; as was the fact that she actually had the tiniest of blushes on her face. It was very faint, but, there nonetheless. Upon Ritsuko and Toshiko actually arriving, she was prepared to answer her questions, despite random embarrassment, to their fullest. She was about to start answering them when she heard Ritsuko ask for some tea. Toshiko blinked for a moment before she shook her head softly, her cheeks a little red from this random little pause. She grinned a little, trying to regain some confidence, as she stood up and looked towards Ritsuko.

"Alright, tea it is; hot or cold? Also, any specific kind? I may have something of the sort in here for tea; if not I can always go and find some in a store somewhere."

Toshiko gave a quick shrug, motioning for Ritsuko to stay seated; but it wasn't a command of course. Simply one of those 'hey, I'll get your tea you stay there~' kinda thing. So, Toshiko simply stood up from her seat, as mentioned before, and went to her desk. She shuffled through a couple of drawers as she waited for Ritsuko to give her a tea request; until then, she shuffled through the drawers trying to find the puzzle Ritsuko asked about.

"Yeah, puzzles. They're pretty interesting to do. A couple of them should be on the floor, but, I really do like this one. I just finished it, but, should just take a couple of turns and-- ah! There it is~"

Toshiko pulled out a spherical device, gold in color. The device had many random bits, pieces, and things sticking out of it. It sure as hell wasn't pretty. Looking at it, Toshiko sighed and mumbled to herself; something about how it likely broke in her desk. She toyed with it a little before, not too long, it was whole once more; something that looked far better than it did earlier. Toshiko grinned at the thing and walked back over to Ritsuko, plopping down on the couch next to her and showing her the device.

"I don't exactly remember what this thing is called, but, it was really fun to figure out~! It seriously has so many diverts and tricks that it even fooled me at points! It was a seriously like a complicated maze that was not made to solve~! But, I did eventually. Here, let me show you~"

Toshiko grinned as she toyed with the device, pressing multiple buttons, turning it, rotations, and even hitting it with her fist once. Eventually the thing snapped open, revealing a rather nice scene; one from Toshiko's childhood. Toshiko stared at the scene, letting Ritsuko look at it before she simply let the device fall from her hands and onto the couch between the two.

"That's me and my friend Sofia. I haven't exactly seen her in a while though... Ah, sorry. That's not the only puzzle I got, I think."

She got off the couch again and then found a different puzzle; one that was likely the most complicated she had solved. She looked at it for a moment before she worked to get it back into the shape it was in before; which was a square. She walked back to the couch and then grinned as she held the puzzle in hand.

"This thing was a chore. See how it's a square now? Well, you're actually supposed to unravel it until it you get to the center of the thing; which held a little surprise. I think it was a candy or something else. I replaced it with something else; I think you'll like it."

She hands Ritsuko the square puzzle. The thing has many moving parts, sections, and different ways to move this and that. It truly was a puzzle of intelligence since it took the right patterns, method, and thinking to fully open it to get what is inside.

"So... uh, what kinda tea did you want again? Sorry, I got mixed up in that when I had to repair it and open it... But, uh, the puzzles in general are just ones to test overall intelligence and stuff like that. Never really have touched Sodoku much since I was a kid."

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko innocently, truthfully forgetting the tea that Ritsuko asked for; the Quincy, likely younger than Ritsuko, was showing signs of blushing once more. She chuckled softly before she sighed softly and relaxed a little bit more, taking the device that was on the couch and looking at the picture. She pressed a little button at the side which reset the device. She rolled it across the room and yawned softly.

"Oh~! Do you know of any good puzzles... I-I've been kinda needing some new ones a-as you can see... heh."

Toshiko rubbed the back of her head as she gestured to the room around her; which was basically filled with data, tech, and all sorts of devices that were signs of the fact that Toshiko was far above average intelligence levels. Toshiko waited for an answer from her before Toshiko got a really great, and possibly dangerous, idea. Toshiko hopped up off the couch and grabbed her laptop, closing a bunch of windows before she went back over to the couch and sat down, the laptop screen covered in icons. Those that could be made out were either games or simply some sort of unrecognized software; even some made by Toshiko herself.

"I just had a fantastic idea, watch this, Ritsuko~"

Toshiko grinned at Ritsuko, sliding a little close to her so the girl could get a look. Toshiko reached into her pocket and pulled out a packet of gum, popping a piece into her mouth as she opened a few programs as she chewed on the gum. A grin slowly grew on her face as the programs initialized. Toshiko implemented a rather large web of false IP in nearly instants before she even started work on hacking.

"Mind not telling anyone I'm doing this~? I kinda want to show you something cool~ Watch~"

Toshiko grinned as she pressed one key before her hands started darting across the keyboard, pressing key after key; her fingers moving at speeds that made sense for a being like Toshiko. She grinned softly as she went through multiple firewalls, security, and simply blew apart defenses. Toshiko tapped a few more buttons as an image of the earth appeared on the screen. Why the Earth? Why, because Toshiko hacked into a satellite of course!! Toshiko moved the laptop to Ritsuko's lap and slowly had it zoom in on Japan; the country it was currently over. Toshiko zoomed in until she was able to make out familiar land marks. She then moved it around until she found Mt. Yoshino; a mountain in Japan that was covered in Sakura trees. Toshiko sighed softly as she looked at it.

"Hmmm... I never really admired nature as a kid; I was always a shut in more focused on hacking and creating programs or games whenever I felt like it. But, I really cannot deny it's pretty."

She took the laptop from Ritsuko when she was done looking and cut all the connections and made sure she was untraceable before she shut the lid of the laptop and set it on her desk. She yawned softly and then stood up.

"Alright, I'll go get your tea, Ritsuko. Just wait here, I'll be back; help yourself to any of the puzzles if you want. Anywho, be back!"

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko before she walked over to her, gave her a pat on the shoulder, and then walked out the door.

"Ah, by the way, there's a bathroom the the right of my desk if you need it."

She smiled and then waved, exiting the room -- the door giving off the same small clicking noise -- to go find some tea for Ritsuko. After all, Toshiko did not have that much tea in her room as she thought; regardless, she would hopefully get her new friend some good tea. It wouldn't take long for her to get the tea; likely a few minutes, but, hopefully nothing too bad would happen.

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:26 pm



Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 469

"I was hoping you'd have some black tea, it was always my favorite kind as a child."

Ritsuko got a closer look at the picture, it was both Toshiko and Sofia. It was pretty interesting that she'd make a puzzle that requires a few movements to do before revealing the picture. That seemed like an ingenious idea in ritsuko's eyes.

Once Ritsuko got her hands on the square puzzle she couldn't help but look in awe as it wasn't the tradtional puzzle many people considered doing; no it was a more complicated one one that tested one's intelligence and skills. She wanted to figure out what was the so called "suprise" concealed inside of this puzzle. But for now she wanted her tea; besides having a refreshing drink helps concentrate not only the body and mind but also the soul.

As the room was filled with assortments of data filled with different types of tech, gadgets, and even small little knick nats that she herself has created.
Ritsuko saw as Toshiko closed the windows and went over to her couch in , she couldn't tell what she was looking at but it was a laptop filled with many different icons.

"Sure, i'm good at keeping secrets. What is it that you wanna show me?" Ritsuko asked in utter curiosity

But before she could even ask Toshiko pressed a simple button and before she knew it her hands started going across the keyboard with speeds almost like a supercomputer of sorts; going through each and every firewall, defense, and even security of the nations satellites orbiting around Earth.

Seeing the earth from a satellites perspective was pretty astonishing too say the least,she could see the beautiful ocean, the clouds moving together in perfect harmony and every country in the world. Toshiko's laptop was on Ritsuko's plap as she zoomed in on Japan, where the satellite was currently aiming at; Toshiko then continued to zoom in and ritsuko saw many of the popular landmarks such as Mt.Yoshino, a mountain that's completely covered in Sakura Trees.

She then closed her laptop and made sure no goverment offical or other hacker could find her location, besides hacking a satellite when it's supposed to be safeguarded by many firewalls is pretty suspicous on it's own.

"Well hacking and creating programs is pretty interesting, i always wanted to become one however i was more focused on my creativity skills such as drawing,painting, and even taking photo's of landmarks."

Ritsuko watched as Toshiko smiled and waved before exiting the room to give her the tea she asked for. Ritsuko decided to play with the square puzzle while she waits, after all it gives her mind and body something to do.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:25 am

The Righteous Guardian


Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 650

Toshiko nodded at Ritsuko's request before she left her office, walking to go get some black tea. As Toshiko walked she noticed a random cute secretary. As she passed by, the woman revealed her ass to Toshiko. In that moment, she thought of something for a moment. Toshiko was seriously nervous, her hands were shaking, her breath was a little constricted, and her heartbeat was a little too fast for her own good. She bit her lip and thought on it for a moment more. She knew that Niflheim will be mad with her if she found out, but, she needed to do something familiar. Toshiko sighed and swiftly took the secretary aside, basically seduced her into a quick moment of ecstasy, randomly kissed her, did other assorted things that can't be mentioned due to company policy, slapped her on the ass, and then left the secretary in a bit of a mess. Toshiko yawned softly as she walked away, licking her fingers and chuckling. At the time she did this, she was far away from her office she didn't mind taking the risk, but, Toshiko seriously needed to do something familiar or she was going to explode. Yes, what she did with that secretary, WHICH WILL REMAIN UNNAMED, is familiar to Toshiko.

Toshiko yawned and stretched some as she walked away from the area she was previously in, trying to ignore the fact that the secretary was chasing after her. Toshiko spun around and placed a finger on her lips and grinned at her, mouthing the word later and had her run along so Toshiko could focus on the now with becoming friends with Ritsuko, and then the random secretary later. Frankly, from what she had already done, pretty damned fun; may as well see what goes with that route. Truthfully, just fun, but, Toshiko got side tracked. She shook her head and walked in a more normal manner, strutting her stuff and basically flirting with random secretaries with either random winks or simply slaps on the backside; but no so much as it would have been if Toshiko didn't pull that first secretary aside.

Eventually, Toshiko arrived at one of the break rooms in the City of Light. She walked around the room slowly, trying to ignore the cute girls. And she really ignored the men giving her flirtatious looks; Toshiko could swing either way, but, most guys weren't.... her thing. Toshiko went over to a cabinet, opened it, and found some black tea. She rustled through the cabinets and found a cup. Toshiko yawned softly as she put some water in a kettle and got it to boil. After she heated it up, she filled the cup, with the tea bag in the cup, with the water and then, after filling it, she used Hirenkyaku to reappear in front of her door without spilling any of the tea. Toshiko opened the door slowly and walked in with a cup of steaming tea. She closed the door behind her and slowly navigated her way to the couch. She stopped in front of Ritsuko, handing her the cup with the handle pointed towards the older Quincy girl.

"Careful, it's a little hot. And sorry I took so long to get back, I needed to take care of some business."

She smiled innocently and took a seat next to Ritsuko, her arm resting on the couch behind Ritsuko for only a moment before she removed her arm. The Quincy girl at least remembered not to overstep her boundaries; after all, she was trying to make a friend here, not get her into bed or anything. Toshiko yawned softly and then popped her neck softly.

"There anything you want to know or nah? Just wondering. Also, please do keep that puzzle; I'm sure it's in good hands."

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:21 pm



Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 790

As Toshiko nodded and left the office building Ritsuko was now all alone with nothing to interact or socialize with but the gadgets and puzzle that was around her. Ritsuko didn't want to just sit here and besides she didn't want to mess with any of Toshiko's equipment especially her laptop which may cause her into alot of trouble with the goverment of japan. "Nah it'd be best to just leave it be"
Hearing nothing but her footsteps creaking across the floor ritsuko sighed as she wondered what she could do first, perhaps finish the puzzle with the hidden suprise inside? But first she had more important things to do, like use the bathroom and adjust her self

The bathroom was very clean and organized with a beautiful grey and white tile pattern, the sink had a soap dispener and the toilet was so clean it looked like nobody had even used it in the first place. Ritsuko went towards the mirror and removed her hat, revealing the beautiful light brown hair that was now rustled with the amount of walking she was doing; she decided to making sure everything was up to standards
she then took a step back making sure her outfit wasn't covered in dust or hair besides this outfit she had on was pretty expensive.

She washed her hands with the soap and turned on the faucet, making sure the water was lukewarm; then began to sing the happy birthday song in the process. She's always been told to wash her hands for at least thirty seconds and the happy birthday song was around that time, besides it always helped calm her down when things are going rough or even her being nervous. She then closed her eyes and began the cirst verse of the song

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Ritsuko, Happy Birthday to you~~" Ritsuko contiued to sing the childhood song every boy and girl has heard for the hundreds maybe even thousands of times throughout their childhood. But her voice almost sounded like an angel, she ws glad that only her voice could be heard within the bathroom otherwise she'd be embarassed beyond belief.

Toshiko finally completed the song and finished washing her hands, she then hrabbed the towel dispener that was on the wall and dried them off. Happily awaiting for Toshiko's return.

Toshiko returned as she brought the cup of black tea and handed it to ritsuko warning her that the cup itself is really hot.

Ritsuko couldn't hear Toshiko since she was so busy on unlocking the puzzle she was handed to buy Toshiko, but before she could finish it Toshiko arrived with the tea in hand with the handle pointed towards her. Before given a warning by Toshiko that it was very hot.

Ritsuko was given the cup of black tea and with a solid thank you as a sign of her gratitude. Before she drank the tea however Ritsuko closed her eyes as she inhaled her nostrils into the tea to get a good whiff of the amazing smell; this reminded her of the time when her mother used to make it if she was feeling upset. She usually would come home fom a long day of school and ask her mother for a cup and once she's done her mother usually sits down and have a girl to girl talk with about the issue since her father was usually at work in the evenings, besides he wouldn't understand her feelings.

"Oh that's certainly fine with me, after all business comes first" she said taking a small sip

Ritsuko then sat the tea onto the counter next to her as she began opening the puzzle as the it began turning and changing directions as it suddenly opened up the prize she was gripping in anticipation for; tons of thoughts swirled in her mind on what it could be perhaps it was a necklace, a photo of her as a child, or was it even a usb chip. Who knows?

But it wasn't any of those things, it was rather something she never expected to see in a puzzle before; a naked picture of toshiko. Although Toshiko couldn't see it but on the outside it looks like Ritsuko didn't care about the nude picture and asked why she had it there in the first place. However on the inside ritsuko was blushing and had a spiral of thoughts whirlling around her head; hell she was going to ask "why do you have such- lewd things inside of this puzzle!!" but no Ritsuko just asked with a blank look on her face and showed the picture to Toshiko.

"Care to explain this?" Ritsuko asked

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:37 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 749

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko as she took a sip of the tea, hoping it was to her liking. She then nodded at her comment of it being very important business, yup. It was certainly very, very, important business. After all, taking a secretary aside to do unnamed things to her was obviously important when regaining one's confidence. Yup. Hell, Toshiko felt like finding that secretary and concluding things with her. However, that was not the main concern on her mind. Toshiko blinked rapidly as she heard a click, likely the puzzle being solved. She waited for Ritsuko to make a sound of surprise as it was supposed to be a necklace that Toshiko herself had worn up until recently; which was replaced by the Regalia that hung from her neck. Toshiko then heard nothing from Ritsuko, nothing at all. Toshiko was about to look when she heard the words from Ritsuko's mouth. A What?

What was she explaining, it should be a necklace; a rather nice necklace too. Hell, it was a necklace with a diamond charm; did she really not like it that much? Toshiko turned her head to explain to Ritsuko before her eyes were met with a nude photo. Not just any photo of some nude person; IT WAS TOSHIKO HERSELF. Toshiko let out a hushed squeal as she swiped the photo from Ritsuko's hand, her face redder than a beet as she looked towards the floor, her hands shaking far too much for her own good, and her eyes were not making contact with seemingly anything.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I--- That shouldn't have been in there!!! It was just s-s-supposed to be a necklace! I wanted to give it to you since I thought you may like it, but, NOPE. Instead you get a nude picture of m-me and--"

Toshiko broke herself off suddenly as she went over to where the puzzle was, picked up what was ACTUALLY supposed to be in it, the necklace, handed it to Ritsuko and then didn't sit back down. Toshiko, at this point, was still beet red. Her face was much redder than a pale girl's face should have managed to be colored; obviously telling Ritsuko that the picture was completely accidental. It was only a couple of seconds before Toshiko simply broke down shaking, her body moving on its own as she hid behind the same couch that Ritsuko was on; her mind no longer functioning as increased levels of shyness overtook her being.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry Ritsuko! I-I didn't mean, I-I mean; That wasn't supposed to be there! It was supposed to be the necklace... not this picture! Why was it in there?!?? I'm sorry... y-y-you probably hate me now..."

Toshiko audibly sniffed as she curled into a ball behind the couch, any confidence she possessed before ultimately broken by that random incident of Toshiko basically showing Ritsuko her naked body without even getting into the other shit; and it was extremely embarrassing! Toshiko could barely move from behind the couch, her body shaking as any confidence she had basically went 'fuck this shit i'm out!' in the instant she saw that picture. All of it was gone, but, Toshiko somehow found it in herself to crawl out from behind the couch and then rest in front of Ritsuko. She was on her hands on knees, her hands on the floor in front of her as she bowed to Ritsuko.

"P-Please forgive me! I-I-I may like you in certain ways that you care not for, bu-but, I still want you to be my friend or something; or my best friend! I dunno... Bu-bu-But, please forgive me Ritsuko... I just wanted to give you a necklace... and prove to you that I'm more than just a random pervert..."

Toshiko sighed as she straightened up, expecting the worst and not exactly the best as a single tear slipped out of her right eye, rolling down her reddened cheek. Toshiko just hoped, prayed, that Ritsuko didn't hate her. Toshiko hadn't exactly cared much for actual sentiments of love since Sofia, but, it would be nice to at least hear Ritsuko forgive her and become her friend. After all, Toshiko was a little devoid of people in her friends department.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:44 pm



Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 623

Ritsuko could hear Toshiko's sqeal as she immediately swiped the photo from her hand, her face becoming so red it almost like a tomato she couldn't stop her hands from shaking as she was flooded with embarassmemt.

But before Ritsuko could even respond, toshiko immediately handed her the object that was actually supposed to be in the puzzle instead of the explict photo. Ritsuko expected her to sit back down but she didn't instead her body broke down almost shaking as she tried hiding behind the couch Ritsuko was sitting on; it was obvious toshiko's mind was completely confused as her shyness overtaken her body and mind.

Ritsuko watched as Toshiko curled into a ball behind the couch sniffling as all confidence she had before immediately vanished from existance, ritsuko must be wondering what's going on in her mind right now; her body could barely move as she
Ritsuko was going to try to calm her down but Toshiko crawled from behind the couch and immediately rested in front of her as she bowed.
Ritsuko watched in dismay as she put her hands on her knees bowing to her almost like an apprentince apologizing to his master for the mishap he had caused.

Toshiko was expecting Ritsuko to just immediately leave and put the necklace behind as she couldn't handle that her new best friend was nothing but a pervert looking for a good time and wanting to get into Ritsuko's panties. Perhaps belittle her and scold her for the amount of respect she had now lost in her eyes, never spewking to eachother ever again.

But no, instead Ritsuko cleared her throat and placed her hand onto Toshiko's shoulder and looked her straight in the eyes. "I forgive you Toshiko, it was clearly a simple mistake and we all made those in the past; hell even i've been in the same situation you are in right now." Ritsuko continued to talk in this calm and relaxed tone hopefully to make herself frel better and get the confidence back inside of her. "Just because i saw a nude picture of you doesn't mean i won't be your friend. Ritsuko looked at the necklace Toshiko gave to her and examined it. "Heh, so this is what was suposed to be in the puzzle huh?" Ritsuko examined the necklace and saw that it had a beautiful blue diamond charm it almost looked the same as her own eyes.

"I absolutely adore this necklace Toshiko, it really makes me happy that someone like you has given me something this beautiful."

Ritsuko was almost about to shed a few tears herself but she held it in, she didn't want her to see tears stream down her face like a little child. She than put on the necklace around her neck and made sure it was secure it wouldn't fall off.
"I'll cherish this necklace forever, thank you for giving me this gift" Ritsuko looked at Toshiko with tears of joy. "Now come on stop with the tears and give me a smile, the toshiko i know always had a bright smile on her face never letting anyone or anything stand in her way no matter what it is." she said wiping the tear off of Toshiko's right cheek

"If you can't give me a smile then i can hopefully make you laugh, sound fair?" regardless of whether or not Toshiko responds Ritsuko decided to take it upon herself to do something she normally would never do in front of people; which is acting silly.

Ritsuko made a cute face with her tounge sticking out and making little noises young toddlers or children would make when they were having a great time. Hopefully that'll make her laugh maybe?

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Sniper meets Sniper Empty Re: Sniper meets Sniper

Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:18 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Sniper meets Sniper 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 644

Toshiko watched Ritsuko in utter surprise, her eyes staring into Ritsuko's eyes as she simply placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke to her in the most even tone she had heard in a while; she wasn't even mad. Toshiko slowly placed her own hand on Ritsuko's as she listened to her, before her head tilted at the statement that she had been in the same situation as she had before. Toshiko blinked, dumbfounded that she had been in a situation like that before. Truth be told, Toshiko would like to see what Ritsuko looked like under her well tailored clothes, but, she didn't want to breach any boundaries that she shouldn't. Toshiko pushed that thought of seeing Ritsuko nude aside and simply listened to the girl in front of her.

Toshiko nodded in response to Ritsuko asking whether the necklace was supposed to be inside the puzzle; whether it was a redundant question or not. She blushed softly when Ritsuko said she would treasure the necklace forever, and that it was surprising for her to get something this beautiful. Before Toshiko knew it, her mouth started running and she basically just spoke her mind.

"W-Well... It reminded me of your eyes, and I thought that a beautiful girl like you and a beautiful necklace like this one would work well together...

Toshiko smiled softly, the blush still present before she realized what she said and the blush deepened in color once more.

"I-I'm sorry! I just blurted that out! Wh-While it is true you are beautiful, and the necklace fits you very well; I shouldn't have just blurted that out!"

Toshiko groaned softly, her forehead softly impacting Ritsuko's knees for only a couple of seconds before she raised her head, rubbing the back of her head softly. She didn't expect Ritsuko to wipe off the tear that was streaking down her face, nor the tears that slowly fell from Ritsuko's own eyes; tears of joy in fact. Toshiko had never had an actual "friend" things always got sexual some way due to what Toshiko wanted or what happened; so it was nice that she had Ritsuko. While Toshiko did have some certain desires, wants, and things she wanted to do; she would simply push them aside. After all, Ritsuko was not interested, so she was not going to press for anything.

"Well... I mean... Thanks..."

Toshiko smiled softly at the compliment that she always smiled basically no matter what. Toshiko rubbed into Ritsuko's hand, if it was still on her cheek, as a way of saying thanks without using words. Toshiko then let out a soft sigh as Ritsuko was determined to make her laugh now. Toshiko blinked and looked up at Ritsuko, rubbing her eyes clean of any tears. She watched as Ritsuko did something that was likely just for her eyes only. Toshiko smiled softly and let out a soft giggle as her face was again graced by that reddish hue of a blush. Toshiko slowly sat up and moved forwards a little before she leaned forwards. Her hips would be between, or on, Ritsuko's knees as the Quincy girl leaned in and hugged her tight; her head resting on Ritsuko's chest. Ritsuko would be able to see that same blonde lock of hair sticking out once more as Toshiko chuckled softly, still hugging Ritsuko as she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"That was really cute, Ritsuko. And yes, it worked; you got me to laugh. Thank you, Ritsuko."

Toshiko smiled softly as she continued to hug the girl, her eyes closed and her ears tuned into Ritsuko's heartbeat. Truly, Toshiko was glad to have Ritsuko as a friend.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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