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That Guy...
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:22 am

Word Count: N/A

Vladimir let out a slight sigh, it seemed that things were not going to quite as easy as he had hoped. Sure, it seemed that she was giving him some sort of chance, but how far was that going to extend? Well, take what you could get. It was with a smirk that he simply followed the female. "So, you're name's Mirja right? Where are you from?" He asked, simply curious about this females origins and why she found herself here, in Vastime. Was she a native, or was she simply pledging her allegiance to the nation.

He did agree with what she had said, he already had accepted the flaws he made in their previous interaction, but did she? He thought that she may have been a tad aggressive, though it was not something that bothered him much, he did deserve it; the death threats were a bit much though. It was with this that he simply decided to move on. Perhaps this day would be one which would help him fix some of his deficits.

Well, either way it seemed that he was going to have a rather active day. Training was something that he had been planning to do for quite some time, though it seemed he had not found a sparring partner. Perhaps this woman would be someone who was capable of keeping up; maybe this would be a step in the right direction. "Is there anything in particular you would like to train?" He asked, a bit curious as to what it was that she preferred. Perhaps they could get along after all.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:55 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja was slienton the way to the training ground ,mostly because it took her all of about two seconds to get there. The kid was traling behind, she could smell him. So she got changed into her Basic Training Uniform and then stepped out in time for the irritating one to arrive. She was in no mood to have small-talk with this man, and so she just kept her answers short, blunt, and with as little infomation in them as she could possibly manage.

"I'm from Soul Society" she told him, before stepping in front of him and deciding on a Bājíquán style to begin. Something that could really get across the point that she wasn't trying to be friendly. Rushing forwards, she aimed to drive an elbow into his gut, something certainly without control or restraint. She made sure to slow herself down so that the guy could at least see her coming, training was no good if you were just battered to a pulp by an opponent so vastly superior to you that you could not learn anything from their full tilt. She'd drive herself forwards, the point of her elbow aimed precisely for his ribcage with considerable force. If she could hear the crack of his bones, it might soothe her ragged nerves some.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:22 pm

Word Count: N/A

While Vlad talked it seemed that the female simply bolted ahead; it seemed that she was pretty adamant in avoiding any unnecessary contact with him; was this going to be the way she treated her the entire time that he was in Vastime? Sure, it was not as though he was expecting much of a very warm welcome, he did expect that there wouldn't be a very cold person either. Perhaps he could warm her mood over time, though it seemed he shouldn't hold his tongue over this.

It had taken a few minutes, though they had eventually arrived at the only building of which she had spoke earlier; it was rather large building and as such Vladimir took a moment to simply look the building over. They trusted the female with such a large training ground? Well, it seemed that she was competent, at least in some areas. It was with this deduction that he chose that he should approach this situation with caution; she already threatened his life once and it was that which made him take this a bit more serious than he usually would have.

It was as he had entered the building that he was expected by the female; it seemed that she was moving at a much slower rate than when she had first approached him, and it was with this that he would be able to handle the situation; his eyes still enhancing his sight, he didn't even need to enhance his body to handle this situation. It was with a light leap back, no more than a meter, he would move his right hand up to pull her head down. A simple way to lessen the momentum she was using in this strike, and an excellent way to set up for the rest of what was necessary to depict his prowess. Grabbing her left arm he would quickly sweep at her leading foot; with this he would swing his foot across his body, leaving it closer to his opposite foot. Assuming that this was to land Mirja would find herself with her back to the ground and Vladimir striking downward at her face.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:40 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

It was good that the kid seemed to understand that in a fight there was no talking that didn't need to be said. He wasn't filling the air with his usual waffling bullcrap, he was just getting down to it and doing his do. Which wasn't entirely terrible, as she expected from one such as him. The Shark wouldn't have given him the time of day if he had not been able to prove his abilities in the field. But still, it was kind of lackluster compared to her own skill and strength in the field. INSCS - a terribly named technique that was too helpful to simply not use - would give her the edge when it came to which body was more able to weather knocks and clunks.

He seemed to have underestimated the control she had over her own momentum and movement. Even when she had removed most of the density for her Nova Lupus to make herself so much faster, she had made sure not to lose to much of her strength, and now she was about to use it in it's full. His attempt at trying to use her own momentum against her failed as it seemed to vanish into nothing, and then his hands slipped away from her head as she moved down faster than he was pulling, trusting her instinct to guide her attack rather than her sight.

He then lept back a good meter from her initial point, and since Mirja had stopped dead to drive her elbow into him with maximum precision, there was now a meter between them, and when he reached out across that meter to try and grab her, it was so simply she nearly didn't bother doing anything. In close quarters, with barely a foot between them, such grappling might have born fruit, but the closing of the gap was something that gave Mirja far to much time to plan.

She baited him softly by lifting her left arm to his direction, and then when he grabbed onto it to try and enact his plan, she grabbed hold of his arm and yanked back, making sure to stop shy of ripping his arm out of his socket, but certainly giving him a jarring wake-up call that Mirja was no simple girl to be playing with. And while she yanked him forwards, driving her head into the kid's own to make a beautiful *thunk* on impact probably wouldn't hurt that lesson.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:45 pm

Word Count: N/A

It seemed that Vladimir had taken too large of a break; while it was true that a break was necessary when doing intense training, if a person were to rest for too long there was a chance that their senses would dull, if even for a moment. This dulling was rather dangerous for a Vladimir; who knew if it were to effect him inside, or outside, of combat. In this situation it seemed that he had made a rather naive mistake. He had pushed himself back a foot too far, though he knew that he had to keep with the movements; practically he should have only moved back two feet; this would have been the perfect amount of room where he would not have to move forward to get her within range, as well as allowing for the best of follow ups. It was with a sigh that he had already realized what this had meant for him.

As she dragged him in he was able to see her head move back, a pretty solid indicator of what was to come. It was with this that he allowed for his chi to flow through his body. A warm feeling began to overtake his chest; it was something which was very hard for Vladimir to describe to others; it gave him a boost in confidence as well as increasing what he knew he was able to achieve. It was with this that this warmth spread over his body and down toward his legs and feet. This all was something that was very much an internal feeling; his body was not actually increasing in temperature at all.

It was with this that he would begin to move his head back, not very much; it was enough to lessen the impact of her head. It was with this, as he was being pulled in, that he was able to launch his counter attack. As she pulled him in, rather quick, with such force he pulled up and forced forward his knee; assuming that all was going according to plan their heads would collide as his knee collided into the her stomach. With the extra muscle tone that the chi was allowing his leg moved at a rather quick speed; with the two being so close it seemed that this knee was going to collide. Assuming that this was the case, and this would only occur if he was able to cause her to jerk inward, her body hunching over, then he would thrust his other knee into her face. He was not keen on being taken lightly, even during training.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:56 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

They put their heads together and figured out this mess. And it was fun, the way her head went thunk and her much denser skull would smash against his own in a headbutt unlike any he had felt before. She had kept the majority of the skeleton's density, which was why she still weighed so much despite ditching practically all of the skin and muscle density. However, he didn't seem to be the kind of kid to let something like getting smashed in the face with a head made of concrete put him off, and he had a knee moving to drive into her gut. Most people would be unable to postulate a plan, but the battlefield moved slow for Mirja, part instinct and part Occular Awakening.

Deciding on a very unorthodox counter, she charged God-Bashing Blows to the point of impact. Usually she used it with her fists, or her feet, and was the one who drove it into the enemy, but this time she was using it more defensively and seeing how that turned out. When the knee touched down on her stomach, it would be repelled by an explosive blast of energy that would probably not do his knee bone any favours. If he lacked great durability in his skeletal system, it would probably break entirely.

With that she decided to step up her game, and ducked low before appearing to vanish from sight. It was a technique very hard to track because of the way it dipped into a weak point for the eyes and then rapidly slid behind the person. She then pushed off with her powerful legs, and spun in mid-air, until she was directly above the kid, and then brought down a heel kick to his head, hopefully something that would knock him to the ground. Mirja liked it when people ate floor.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:20 pm

Word Count: N/A

Vladimir seemed to be in a rather odd situation; no matter what he was trying he found that there was no real end to this madness; the female, or wolf- which was more accurate was rather hard to tell-, was clearly holding back. The fact that she wasn't going all out, yet was able to move as she was caused some distress in Vlad; sure, he did not mind a good spar, but a person should know when they are in over their head. It seemed that he was going to have to pull out all the stops in order to keep up with her, and even then he was unsure if he would actually be able to keep up.

It was from nowhere, but he was able to sense it; the change in the air as energy was something that put him off; he had an odd sense that this was going to end rather poorly for him. It was with this that he realized what was going on. Gritting his teeth Vladimir decided that it was time to push himself a bit; what was the point of training if a person was not pushed to the uppermost limits of their body? It was with this determination that he had decided it was time to try and push himself a bit more; it was with this that he had decided push the chi harder, faster and thicker through his body.

It was with this that he felt the dynamic clash in his body; his dou was rather weak and as such he had to be rather delicate. It was not very easy to keep the two in balance, though he was able to do so; even if it only lasted for a small amount of time that was all that he would need. It was with this that he would blow open all of his gates, except for the one which was in his mind. That was something which was not going to happen, he was no where near ready for this.

It was with this that he could feel his chi fighting off the energy as best it could, though he already knew that it wasn't going to be enough. It was with the counter that she disappeared, though it seemed she was not being careful enough. Sliding behind him, giving his ears such a gentle sensation. It was as though she was screaming her location to him. Excitement filled his body as he felt the gentle caress of the wind against his body; that was until it had become forced, it seemed that she had leaped into the air. The change in the environment, his increased sense screaming to him that she was coming from above; it was with this that he would reach upward, catching her leg as it crashed down he would step forward, his knee cracking as he did so, and slam the female into the ground. It was as she hit the ground that his arm would begin to crackle; it was as though sparks were flying from his arm. A blue light began to emit from the arm before it shot form his arm, toward the girl who was on the ground. The beam, 2.5 meters in radius, was a highly concentrated beam of his own chi. It was with a light sigh, and a slight wince, that Vladimir would retreat back two meters. It was time to see if this had any effect.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:01 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

She knew before her foot hit anything that she had been to focused on not damaging him to much, and hadn't gone far enough back to ensure a solid drop for her kick. It was to close to his center to allow for much directed momentum. So she was deciding to pull out mid drop when he caught her, taking the momentum of the whole thing into his arm - which, from the feel of it was stronger than normal, a surprise but not one that was unwelcome since his arm from before would have shattered like glass - and then directed her post-haste to the floor.

It was a strong depositing, using her own weight and his strength which was decidedly considerable, and cratered the ground surrounding the blow. She had to use Flowing River and a full-body Saigen to avoid actually getting hurt by this kid. The blow ripped through her body and was mitigated and dispersed by the muscles that had suddenly contracted. Kid was actually moving like he wanted to hurt her or something. Or, like he wanted Mirja to stop with the kid gloves and actually give him a fight rather than just a quick spar?

This notion was reinforced when he suddenly blasted her with an energy beam out of nowhere. When the beam dissipated, there was Mirja's badly damaged uniform in a small hole in the ground that had been caused by the impact, having torn apart by the beam. But decidedly no Mirja, who had used the Molting Cicadia technique to get out of Dodge before eating a faceful of beam. She was confused now, and confusion sucked. Leaning against the door out, she spoke to bring herself to attention and assure him that he had not just vaporised Mirja entirely.
"That was a bit, much, don't you think? You trying to tell me something?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:53 pm

Word Count: N/A

Vlad was rather content with his movement, he had felt that although he was at a major disadvantage that he had done rather well with his reaction and had made some form of impression on the female. It was with this, however, that he had already known that the female had evaded his chi; the energy suddenly had spiked in her body and it was as though she was moving a great deal quicker than before; not only this, but his eyes were no longer being enhanced by his chi; he knew that he had used up what could be considered the safe duration. He had already known that she was holding back, but he was not expecting her to be holding back this much; this was as though she had gained access to a whole new reserve of energy.

It seemed that she had taken his movements, all of which felt rather natural to him, as though they were some sort of challenge; while he was appreciative of the thought he knew his bodies limits and that he was in no way able to compete with her in this moment; sure, he could try for a last burst of energy, but he could feel his chi slowly becoming unstable. He needed to either improve his control of his Dou, or find a way to rid himself of the necessity of Dou in this state; both of options seemed to be equally difficult, though necessary. To continue his growth he would have to achieve one of these two achievements. It was with this in mind that he was rather disappointed in how he was going to be forced to reply. "I wish I could love, really I do. However, I already know how taxing this is on my body and that I should not endanger myself any further; being able to last this long, what was only a few moments, is hard enough. I'm sorry, but I am sure we could go all out in the future. I'm sure you'd enjoy that." He chuckled, his arm beginning to feel a bit numb. With a sigh he fell on his ass; his whole body was beginning to feel worn. "Well, it seems that I should've stretched..." He sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Are we good?"

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:33 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja stared at him as he was all piss and vinegar, and then flopped as if he had burned out all his energy. Even humans could last longer than this, which led her to a conclusion she did not like in the slightest. Mirja had done well, that the kid was able to flop back and comment about how exhausted he was, rather than having to be shipped out on a stretcher because his bowel was ruptured. So all in all, the day was going pretty well for her. She even felt liberated and decidedly free from the usual constraints of her mentality.

"So, we are having a friendly spar and you break out your massive DoD technique for what reason, exactly? You've just ruined this whole thing. This exchange of blows, this Conversation of Fists, can no longer happen because you decided you wanted to try and show off. And failed, terribly. I was really getting into this, really unravelling and getting to know you better without any of those pesky words showing up and ruining everything like they always do. And yet you fire off one of those. Those kind of techniques are basically suicide in a one on one fight, unless you know you can press your target into oblivion before you reach the end of your rope. And you, clearly have no idea either how to fight, or what your limits are" She told him, before shaking her head and opening the door.

"No, we are not good. I am not good with idiots. Hayden is a different matter entirely but you have really failed to endear yourself to me in any way. Learn some restraint, read the situation, and don't be that guy that goes too hard and bursts a blood vessel in his eye because he wants to show off to everyone that he is a really strong guy" She shook her head softly, and then exited through the door, off to get some clothes.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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