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The Russian Civil Force  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Russian Civil Force  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Russian Civil Force  Empty The Russian Civil Force

Sun May 21, 2017 8:51 pm

The Russian Civil Force  E1wRQ75


What Is It: The Russian Civil Force is essentially the primary faction of Russia. They were created after the ashes of World War Three and are compromised of civilians and military alike. The RCF contains some of their brightest minds, strongest people and most crafty of members in order to help propel the country towards prosperity, protection and to maintain the banner of neutrality and their place in the world. As any and all are welcome in Russia, but not if they are there to cause trouble. So the RCF looks to make sure that is enforced.

Where are They: Russia. (what did you expect?)

Why Join: Growth. Potential. A home.

Why would you NOT want to join Russia? This is a growing faction that has loads of room for you to find positions of high power, an extreme of amount of resources to benefit your character and a place to development them as well. There is plenty to benefit from joining this faction. All you have to do is ask, reach out and commit to the country and you will be rewarded.

You can even be a part of this faction if you are with other orgs. However, you will have a background check done and you will have to be verified.


Russia Resources Thread:

Summarized Resources From Thread:

Very Large Supernatural Population
Hyper sonic vactrains
artificial intelligence on par or somewhat higher than human intellect
force fields
man-made control of the weather
large-scale settlements on the moon
Mind Uploading
Super Soldiers
Antimatter Fueled Starships
Access to Stars
Deep Space Mines
Body Modification
Can upload consciousness to Artifical Bodies
Space "shield"
Virtual Worlds

Money: If you serve? You are paid. Your family will be taken care of. That means you will always have a place to stay, a place to work, a place to eat and so on. They have a large volume of currency to dispense and it's up to you to take advantage of it.


Resources: Russia is considered a first-class nation by 25th century standards. So, there is more than enough supernatural and tech based resources to produce grand things for Russia and your character. Since, if you invest into them, they will invest into you by giving them all sorts of resources to help expand their strength, intelligence or whatever else have you.


RCF Founder
Character: Radiaoctive [0-2++]

Rank Details: The RCF founder is the one who created the RCF. They often are in charge of delegating people to create new ranks, making resource based decisions for the faction, how to wage war and other similar things. The RCF founder is even capable of bestowing people full power to act on their own accord in Russia.

Head Of Operations
Character: Vladimir Anton [2-1]

Rank Details: Head Of Operations is a rank that otherwise deals with organizing resources of RCF. They are able to act on behalf of the RCF Founder unless an order is otherwise given to revoke that.

Fresh Recruit
Character: Tōki "Zero" Tōketsu [2-3]

Rank Details: Fresh Recruit is a rank within the RCF which otherwise means they are still fresh meat. They can access parts of the RCF resources, but often it will require oversight from other members.


How To Join: Unlike other orgs, you will have a rank assigned to you based on the talent/skill you have. THis is so people know where they stand and where they can be the most useful at. As, for example, there is no use in putting someone who is better apt for the battlefield in a position of power that deals with tech. It's a waste of resources and time and they want to cut down on both things being squandered.

Russian Civil Force Template

❂ Name: (What Is Your Character's Name?)
❂ Application Link: (Please post at least a WIP before applying.)

❂ Talent: (What talent does your character have? It doesn't matter if you aren't some super powerful character. These can be their intelligence, speical skills or anything your character does that can be made useful to a team.)

❂ Reason: (Why do you want to join the RCF?)

[b][u]Russian Civil Force Template[/b][/u]

[b]❂ Name:[/b] (What Is Your Character's Name?)
[b]❂ Application Link:[/b] (Please post at least a WIP before applying.)

[b]❂ Talent:[/b] (What talent does your character have? It doesn't matter if you aren't some super powerful character. These can be their intelligence, speical skills or anything your character does that can be made useful to a team.)

[b]❂ Reason:[/b] (Why do you want to join the RCF?)

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Mon May 22, 2017 9:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

The Russian Civil Force  WVMWLOu
That Guy...
That Guy...
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The Russian Civil Force  Empty Re: The Russian Civil Force

Sun May 21, 2017 8:55 pm
Russian Civil Force Template

❂ Name: Vladimir Anton
❂ Application Link:

❂ Talent: Vladimir was trained by the KGB in order to perform many complex operations; a majority of these was for the infiltration of terrorist organizations. Aside from this training he is very talented in utilizing his Chi to enhance his body to surpass that of those who rank at the same tier as him.

❂ Reason: He suggested it be created/Re-enforced
That Guy...
That Guy...
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The Russian Civil Force  Left_bar_bleue96300/999999The Russian Civil Force  Empty_bar_bleue  (96300/999999)

The Russian Civil Force  Empty Re: The Russian Civil Force

Sun May 21, 2017 9:11 pm
Resources ATM:
Very Large Supernatural Population
Hyper sonic vactrains
artificial intelligence on par or somewhat higher than human intellect
force fields
man-made control of the weather
large-scale settlements on the moon
Mind Uploading
Super Soldiers
Antimatter Fueled Starships
Access to Stars
Deep Space Mines
Body Modification
Can upload consciousness to Artificial Bodies
Space "shield"
Virtual Worlds
Established Member
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Posts : 118

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The Russian Civil Force  Left_bar_bleue17000/10000The Russian Civil Force  Empty_bar_bleue  (17000/10000)

The Russian Civil Force  Empty Re: The Russian Civil Force

Mon May 22, 2017 8:50 pm
Russian Civil Force Template

❂ Name: Tōki "Zero" Tōketsu
❂ Application Link:

❂ Talent: Other than her penchant for destruction and being incredibly obnoxious? Nothing else, beyond her capabilities and willingness to dive into any mission assigned to her.

❂ Reason: Zero would want to join just because Mr. Shark leads it and she got a nice home in Russia because of him.

The Russian Civil Force  FEgVMOU

The Russian Civil Force  Uaa3LGo
The Russian Civil Force  Iy368py
The Russian Civil Force  GAAZWBR
The Russian Civil Force  4Al0hpe
The Russian Civil Force  GW2hpX6
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The Russian Civil Force  Empty Re: The Russian Civil Force

Mon May 22, 2017 9:48 pm
The Russian Civil Force  Yume_nikki___madotsuki_by_chocozombi-d4pukrf


Added in the resources, adding in Vlad as a Head Of Operations and has authority to act on behalf of the RCF Founder and Toki will have The Rank of Fresh Recruit added to her and she'll be working under the RCF Founder.

The Russian Civil Force  WVMWLOu
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