Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:32 pm

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ritsuko was perplexed as shuten moved only slightly to avoid the quick jab towards the right side of her head quickly; bending backwards albiet about fifty degrees to avoid her punch. Luckily ritsuko followed up with another attack at shuten, however she also miscalcuated as huten suddenly did a roll however ritsuko was about to initiate the one two punch.

What suprised her even more was that she caught her fist luckily she predicted this and immediately went with the left hook it was blocked with little to no effort as a small grin appeared on her face this felt exhilirating her body was filled with utter adrenaline heart pumping expenentially fast her lungs expelling air quickly; she saw a kick coming from shuten however it was merely a ruse as she was propelled into the air wrapping her thighs around pushing her body onto the ground with a loud thud.

A huge slam as she felt her body onto the ground, feeling a slight amount of pain nothing too dangerous but it definitely did hurt also leaving her in a bit of a daze. Almost instantly she felt two giant lumps of flesh on her head, however the two lumps of flesh on her head was none other then her thighs...the thighs were so soft and delicate if felt like a comfy pillow she could forever sleep on, she looked up too see none other than shuten herself look down on her with her nose almost near her private parts.

However shuten continued humming a small tune until she was told about the move she just did it was used to break a person's neck instantally but considering the fact that they were sparring instead of an actual fight she was at least glad she didn't kill her off. Whatever the case she further explained how she spinned around her neck to throw her off balance leading up to this akward yet effective position; the fact that she praised her at how she's improving really did cheer her up despite her face almost being near her privates.

Ritsuko's face turned into a embarrassing reddish hue; like her face usually turns in a hot day on the beach without any sunscreen. If shuten move anymore she would be knocked out of embarassment and thank god toshiko wasn't here who she would throw a major fit. Whatever the case she couldn't let shuten's thighs distract her from the training; so she replied in a polite manner.

"Can you please get off of me"

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Last edited by MWD on Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:24 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 438

Not a terrible statement to make, Shuten was lingering on Ritsuko after all; and it probably didn't feel good. No, in truth, it probably felt amazing, but Shuten didn't think that of course; she thought the position was rather uncomfortable, so, she gladly would get off of Ritsuko. Of course, that wouldn't be without the complication of Ritsuko's face literally being inches within Shuten's privates. She gently pat Ritsuko on the head, and then she slowly started to work her way off of Ritsuko; a process she was being careful about so she didn't hurt Ritsuko. Of course, the slowness of it all was likely not helping Ritsuko, as every tiny movement would cause Shuten's thighs and crotch to shift.

As Shuten uncrossed her legs from behind Ritsuko's back, the Quincy girl would at least feel a little relieved that she wasn't as close to Shuten's privates, but, she still would have to deal with the fact that Shuten was still moving slowly, and that would still lead to complications. Shuten soon made sure her feet weren't jammed under Ritsuko's back as she slid them out from under the girl as she stood up, leaning on her hands. Of course, in doing this, she leaned a little bit forwards, causing certain areas to get all that closer. Eventually, of course, Shuten stood up gingerly and slowly picked Ritsuko up, not knowing that what the girl may be feeling at the moment because of the move she used earlier. Not her thighs or the proximity of which her privates were in relation to Ritsuko's face. She simply helped the girl up onto her feet if she was still conscious. And her face, why was it so red? Shuten figured the position could've been embarrassing, but, it's not all that bad in the end. Shuten didn't figure that her soft thighs and her crotch being so close to Ritsuko's face like that would trigger a reaction like so; after all, Shuten is a little oblivious to certain things from not wanting to learn about them.

"Hey Ritsuko... You okay? Your face looks kinda red... your neck isn't harmed right? Even though I did tone things down, what I did can be pretty brutal."

Shuten then grabbed her gourd just in case, not really knowing that Ritsuko was so embarrassed from Shuten's accidental crotch shoving. So, at this point, Shuten was just making sure Ritsuko was okay; being a little oblivious to the exact nature of Ritsuko's blush.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:27 pm

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

She was glad that shuten immediately complied with her and ritsuko assumed this was going to be easy, just remove the privates near her face and she'll be up off the ground in no time ready to resume their training....she was dead wrong.

Before getting a nice pat on the head, making sure that her legs were off of her back ritsuko's face was still burning red with embarassment but at least shuten's privates were off however she did it slowly...each and every single movement shuten made was even worse. She leaned in forward allowing other parts of her body make contact with hers; if shuten looked closely enough she could see that ritsuko's eyes were complete swirls.
Her mind was filled with thoughts in her mind this wasn't mental torture it was worse forget being beaten to death or sliced in half this is the worse way to go. Does shuten even realize what her thighs could do to people, her thighs could probably break a cinder block easily? Even ritsuko couldn't find an answer but there was one thing on her mind while this was going on... Please let this torture end.

Ritsuko was about to explode with embrassment heck if she kept this up she'd probably be redder than the surface of mars for crying out loud. Whether or not this was shuten's attempt to make her face turn into a tea pot ready to spout she no longer felt before being slowly picked up back onto her feet as her shoes make contact with the green grass.

Ritsuko waved her arms frantically as well as her voice started to stutter all over the place not recovering from the whole privates near your face deal. Ritsuko watched as shuten immediately went for her gourd making sure that she was unharmed, she must've assumed that her face was red because of her takedown.. after all she did say this was known to kill people. Never the less ritsuko cleared her throat before quickly telling shuten that she was fine to avoid any confusion "N-no my neck is completely fine, you don't have to do that."

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:18 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 380

Shuten blinked at Ritsuko, not really knowing her accidental show is what is causing Ritsuko to be so red faced. She sighed softly and grabbed her Zanpakuto and placed her gourd back onto the pommel of the the blade. Shuten yawned softly and then sighed, letting go of Ritsuko as soon as she was sure the Quincy girl could hold herself up. She then gently tapped Ritsuko's forehead and then thought for a little bit.

"Hmmm... Do you still wish for more training? I can't teach you much as my fighting style isn't the direct approach, but, I can help with your stance and general technique, but, I do not believe assassination is really your thing."

Shuten smiled at Ritsuko, not having any idea that the Quincy girl may now adore the Suika's thighs; but, that was likely just a long term result of something that was accidental. The thigh addiction, not the move Shuten used on Ritsuko; the move was extremely purposeful. She popped her neck gently and then walked up to Ritsuko and studied her for a good couple of minutes. In truth, Shuten was unsure of what to do next; she simply did some sparring to evaluate her strengths, and, honestly, it was hard for her to tell what else she could do. She crossed her arms and then sighed softly, looking at Ritsuko still.

"Are you sure your neck is okay? Your face was really, really red after all; I just hope I didn't harm your neck at all."

The question that was asked was loud and clear, but, the latter part of what Shuten said was indeed quieter; mostly musing to herself. She let a sigh leave her lips and then she simply pat Ritsuko on the head. Shuten had no idea which of them was younger or older, but, Shuten still gave her head pats anyways.

"Ah... anyways, do you still wish for more training? If you have anything you wish to work on we can try it. If you want."

Shuten gave Ritsuko a tiny smile, for an instant, before tagging a swig of Sake and waiting for her response to whether or not she wished to train more.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:01 pm

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The moment she could stand up perfectly fine albiet with a sore neck but Shuten already had that covered with a quick little twist Ritsuko heard a quick popping the cracking of her bones actually felt really good...maybe she should show Shuten the wonders of being a chiropractor if she can snap her aching neck like that easily why not do some same for others?

Ritsuko began thinking so she answered Shuten with a request and with pride and admiration.
"Yes I wish for more training specifically in the stealth department, I want to at least get the basic gist of it. I've known that having good stealth is essential to gathering information or to attack an unsuspecting enemy."

Ritsuko watched as Shuten gave her a nice smile before getting a nice pat on the head what is it with people patting her head? Maybe because they see her as a young woman getting ready to grow up and mature; or because she has a nice head who knows...regardless she told Shuten that her neck was okay.

Y-yeah my neck is fine thanks to you Shuten

Ritsuko thought about this for a moment before getting an answer from Shuten perhaps she can use this experience can give her the opportunity to learn about her on a personal level if possible, if she could then maybe she can show her the wonders of being a chiropractor...and possibly get a new wardrobe besides there's alot of cute things for a girl like her.

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