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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:58 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914


Her breath kindled the air like a blackened mist, it’s softening hues of ethereal black, hinted with wisps of chaotic purple permeated the air like a malevolent smog. It parted two ways as the softness of her piercing heterochromia broke through the veil of the night. Luminous they shone in the darkness of new york city. In the slums her keen demon nose picked up many stenches, she knew of the depraved things that went on here.

The many who satiated sexual desires of the devious kind, torture, manslaughter. The toke that brought a high, the injection of a needle which brought their minds to another level of “Awareness”. The kiss of death that was narcotics in their veins. The insanity that was humanity at it’s darkest permeated here in this unruly city. The stench of bodies rotting deep beneath the ground from wars long past, the sounds of the army of rats that scampered beneath the unrelenting maw of society that lurked above.

They were the bringers of plague, and even now as inami heard then she giggled softly. Weren’t these the very tools that propagated the black death in times long past? Weren't they the very entities that were reviled as pests, common vermin that only brought about sickness and death? Yet here they were lurking in the thousands beneath one of humanity's crowning achievements. A city that had stood for hundreds of years, had grown to epic proportions and was a hub of life.

Yes as she looked at the bodies of beggars, emaciated by their own needs and urges, sitting despondently on the side of the road, as her eyes skimmed over broken windows covered by bars to keep out the bandits and the thugs. The hooligans and the dregs of society her lips curled almost imperceptibly in the corners.

As her teeth shone like a beacon of serrated white in this night, she paused and glanced at a man whose breath was covered in the stench of death. Pneumonia maybe, or some other one of the worlds mundane messengers. Biological tools meant to cull the human virus maybe that was assailing its body. Within her musings she bent and in a moment she appeared before this man who had been thrown out by society, battered and broken by the endless clockwork that drove this world onwards.

Her caress was mercy, her touch was the blessing of death that he wouldn’t have had for a few months. As the threads released his mundane body of it’s soul and devoured the flesh and bone, the disease within to leave nothingness behind she continued to walk.

Her right pointer finger slid up to caress her lips as she hid a soft smile.

Her heterochromia slid to look at the towering skyscrapers in the distance, the lights that bounce from them, shone from them and pierced the heavens. She wondered for those who lived in those gilded cages what were they doing now? Partaking in debauchery, slouth and sin, drinking the metaphorical nectar that stemmed from their acheivements and was born by working a outdated system? She giggled dryly as she looked at the sky and murmurred softly.

”..Once upon a time, the angel of death was revered, but feared as an omnipotent force of nature. Everyone had a time to die, the world regulated it in a naturalistic fashion. “

As her lips parted she sighed and shook her head slowly. The breath that left her mouth lulling some of the weaker beggars on this street into an eternal slumber. Their souls being extracted by her own dark energy to be drawn into her body as another form of energy.

”.. In a way, hasn’t humanity itself become a deity? They no longer fear death, cold, hunger, they have forsaken the natural world order and constructed from it their own domain.”

Why had the queen of chaya come here? New york city? She paused and looked once more at the beggars, and the dregs, the outcasts and the killers. The filth of society. She felt a certain affinity here. But she didn’t know what just yet.

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] LzZCuy7
The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] BtXe12b
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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:47 pm

The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ah the big apple, a place of opportunity and the chance to become something big. Ritsuko has heard of this area for a long time she's heard from many people that this is the place where people can achieve new opportunities in their lives such as finding new occupations, spread their cultures, and even meet new people. However this wasn't what she imagined upon arriving at the most busiest city in the united states, the atompshere a place where criminals run amok and a street fillled with people of the less fortunate some were huddling around barrels of fire for warmth; others were just sitting down without moving an inch...lifeless empty corpses filling the streets.

Ritsuko continued to press on despite the not so friendly vibe around her, she's seen destruction happen all around her fiest it was the threat of sting in jamacia and now this hell she wasn't sure which was worse. She's heard of New York being a crowded city steaming with life and solitude however their was nothing but silence an empty city with nobody but herself making the only noise hell it felt like she was the last person on this freaking planet. Seeing that there's nothing of value or evidence of what caused this destruction she decided to just turn around and go back home at least there's people walking about. "There's nothing here...might as well go back"

However luck be have it as with a quick twist of her head she stopped immediately in her tracks she sensed a small presence around her vicinity was it a normal human or was it something more like a shinigami or demon? Whatever it is she had to investigate maybe they have the answers for what has happened to this once beautiful city.

The woman was at least the same height as her or so she thought with hair that was a mix between pink and brown like a mix of strawberry and chocolate ice cream, besides the whole ice-cream hair style the woman was going for she noticed that her eyes were multi-colored. Eyes that weren't the traditional one color for each perhaps it was a trait she got from one of her parents, who knows but what really mattered was finding out who or what caused this. The quincy began walking towards the woman as her long red coat brush against her body shoes ritsuko wasn't going to enter a conversation without any precautions besides she's not sure if the woman is evil of good; making sure to keep her guard up but not to much that she may retaliate without hesitation.

"Excuse me, do you know what happened here?"

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:22 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914
Inami’s soft breath caressed the air around her as she pondered. This city, so steeped with sin, so meaningful to society. It was a point in the dark , a light that lit the way for the world or, at one point it was. Before the races that hid in the shadows came to be. Now even this place was corrupt by the taint, sinful !

A young girl with hair like the color red, a tapestry of gemstones in the muted twilight. A girl whose expression denounced evil an spoke of hope maybe? Anyways the naivety of youth blossomed in her plush face, and twinkled in those weary eyes. And this queen of the depraved snickered softly, fog leaving her lips as her back faced the lady before her. She opened a parasol which seemed to have form from the air? Or maybe from the machinations of the cosmos themselves? Who knew! Who cared~ This world was full of such illogicalities and wonders, so who really cared about the umbrella borne from the magic of the damned. Yet it accentuated the queen wild colored hair, and shadowed her womanly bodice.

Only then with the umbrella which kept her face covered in the veil of shadows did she tilt her head over. To ritsuko the only thing that could been seen would be the lower half of her face, the tilt of her lips as she spoke.

”..By this to you mean this?”

The queens moon kissed hand raised and gestured slowly in a sweep to the death, and the destruction? To the depraved and the abandoned, the lost who had been chewed up by the society which gave birth to them. To those who were crushed under foot by the cogwork of man, the domain which was rectified by the very species which left them to rot! Yes she gestured to these poor worn and weary souls without a fleck of concern for them, as if she was unconcerned with the matters of man and just observed as a part wholy unaffected by this . . sadness.

”Or do you mean how could the world let this happen?”

Her words had a tilting mockery to them, as if she herself was better than the world, and found the erroneous ways that practiced to be hilarity at it’s core essence. The fact that the girl sought the answer to why this happened though tickled her in a way few things did. Infact even the girl before her was indirectly to blame for the sight before her. Just by existing within the confines of society, propogating the machine which encompassed all, she too was a receiver of the system. Which was why as the queen of chaya nation inami asthavon stood there glancing at those around her through the haze she found a gentle giggle from her lips.

”..If you really wish to know i have a poem for you which might befit this situation. “

She recalled from the searches she had on the internet a poem by an author known as Deb Radke. It was nice and to the point. It was an analogy she could use to talk about humanity, the blights of society that continued to ruin this world, shatter its people and destroy its lands. So as her words left her lips she seemed to grin gently.

”struck by lighted rays..”

Her words whispered like the breeze, yet seemed to echoe with an eerie cadence. The mysterious noise was like a gospel quire’s eerie wails, as if it came straight from a hymn that was sung about the depraved and the rotten. Just it’s words were enough to cause goosebumps to rise on a normal persons skin, and even as she spoke a dark smog rose from her lips, faint and small. This whisp began to permeate the air even as she spoke.

” ‘neath rotted sea....”

Her second word slid out silently, the gentle humm behind her words pulling forth the imagery of a rotted sea. This is was her thoughts on society, rotted impure, full of imperfections that caused the system to be unworthy of existing. A mere shell posed over the workings of the natural world. Slowly she let a hand rise, and it seemed to move with deliberate slowness whilst it pointed at ritsuko and she gently finished the words she wanted to say.

” destruction cometh”

As the words finished and her lips slid shut she giggled lightly, her sharp teeth appearing from behind her full lips as she flashed a smile, before her lips pressed back together and she spoke once more. Her words only loud enough for ritsuko to hear as she spoke further.

”...Do you really wish to know the reason that people sit on this street, why they become addicted and abused, battered and tossed to the side? Why they are without homes, and a cent to their names? Why they despair and yet cannot break the cyclic grasp of their own urges and cravings and . . .Why inevitably they are found on this street dead or living in a state of half death, emaciated or as a murderer who looks to get their fix?”

That finger that was pointing at ritsuko shook side to side as a tsking sound left the queen of chaya’s mouth and she said to the girl lightly.

”If so look deep within yourself, because you are a part of the reason that they are here, a part of the reason as to why this happens~”


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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] LzZCuy7
The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] BtXe12b
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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:30 pm

The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The sheer whispers of her voice could be compared to that of a group of singers saying the same phrase with complete synchronization yet echoed like they were in a hallway with each bouncing off the walls and into her ear drums; the sheer voice however what a dark smoke began to disperce from her lips albiet small yet was enough to imbue the air around them both. Ritsuko wanted to move away but she couldn't but rather wanted to see what else happens.

She got a visualization of a rotting sea, it looked like an illusion yet felt so real she could touch it; the once beautiful water usually filled with sea life and the smell of salt filling the air was more grusome to say the least, the water itself was filled with a smell of death and despiar as individuals were screaming in agony pleading someone to end their lives so they can no longer be succumed to the torture. She couldn't tell what her facial expression was but it appeared that she had a smile on her face before speaking once more with her words booming with vigor and pride only for her to hear of course. Once the woman finished her speech the next thing she did made ritsuko eyes dialate with a look of utter confusion and utter denial, the woman's fingers were pointing straight at her moving her fingers in a manner of utter dissapointment the fact that she'd accuse ritsuko for making innocent people do things such as this.

Ritsuko didn't know what to say at this point; she didn't want to automatically assume that what she said was true before saying these words under her breath "No your wrong, your claims on society are a bunch of bullshit and you know it"

You say that society is the one that's continuing to ruin the world, hurting their people and destroying once uninterrupted lands. Well i got news for you sister that's how human nature works you fucking idiot! We can't change things because when someone changes something people will be against it.

Ritsuko had to take a deep breath before finishing "You say that humanity should go back to a time where rules don't matter and living like animals in a cage well times have changed and it's never going to happen."

Will the woman respond in absolute anger and attack her? Who knows but she certainly expressed her opinion on the ordeal.

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:36 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914
Puff, somewhere in the vicinity someone lit up. Someone overdosed from the sting of the needle. Falling dead in their little dilapidated slum of a house. Dogs roamed the streets their ribs sticking out chiseled and defined in their states of emaciation. The queen knew of every little dastardly deed that surrounded her in this couple mile space. Yet the deeds of the girl before her were what she decided to pay attention to. She could see it from ritsuko’s stance, how she held herself that she refused to believe what she said.

Huaa, as more smoke and smog left her lips she paused, and she shook her head and the grin upon her lips seemed to curl. The finger she had pointed at the girl had slowly withdrawn, sliding back down as she crossed it under her breasts. Fingers curling against her slender side. This girl denied the problem, sough to live her life in the gentle tones of naivety and ignorance. It amused the queen to no extent, the motley horrors that humans themselves caused were of their own design, the horrors inside their hearts could cause atrocities that very few races could stomach to recreate.

The queen slowly once more let her hand slide from her side, and the fog that now permeated the air of this horrible street. It gathered into her palm as she slowly let it turn into the shape of a man. Soon blood formed from elements in the air, then came flesh. Then came the spirit. The ball of smog powered it and let it move.

It groped across the palm of her hand and the queen spoke gently, her voice a dead thing without inflection but instead murmurring with a tone of amusement and disgust at her denials.

“Man, such a horrible little thing. First they rose from the caves, the wilds, the lands were they range like innocent little beasts. They killed without want but merely for necessity. Or in the beginning that may be what was thought. “

Soon the man grew up, it was the middle ages and this particular man now wearing a suit of armor was on the battlefield a great mace within his hands bashing others, causing bones to break, causing brain matter to ooze from the helmets of his opposition. Each great swing took another life, and inami spoke her lips culing into a gentle smile as if this didn’t bother her.

” but man learned, and learned too quickly. They learned to kill eachother not for need, but for want. They learned to rule to govern, to enslave their fellow beasts. To cultivate the earth and rise againt the natural order. They built houses, they started wars, the crusade might be one you know. They killed for false religions, brought above by the fervor of a false god. “

Then the man exploded into mist and once more more men grew in his image, these men were slaughtering innocent people, throwing them to their deaths. Smashing out their windows, stealing all their wares, burning all their books and throwing them into camps. The inhumane treatment of these people was horrendous but soon the queen curled her lips and said slowly.

”..Lets talk about the holocaust. 1.5 million people died, men, children, women, elderly. All of them died simply because their race wasn’t liked. This is the humanity you revere. This is the society you even now are choosing to accept. But now now let’s not stop with them, lets go abit deeper. “

Soon the bodies vanished and in their place many more where put out. The images ever changing, and she slowly spoke once more in her gentle cadence, the mockery in her voice so apparent, so gleeful at the fact she was the one to burst this girls “virgin cherry” regarding her faith in society.

“Lets talk about the Dzungar genocide in 1750.”

She let the scenes play out In dzungaria , the qing dynasty came in slaughtering 80% of the population. Disease was rampant, many were killed, blood filled the images that floated through ritsuko’s eyes. The screams echoed all around her as if she was in the thick of it. The queen of chaya shook her head as the images once changed, the man begging that his child be spared evaporating as the mist reconformed another image.

How about the Circassian genocide of the 1860’s? “

This time it was russia, going on an ethnic cleansing in North Caucasus. Displacing a population slaughtering many. The screams echoed. But then inami didn’t even speak, hundreds of images flitted by, seas of blood flowed. These weren't wars thought it was man killing man for no reason. The innocent who should be protected by society slaughtered. The fun part was every time a scene ended some of blood blood spraying from the midst would pain ritsuko red. Naturally by the end of it Ritsuko would be spattered in blood. Covered in the blood of innocent mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, children.

”.. You say you should be reduced to animals? Dont make me laugh that’d be easy for you. You could do that all your own. “

Inami snickered and looked at the sky. As if she was begging the stars to shine down with wisdom. She looked at Ritsuko once more and she spoke lightly.

”.. As you say i’m wrong, your defending those who caused him to be as he is, starving and cold. “

She gestured slowly to a dying man , who had long since lost the strength to move due to hunger. Then with another gesture the man sighed as if being released, his body crumbling to dust as the life energy was absorbed by inami’s dark energy. She snorted slowly and gestured at the blood on Ritsuko.

”..As you say i’m wrong, you are saying the deaths of all those people who you are stained by were justified. That’s the problem with society, justifications, moral justice, i’m right your wrong. I actually don’t have to do anything, you all will off eachother and destroy this planet until it’s a crag of lava and cinder marred by radioactive debri eventually. Even if us supernatural “Foreigners” never fanned the flames. Such a guilt ridden race, mired in sin, makes me laugh. Because the only difference between. . Someone like i?”

She paused and her perfectly manicured index finger pointed to herself.

”And you”

She pointed at ritsuko as is damning her to burn with a lazy satisfaction for all eternity.

”Is i own up to who i am, and don’t give a damn about anything else. But you justify, deny and ignore your faults, your sins, your petty petty need to be right and guilt free. Thats why you are responsible little girl, but if you wish to continue to deny who am i to stop you?”

She giggle and then tapped her chin deep in thought, judging the way ritsuko responded to the truth.

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] LzZCuy7
The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] BtXe12b
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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:43 pm

The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The fog took appearance of a man as she began talking about man and how they killed for necessity such as resources but what she was about to see was the complete opposite, ritsuko watched as the man grew into an adult and what appeared to be fifth-fifthtenth century europe he was wearing a suit of plate armor shining as the sunligt reflected off it with a mace in his hand and undernearth that heavy plate was a piece of armor made from thousands of metal rings which she immediately recognized as chain mail. She could almost feel the sheer weight of the mace making contact with the poor victims skull as their brain matter oozed from underneath the helmet.

The woman continued to explain how man don't have to kill for needs but rather wants whether it'd be for political power or to enslave those they believe are inferior beings.

Suddenly the man exploded and more began to appear from the image this time they throwing some into a burning fire using their weapons to break windows to acquire families various riches she could hear them busting through the doors as mothers and children were screaming as they were completely helpless to stop the intruders, many burned books regarding religion or anything of sin while others just outright killed them without second thought.

But she just continued going on without giving time for ritsuko to say her opinions on the scenes in question, but it wouldn't matter anyway she's too shaken with fear to even think of a coherent sentence at this point. The woman mentioned the holocaust and how today's society just accept it and move on like it's just another page in the history books. Suddenly the bodies dissappeared, she couldn't take anymore of the imagery it was just unbearable to even sit through however the bodies just kept pileing up but the woman kept her cool with a voice of ridicule and a sign of glee or some it looked like.

The screams piercing her ear drums, she could see a man pleading and begging at another man who appeared to be wearing some sort of clothing representing their faction to spare his son, ritsuko could feel the sadness in his eyes how desperate he is to let his son move on in the world while he is at his end. But the amored man didn't comply with the man and he was about to strike the young child however the mist simply dissappeared before ritsuko could see the horrors of seeing a father watch his son die a painful death right in front of him.

The next image she showed was her homeland russia although in a different era before her, however she didn't even speak this time but rather let the disturbing imagery do the talking, she touched the side of her right cheek and looked at her hand, it was covered in blood the color, the texture, and she was covered in the blood of the innocent.. Before ritsuko could even respond to the horrors she witnessed she felt something surge from her gut an into her throat. Her breakfast, peaches and oatmeal unfortunately, came spewing out, covering the ground beneath her." This had to be the most vile thing she's ever seen in her entire life, the blood of people ranging from the eldery to children no older then five or six.

Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:43 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914
Somewhere a light flickered before inevitably succumbing to the dark. As the coughs of a dying man graced the corner dwelling stilled. His body ransacked by disease, shriveled by age. His mouth ajar in his ragged dying breath his eyes ajar to gaze at the world he would never see again. And as his body lied there, after succumbing it was reanimated, threads countless numbers of them devoured the flesh and allowed the old man a semblance of life.

But there was no beauty in this, there was no soul. No spark of life within to give him the feelings of a man. There was only loathing, hatred, fury, malice within. His decrepit remains crawled from his bed. His ragged fingernails took from his blanket and threw it to the side. While inami watched the sight before her without bemusement. They were dull those eyes of hers. Like a fish they had no shine, they merely glanced at the woman who currently had the fluids of her stomach splattering across the ground.

Oh how she heaved! OH HOW SHE GREIVED! How she was appalled by the word. OH how she regretted. HOW she lamented!!!!! Yet inami did not care. As she glanced down at the girl from tip of her nose. Her voice crawling across the girl like a thousand insects. She raised her hand and another image formed this time in the vomit. As the particles of food were devoured by insects that crawled from the ground. Now it was children. Hundreds of them, missing or on the streets and one by one they were hunted. Tortured brutally and killed. A single man did this.

In this picture this man continued to kill more and more. He slaughtered them all one by one for joy, for glee; because it gave him satisfaction. Inami let these images fill her mind, and she slowly curled her lips at the girl before her. It wasn’t Ritsuko only at fault but, Inami wasn’t going to let her get off lightly for uttering those words so as her lips parted she spoke in a dull tone that had the glacial chill of death, yet bemusement at her suffering.

” La Bestia, Luis Garavito. A man who is known to be a child-killer, torturer and rapist. He was documented to have killed 147 people within 5 years in columbia. It’s speculated these numbers are much greater though. He was only sentanced to 22 years in jail.”

The next one was even worse, young girls between the age of and 12 . Hundreds of them killed by the single male. Their bodies put on display, slaughtered as if they where nothing. This man got off on their deaths and yet as inami slowly shrugged watching the scene without feeling even the slightest bit of remorse she slowly did say something about this murderer. Who in the image was slowly torturing a young girl, slicing off their skin bit by bit until he had skinned her entire arm. Only then did he begin to skin the muscle in accordance to how it was. Seperating tendons, hitting every nerve within the girls body before killing her.

“The monster of the andes. Pedro Lopez, did you know the ecuador government released this man who killed 110 little girls, and admitted to killing 240 more in other countries? Want to know what he said to them? “

She whispered as if she was sharing an intimate joke with a lover. Her voice gentle like the breeze as it fell on ritsuko’s ears.

”He said, I like the girls in Ecuador, they are more gentle and trusting, more innocent."

Inami looked at how ritsuko looked and allowed one of the dead images so slowly look up at ritsuko, its hand gripping her stockinged foot. Her eyes long since decayed away, a centipede crawling from her eye. You could still see the wounds, the torture marks and the sickening way the girls leg was snapped to one side and her jaw was shattered in three places, the girl asked in a pained voice, as if she still could feel the pain from her injuries.

”..Why did i have to die sis?. . Why did i have to be injured.”

Soon ten other hands reached out but the fog dissipated back into a soft fog and inami paused and looked at the girl before her. She showed more images, more serial killers. Hundreds of people died , slaughtered tortured, and then killed by unspeakable means. A child tied up and dragged behind a car until they died from blood loss. A mother smothering their child to death. And soon she spoke as the images paused for now with a little sigh.

”..When you said my claims were bullshit, where you justifying all the innocent people that died? How about these people. Can you explain to them why some of their killers walked free. Serial killers are a part of your society. Even if you veiw them as monsters they are creatures born from society. They use the guns you make for “defense” they use the phones you make for “communication” Companied sell them stuff, they take money from them like any other. “

Inami’s hand slid and then gestured at the skyscrapers in the distance and spoke slowly.

”..How about this, should there be any difference between the treatment of those in that skyscraper over there? “

Inami slowly then gestured to the decrepit slum around them and shook her head lightly, and her lip curled in disdain.

”And here? In this place? By calling what i’ve said bullshit, you’ve also stated that this difference in treatment is justified. I personally could care less, but the fact you feel this is right makes you even sicker than me~”

Inami giggled lightly at that statement, since there was seldom anything sicker than her other than humans that is!

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] LzZCuy7
The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] BtXe12b
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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:33 am

The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

She could hear a man coughing in utter pain his body was old and wrinkled used the last moments of his life to take one final breath until he just layed their with eyes similar to a dead goldfish.

Another image began to form in her own vomit many insects were devouring the left over food from her meal if only they could see what she sees, then they wouldn't have much of an appatite. The images this time was of children and oh boy did ritsuko not enjoy one bit of it having innocent childrens lives taken away from them all because of one man wanting to fulfill is twisted fantasies, as their skin was being peeled off like band-aid she could see the red muscle fibers and bone move and twitch as the girl screamed however no one else could hear them but the man torturing her. The most vile part was that the woman just looked at it like it was completely normal she wasn't affected by this at all, she didn't even show one ounce of remourse im her body. She continued watched as the man jerked off on their lifeless bodies not being able to respond back, and threw them away like garbage nobody in the world should be treated as such.

The man began to slaughter the children one by one however she couldn't tell what the figure looked like due to the dim lights filling the streets only seeing a dark silhouette however she got her answer when the woman gave the identity of the man and his name was Luis Garavito, spewing information such as how many people he killed and how it was done within the last five years, the confusing part was how he was able to do this without ever being caught hell did the police even try to catch him?? Whatever the case the worst part is that he was only sent to 22 years in prison twenty-two fucking years and the judge didn't reconsider it to maybe life in prison.

That is completely insane what kind of goverment would allow a person like that free due to him becoming completely sane after being held in psyhiatric ward for god knows how long, did these idiots forget that he killed innocent fucking children and they're letting him go away scott free due to him being in "good condition". What about the families of those young girls don't they care about their feelings? If something like that happened to her family she'd be downright pissed off and probably would kill the bastard her damn self....the families want justice and they never recieved it...

One of the deceased images got a grip on her stocking, as she turned to stare at the child's souless black eyes a bug was emerging from her eye as if it was finished chewing at the girls innards; she got a very distinct look on the girls wounds a couples of burn marks, some stab wounds and her jaw was set into three different places. The girl looked at ritsuko and asked of why she had to die she couldn't answer utterly speechless she wanted to save her from this nightmare and bring her to eternal peace but what can she do, she's not a miracle worker just an ordinary quincy...ten more hands were about to emerge from the fog almost wanting to her down with them to plead about why they had to leave this world. Just then another image appeared as a child being dragged behind a car as their skin made contact with the concrete road until the car went at a much faster speed the bones were cracking from her body the tissue were suffering more than first-degree burns and the face was barely recognizeable when they were done.

Ritsuko just wanted this nightmare to end, she couldn't handle any more of this if she was she'd probably go completely insane and have those images forever lodged in her brain until the end of her days never being able to get a good night's rest only hearing the cries and moans of those innocent people who got killed without society helping them in their times of need.

She just looked at her with eyes of pleading that the woman would stop her mental scarring and just let her go back to where she came from, if she got a good look it was similar to how the man pleaded to a soldier about sparing his son's life.
"Please....stop it i can't take it anymore"

"Why are you doing this too me, don't you have feel any sort of god damn remorse for these people they had hopes and dreams only for it to be taken away from them!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as her nose sniffled, she felt like a child being forced to do something there not supposed to only worse. waiting for an answer from the woman.

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:07 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914
“Remorse? What do you mean, will that bring them back? They are already in new lives, new bodies without memories of the old. It’s a cycle that never ends until time itself is done.”

Inami felt no stirring of emotion other than a feral giddy glee at the tears that befell the girls cheeks. She then shifted her eyes to inspect her nails as if she was looked for a chip in the perfect manicure. Her fingers gleaming cobalt in the muted light. Slowly now she let her gaze shift back to glance at Ritsuko, a brow arched at her tears, at her fears. She snickered softly and spoke once more.

”..Remorse is a means of justifying the vile atrocities your ilk permits. It doesn’t change anything, it just soothes your weak consciousness.”

The queen cracked her neck from one side to the other and reached up as a rope formed from the mist and her fingers curled around it. The old man who had been formed into a puppet kneeling over and pressing his head into the slot of a guillotine. The queen palmed the rope as she glanced at ritsuko with those pitiless eyes, her grin bisecting her face as she pulled down the lever with a jerk. Soon with a sickening thud the head rolled off and the body slumped and died. But this was just the beginning as the queen said in a sing-song voice as if she was reciting a kind of poem.


Then the image shifted and the head reattached, now the smoke became a chair and he sat within it, trapped by leather ropes as a metal bowl was pressed to his head. Inami lazily flipped a switch and soon the body began to convulse, shivering spasmodically as the scent of burnt flesh filled the air with it’s rancid odor. The queen watched in contempt the girl before her. As she was enlightened upon the atrocities of man, the atrocities borne from her society. Even now as the body rattled around the queen wasn’t done yet. Oh no, she snapped and this time once more th image began to shift as she murmurred.

”Electric chair”

The next one the body was tied to the ropes and the horses had been whipped. Foaming at the mouth they pulled frantically with all their might, bones creaked and a listless scream left the fake old mans mouth. Blood frothed as one limb came off, then another came out with their entire collar bone. They had been ripped apart by these hoses as the queen shrugged and spoke as if this was an after thought, the horses fading even as they galloped off in four directions.

”.. Drawn and quartered.”

Next was a man who had been tied up, bamboo growing through their body bit by bit. This bamboo would have eventually grown entirely through them, but this process would take months and it caused the individual to scream in pain most deliciously. For her pals sake she sped it up considerably so she would be able to see it. The queen raised a hand to her lips and let out a yawn as if this was tame, and not worthy of being an atrocity.

After a male was being slowly cut apart while alive, bit by bit they shave flesh from him, as if they were carving a slab of mutton to make gyro’s. This process revealed ribs, bones and all other kinds of organs even as the individual was still alive. Parts of his skull gleamed in the light. His nose was missing, and even fingers had been whittled to bone. But each time they bled the wounds had been burnt shut. In doing so the victim was being kept alive as long as possible. The queen mumbled.

”Death by a thousand cuts.”

Afterwards the queen stopped speaking she just let the mist continue showing horrific images of how people would be killed, impaling, being crucified. Being ripped apart by animals, being water boarded, Gas chamber, Suffocation. All these methods were shown to ritsuko as she murmured in a velvety voice that could be mistake for endearing but was completely sinister. She had no intent of letting ritsuko go for now, she merely wished to see what would happen when the truth was completely exposed to this girl, so she tapped her chin with her finger and said.

”Out of all the supernatural races, Humanity is the king of creativity when it comes to murder. Your Societies created these abominations, not us, and yet you still protect it~ Aren’t you the naive little sycophant. “

Soon the queen stopped talking her head cocking to the side in a purely animalistic fashion. She wished to use this one for something. To tinker to her heart's content. How the craving gnawed at her flesh and knocked within her bones with a vengeance! But she instead allowed one of her eyes to pierce the shadow, glowing with a faint green beneath the heterochromia. She was bemused by the female that stood before her. And she was going to see how much more she could take.

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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] LzZCuy7
The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] BtXe12b
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The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] Empty Re: The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open]

Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:52 pm

The Gospel Of The Depraved [New York Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The old man she gazed upon earlier was now a mindless puppet to the woman forcing his head into the slot of the guillotine staring into those dark eyes of his as the woman pulled the lever with a hard jerk, the went down instantally until a soft thud could be heard as the man's head rolled off from the rest of his body normally the human body can still survive with their head being chopped off but only for a few seconds. Like a nursery rhythme children listen to while the teacher reads it in a singing like tone of voice however instead of a happy, light-hearted tune designed for children it was now the complete opposite everything was more dark, gritty, gruesome with each and every single vision showing the more creative ways of how humans can die.

The image had now transformed into something else, the man's once removed head was reattached from his body as the guillotine now transformed into an electric chair with the sides having two brown ropes and a metal-like object on the top the man was spazzing out as the electricity began flowing throughout her body his flesh had a smell of burnt meat and decaying flesh falling off his body. It felt like endless torture for the man, the endless curse of never being able to die....everyday he would experience death if she could read minds the man would probably want this nightmare to end and move on to the next life no longer a low-class citizen but a soul in the soul society.

The women then snapped her fingers and once again the main was subdued to another form of torture and this ritsuko has seen before but only in movies their were four horses around the man each rope tied to a limb on his body two for the arms and two for his legs. The horses were whipped causing them to run away from the however the only thing standng in the way of their freedom was the mans limbs; they ran and ran as fast as they could each hoove was galloping on the dirt as each limb slowly came off the man. He screamed to the top of his lungs until he was nothing more than a stump the horses themselves galloped away before being poofed away by the woman's mist.

Every single death imaginable was unfolding right in front of her from the quick and easy gas chambers used by the nazi's against jews in the concentration camps to the more long and torture such as waterboarding to gain secret information about a leader of organization. Ritsuko would do the logical thing and run away from the woman, but what good would that do? She'd probably catch up to her instantly and do something far worse than mental scarring.

So she wasn't going to let this go any longer, it'd be best to at lewst show o the woman that she's not a helpless woman so immediately ritsuko stood up and activated her spirit weapon which was the form of a dragonov sniper weighing about 10 pounds complete with a vented, two-piece wooden handguard/gas tube cover and a skeletonized wooden thumbhole stock equipped with a detachable cheek rest; having her sights set on the mysterious woman despite these she wasn't going to just stand their and endure any more torture. "Let me leave or i'll shoot" however her entire body was immediately were shaking with fear the woman could even see it in her's instinct for humans to make quick decisions when it comes to their survival and this was no exception.

Even though she wasn't physically hurting her being mentally tortured was worse, whatever the case her gun was shaking the scope on her sniper one drop of sweat beading down her head.

However something in the back of her mind made her hestitate to shoot, was it the overwhelming fear she or was she afraid of suffering the same fate as the man? If she shoots now and misses what'll happen to her then will her whole entire life being a puppet to her twisted mind games into a neverending cycle of life and death for the next victim she meets. causing her sniper to disspate into nothing and just stared at the woman perhaps this woman was teaching her a lesson, and if so she was going acknowledge how right she was. "I learned my lesson okay, you was right and i wrong. people like us are the reason why we're about to kill ourselves were nothing but a sea of death like you said"

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