Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:36 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Things were back on track. Everything was going as he'd intended, even if the last few months had been far too busy for his liking; terrorists striking across the world, various parties coming to meet with him before schedule, and no shortage of violent outbursts. Today, the outburst of note could be seen in Yaksha's left hand, which was peeled nearly raw, and bleeding freely; his skin kept attempting to grow back, no matter how badly he attempted to dissuade the behavior, and so he had begun roughly scrubbing it against a swathe of sandpaper he'd had installed just beneath his desk. Normally, such pain would've frustrated him, left him angry for the distraction...but today, he felt he needed it. The hunger was worse than it had been in centuries.

He'd exerted himself these last few months, his already pitiful reserves nearly on empty now. He felt like a car chugging along with the gas light on, warning him that at any moment his body could stall, could lock up entirely as...things. Far older than him, far lesser than him, and far, far more patient than him, so hideously patient that it made him terrified to think about. Took over. Yaksha prided himself on his patience, and his time-management skills; at his age, even being able to think in terms of months and weeks was a difficult task, and today it was getting especially hard to notice the bleeding over of time.

He'd set up some soothing music, to blast through the room; something that he could really enjoy, something that felt like it could calm the
cacophonous din in his own head. It felt like a hurricane was swirling through it, scouring it of all logical thought, of all meaningful discourse. Phrases he'd loved to espouse in the past now seemed meaningless and brittle, stained with the passage of time. He was, in some small way, terrified of this most of all; that he'd speak an old turn of phrase erroneously, that his talent with language would fade first. He would prefer to give the body over to another, over lacking the right words.

The door to the room was opened, carefully, by a single man. He was dressed in a suit, and examined the room carefully, as if seeking traps, before entering. Yaksha turned to him, eyes narrowing, and then rose a finger. He weaved it through the air, like a conductor's baton, following an invisible orchestra, eyes closed, as the music reached a crescendo. His other hand was clenched into a fist, below the surface of the desk, the pain ebbing through his form, obliterating every treacherous, poisonous worry that this would be forever, that he would break and feast before he had a chance to finish his aspirations here, that he would lose everything before he could even toast to his future prospects.

"You're not one of the new hires. I don't know all of their names by heart, but...I should know yours. Something Indian. Rakh?"

"Very good sir. There's a...woman."

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you? It's not right, messing with an old man's memories. Rakh was...the gentleman on the cross. Yes, that's right. Are you entirely certain that's you? The man on the cross?"

"Kazakhstan, sir. You got the name correct, at least."

"...Really? Damn, this mind of mine. Take note that I will be checking my employee records. Should I find out you're lying to me, or covering for a coworker, I'll have to call you in here for a less pleasant conversation."

"Right you are sir. About the woman?"

"I don't have any appointments, so I can only assume there's a woman who absolutely -demands- to speak to the proprieter? Have her know I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Sir, you can take as long as you like. But she...appears to be cheating."

This time, Yaksha said nothing; his love of clarity and brevity was well-known by now, and a dull, empty silence was all the invitation most employees needed to get verbose, and creative, in their explanations.

"You...told us to look out for dozens of methods. We watched all the videos. She's using methods we've never seen before. We suspect she's not a normal human being."

"...And her identification checks out?"

"Yes sir. One Blodsutgytelse Bjornsson. She's a detective of sorts."


"Yes sir. Very distinctive."

"I can think of precious few people that distinctive. Show her up, please. By the time she arrives, I should be ready."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:52 am


Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja - or Blodsutgytelse, and the named suited her - was having fun in the casino. Who knew it was so easily to make this amount of money just by throwing some dice. She had watched others and saw that they relied on their luck for the dice to hit the numbers they wanted. She couldn't understand why people didn't use their skill to win. Why they would place themselves so deeply in the hands of Lady Luck. Because that wasn't what Mirja was doing, she was throwing the dice with snap-wrist movements that controlled how they dice fell, and how they rolled.

The slot machines were also fun. With her ability to percieve Tera-Sonic speeds, a rolling machine was nothing to her. So she hit Jackpot. On six seperate machines. She was looking at the poker for a moment before two men approached her and asked her to follow them. Sure, she thought. This was a reward for being such a really good player, she thought. And so she was led upstairs to a a fancy room in which stood a fancy mand and there was the intense smell of blood. She wondered how the humans didn't smell it, but maybe they didn't want to smell it. So she just acted like a normal girl and gave a curtsy. Scandanavians were legendary for theirr beauty, and Blodsutgytelse was no exception. Soft, deeply white skin and blue eyes, as well as pale blonde hair and a slender form. She had no shortage of people ogling her, and it wasn't for the dress that matched her skin in colour and beauty. Currently the runes protected her identity, and so she was not Mirja, she was Blodsutgytelse. At least, skin-deep.

"Hello, sir. Thank you for inviting me to your lovely building. I had a lot of fun with the games downstairs. The people all seem to be playing it wrong, but I am not one to judge. So, have you brought me up here because I was really good and you have an upper tier game you want-" she paused, as her brain caught on to the smell. That, was hollow blood. Spiritually, at least. The physical smell was human, which meant there was only one man that this could be. "- me to play?" She asked. Deciding to go along with whatever Yaksha had planned. It would be fun, after all.

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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:18 am

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Yaksha remained seated, his expression pleasant, oddly delighted, but there was there. His lips were curled a bit too much, his eyes canted at the wrong angle, his outfit was faintly wrinkled...he looked like someone trying their vest best to emulate something they only hardly understood. He rose one hand, unmarred with blood or gore, and gestured for the guards to step outside. They did so, without a word, and Yaksha could be seen quivering in the seat, nearly vibrating with positive energy as he opened a drawer, pulling out a small brown bottle, and spooning out a generous measure of what appeared to be a fine white powder upon the desktop. He slowly and carefully began to push it into a line, still never speaking, as he looked at the woman in front of him.

There was nothing there, nothing in the slightest, to support his assumption that it was Mirja Eola. He had no way of confirming it was her, save for a single hesitation that was out of place. But in his current state of mind, this was hardly even relevant. He was hungry, and he needed something to buy him a few minutes of...reasonably mortal discourse. So he leaned his head down, snorting up enough cocaine that it probably could've bought a small island in the modern economy. He closed his eyes, wincing as he felt it tear at his sinuses...which immediately healed, leaving him only feeling more ravenous. But now there was a certain clarity behind it all. A purpose once more. He wasn't merely hunger; there had been days, lately, where that worried him more than something else. That he'd look into a mirror and simply see a giant, gaping black maw. Something that gobbled down everything it saw.

But now, he could remember more clearly. There was a point to all of this, and it -wasn't- to eat himself sick, and run off into the sunset. As appealing as that seemed right now. He pushed up from his chair, and began to speak with a mouth that felt...numb. His own cadence was nearly horrendous, so fraught with inappropriate pauses and elongation of syllables that it could almost be believed he was some manner of machine. But he plowed forward, confident his words wouldn't fail him at a moment like this.

"There is a saying in Las Veegis. The House alwayz wins. This is to mean that people come expected to lose. They do not mind. Prepare to fail, and victory will always delight. You are not to be blamed for your ignorance. This must all be To you. But the games are designed with an expectation of...fairity. It is less like a swordfight and more like a dance. You follow your partner, and wait for a mistake."

He turned back towards his desk, hands folded together behind his back. The bloody, raw limb had already regenerated, but it, and shiny, as if it had recently been dunked in boiling hot water, or very badly sunburned. He hardly seemed to notice as he drew a deck of cards, shuffling it slowly. His eyes still never left Mirja's, as he smiled once more. It was, like all the rest, subtly wrong, showing too much teeth and not enough humor.

"Humor me? We will play Texan Hold 'Em. It is a classic. I would like to show you how to enjoy the tension."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:03 pm


Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja stood and gave a nice smile as Yaksha wandered about. He seemed a lot more distracted than usual. But was that bad? I mean, he did have a lot of things to be doing with his casino. And an incredibly busy mind like his would struggle to really know what it was doingin times when it was not doing what it was made to do by being busy. Well, that was what she was going for and that is what she would stick too regardless of how smart it may, or may not be. That was just the kind of girl she was.

"That is a very strange saying. Why would you come preparing to fail? I mean, if you lose nothing then I can understand that mindset, but you can lose a great deal if you let it go to your head which I have seen a lot of people do" she spoke with a Scandanavian drawl, some words hard to understand, so heavy and thick was the accent. "To have games such as that to be a matter of luck and hope rather than skill. THis world has really grown some strange people. Sometimes, I feel I should have just stayed home and never developed as I did" she muttered, following him to the desk.

She made a very overt look to his sunburned hand, but did not say anything about it. It was clear that Blodsutgytelse was prompting Yaksha to say something about it and if he wasn't going to say anything she would let it lie because she wasn't the kind of girl to probe that deeply into anything like this.
"Of course. Texan Hold Them sounds interesting. The game of cards doesn't seem like something that has any bearing on one's ability that I could see, so I avoided it. But if you wish, then I will be honored"

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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:26 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Hands moved with the surety and fluid grace of muscle memory, even as the mouth moved slowly, wordlessly, as if trying to remember something far more complicated than a game that had been played dozens of times in the past. He shuffled the deck carefully, eyes still never leaving hers as she spoke. She mentioned 'staying home', but something about it fell flat for him. And her eyes alighted on his hand for a single moment, but he hardly even noticed as he set three cards down, directly in the center of the table. The ten of spades; the two of clubs; the ten of hearts. He examined them for a few moments, chewing on his lower lip...hard enough to draw blood in fact.

"This is a good starting hand. For both of us. The objective is to have a hand with a higher rarity value than the opponent. Four tens will beat three tens, two tens and three twos will beat four tens, and so on. I can provide you with the list, but it is easy to guess which hand is rarest."

He paused, inhaling several times; heavy, labored breaths, as if these words alone had been an effort akin to lifting a heavy weight and carrying it a very long distance. Or as if he'd dredged the words from somewhere very far away. Then, with a spurt of motion that was almost shocking in its unexpectedness, he flicked two more cards at her, and set two more in front of himself.

"Three times, we will bet. Now. After I reveal a fourth card. Then after I reveal the fifth. If at any point you fear losing, you may surrender, and save resources for the next fight. It is a game where it is best to lose at times."

He picked up his own cards, examining them, and then exhaling.

"We will, in the end, pick of three of the five cards shown on the table, to go with the two we keep secret until the end. This will determine the victor."

He met her gaze again, one eye beginning to wander around the room, rolling around randomly, as if it were seeing nothing at all, as he sniffed. A faint trickle of blood came from one nostril.

"The skill comes from determining the chances that you are being led into a trap, and forced to waste resources. But the weapons are randomly assigned, leaving each side with an opportunity. Your first wager, Bjornsson?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:28 pm


Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja looked at Yaksha, then her cards, then back to Yaksha. He was literally falling apart, which was no good. Arrancar had regeneration, to certain degrees. She could probably also get that if she developed her Hollow side, but she hadn't really gone that far into the deep. So she was just Mirja plus Hvit. And this was not her. Maybe Mirja had truly fooled Yaksha. Maybe he was playing along but either way, she was not a girl to sit playing cards. Cards were so boring. With Cards, nobody got punched and nothing went snap and gods, it was no fun at all.

So she tapped her cards against the table and stood up, a wave of her hand saw smoke roll off the woman's body. Ears spawned, and a tail, as well as a truly ominous aura. As if death could come at any second.
"Well, this is what you do for fun? No wonder you are such a fuddy duddy. But seriously, we are going to play cards while you fall apart in front of me? I'm sure you can find someone better and more patient to play cards with but you know I am niether. So lets go fix you" She exclaimed, turning back to Yaksha and fixing her silver eyes on him. Deep eyes, like the endless abyss. They had grown in such stature since they had last met.

"You are a dude guy of much prominence. A nice little casino and a lot of drugs. Sure you have strange stuff about here and wierd people that actually like too lose but you are Yaksha, how can I let you fall apart in front of me if there is something I can do about it to prevent you from falling apart. It's just, no"

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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:53 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Again, the twitching of an eyelid. The faintest tremble of a hand. But he didn't give a single reaction to Mirja's sudden appearance, or the commentary she felt like giving. He simply sighed, hands resting on the top of the desk, and his eyes shutting for a few slow, unreal moments. It almost felt like he was in a fever dream, and all of this would fade out, to be replaced by something equally absurd.

"Don't use that phrase, Mirja. Don't speak to me of 'let's'. I don't need your charity. I am perfectly capable of feeding myself, even in this diminished form. You...still don't understand, and I despair that I will never be able to get you to understand. You continue to give away for free things that others would consider incredibly value. All the same, I'm...glad to see you. A familiar face is just what I need right now."

He swiped up the cards again, shuffling them slowly, and placing them in the back pocket of his suit. It was a very expensive, and very ostentatious suit, and he had somehow managed to keep it meticulously neat even in the middle of a catastrophic meltdown. He rose, with an oddly boneless quality that brought to mind a puppet with cut strings, and then tilted his head to the side.

"You...don't even make an effort to understand, after a certain point, Mirja. You just write it off as weird, or silly, and go about your life with blessed ignorance. It's fascinating to behold. But it won't avail you here. I am not a child to be pampered. This is a fast, not a cry for help. I will earn that which I obtain."

He walked towards a wall, in that same oddly boneless way, placing a hand against a panel that looked, for all purposes, identical to each other panel, and then exhaled in delight as it opened, revealing a swirling portal that could almost immediately be identified as a garganta.

"Gambling is the highest expression of conflict, Mirja. All of life is about gambling. All we can do is attempt to extract value from the hectic hubub around us. To turn the chaotic background noise of the universe into patterns we can recognize."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:20 pm


Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Yaksha, was an oddity. Mirja kept him around because she liked oddities, they were different. They were more than she could predict, more than she could comprehend. And that intreiged her, that made her want to know, and in doing so drove a lust for knowledge. She would probably never understand the way Yaksha thought, but that was the fun of it. And the way he thought about her was all wrong. Not that that was surprising, Mirja was very hard to understand herself, even The Wolf didn't know what she was doing most of the time. It just happened.

"Ohh, Yaksha. Not sticking my Zanpaktou through your head and sending you off to the Soul Society is charity. The rest is because I am bored. You dragged me away from the fun I was having and I am not going to get back to it without fighting woefully unprepared humans. They will try to drag me somewhere and I will have to break their spine so they just sit there and leave me alone while I am playing. Thus, I have to use you to entertain myself, and you are looking like shit, so fixing that is my entertainment" Mirja looked about the place, but couldn't find anything fun to do, so she 'accidentally' dusted all his cocaine off the desk with her tail.

"If it's a fast then it is stupid and I am here to punch you until you stop being stupid. Because all a fast is going to achieve is you going nutjob mode, and then someone like me coming down and making you go pop. Then you are off to the Soul Cycle and the world has lost a Yaksha. Which sucks. And of course I don't make an effort to understand. What did understanding ever do for a girl like me? I just punch people and make dresses. If anyone tries to take advantage of that and abuse my charity and good nature, the next gift they get from me is a pair of concrete shoes and me showing them exactly how they work"

"In closing. Fasting is stupid, you are stupid, and I am bored. Let's go kill something"

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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:07 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"Absolutely not, Mirja. You're not listening. I will sit here, patiently, and continue starving, until you stop dismissing me and actually pay attention to what I have to say. Fasting has been a tried and true method of both activism and discipline in those needful of such things. I see no reason I should be excluded from such a circumstance merely because of my race."

He turned away from the garganta, pressing his shoulderblades against the wall, and sliding his legs out slowly, until it very nearly looked like he was going to fall onto his ass...but instead he slid down, ever so slowly, until he faced Mirja from a sitting position, eyes still twinkling with that stubborn, and delighted light. He was once again faced with a person of legendary stubbornness, someone who simply would not give his words any credence. It was as if he were trying to sew seeds on steel.

"There is entertainment to be found here, if you know where to look. Forcing it where it has no place is just wrong, Mirja. Stop trying to make things work the way you feel they should, and come sit with me. We can discuss your new apprentice. I'm curious about where Mr. Franz is headed next. You can continue to dismiss me as stupid, but it won't change anything. You're in my city now, and I am trying to expose you to something new. Stop acting like a spoiled child who would rather have pudding before their meet, and let me show you how the fine art of gambling works."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] Empty Re: Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja]

Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:21 am


Slim Odds[Yaksha/Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja scoffed and waved an arm at Yaksha.

"Well, no. Of course I am not listening. Because what you are saying is dumb, and I don't listen to people that say dumb stuff. Because it is dumb, and stupid and also boring. I mean, who are you trying to impress with this little stunt? I mean, honestly. Fasting is a tried and true method of people without the balls to actually go and do something about their activism and discipline. They jusy sit while the people who are actually making a difference do all the work and then when it finally happens they go 'yay, me sitting here doing fuck all was the reason for our victory, go me. Now lets go down to the pub, I could murder a kabab'"

Mirja seemed to have rather a passionate view on the world. And while discussions with Yaksha always amused her, they always riled her as well. But with Mirja being who she was, being riled was a good thing. If you were doing something or talking about sometning that you couldn't muster emotion enough to be riled over, then it wasn't worth discussing in the first place.

"I don't do hints. I don't do subtle riddles I must figure out. And I don't do words hidden in words" Mirja moved over to Yaksha and picked him up with one hand by the scruff of his neck until he was dangling eye-to-eye with The Wolf. A rather intimidating place to be considering the unerving nature of her eyes. Their silver irises and silver pupils seemed to stare so deeply into the person's very soul. "I'm a spoiled child, you are a petulent child. Stop this useless fasting and then we can talk simply, plainly. Without secret meanings or embelishments, or verbal bullshit. We can discuss your stalker tendencies and I can show you how the fine art of a good fight works. Seems like we are equally interested in what the other wants to show"

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