Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ye Olde Guarde
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Break On Through [PRIVATE] Empty Break On Through [PRIVATE]

Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:43 am

Kei Makabe

Kei was on a mission again. She was once again the supporting officer for this small team. Oddly enough, it was the same team... And the same mission. They had not apprehended the Hollow before it retreated into the World of the Living. It was a bit of a shame towards Kei, but she'd do her best to fix this. However, there wasn't much for her to do just yet. Her only glory and removal of shame would be when the members of her team came back successful and unscathed. That would be her mark on the mission

It was the middle of the afternoon. The sun hung at a nice 45-degree angle. It wouldn't fall and change the colors of the sky yet. There were definitely a few more hours left until then. This was great for Kei as the dark and her never really got along. She was skilled enough with Kidou to lower the power of Byakurai to make it a small lantern. That was the extent of that skill however. She couldn't make it bright or nullify whatever horrors lurked within the shadows. That type of power was beyond her.

Kei and her team had just emerged from Karakura forest. They were still technically within the forest, but they had reached one of its edges. The trees ended in a small, grassy field which came up short at a road. The Hollow wasn't there. They had reached the border of two of the forest's sides, not counting the one they left from. That only left one direction...

"I found you, pitiful Shinigami!" The call came from below. Two arms wider than a man was tall burst from the ground ahead of them. It knocked two of Kei's comrades away. Or was it... up? Down? It was hard to tell. They were buried in dust as the Hollow pulled itself out of the ground. It... was so oddly-shaped. The arms were massive, almost as long as a three-story building. The actual Hollow, however... was barely the size of a pony. Most of that was taken up by its large, jagged mask. It had apparently skipped every day but arm day and tooth day.

Kei drew her Zanpakutou in anticipation of having to fight it. She'd be the last line of defense. She had to be. She was, after all, a medic.

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Break On Through [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Break On Through [PRIVATE]

Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:42 am



Break On Through [PRIVATE] 6EdIfMt

The day was a little off, Erika had been outside in the forest for a few days to hone her skills which she could not maintain inside the walls of Karakura. She sought the peace and sometimes hostile environment of the forests to assist her in her labours. It seemed however that something was happening, something very bad. She was woken from her light slumber and used her reikaku to seek out the energy signatures nearby. A group of shinigami and a hollow, stronger than them, significantly stronger.

The Shinigami sprung into action with shunpo and appeared in the midst of the group, the hollow appeared to be sadistic and wanted to draw out their deaths. That was a good thing since it meant chance of fatality was low and the group wouldn't all be butchered. Despite her speed the young woman arrived to see most of the unit had been disabled except for the person she assumed to be the healer. Either way she wasn't going to see any action for today, maybe next time but as of right now the young woman manifested an array of swords around the hollow.

"It's over you monster, be purified and move on"

Once she finished speaking Erika pointed towards the massive hollow which would only serve to be a very large target as the many blades all flew towards it and converged on the single point of its mask. While a smaller and more nimble target might've avoided it the cumbersome hollow was not that strong compared to Erika being only near the mid-threes in power and so it was overwhelmed and faded away from its cleansing.

Turning back her attention shifted towards Kei and her group, the swords disappeared with the hollow and left no trace of any form of encounter other than the blood that was on around them. She went to Kei first, checking her for injury and trauma of any kind.

"Hello? Are you okay? My name is Erika. You're alright and so is everyone else but they'll need your help."

She wanted to make sure the woman was completely here. In some cases fear took over and people froze so she need to make sure that the healer was completely aware of her surroundings while Erika used shunpo to gather up all the unconscious and wounded shinigami to lay around her.

"If you're alright would you mind helping me with them? They'll need to recover but otherwise they'll all be fine. I gave you my name may I get your's and the purpose for your group being here."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Gamma on Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Break On Through [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Break On Through [PRIVATE]

Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:53 pm

Kei Makabe

Kei was ready to swing. She was ready to cleave it in two. She felt her Zanpakutou heat up. She'd have to do this now. Now. Now. No—Reiatsu. It was nowhere near Lilith's strength. It was a high-ranking Lieutenant at worst, and a new Captain at best. The Hollow raised one of its large hands, blocking out some of the sun. It reared the arm back for a punch. The Reiatsu came closer. Kei blocked the punch with her Zanpakutou. It nearly sent her flying. Instead, it just dug her feet into the ground. Two small ditches formed as she was pushed away. The Hollow roared. The Reiatsu was in front of Kei now.

It was a young girl who didn't look a year older than Kei. She was somewhat shorter, but Kei was relatively tall for a female. Kei was prepared to fight to the death. This young woman manifested multiple swords—each one collapsing into the Hollow's mask. So that's her Shikai, Kei thought. Despite her decent length of service in the Gotei, she hadn't seen many seated officers' Shikai—let alone a Bankai. It was impressive despite how little she felt was shown. Once the Hollow's mask split, Kei sighed and sheathed her Zanpakutou. She healed the minor cuts she sustained in the surprise attack. Thankfully, she was far enough back to not have been thrown away.

Erika practically snuck up on Kei, who was busy healing herself. She spoke with enough concern to believe Erika actually meant it. Kei almost looked a bit offended with this Erika's tone. Sure, she wasn't used to being this close to where injuries happened, but an injury is an injury. It only looks worse as time goes on. "Yes, I'm fine." Kei dusted a few rocks from her shoulder, then noticed Erika was moving the injured around. She turned serious, as this was getting into where she needed to be calm. "Hey, be careful! We don't know if they have any head trauma. Even a shunpo can cause major issues."

Kei knelt over the most injured-looking, examining him as she hoped he didn't have any brain trauma. Erika's offer seemed nice, but Kei was worried for her comrade's health more than her own. "What kind of medical training have you had?" It seemed as though Erika was trained enough to do basic first aid. "Go to the least injured ones and check their eyes, fingers, and toes for responses. If they can feel them, then patch them up the best you can. If they can't, get me immediately."

Kei removed a chunk of rock from the side of the man lying in front of her. She immediately went focused and held her hands over the wound. Green reiatsu pulsed from her hand as she began using her Kaidou to heal the man. As his Reiatsu and Reiryoku were barely damaged, she was able to fix the hardest part easily. Kei sat in silence for a few more seconds. "Kei." She spoke softly, still focused hard on her patient. "You asked for my name. It's Kei. I'm part of the medical corps of the Gotei Thir—United's Second Division." She still hated that name change. "We were here to track down a Hollow that had escaped from the Soul Society. Why did you help... and exactly who are you? Uh, besides your name. You did give that already..."

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Break On Through [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Break On Through [PRIVATE]

Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:53 am



Break On Through [PRIVATE] 6EdIfMt

Erika snapped to when Kei spoke with more authority, her medical instincts took over and it seemed that she was ready to assert herself in this situation. She stopped suddenly but gently to avoid further damaging the young man she was moving. The young woman knew that Kei was likely much better suited for controlling this situation and she stood there before placing the injured men on the ground carefully

"My mistake. I'm behaving like I am extracting them from a battlefield. I'll take more care."

Erika went about carrying the rest carefully in the group before doing as Kei request and began checking them out, so far it seemed that most were alright and the worst she encountered was a man that was struggling to breathe but she quickly solved the issue with a round of CPR and then used Kaidou to stabilise him that was really her extent of healing, just stabilise until they could be extracted which was a little disappointing that she couldn't be more helpful to Kei.

"I've checked them, the group is fine and stable Kei although a lot of them need rest and time to recover. You probably already know that though, I'm sorry if I seemed rude there, of course you'd know that since you'd specialise in it"

The shinigami stood there and stretched out her body, she was still a little tight in the muscles from her recent snooze and Erika wasn't liking it, once all was in order she looked at Kei wondering whether she should stay or leave, there could be the minute chance of the young woman and her helpless comrades being attacked again and so she stood there and before she could speak the other shinigami seemed to pose a question which Erika almost missed.

"My name's Erika Masamune, I a former member of the Gotei Thirteen although left five years ago for my own reasons, and it's simple as to why I helped. It is my duty as a shinigami to protect people, to preserve life and purify hollows."

While it was a pretty straightforward answer Erika's desire to protect everyone stemmed from her past, the constant failures of saving others and so if she could prevent the terrible fate that almost fell onto Kei she was happy to be of assistance. Taking a opposite Kei the young woman's eyes watched carefully as the medic worked, quite curious and fixated on the way she gracefully and skillfully fixed the man although if she was to talk Erika would jump a little bit since she was so focused on it.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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