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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:33 pm

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt
Artist:The Enigma - Song:Imperfect - Word Count: 1149

A rush of sparks and pressure filled the air, the blade grinding against Ruvik's arm as if it were another weapon. It spilled over the district, buildings cracking and pressing deeper into the ground from the clash. The visor picked up on everything as it happened, scanning Momo's approaching movement, picking up on the surge of spiritual power in Shunsui's body as they prepared to retaliate and picking up on anything else from the world around them. All the data was processed directly into the puppet's brain, allowing the puppeteer to know exactly how things were about to go a few moments in advance. He didn't try to alter the course of history though. Beams of crimson spilled through the sky as the cero formed, poised dead ahead and right for Shunsui and their own building attack. A kido of that level was just a bit stronger than a cero, but it wouldn't be enough to make a huge impact.

As the blade swung. and unleashed the neon-green blade of cutting energy, the crimson blast fired directly at it. The twin forces conflicted, vying for dominance over one another. Spiritual power and pressure washed over them as the crimson beam pushed back against the neon crescent. EVentually, the unstable nature of the cero caused it to explode right between them, taking out most of the kido in the process and slamming an enormous wall of pressure, smoke, and flames against the Shinigami-clad Hollow and the Captain before them. The pale-skinned invader went with the flow, moving backward with the force of the explosion and shrouding himself in the smokescreen created alongside it. They were lightly damaged, but not much. The force of the pressurized cut had left a small gash in their right-hand, but the majority of its power, as well as that of the explosion, was ripped apart by the microscopic blades that covered their skin. As they moved, another attack was well on its way.

Shrouded by the smoke, Ruvik opened their host's mouth and quickly gathered energy once more. It only took a second to harness another cero while the aftermath of the last attack still hadn't subsided. As a master of cero, there were few that could command the fearsome blast as quickly and potently as the Hollow King, and it showed with how little time it took to harness them. A beam of crimson light ripped through the smokescreen, passing riight by Shunsui and instead? It headed right for the approaching Momo. The blast was exceedingly potent, blazing a trail through the sky as it approached it's target. But it did have the slightest downward curve.So if Momo dodged it? The blast would continue onward, heading right for the Rukon district below and toward a series of buildings. The explosion would be enormous, capable of wiping out plenty of territory and any lingering souls unfortunate enough to be close to ground zero.

That served as the distraction, a way to keep the second foe at bay and possibly briefly catch his main target off guard for a moment with the guise of the assault switching to their partner. Almost immediately after the beam of light split the cloud of smoke, the pale invader rushed forward through the air, keeping a close tracker on Shunsui's location through their visor. As they left the cover of smog, their zanpaktou no longer rested in their hand, but clenched between the teeth of their mouth! The blade continued to draw in energy from the Soul Society, ensuring the man lost little, if any power as they attacked Hands-free,the unorthodox creature finally started to kick thing up a notch.'

It was no mistake how fast Ruvik's shell was. They darted through the air at sonic speeds, shattering the sound barrier behind them. With their fists clenched, the man swung one of their arms right for Shunsui's mid-section in a basic, but powerful punch. The wind curved around their fist. the speed and power behind it distorting the space it passed through. Whether dodged or blocked, a wave of pressurized wind would split from the point of impact, sharp enough to lightly cut anything in front of it even if they were a foot or two away. Like before, their skin acted just like a blade, nearly impossible too cut through and easily contending with any bladed weapons that crashed against it. Not a split second later, their other hand rushed toward Shunsui's arm with the same intent as before. Each attack was dangerous, able to easily cut and puncture any unprotected space it grazed against., and there was about to be a lot more of them.

Smiling, the Hollow started a barbaric and brutal assault. They charged forward with a flurry of punches, strikes, chops, and manuvers. It was faster than swiping with a blade and even more deadly with the powers at work. Their intent was simply to test Shunsui's limits in close quarters, pursuing them relentlessly and trying to overwhelm them with sheer might, speed, and superior reaction time. Each movement created a new explosion, hundreds of booms echoing through the district throughout the high-speed assault This would continue until something else happened, whether Momo jumping in to attack, Shunsui responding in some manner other than blocking or evading, or the barrage getting through their defense and landing a crippling, cutting blow against their flesh. There wasn't much else to it. Even so, one couldn't defend against the sheer strength, velocity, and cutting potential of the barrage forever, and the pale being didn't seem to tire in the slightest as it carried on.

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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:30 am


Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The initial clash of shunsui's sword and the enemies hand began to cause the buildings around her began to split and crack from the force of Shunsui and the invader.

The collision between Shunsui's attack in a constant struggle of who can overwhelm the other with their sheer amount of power, luckily Momo wouldn't know the outcome as so much energy was being exerted from the two of them that the forces exploded causing a cloud of smoke to surround both the invader and Shunsui.

A large puff of smoke began to surround the enemy before a crimson beam of red light began splitting the smoke in half and giving her a clear view of where the attack is headed however it wasn't heading towards Shunsui but to her instead, she knew dodging it wasn't going to be a viable option since a blast of that calibur would destroy tons of buildings in the Rukongai district slaughtering more innocent souls.

"Millón Escudo!"
Momo retaliated with of course a Bakudo spell, the barrier would be invisible to the naked eye but once Ruvik's attack made contact with the barrier it would then enlarges to protect Momo and the rukongai buildings beneath her it would also, gathers the energy in one area, and momentarily absorbs the energy from the attack before forcing the attack outward there for dispersing the attack.

[I wasn't sure what level the Bakudo was but a staff member said it was between 70-90 range]

If the barrier was successful in blocking Ruvik's attack Momo could immediately go to the aid of Shunsui the speed at which they were moving was famnomial it even looked as if Shunsui was holding his own but upon closer inspection she could tell that Shunsui wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. The speed of ruvik's his punches would be enough to combat the queen of close quarters combat Yoruichi.

But Momo decided to attack Ruvik with a surprise attack from behind since he he's preoccupied with Shunsui it's only natural to attack from the opponents blindspot. Momo immediately went towards the two combatants exchanging blows with one another and decided to bind ruvik first before initiating an attack with the combined efforts of both her and Shunsui. Bakudo number 63 Sajō Sabaku!
Momo raised her palm up to Ruvik then closed her hand to call down a yellow chain which if it's successful would bind his upper body leaving him open to Momo's barrage of fireballs.

Last edited by MWD on Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:17 pm

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 756

As smoke billowed out around him Shunsui pushed his other senses to the limit to maintain an acceptable awareness of his surroundings. With his vision limited he certainly wasn't as perceptive as he would have been normally, but his hearing was quite good, and if the enemy did nothing to disguise his spiritual pressure then it would be child's play for Shunsui to keep an exact marker of his location. His foe didn't hide their energy though. Instead they seemed to be powering up another attack.

Prepared to react to anything coming his way Shunsui was nonetheless surprised when the cero shot by him and made its way straight towards Momo. Under normal circumstances he would have been able to react in plenty of time, but due to the disorienting nature of the smoke, the fact that he'd expected an attack towards himself, and the fact that he'd already been using his shunpo liberally meant that he was slower than usual. Fortunately Momo seemed to have a handle on it. Relieved, Shunsui turned his attention back towards the enemy once more.

Taking advantage of the little time he had before the enemy was on him once more Shunsui raced towards the ground, where he would have more of an advantage over his opponent. He just managed to plant his feet firmly on the ground before his opponent slammed into him once more. He saw a fist traveling rapidly towards his stomach, and if it was the same kind of attack as before he definitely couldn't let it hit him. Bringing his katana up in the split second he had left, and bracing it with his wakizashi Shunsui managed to block the attack. Almost immediately afterwards though, he realized that another punch was aimed at his arm. Shunsui deftly pivoted his katana so that it still opposed the first fist to land while also being in position to block the new attack. He still received a few cuts to his arms and chest from the sheer force of the blows, but nothing compared to if he had actually taken them full on.

As the smoke cleared away fully Shunsui could see that his opponent now held his blade in his mouth. A strange stratagem to be sure, it was nothing he'd ever witnessed before. At this point the enemy launched his assault in full. The blows came as quickly as Shunsui could react to them, but that was where he shown the most. Over the past four hundred years he had devoted himself to being as efficient as possible with his blades. So even though another as fast as him might have been overwhelmed, Shunsui maintained his defense, conserving all of the energy he could while planning his next attack.

With his plan of attack finally cemented Shunsui focused on his enemy's shadow. He would use two of his abilities in tandem without notifying his opponent so as to gain an immense advantage. First he created an afterimage of himself using Kageokuri. It was a perfect image of himself, powered by the enemy's own spiritual pressure. For the time being it was in the exact same position he was in so to anyone looking on it would appear as if there was no afterimage. Secondly he would use Kageoni, moving into the shadows with his physical body, and leaving his afterimage behind, leaving no one the wiser.

Shunsui was attempting something he'd never done before. He wasn't even sure if it would work, but if it did it would be an incredible diversion. Although his afterimage could be powered completely by his opponent he left a strand of his own energy attached to it. Currently all it could do was stand still, and appear to be damaged, but in this scenario it wasn't believable for him to stop moving entirely. With that in mind he attempted to control the image, if only for a few seconds. The first thing he attempted was to make the image leap backwards. He was successful if slightly sluggish, and the image nearly received a blow to its head. He would continue to maneuver the image backwards so that he could attempt to invade his opponents shadow. If he were successful he would deliver a devastating blow to the enemy by immediately returning from the shadow sword first, stabbing him in the back. He could already feel his control of the image fading though, he would have to move fast.

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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:58 pm

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt
Artist:The Enigma - Song:Kid Buu ST - Word Count: 1750

Ruvik paid little mind to Momo's defense, only keeping the slightest note of them in the back of his visor as he approached his main target. Just as before the Shinigami-clad Hollow rushed right for Shunsui, slamming their fist right into their defending blade as they met along the streets of the district. Another shockwave spilled throughout the area, cracks forming on the ground and windows shattering from the air pressure. This damage got even worse with the second strike, again met by the defending zanpauktou that kept it at bay. Sparks flew and flames danced from scalpal-like edges scraping against the man's blade. The onslaught that followed spelled nothing but destruction for the realm around them.

While Shunsui was fast and skilled enough to parry and dodge, the strength behind each punch was unmistakable. The shockwaves spilled through the district, shattering buildings and structures alike that were close to them. Rubble and debris filled the air but were cast away just as quickly by the next fearsome punch launched toward the Captain. During the barrage, the Hollow didn;t notice the subtle change right away. Their visor began to pick up data, detecting a change in the spiritual essence resonating between them..Still, there was a fragment of Shunsui's power present, enough to temporarily fool the visor. The creature didn't think much of it, pressing their attack continuously. It seemed they lost themselves in their savage assault, pursuing Shunsui as they appeared to flee.

It was at that moment the rope soared toward them and a series of events began to take place in a matter of seconds. Of course, Ruvik was fully aware of it, his visor allowing him to see without blindspots and pick up on many changes in the environment around him. Still, he pretended to be caught up in his own assault, tapping the bottom of his zanpaktou with his teeth. This caused an unseen invisible wave of spiritual energy to disperse from it just as the rope moved around his body. For all intents and purposes, it appeared the man had been bound, shock filling their eyes as it tightened around his body. He stopped in his tracks, the duplicate getting away. In truth? It was just another trap. Due to the wave of energy coming into contact with the bakudo, all the power in it had been stripped away. it wass nothing more than cosmetic at the moment but gave him the appearance of being bound.

Now still, one could even assume it was another Utsusemi clone with how easy things were going, but the energy they gave off was real. There was no mistaking it, this was the real invader unless they somehow developed a way to make their clone even more realistic. But there was a hint of surprise that did actually catch the mad Hollow off guard. It was only a second, but he did see and sense Shunsui appear from nowhere else than the man's very own shadow! They turned their head in surprise, though the worry was feigned. With that split second of time, they altered their body once more.But not in the way most would think.

Rather than prepare for defense, Ruvik dropped the defensive wall of blades around the exact spot the large zanpaktou aimed to pierce. Even his secondary defense that they wouldn't yet be aware of lowered, leaving him just as vulnerable in that specific spot as he appeared to be. But why purposely lower his defenses? Because he wanted to get stabbed. Whether a masochistic lifestyle choice or another nefarious ploy, Shunsui's assault would go exactly as they intended. The blade pierced flesh, blood pouring out from the Shinigami husk's body as the blade cut deep into him. Blood spilled from the host's mouth, nearly spitting out the sword in the process. If they kept going, it would even pierce all the way through, the end of the powerful Shikai driving clean through his stomach on the other side and releasing more blood onto the ground. A feeling of sudden fear and anguish filled the Hollows stolen eyes, such a crippling blow sure to put any man in a seriously wounded state.

Well, it would be if they were dealing with something even the slightest bit Human, anyway.

Instead? That look of fear quickly turned into one of even greater bloodlust and joy than before. A feeling of dread would overtake the Captain if they remained close, the full extent of the Hollow King's boundless killer intent washing over them. The moment they tried to move? They'd find themselve stuck. Inside his host's body Ruvik applied two measures to have the Captain right where he wanted them. Firstly, the nano-machines that acted as a defensive hull to its internal body returned to their steel-like state, locking the sword in place with two walls of compacted nano-machines on each side of it. In addition, a strange black substance would form, both around the nano-machines to reinforce them and around the zanpakto touching the Hollow's skin. The sword would be thoroughly bound in place, and it wasn't the only thing.

The surge of black flooded from the base of the blade lodged in his body. It moved faster than most would comprehend, instantly reaching top speeds without needing to gather momentum, The black essence aimed to crawl up Shunsui's hands, then their arm and restrict it as well! And that was just the start. The black gunk was little more than a distraction and extra insurance for the real threat. Small bumps appeared along the pale Shinigami's back, their hollow-like spiritual pressure becoming more intense around the both of them. The shirt wrapped around the invader's body ripped to shreds as a fragment of the Hollow's true form showed itself.

Dozens of tendrils rushed toward Shunsui's body. All of them were just as fast, if not faster than the man they were fighting, and with the sword bound in the host's chest? There wasn't much of a way to run. They darted for multiple points. Several went for the bound arm itself while a few more went to wrap around Shunsui's other arm that carried the other able blade. Any attempt to block them would be met with failure as the dark essence split around any obstruction to get to their target and form around it, binding it thoroughly in the sea of powerful tendrils. The blade-like skin and nanomachinery also protected the host's body from any desperate attack meant to harm him if the captain took that approach The last few darted right for Shunsui's face...But not to stab him.Rather, the tendrils aim to get close enough to melt down into a goo-like material and cover the Captain's mouth and nose in a thick, tar-like gag. It aimed to both stop them from making any incantations with their kido and prevent them from so much as taking a breath.

And all of that? It was just the beginning.

If the tendrils and the dark essence were able to fully bind Shunsui's arms with their immense choking force, Ruvik would embed them with the same properties as his skin. Suddenly the constricting darkness would carry the same properties as millions of sharp razor blades right against the elder's skin. As they constricted, the blades wouldn't just aim to cut off their arms, but grind them into mincemeat! They would easily be able to shred through flesh and bone, reducing the limbs to nothing more than blood and the powered remained of anything else in the mix. The gag ensured any screams of pain would be muffled and only cost the captain more oxygen in the process.

Lastly, a secondary set of tendrils would dart for part of Shunsui's surfaced body. Like the others they could easily pierce flesh, intending to impale them multiple times and skewer their insides. This was less to cause pain and more to handle the last threat coming for the parasitic abomination. The tendrils aimed to pull Shunsui's body from the shadows, inhabiting their flesh like the strings of a puppet and forcing them along to the creature's will. If able, Ruvik aimed to use the possibly incapacitated man as a shield to take the full force of the flaming meteors cast by Momo that was intended to strike him instead. In close combat, he had all the cards, and he wanted to use that to gain as much of an advantage as possible before it became common knowledge.

Lastly, if everything went as intended, Ruvik would shatter the bakudo around him with ease, seemingly ignoring the pain of the blade lodged in his body and grab the sword from inside his mouth. Shunsui would be bound by additional tendrils that wrapped tightly around their legs and abdomen with crushing force, keeping them bound, weaponless, armless, voiceless, and soon to be consciousness if they couldn't find a source of air. Were anything to go wrong throughout this process, he was more than ready to adapt and overcome it to reach as close to the same result as possible.

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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Sat Oct 07, 2017 6:13 pm


Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Every block and punch had enough pressure to break the sound barrier multiple times shattering buildings and structures alike causing rubble and debris to rise up but then fall down. The ropes connected and binded his body however Momo raised an eyebrow there's no way this was the real Ruvik, he would've known about the attack and block or at least avoid it.

She could see Shunsui still duking it out with ruvik and began to notice blood coming out of his mouth, however his reaction wasn't it was a smile almost like he wanted to be stabbed... Momo decided to use a high level Hadō to be used as a distraction if ruvik is focused on her then he wont have enough to counter Shunsui's attacks.

Ruvik wouldn't have enough time to react to both Shunsui and a high level Hadō approaching him at the same time.
The reason why Momo decided to use this kido spell is due to it's destructive capabilities and the fact that it required no incantation making it a very efficient move on her part.

"Hadō #88. Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō!"

Momo began to raise her arm forward and outstretched, using her palm to face toward Ruvik and fire a beam of electrical​ spiritual energy and if it hits will probably cause immense damage to his body.

However if the attack was either blocked or missed Momo would immediately rushed towards Shunsui and Ruvik's location and began to say an incantation

Darkness, become my guardian.

"Bakudo Number 48 Yami no shīru "
Momo would have to create a charge a of black spiritual energy from her palm and once charge she fires a beam straight at her opponent. The major disadvantage of this kido however is that Momo had to get up close and personal with ruvik to get an accurate shot and if it manages it to Ruvik? Well firstly the attack wouldn't do any physical harm to his body and this would give both her and Shunsui a major advantage in this battle. But so seal his reiatsu and spiritual energy preventing him from using use any energy or kido-based attacks for 3 post, plus if Momo got hit she would utilize Utsuemi to fool Ruvik and get in a sweet suprise if Shunsui can keep him preoccupied.

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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:15 pm

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 1038

Shunsui was surprised to see the black mass oozing from his opponent's wound. At first he though it was blood, but only a moment later he realized that he was mistaken. The mass converged into tendrils that shot themselves towards him, and he found his blade stuck fast. In less than a second the tendrils would cover his flesh, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know what would happen then. Before that happened though he took this unique opportunity that didn't often present itself. With his katana thoroughly lodged inside of his opponents abdomen he had direct access to their insides. If he could overcome the black mass, that was.

Preparing his Bushōgoma in a slightly different way than usual, Shunsui planned to get every bit of damage in that he could. Usually he spun his sword a great deal before he released his attack, but in its current state that wasn't exactly possible. There was very little wiggle room for him to make use of. There was some though. With every bit of his energy he brought his blade up, then swiftly swung it downwards within the tiny amount of room he had. At the same time he focused a truly massive portion of his own energy into the attack. He made sure that he would still be able to fight afterwards, but due to this attack he wouldn't be able to continue for anywhere near as long. Hopefully it left a mark worth the effort.

The sound generated by the pure force of his attack could have ruptured ear drums. Due to the strange way in which Shunsui was holding his blade while performing this technique a decent amount of air was drawn in from above and around them, effectively creating deadly blades soaring towards his target absurdly quickly. At the same time Shunsui focused almost single-mindedly on the other part of his attack. Storing a great portion of energy in his blade, then radiating it explosively outwards from inside of his opponents body.

Unfortunately, while all of this was happening the tendrils were making their way closer towards his body. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to evade all of them, and that the effects were sure to be devastating from what he'd seen previously, Shunsui decided to use another of his abilities. He gave hit katana one final tug before relenting that he would have to leave it. Only temporarily though, that he would make sure of.

Before he was able to proceed any further with his plan one of the tendrils grabbed his left arm, piercing it viciously. Moments later the black mass was shaping itself over his arm. A few of the other tendrils were now almost in contact with him, and almost managed to connect, even as he leaped backward. Using Irooni he prevented the black substance from harming him any further by selecting blue as the only color able to be cut. It still came towards him, but by combating it with his own energy he could keep it at bay, for a time.

Although he could no longer be pierced, blunt force could still damage him. His left arm, which was already pierced and covered in the invaders strange substance ached fiercely, and he wasn't sure if it would be of any further use in battle. The material was certainly a good defense, but he wasn't sure if his opponent could still control it, which would make it effectively useless. It still seemed to be creeping up his arm, although more slowly than it had at first. He probed at it with his energy and felt some sort of vulnerability. Perfect, another way to drain some of his energy. Although he imagined that a large surge could wipe it out entirely for the time being he simply funneled a small amount of his energy towards the task of weakening the substance.

With his katana currently out of his reach, his left arm most likely unusable in battle, and a significant portion of his energy drained Shunsui decided that he would need to end this battle quickly. He gazed at his foe with uncharacteristically cold eyes. Within the next few attacks he would unleash everything within his power upon this invader, and wipe them from the face of the earth. Or from the face of Soul Society, to be more accurate. That was as far as his plan reached for the moment. He wouldn't be able to fight for an extended period of time now, at least not with his zanpakuto abilities, but he embraced this fact and chose to load more energy than ever into his attacks. The flame that burns twice as bright burns out twice as fast, but perhaps he could take after Yamamoto and burn his opponent to a crisp before that happened.

Using shunpo to the max of his ability Shunsui raced towards his opponent at a quicker pace than he'd maybe ever moved before. It was hard to tell when everything was a blur regardless. Just before he reached his mark Shunsui changed the color of Irooni from blue to black. As nearly his entire outfit was black Irooni would amplify his attack many fold, although he would now also be susceptible to damage. The strain on his body was immense as he came to a stop, and at that point he was sure that he'd never gone faster. At the same time he attempted to slam his wakizashi into the invaders midsection horizontally, directly in the middle of their stomach, with every bit of force available to him, including all of the momentum he'd just built up. If this attack were to connect with any normal foe, even one using some fairly advanced defensive techniques, Shunsui doubted that they would remain in one piece. This particular foe however, he wasn't so sure about. At the very least he expected to see significant damage unless he somehow missed his mark. He would then change Irooni's color back to blue so that unless something hit him before or as he hit contact he would be much safer.

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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:27 pm

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt
Artist:Darkness OST - Song:Trinity Church - Word Count: 2205

Ruvik's visor quickly picked up on the surge of energy signatures around him. He expected nothing less but was well equipped to handle the situation, at least enough to minimize the damages to a point it wouldn't matter much to a being like him. As close as he was tied to a host, the fact of the matter is that they were two entirely separate beings. So as long as the body it inhabited didn't die? Any damage it took was irrelevant. ..Of course, they didn't need to know that. Focusing its power, a dense concentration of dark energy surrounded Shunsui's sword that embedded itself in the Shinigami's body. Layer after layer of energy condensed around it, acting as a strong barrier between the surge of energy about to flood outward and the host's insides. The swarm of blades encompassed the pair, as well as the surge of destructive electrical energy from high up above from their partner. The most immediate threat was the sword plunged into their back though. Though contained, the shredding power was quickly ripping through the cloak surrounding it. Traces of wind even broke out entirely, slicing apart veins, muscle tissues and scraping organs. As the beam above and the swarm of green cutting edges got closer on the outside, the creature made its second move to minimize the damages.

Tapping their zanpaktou with their tooth, another wave of energy spilling from the sword, washing over the energy wreaking havoc inside their back, as well as the swarm of blades and even the incoming kido. The current like before infused decay-like properties in the constructs of energy..However, unlike before, the power and sheer quantity of it was too vast to completely nullify like the kido had been prior. Instead, it only severed to weaken them as they approached...But it would be enough. The blast inside their chest continued to fight against the torrent of dark energy acting as an internal shield, but after that beacon of decay? There wasn't much chance of it doing any greater damage than it already had. The storm outside was another matter though. The pale Shinigami's ears were bleeding from the roar of the oncoming storm alone. Their only defense was to raise their arm directly in the path of the coming storm, shielding their visor and using the limb as a catalyst for most of the punishment, Their feet dug firmly into the ground, additional tendrils binding to the earth to ensure they stood their ground. It all crashed down at once.

The blades of wind and the explosive Hadō all crashed against Ruvik's host, the bladed skin acting as the primary defense against them. The energy was shredded on contact, weakening it by another substantial margin, but still failing to neutralize it. Lastly, they met the nano-machine endo-skeleton just beneath their flesh, providing one more barrier for the combined forces to cross before they reached anything vital The cutting edges ripped open multiple gashes in their flesh, blood spilling out from each wound they caused. The bulk of the damage lingered around the arm where the Hadō made an impact. Burns and shredded flesh quickly lined the appendage as winds and destruction spilled out in every direction. The combined forces created an explosion that helped Shunsui sever the ties of the black energy wrapping around their arm. The flames and crushing force soared out from the point of impact, numerous buildings crumbling and the earth beneath him shattering.

Still, the man didn't even try to move or escape, holding his stance and allowing his tendrils to continue to push forward. They chased Shunsui for several dozen feet, some managing to stab their flesh, while others fell short. Once they were just shy of their range, the tendrils receded back into the smog of flames and smoke created by the combined attack. In the wake of it all, he was briefly stunned, catching his breath from defending from so much destructive force at once. So much in fact that he even failed to avoid the next attack that could very well spell the end for most warriors. By the time he noticed, it was too late to dodge. Still, the visor picked up on the kido as it traversed the smoke and right as it made an impact. It was a completely foreign spell to him as well, which further lowered his guard on how to defend from it. The darkness pierced their chest, cursing the Hollow's host with the dangerously restricting curse of the kido.

By the time the smoke cleared, the SHinigami puppet was covered in large gashes, bleeding profusely with their raised arm burned black from the spell The zanpaktou in their hand had been reverted to its sealed form and all of the traces of their energy had been sealed away...But there was one thing left..Something that was now more potent than ever. The suffocating Hollow pressure that resounded from their body. With the Shinigami's soul sealed, it left the Hollow's power completely unopposed, making ot much more clear just what they were up against. Thanks to their disjointed union, the spell also had little, if any effect on Ruvik himself, only leaving his puppet to be restricted. At the same time, the visor encrypted the spell even as it affected the body, breaking down its function and spiritual frequency as they stood there. While inconvenient, the man didn't seem the slightest bit phased or upset by the developments. Sheathing their zanpaktou, they spoke to the others, eyes still honed on Shunsui as they prepared to charge back at him.

"Hm...Not bad! But I think its about time I end the warm-up. It's been fun! But any chance you had of winning is over."

The spiritual pressure exuding from them only increased, despite losing all of their host's powers for the time being. The same darkness that composed the tendrils and shrouded Shunsui's arm began to build over the host's wounds, both inside and out. Rapidly the damage they managed to pull off in that incident began to reverse, high-speed regeneration doing its work as only a Hollow could. Even with their host powerless, the Hollow was a monster, one that was done giving these two even a shred of hope.

It stood there as Shunsui darted closer, keeping tabs on the girl behind them as well. Still, they refused to move, inviting them to attack again. Sparks of crimson crackled vibrantly around their body, something foul and twisted building in them that seemed almost demonic. Once Shunsui was halfway between where they stood and reaching the invader, he allowed his next stage of power to manifest. Though not fully healed, the regenerative process would continue as they acted, quickly undoing the damages once out at a time.

A shroud of green liquid started to cover the host's pale, white skin. It meshed with it, mixing into flesh and mutating it in a moment's notice. The oppressive vile power coming from the creature escalated as their trademark armor manifested around them. It was much like that of the other Hollow's, a green reptilian shroud with yellow, spongy muscle protruding from the shoulders, chests, forearms, legs, and various other spots throughout their form. It all culminated with a lighter green facemask that covered their nose and mouth, leaving only their eyes and crimson hair uncovered. While seeming a defensive act, it was anything but. The armor served one primary purpose...To fully unlock the creature's destructive potential.

To Ruvik's surprise, they could still feel the traces of their essence clinging to Shunsui's arm. While not getting the graphic finale he wanted, the limb felt limp, crushed from the pressure they exuded against it. But while its objective was done, the goo was far from harmless. While it was dying from the surge of energy Shunsui focused against it and being disconnected from a life source,e it still had a few moments of power in it. Bending it like they would a knee, the black tar morphed, taking the form of a new tendril or two as Shunsui approached, One darted for their leg, aiming to use the very speed Shunsui flaunted to send them crashing down into the ground with the very same momentum they built up to strike with. It aimed to wrap around the leg, crushing it and dragging it toward the ground. The other darted for the remaining arm that grasped their zanpaktou, intending on redirecting the course of the coming strike to the side instead and cause it to go completely off course. If successful, Ruvik wouldn't even dodge, just taking note of the strange way the man spoke in colors as they attacked and shred their attire. In the event it failed? His speed was more than quick enough to step back and narrowly avoid the slash all-together. But he didn't opt to attack just yet.

"You know, it is funny...I think you two have done more damage to the place than I have! Are you really it's protectors?"

Instead of Shunsui? Now its attention turned to Momo, the girl that likely stepped back by now after their stunt a moment ago. It was an annoying spell to be sure, but one that would soon come under the monster's arsenal as well. He'd have to thank them later, but for now? Ruvik pulled Shunsui's released blade from their chest, blood spilling out, but the wound soon being covered and repaired just like those before it. The sword was drenched in crimson, electricity flowing around it from the building manifestation of malevolence. Though heavy, the man''s immense strength could easily wield it in his current state.

The armor-clad puppet turned away from Shunsui and took a step forward. Their eyes were set firmly on Momo, a feeling of dread and killer intent washing over the girl at what was about to come their way The ground collapsed as they pushed off of it, darting toward the woman with a single step. The strength and power behind it had been -severely- magnified, putting them on an entirely new level that surpassed the already impressive might and speed they showcased before. Even without shunpo, the distance between him and his target would close in an instant. The air shredded behind them, the pressure alone strong enough to cut flesh and bone. Anything that remained of the district was cut to ribbons, purging any remnants of life that failed to evacuate.

Their entire body blurred as they made their first display of might. A single punch soared toward Momo's mid-section, moving faster than the eye could track and with far more power than they could ever hope to block. Even their zanpaktou could crack or break from the pressure of the coming strike. If it connected? The world itself would seem to freeze, a second's calm lasting for a few moments before the result of the impact showed itself. It could easily shatter every rib in their chest, sending anything it touched flying toward another district all-together. His goal wasn't just to do harm, but to cause destruction using the land's very protector as an instrument! The strike aimed to send Momo flying toward the next district to the north that was mostly unharmed, the force easily able to carry them there and knock their body through multiple buildings, collapsing each structure behind her and swallowing more lives in the symphony of destruction. Even if it missed, the force of the strike was grand enough to forge a hurricane's gale, cutting winds spilling over Rukon and snuffing out Hollows and spirits alike in the closest districts to the ruined one they stood upon.

The sheer might of the Hollow was unwavering, even after taking such a crippling blow. There was a reason he is the Hollow King.

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Dellapero Grance

The Great Melvin
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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:14 am


Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Another successful attack by Momo's strategic planning worked out as intended seeing the dark energy run across his arm and Ruvik's body covered in large gashes and cuts his zanpaktou reverting back to it's sealed form his spiritual energy no longer prominent and his ability to no longer use any form of kido for a limited time. Now this was her and Shunsui's chance to finish him off while he's still vulnerable...however it as if she only cracked through the surface as was replaced with hollowfied energy his true self emerging and his eyes were set back onto Shunsui as he charged straight at him.

His wounds though regenerating at a slow rate was still as a coat of armor was surrounding him a mix of green attaching onto his white flesh as the armor became more reptillian-like seeing Shunsui's zanpaktou be pulled out by the enemy as it crackled with electricity. But he wasn't heading towards Shunsui but to her instead, as they took a step forward the ground crumbled under his sheer weight reaching at speeds seeing his heading towards her mid-section. She didn't have enough time to block with her zanpaktou or initiate a kido spell so she had only one option which was to use Utsuemi. If done correctly Ruvik's fist would feel a connection between her mid-section and even a little bit of blood coming from her mouth only for it to be a fake and allowing Momo to once again attack from a distance to think of a strategy to take him down. However if ruvik's punch connected before she can escape however she'd be sent flying through buildings.

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Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:14 am

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 800

As Shunsui raced across the landscape destruction lay in his wake. None of the nearby buildings still stood, and the district was almost completely abandoned at this point. It was unfortunate that he had to use so much of his power that it was completely out of his control what happened to his surroundings, but once he’d defended the area he’d be sure to help repair it. It was the least he could do. He was moving at an immense speed now, and the closer he got to his opponent the more he could feel the black mass on his arm reacting. Initially it simply twitched and shuttered, but as he readied himself to make his attack he noticed the substance moving to hinder him. Realizing what would happen were he to continue running Shunsui simply leaped before the substance could catch him up. He was still slightly restrained, but it mattered little. He was already in the air. Even while the black goo attempted to restrain him further Shunsui sent it an extreme overload of energy. Enough to completely vaporize it in an instant, all of it, before he reached the point at which he would have made contact. That wasn’t to be though, as the invader swiftly re-positioned himself, and was no longer within Shunsui’s reach when he came to a halt. Slightly disappointed, as he’d expected to unleash a devastating final blow, Shunsui turned to find his foe once more.

Locating the enemy Shunsui was dismayed to see that he focused his attack once more on Momo. She had been making her way closer to the fray, and apparently the invader had taken notice of her at last, after that last binding. Shunsui took a deep breath, calming himself. It had been decades since he’d faced an opponent capable of testing him in this manner. He wasn’t about to go down now though. There was still far too much left for him to do. Too many things to take care of. His left arm was now free of the black mass but it was far from in pristine condition. He thought the wrist could be broken, and there were several deep punctures that bled even still, but it was still usable, even if it would be painful. Shifting his wakizashi back into his left hand where it belonged Shunsui readied himself for his next attack. He’d already drained a huge portion of his energy, and his body was taking a beating, but if he could pull this attack off then he imagined the tides of battle would turn drastically in his favor.

As the invader focused his attention on Momo, Shunsui studied the shadows. Moments later he’d found his path. He saw his foe unleash an incredibly destructive punch aimed directly at Momo’s midsection and winced. He wasn’t sure if the girl would be able to handle such a powerful attack, but he hoped that she would be able to take care of herself, as he had to make use of this moment to further his own plan. As the opponent would make contact with Momo he would surely be surprised to find Shunsui’s hands shoot from the shadows, the most satisfying thing of all was that if the opponent had approached from only a few inches more to the side his attack would have been much less effective, but as they were positioned now Shunsui could attack from his enemy’s shadow, his hands would shoot out from Momo’s stomach. In his left hand he held his wakizashi, and in his right, nothing. It was a task of herculean effort to simply wield his wakizashi at the moment, as his arm was severely damaged and he’d lost a considerable amount of blood, but Shunsui was able to push through the pain and firmly grasp his blade. If everything went according to plan he would catch his opponent by surprise. Even with reaction speeds as quick as those, this would be a difficult attack to dodge. The opponent was already moving at incredible speeds, and Shunsui fully expected to have the element of surprise firmly on his side.

His wakizashi he would aim directly at the invaders chest, hoping to impale him with his own tremendous speed. At the same time Shunsui’s right hand would maneuver towards his katana. He would put his fingers around the blade and hold it fast. Then, from the shadows, he would say just one word.


The effects would be noticeable instantly. First the sky would darken. It would appear as if night had fallen upon them, just like that. Secondly, there would be a coolness to the atmosphere. Not quite because of cold though. It was more like an ominous feeling, a chilling sensation. A gentle warning of violence to come.

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Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 Empty Re: Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows

Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:34 pm

Northern Raid: Assault of the Hollows - Page 2 6EdIfMt
Artist:Aram Zero - Song: Elysium- Word Count: 1357

Ruvik was calm and collected, taking in information rapidly through their visor and additional talents at work. Though the combined efforts of the two against him may have been effective against an ordinary foe, the Hollow was well prepared for any kind of opposition and had thoroughly felt out a good portion of their talents and style at this point. He could feel their every movement, trace their steps. sense the minor differences in energy between the imposters and fakes, even trace the ties of the very shadows themselves. His mind began to unravel their limits and abilities, formulating ways to counter and defend against them in the small span of time between the moment they left the ground and the moment they approach Momo. They felt a small sting in their core as they approached though. Even detached, the black tar was still part of the creature's body. Ordinarily, it would be too durable to be easily destroyed, but in its detached state, it was far more vulnerable. Its destruction felt the same as losing a few fingers, even if it didn't leave a visible wound. But the pain was nothing new for the fiend.

As it got in range, the visor easily picked up on Momo's movements, but a different sense picked up on the coming attack in front of it. Through Shunsui's intent to kill the creature it could feel his movements perfectly, knowing exactly when they were about to strike and processing earlier information to prepare the appropriate counter-measures against the coming assault. As the blade pierced through the shadows, a swarm of tendrils would pill from the Shinigami puppet's body to meet it. There was little delay, the black constructs wrapping around the wakizashi They pulled at it with immense strength, directing the blade away from his body and off to the side where it would never touch him. Meanwhile, a second tendril darted for Shunsui's unarmed arm. Though only a single one while the majority contained the zanpaktou, it still was a dangerous force of nature to contend with Kt made no effort to restrain them, rather aiming to pierce their wrist with the sharp end of the tendril and swipe along their arm. The goal wasn't just to inflict further damage, but rip their flesh and muscle tissue apart, neutralizing the limb entirely! But in that offensive efffort, there was nothing stopping it from grabbing the blade, even if all of their strength was sapped from the limb.

The fist connected with the duplicate, even though Ruvik knew it was a fake. This was to fool Momo into thinking her tactic was successful. The more illusions he could portray in battle, the easier it was to catch her off guard later on. the impact was immensely powerful, a surge of destructive wind surging forward even if the body faded away. The destructive force spilled over the district ahead of them, a gale washing over the buildings and cracking their foundations. Souls lingering outside would be blown away, some cut to ribbons and others crushed from the sheer pressure of the storm. The man's every movement foretold destruction in its current state, a beast few could even hope to contend with. Running on a mix of the most refined instincts, technological marvels, and the hardened experience of a thousand souls he was more than equipped for any situation.

Their ear scarcely picked up on a single phrase in the distance, eye flickering to the hand resting on the stolen wakizashi. A surge of energy flowed through it, a premonition of what was to come. The creature smiled, releasing the zanpaktou in its grip, both the one bound by tendrils and the one in its puppet's hand. With a step back, the armored creature leaped into the air and backed away, the distance between it and its shadow rising exponentially. The surge of spiritual power washed over it, the darkening environment and the full power of its adversary coming to flourish. Still, there was no sign of worry on their face. Whatever powers thir blade offered wouldn't be enough for what was in store. Still, in the midst of the release of power, the Hollow King took one precautionary measure.

As darkness rolled in thicker than ever, the fiend's hand laid flat against the air. The twisted energy that made up its own creation manifested beneath its fingers, a new creature being spawned through the parasite's will. Tied by the contract of their soul a nameless soldier of the dark legion was called to arms. They phased into view from a veil of dark energy, long crimson hair flowing in the wind. Their body was already dawned in the reptilian hide, bolstering their power immensely. It was a demon of some sort, a humanoid figure with a defined form, long wavy hair, triangular eyes, and a sporting blood-thirsty grin. The vessel wasn't there to fight alongside Ruvik, but to allow the parasite to better divide its attention between the two foes that sought its destruction.

Dozens of tendrils burst forth from the Shinigami host's body, flooding into the demonic emissary and merging them with its essence. Two serpent-like constructs joined the mass, piercing the Demon's flesh In moments the conjured demon would have a very similar presence to the pale Shinigami, taken over by immense amounts of Hollow energy. Though they did differ, one tainted by demonic influence while the other bore resemblance to the Shinigami, even with their power sealed. The number of opponents the two were up against had doubled in a matter of moments! The advantage they had disappeared, but it wasn't without consequence.

While each body was still immensely powerful, they were both weaker than where Ruvik stood when fully inhabiting the same form. His power was partially split, reducing the strength of each of them by a fair margin. Even so, they were far from weak enough to be taken lightly, each still carrying immense power and talent, now more so than ever with two conduits to harness that destructive power through. Both creatures were now of Ruvik, connected by a hivemind and working in perfect synergy against the two that opposed them! The original host turned to Shunsui, watching them closely and examining the new surge of power they grasped. The visor scanned it, picking up as much information as it could. Meanwhile, the new arrival turned to Momo with the exact same look of killer intent and twisted malice as their former foe. Each could now entirely focus on one adversary, sharing their information to work perfectly in tandem. Their voices spoke in perfect sync, both tainted with an overlap of the Hollow's corrupting tone.

"That's better...Now I can give you both the attention you deserve! Bankai or not, you've already lost this battle, Shinigami! It's useless to defy me!"

Using Shadow Division to inhabit two bodies. The new second host is a Demon. Both hosts are now 0-4:

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Dellapero Grance

The Great Melvin
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