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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:21 am

Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It was a great day too go into the beautiful country known as the United States it had everything to offer well almost everything, the us did have plenty of memorable monuments and beautiful works of art but they certainly wasn't better than the ones back home. But she will say the forests here are pretty decent to say the least, gives her plenty of time to think about her future and possible outcomes will await once she becomes a substitute.

She wore an outfit which was not obligatory at that epoch of less liberty but more independence--but a cerulean-blue doublet, a little faded and worn, and over this a magnificent baldric, worked in gold, which shone like water ripples in the sun
The scarf was a mismatch from oddments of wool and was about twice as long as it needed to be, do that even wrapped twice around her neck she still almost trod on it as she walked walking through an umber-brown, forest. It reeked of age. 

Its woody incense was from centuries of snapping branches crashing to the forest’s floor and rotting silently. The composting, organic smell rose up in waves like a miasma. Every sprawling tree she passed under reminded her of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the groves. She decided to venture deeper into the tangled heart of this primeval forest. The further she went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became. Huge roots spread-eagled the ground, twisting like the great backs of sea dinosaurs. The foliage became thick and lush, forming an arch of fairytale-green above our heads. Arthritic boughs, gnarled with age, dripped their bounty of nuts onto the path. Briars, brambles and berry trees flanked the trail, making it impenetrable on either side. Shuffling noises came from deep in the interior, deadened by the cunningly woven web of leaves. A troupe of shambling badgers crossed the winding trail in front of hee at one point. They were finishing up their early morning foraging and looked startled to see her.

This walk was the perfect place to unwind giving her a chance to think about the recent training she had with henrex.

She arrived at a wide glade, where the trees fell away, revealing the bespeckled sky. The last of the morning’s stars were glinting like silver pin pricks, luminous and bright. Completely unaware of what's about to happen.

But who in their right mind would go into a forest anyway especially this late at night.

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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:58 pm
The young fox girl was resting on a rock as the moon hung in the night sky. It was a strange set of circumstances indeed; she had come along with a girl, who she later learned her name; Sumika, all the way out to a place she had no idea even existed. The girl wasn't too entertained by the idea of leaving her, not at all. She felt safe and familiar with her, and stepping out of that comfort zone seemed scary. Though, Aiko could not follow the girl where she was going, which did upset her, but the place in which she would occupy took that worry and fear away...

The girl was so wrapped up in her surroundings, she almost didn't even hear Sumika's warnings. As soon as the girl had gone off, the little fox ran off to experience the place. The place was utterly drowning in new stuff, which only caused the girl to go to and fro through the trees, laughing and at times, falling into some bushes. The girl had managed to settle down and take things into account more closely. She approached a tree, slowly pressing her hands against the bark, gently and slowly feeling how rigid and complex the trunk was. She looked closely, watching as little creatures, ants, walked up and down the cracks in the wood. She had the inkling of a resistance, knowing not to disturb their walk of life. She came away from the tree, staring up to look at the leaves.

Generally, her evening was consisting of discovering things and touching things, leaving her in utter joy.. Utter tired joy that is. A day of rolling around in dirt and discovery left the girl quite tuckered. Of course she didnt dedicate too much time to rest, oh no! The night had fallen and she had just taken the liberty of napping... On a rock of course. Not the most comfortable of choices to sleep, but the floor was too itchy. Maybe tomorrow she could figure out something that wasn't so itchy...

The girl was lying on her back on the large creation, sleeping soundly... That is before a scent touched her sensitive nostrils. Her cute, foxy ears perked up at the sounds of footsteps, causing her to lift her head. Well, it wasn't Mika, definitely not. Maybe if...

"Hey, who is that?!" The girl shrieked rather loud, causing some stray birds to fly. Anyone and anything close by would easily have heard her voice. The girl remained silent, waiting for an answer of some sort. She knew the scent wasnt fauna, of course not... She'd been smelling them all day.
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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:39 pm

Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

What caught her attention however was seeing a flock of birds fly into the air going the opposite direction of her, and a small shriek could be heard from the distance regardless she had to investigate the source of this noise...after a few minutes of walking she finally found the culprit

Ritsuko had her eyes locked on to a mysterious girl, the girl herself was about the size of a typical child having yellow hair and fluffy fox ears like Mirja, however what was odd that she had 1 tail similar to that of the Nine tailed fox myth in ancient China. Perhaps she was one of mirja's pupils waiting for her return? No...that can't be right if that were true she would be able to sense her by now, regardless she could tell that the girl was frightened and wanted to make the situation less akward so she introduced herself.

"Oh hello there, my name's Ritsuko what's your name little one?" Ritsuko began to slowly put down her bookbag and began rummaging through it, the bookbag contained an assortment of books,pencils, and even a few map guides of different countries. The backpack itself was old denim, deeply unfashionable, it wasn't quite old enough to be retro, it wasn't small enough to be cute, but at least it didn't smell bad. 

Regardless she unraveled a box and inside the box contained four various types of cakes...
The first was a stunning ombré rosette cake with layers of red velvet sponge and then sprinkled with pink sugar dust. The second cake was an absolutely dreamy and sophisticated coconut cake, iced with coconut frosting, generously covered with a handful or two of coconut shavings and finally bedecked with a champagne-coloured satin bow at the base.

The third was a cinnamon spiced apple cake drizzled on top with luscious caramel sauce, as bourbon-laced brown sugar buttercream oozed in between.
And last but not ever least, the final cake was a double tier vanilla and almond cake with the bottom tier enclosed in edible silver leaf and adorned with a single sugar magnolia.

Ritsuko was curious as to how the child would react to her answer and the bundle of sweets she offered with a wonderful smile, she could feel a faint energy off the female and she was identified as a demon albiet a weak one..
Do you like treats little one?

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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:11 am
Aiko remained patient as she heard the sound of footsteps approach her, the girl's upper body straightened up as her legs were lying horizontal on the rock, her body supported by her arms. She didn't feel any sort of oppressive feeling emanating from the approaching figure, staring at the darkness as a figure approached. It was... Another girl. Of course it wasn't Sumika, but she was just about as pretty as her. She didn't have a comforting, relaxing glow to her "scent", which told Aiko to keep her distance at first as opposed to running up and hugging her. Aiko had no inkling of what it could be, but the girl's energy felt... Off. Something made it feel a little oppressive, but it wasn't anything that could be noticed without close inspection.

The girl's voice touched her fluffy ears, her tail swishing to and fro to exhibit her interest. She wasn't quite sure why the girl referred to her as "little one". Was she little? She didn't feel very little... She took a look at her hands and arms, as if trying to evaluate how big she is, but to no avail did she figure out why she was referred to in that way. She looked back to the girl, taking a breath in as she sat properly on the rock.
"Aiko Inari... Is my name, that is..." the girl rather awkwardly replied to the question. Talking... Was not easy, not in the slightest. You had to think of the words and put the words together in a way that made sense and say it properly and... Well the whole process she wasn't too linked with, so of course she'd have a strange sentence pop out ever so often.

Her attention was instantly piqued when the girl began digging through a bag she had on hand. As soon as she unraveled the box, the smell instantly caught the fox's sense of smell. She leaned forward as she smelled the strange, new scent. It smelled rather delicious, which had a firm grasp on her attention. Seeing the cakes only excited her, causing her to begin laughing and clasping her hands together momentarily, instantly hopping off the rock and running to the girl at a rather fast pace.

"T-t-t-treats?" The girl stuttered, finding it difficult to keep her wording consistent from how excited by the smell of the cakes she was, "What are treats? What they are? What!"
She hopped up and down, not too sure what the items in front of her were intended for. They smelled amazing but she wasn't exactly tuned to the concept of eating sweets.
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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:38 pm

Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Aiko...Aiko that's a beautiful name for a girl her age it sounded like a name the great Leonardo Divinchi or Michaelangelo would name their daughter. She looked as the girls ears perched up and tail swishing all about

Ritsuko will say the girl had alot of enthusiasm for the cakes I mean who can blame her? The cakes themselves were really hard to find and tons of people were buying them so quickly the store-owners had to close. But regardless she could tell she was anxious to taste the cakes so she decided to give her a little taste test so she can bask in its glory.

"Rather then telling it'd be best if you'd taste one for yourself"
a smile came from her face as she rummaged through her bag once more to reveal a plastic spoon. And using that spoon she scooped a small piece of cake and presented it to Aiko

Now this one is coconut cake has coconut frosting and is sprinkled in wonderful coconut shavings.

"Now, say ahh" ritsuko began putting the spoon towards aiko's lips that is if she opened her mouth. Hopefully she'll chew it slowly to experience the full goodness of coconut run across her taste buds because who in the hell would eat a treat in 3 whole bites without actually tasting it?

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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:23 pm
Aiko's interest was completely gripped onto this girl... More specifically the cake. Even in the dark, which really wasn't a problem to the girl considering she could see rather clearly. This girl... Ritsuko... Oh sheesh she could never say her name properly and consistently.. Her mind scrambled for a nickname that would be favorable as the girl had spoken about young Aiko to taste it for herself rather than have it explained to her. The girl had gone dead silent for a bit as she did some mental gymnastics for a nickname, not really paying too much attention to her surroundings as she thought.

She was still as the spoon of cake was presented to her for just a moment, before exclaiming,
"RITSY!" The girl suddenly shrieked, causing more birds to fly off. That was perfect! Amazing! She looked at the spoonful of cake, quickly biting down on the spoon and pulling away with the spoon in her mouth. She awkwardly pulled the spoon from her mouth, chewing on the cake without having listened to what it was. She excitedly and exaggeratedly stomped her feet, facing Ritsuko with the hugest goddamn smile ever, a sparkle in her autumn eyes.

"Ritsy that tasted good! Tasted good! Tasted good!" She exclaimed, thrusting her fists into the air as she excitedly hopped around, throwing her body onto the ground and panting from exhaustion.

"Where did you come from Ritsy? Where did you get the cake? Huh huh?! Also you smell funny and new!" Of course the very last statement she didn't mean in offense; She had never smelled a Quincy before, after all. She rocked left and right, her legs and arms scrunched up against her body with her tail sticking out in the grass. It was a funny little action, much like a baby in a cradle.
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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:58 pm

Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Everything was going well for Ritsuko and Aiko the introduction was great, their conversations although short give alot of meaningful reactions and best of all nobody was there to disturb them. Before hearing the girl shout out her name but shortened ritsuko probably needs a book because that's the fifth person in her entire life to give her a nickname, first it was Ritty then Ritsu-chan, what's next Rit? The constant nicknames were getting pretty unoriginal but she smiled non the less.

But Ritsuko barely got a chance to explain what it was as she saw Aiko immediately bite down on the spoon before pulling it away and chewing on the cake without listening but at least her reaction was spot on. Putting her fist into the air and rolling on the grass like a puppy that's just seen it's master for the first time was pretty enjoyable to watch.

Despite the fun these two ladies were having there was a question boggling inside of her head, Where's her mother and if she is from the demon world how did she get here? Certainly a girl like her needed assistance from a demon with more experience.

Ritsuko hesitated at first after all she is a child and possibly has a bad memory of certain moments in her life but she had to know all the details no matter how big or small. She took a deep breath before exhaling and looking at Aiko, pinching her cheeks lightly.
"Well before I can answer your questions I have a few of my own to ask, where did you come from, who do you reside with, and where are your parents?"
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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:23 am
Aiko was a giggling ball of joy as a result of this interaction. The girl didn't seem to stop moving in the slightest, even when she was rocking to and fro she alternated between a fetal position and her body simply scrunching up. She never had such a joyous time with someone else in the town she woke up in, absolutely not. Ever since she occupied the place, the people treated her like dirt! In some cases... The people were... Afraid. Very afraid. She felt the fear, the anger, the sadness... Though she couldnt comprehend why she felt such heartache anytime she tried to interact with someone.

Ah well, those were at the back of her mind, currently. All she was invested in now was Ritsuko and the... CAKE!

Aiko suddenly and immediately lunged for the cake. One minute, the coconut cake was with the others, the next it had completely vanished with Aiko on her knees, beginning to slowly eat it in her hands, the cake having gotten a little mashed up from her suddenly snatching it. She was savoring the ever living hell out of the cake, the delicious delight having a slow and agonizing death of deliciousness. She looked at Ritsuko, having remembered she was present, putting the rest of the cake in her mouth as she slowly chewed, feeling her cheeks being pinched. Her ears flicked about as she swallowed, having listened to the questions.

"... I came.. From..." Aiko put a finger to her frosting smeared lips, which too had some frosting and cake bits on it, "I... Don't know actually. It was town far off..." She began sucking on her fingers after realizing some delicious bits of cake were left, "I don't live with anywhere... But Mika brought me here!" She exclaimed, her tail swishing to and fro. She didn't seem to heed the last question, her gaze floating back over to the cakes.

"Can I have more Ritsy? Can I? Can I?" The girl's eyes were lit with utter diabetes-causing happiness, the grin on her face persisting. What would be mildly alarming with close attention provided, were the girl's pearly whites. They were quite sharp, much like a predator's. Her eyes too had enlarged pupils, likely because of the dark.
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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:38 am

Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

At least ritsuko was getting a few questions answered from the little fox, she now knows the person who brought her to the forest Mika and that she came from a town...but what town specifically was the real question. But she saw that aiko's attention was more focused on the cake rather then giving vital information, she watched as Aiko lunged forward and snatch the coconut cake eating with her bare hands and squishing a bit before devouring it the frost was all over her mouth and fingers it almost made Ritsuko disgusted...but she can forgive her since she's a child.

That's part one of the interrogation now it's off to step two...finding out who this Mika individual is she watched her eyes grow in size and teeth so white you could practically use it as a flashlight ritsuko realized that Aiko was basically an
small animal at this point wanting more treats to snack on, however like a pet they must be obedient and follow simple commands before given their reward.

"I'll give you this cake, however you must tell me who this Mika person is ."

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Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko] Empty Re: Quincy meets Cute little Fox [Ritsuko/Aiko]

Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:58 pm
Aiko's feet drummed against the ground at a rather brisk pace. The cake was utterly the most delicious, mouth watering thing she had ever tasted. The people who had cared for her, her own family, never let her eat anything like that! Sometimes, her playmates came in with their breaths smelling sweet, and sometimes some splotches of ever so tempting bits on their little squishy faces. Aiko was always caught before she could taste the substance... After a while they came in rather clean, and she eventually forgot about it.

Aiko had a usual meal of some gross mush that sometimes was cold. It was a terrible flavor she was forced to become accustomed to. No flavor, no interest, nothing was what the girl grew up with in terms of food. But this exciting taste got the girl invested and effectively hooked onto the cakes. Of course Aiko lacked the foresight to think that if she ate them all, they would be gone.. That kind of thought was at the very back of the fox's mind, obscured by the thoughts to gobble up the sweets!

Ritsy though, said she needed to tell her who "Mika" was. The girl did a little gasp, and nodded with yet another sweet smile.
"Okay! Okay!" She nodded, continuing her excited and energy-filled hopping, "Uhh... Mika is... Soo... Mika..." The girl struggled to associate the two parts of the name together, "She's pretty just like you! Really pretty! And nice!" Aiko seemed excited to just think about the woman, "She she she... She smells different than you though... I always feel nice around her. She promised to come and spend time with me every day!" The girl now leaned forward, looking at the cake,
"Can I have cake now Ritsy? Pleeaasse?" The girl gave her a pouty face, her ears dipping and her eyes having the saddest look. The pity game, a child's classic way of getting things they wish.
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