Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:39 pm

Song: Generique - By: Miles Davis - Word Count: N/A

There was only silence on Abalia's end as she contemplated the words Mirja was telling her. The experience behind them was all too clear, and a great part of Abalia wished she could simply accept that in itself as a reason to listen to Mirja, to accept this possibility outright and to tell Hayden if this unfortunate turn of events ever chanced to occur. And yet...

“Might I ask as to those failures, Mirja?”

Her tone was not prying, or impersonal. Much as she wished to know for her own sake, Abalia was entirely genuinely curious as to her friend's past. Her friend... even now it seemed strange to call her that, but what other title would be as fitting? The two of them were so drastically different in countless ways, and yet Abalia would be the first to admit that she hardly treated many others with this same level of care. Most certainly never received personal visits accompanied by an assortment of baked goods, if nothing else.

“If you would wish not to speak on them, of course I understand.”

It was important to Abalia that she establish that very clearly, as I occurred to her she might still come off as prying. She had no intention to seem as such, certainly not to Mirja of all people. It genuinely was simply a matter of curiosity. If they were friends, then asking such a question in this manner should hardly come across as rude or overstepping any boundaries, at least in Abalia's eyes. Should she prove to be wrong on this front and somehow manage to insult Mirja, then of course she would apologize.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
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Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:18 pm


Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ohh, Abalia-chan was asking about the wolf's past loves. Like they were gossiping buddies or something. Mirja was kind of digging that idea a lot. Not just because Abalia was a cutie with a nice ass, but because she really actually cared for the girl and her continued existence and comfort. So, grasping her wheels she rolled forward, before jerking back, popping the wheelchair up on the back wheels and keeping it's balance with intricate movements. It seemed that if you started with a big enough number, even 1% of it was considerable, and that was how it was with Mirja. Crippled, but still able to do some cool stuff with her chair.

"I've had three people I have loved over my life. Two romantically, one like a pet. The first one I met In the Norweigan Tundra. She was cool, but had an inability to react properly, you know? Couldn't deal with anything in a sane manner. Good things were responded to with sex and kinky torture. Bad things were responded to with sex and slightly less kinky torture. Added to the fact that she had about six other girls on her tentacles, and I couldn't really stay with her. If I had watched her a bit more before throwing in, I would have known more about her, but I was niave and went with her for that feeling of command she gave. Compared to Hayden, she couldn't command fire to be hot, but I'd never really met anyone like her before"

Mirja nearly lost control of her chair, and so dropped it down, the thing sturdy enough to take a plummet off a cliff thanks to Niflhiem. Then she pulled the skirt down to show off her shoulders, two nasty scars, one on each shoulder, were visible. From some large and violent blade.
"Second one, the pet girl, we had a lot of sex. Most of it had a point, I wanted her to see where her limits were, because she was a sexual creature. Yu can still actually find the video I got taken of her in the streets online. Phewww, boy that one got me in trouble with Hayden. More fuel to the fire of never expecting to stay in the army. I mean, he asked me to live clean of body and mind after seeing first hand that I am in no way either of those two.

But, back to the topic at hand. Unfortunate side-effect, was that she is madly in love with me. Emphasis madly. She tried to kill me and did a pretty good job before snapping out of her hysteria and not killing me. I have no idea what to do with her, not even in the slightest. If I had given her a more able look-over before starting on my cardinal lesson, I might have seen she was a girl who latched on aggressively and never let go. So now I have a dependant that will either kill me, herself, or both of us if I ever try to break up with her, and it's not even that kind of relationship"

"The third, is the one I am in love with. Deeply, in love with. I think she is the girl I will be with for the rest of my life. And another nutjob. I told her about Ceal and the situation and circumstances, then had to talk her out of murdering Ceal for being someone so close to me. Kind of worries me about how we are, actually. Still yet to discuss how she deals with friends. She also nearly killed me, because when I went to visit her, a kid quincy shot me in the back and so I traumatised him for life with a stare and she took offence to that. Although, her, I would never have seen the hot passion that she can show sometimes. The icy hot emotions that fill her when she gets going. She has a rather good mask. And hell, even if I did, I love her too much to care"

Mirja then shifted forward on her chair, to poke Abalia's boob, surprisingly nimble on her chair, but that was still not really fast. Just quite fast.
"Be it Hayden, or Folke, or Atlas, or Nizhuan, or someone entirely unrelated to Vastime, make sure you know them before showing them your heart. But if you do know them and you still care, then make sure to show them your heart. As much as the bad came from them, I don't know where I would be without those that I met on the long country road to here. And as much as he thinks he has gotten every copy, I actually do have something that can show you why you should never go to hard on someone you have just met"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? [Abalia, Mirja]

Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:59 am

Song: Generique - By: Miles Davis - Word Count: N/A