Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7207
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Left_bar_bleue16000/1You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Empty You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal]

Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:27 pm

You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Some people didn't quite seem to understand it, but Alex Vaugrenard knew all too well one of the most absolute joys in life was a good donut. Plebs just didn't quite get it, and he'd heard of some people having the fuckin' audacity to say that other pastries n' shit were better, but they were wrong and that was just a fact. Good sweets in general were basically the best thing on the planet, but donuts? Psh, forget about it. A well-made donut was better than most sex. Not all sex, some chicks knew what they were doing really well, but most sex.

It was for this reason, and quite literally not a single other one, that Alex had taken his ass all the way to France from the US of A for a killer donut. He'd been there before, he knew the deal with these guys and their pastries. Frankly, he'd be willing to spend a good amount of time just walking here if he had to, but luckily he'd managed to hitch a ride on a ship across the pond, then hop a train straight to civilization. These guys might have had a bad history of surrendering, but they also had a pretty good track record of sick uprisings and resistances, so Alex really had some respect for 'em.

That, of course, was only prelude. After quite literally weeks of travel, and a whole lot of walking, the scarlet-haired wanderer had found himself within a bakery that he considered suitable. Seemed like a cool little joint, lotta tables outside and stuff, maybe he'd take a seat at one of 'em once he was done. First things first, though, he needed to actually get the goods he'd come here for, and he sauntered his way up to the counter, hands in pockets, and ordered without even looking.

“Yo, gimme a dozen donuts, in a bag, not a box, those boxes are just all sorts of a hassle to handle, you feel me? Anyway, just hit me with six of 'em glazed, 3 with some chocolate shit, I don't care about the specifics, and uh...I dunno, surprise me with the last three, long as they're actually good flavors.”

It was a pretty good day for Alex, all things considered, and he was glad to just get a nice day to chill out, eat some good food, watch the sky or whatever the hell it was people did when they just totally relaxed. Maybe he'd try to find some fine French chick, they had those accents and Alex had to admit they were pretty killer. Couldn't be too hard, and he was pretty sure his last name was French too, so that had to be basically a free conversation starter right there. Grabbing his bag of donuts and heading for the door, Alex stretched out, his stride confident and his mood quite high.

Yeah, this was gonna be a good day, no way in hell was anyone getting in the way of this.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7207
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Left_bar_bleue16000/1You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Tue Dec 26, 2017 1:17 am

You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Alas, poor Alexander, he was no master of reaction times, and he certainly wasn't ready for some blonde bitch to just fucking blast his God damn donuts out of his hand. So it was that they effectively burst and were scorched, falling to the ground in a heap of paper, crumbs, and embers. At first, Alex didn't really react at all. He just looked at the donuts, at this fucking sack of shit that just destroyed them, and then back to the donuts.

“Hey, uh, chicky-poo. Yeah, you with the face. Blondie, Tits, whatever you want me to call you.”

Hands in his pockets, Alex slowly approached this broad. She was pretty cute, actually. In normal circumstances, he might've tried to put the moves on 'er, give 'er the ol' one-two-“yo girl you down to fuck,” but this was not a standard situation for the wanderer. No, his singular goal today, the one thing he'd worked on for a good while now, had just been torn away from him in a literal flash. Once he made it there, he looked Ceal up and down once, before leaning down and putting a finger directly in her face.

“You just violated the fuckin' NAP real hard, you know that? And you know what they say. You violate that shit, all bets are off. So how's about you head on in there and spot me a new dozen donuts, before something goes down here that you're not gonna like. You feel me, cutie?”

Though he did find her notably attractive, the term “cutie” was spoken with all the disgust of referring to a cockroach or other such vermin. Alex didn't quite seem hostile, that wasn't the right way to describe his general aura, but he was certainly not friendly. One might have described it as a tiger waiting to pounce, though a more accurate analogy would be a slasher film villain watching a potential victim. There wasn't really a question in Alex's mind about whether or not he would slam this girl into the floor so hard she saw China, it was just whether or not she decided that was the way she wanted this to go.

After he finished speaking, Alex tilted his head slightly to the side, before poking Ceal on the forehead once. It wasn't forceful at all, just enough to slightly push back an average person's head. He wanted to make sure this chick got the message loud and clear, and it was probably his last concern to think about any sort of politeness. So yeah, it was a poke to the forehead. His hand was already in position, anyway, might as well go with that.

The hell was she gonna do about it?

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7207
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Left_bar_bleue16000/1You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:15 pm

You Wanna Go, Girly? [Alex, Ceal] YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

A sane man might've seen all of this and gone “Oh shit, this chick's fuckin' dangerous, I better not do this.” But if one thing was abundantly, absolutely clear about Alex Vaugrenard, it was that he wasn't alright in the head. Sure, this chick might've pretty obviously been in a shitty mood, but why was he supposed to care? If she wanted to start something, it was on her, and her little noises and growls didn't put him off in the slightest.

“You alright there? Do you know how to say words, or are you just stupid? Growling doesn't get anything across, you know.”

It should be stressed that Alex knew perfectly well he was clearly messing with someone who was in a real bad place, and that this chick probably needed help. It was a real damn shame she'd destroyed those donuts, then, because he wasn't helping her after that one. Far as he was concerned, this was the natural order of things, and picking on her was a good way to lighten at least his mood, anyway. Something told him this'd have happened no matter what.

He did have to admit, though, her screeching “hate” at him like a mental patient did throw him off a bit, and he even took a step back in a primal response to the sudden loud noise. The hell was that? Why? What in the hell kind of shit was that? Alex was pretty sure even most of the really hostile people he'd met didn't just shriek assorted negativity at him, and he had to give credit where it was due, it did actually make him step off. More from the sound than the word, but hey, it still merited a little respect.

Of course, it looked like that wasn't the only thing she was doing, and that was when Alex's look of general disgust and disdain shifted into one of more...anger, as it were. What the hell was all this? Didn't feel right, no sir, and that was one thing he really didn't feel like dealing with today. It was just generally gross, and it might have been hard to discern, but lucky for Alex he really didn't give a shit what it was or how it worked.

“Kill? Don't gotta ask me twice, girly.”

All at once, Alex simply swung his fist upward in a direct, plain, unenhanced uppercut straight for her jaw. He'd thought about lighting up some Maiden Masher for this, but he doubted he'd need it so soon. Though he would certainly like to mash this maiden, that wasn't really the concern right now. All he wanted to do was pummel this bitch into the ground like a fucking tent stake.

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