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Diplomatic Enovy Empty Diplomatic Enovy

Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:21 pm

Word Count: --

Originally the plan was for someone else to go see China in his place. But Qiang had a disagreement of opinion with that person. He wasn't sure what was in the best interest of his people. He wanted to see what was going on, those allies of justice seemed on a back foot. Also, justice was what you made of it, he walked around despite looking strange. He did get some odd looks now and again. A tattooed man with armor around his legs and hands was strange. The fact he allowed his almost yakuza-like markings to be displayed proudly. Qiang didn't know what to make of China. But his first impressions were good, this place seemed to hold a particular light to it. Each person's expressions and how they carried themselves was good. Economy wise this place was fairly well set off. He'd spent his day with people following and rudely staring at him. He didn't see anything coming of it though. His eyes would have foretold of anything dangerous. Thus far they seemed to be rather tame for the most part. Not going so far as to do anything of note.

When was the last time a Sugiura had come to these lands he wondered? He'd heard stories of previous incarnations of their people among other things. Still, he was trapped in Death's release form. This was an issue that did require some form of knowledge and doing. His studies thus far indicated it reaper powers and energies. Allowing him to basically reap whatever he came into contact with. And make his next attack benefit from it. Also, he seemed able to summon and to some extent control the undead. That part did bother him, the Dead power seemed very dark and ominous. He didn't care for the methods or the practices that came with it. But he did learn and gain a rather detailed idea of himself from fighting the bell guy. Kenpachi Zaraki, that was the name of the guy who killed him. His body still ached though not with fear it was more anticipation. He had come back from death and wasn't going to give into till he kicked that guy's ass.

But enough about that, Yusuke gave him instructions and he found the China Cafe rather easily. This was the meeting place, he knew getting involved in anything would be a problem. But he did see an issue, his eyes focused in on a rather shady character. He was ready to do something to a child of all things. He sighed and went into his thoughts to have a little chat. "So let's say for a minute I get involved, I don't know their customs here and they could get mad.Besides someone could handle the problem themselves...Damn morality.Yusuke's gonna kill me." He thought as he turned around and followed the male. Just as he was about to touch the child he gave him a solid crack in the neck. Disabling his nervous system and knocking him out. He held the guy up with one of his arms as he smiled and leaned down. Not wanting to scare the child as he seemed innocent. His eyes scanned and found the mother, he pointed to her. "Your mom's waiting, she's got some ice cream..Go talk to her, my friend fainted from the heat. He was going to tell you the same. " He leads the man over to a bench and sat him down and sighed internally.

Welp, I did a great thing by likely costing my people an alliance. He walked back towards the cafe entrance and took his seat. The rest was waiting for what he likely screwed up entirely. Nothing like a King making a mess of things in a different country. Thankfully he was fluent in the language here by some miracle. So at least the kid understood and went to his mom. But walking up to someone who saw snatching the kid in the future. Was likely going to do really well in whatever court system they had here. Explaining he could see the future outcomes and none of them looked promising for the child. It was going to be a long day he suspected. He hoped he'd been subtle enough to avoid costing this meeting. Otherwise, Yusuke would never let him hear the end of it. He'd make him visit Shadow Fall next and meet one of those demon fellows.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:53 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Diplomatic Enovy 6EdIfMt

She came. And it was somewhat impossible to miss her, as a the Reiatsu was heavy and felt from quite far away. Maybe it was a show of force, maybe they knew what he had done and was coming for them, maybe it was a dozen different things, but eventually, he got a sort of answer, as the source of power sat down next to him, and gave him a smile. Maintaining relatively accurate eye-contact, she had glazed, pale eyes that, while looked in his direction, did not quite meet his eyes like a normal person's did. Rather, wandered about a little bit, looking at nothing.

Her outfit was another, interesting thing. A full-sleeved polo shirt, buttoned up to the neck and adorned with a black tie, and a green skirt that reached down to her ankles, semi-covering a pair of black shoes. She seemed a very formal girl, maybe that was why she had been chosen to lead the diplomatic talks.
"King Qiang? I am Hannah Chiza, I am the head of the Kokuryuteshi Magisters. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I, assume you had good reason to attack the citizen of the Empire before sitting down here? I will admit to having little understanding of your culture and such" She broached the subject so, very cleanly that it would appear to some as if it was merely a question of if he wanted a drink or not.

But it did solidify that they knew, and it did solidify that they were not one for rash action. Rather, to find out the meaning behind things before acting upon them. And also implied that this woman could act upon them if she needed to. Maybe the flaring Reiatsu that was constantly coming off this girl was a threat after all...

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:21 pm

Word Count: --

The representative of the K-World as they were called arrived. She had an impressive spiritual pressure around her. It was formidable, but it didn't compare to his previous encounters with Zaraki or Mirja. But she was a formidable one of the Shinigami species. He was getting used to that energy type and understanding it. " It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Ah, I hesitated for a moment before handling this.I am not sure of your customs here.but where I come from abducting children is frowned upon heavily. If I have offended or caused a scene I am sorry. He said smiling as he lowered his head awaiting a punishment if it was coming. He was wearing the mantle of King and diplomat at the moment. He couldn't really say for sure if they had such a strange custom. Among the Sugiura, the children have always been treated as more important than anything. No treasure on earth was equal to what a child represented. They were the future and a legacy of their own, thus they required protection.

"Among my people, we have special powers involving our eyes. Mine allows me to see the future to an extent involving a person. The outcomes for the child looked less than ideal, so I acted before anything happened..I thought about perhaps resolving in words, but I fear he may have been carrying a weapon of sorts.A firearm of some kind in his right coat pocket." Under the male's coat a firearm holster could be located. A note of some sort would be found in his belongs further. He'd intended some dark intentions for the child and her mother. However, he wasn't sure what the laws or customs were in this Empire. A king couldn't act without reason in his country. He made the choice to act and take what came of it. The child should at least get to stay with its mother for now. He couldn't see the whole picture, but the child died today if he'd not stepped in. That much was true at every intersection of the timelines he witnessed. Qiang didn't talk as though defending himself, merely stating precise facts for her.

He did not take the eye contact thing personally, most in his culture weren't fans either. Qiang's eyes held a certain thing to them. He could ignore things coming from the future also. His eyes reading and seeing things a couple moments before they happened. This was a gambling game with eyes almost. He maintained his eye contact with her to await her verdict on the subject.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:54 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Diplomatic Enovy 6EdIfMt

Hannah listened to him, and internally sighed. He was one of those hero types that had to jump into action rather than tell someone in authority what was going on and let them handle it. What was he doing here? They, were not the good guys. One of the plans was literally the Apocalypse. Hannah stayed here because she had nowhere left to go, but felt their goals were rather bad, and far too stuck in their ways to ever try a different path. If it ever came down to a fight, Hannah would fight, and hope to perish before K-World got their goals. They were not the nicest goals.

"There are rats in all corners of the world. The child was a Gigai to him out, and then give him a victim to kill without losing a citizen. He cuts out people's hearts and then takes them somewhere else. We were going to follow him to this somewhere else and see what it was he was up to. But now we can't do that. We'll need to find some other way of doing that, and if he has any associates, we will lose them to the underground. The Future is never as cut-and-dry as it seems to be, there is always things in the shadows, always people out of sight that are doing something with that future you see" Hannah explained, having two cups of tea delivered by the waitress, clearly having planned such a thing before arriving. She then picked it up, and took a sip.

"You seem the hero type. The kind of person that protects the innocent and fights injustice and doesn't generally think beyond the moment. Which leads us to the next question. What do you want from us, King Qiang? A King does not drop by on a social visit"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:23 pm

Word Count: --

He closed his eyes and listened as he sighed softly. So the child was strange, a Gigai based child meant to die. It was a strange bait but it made sense. A Trojan Horse of sorts to find the person the option was sadly not going to be pleasant. But it was about all he could do at this point to help them out. He'd made a blunder of their operation by sticking his nose in it. Qiang opened his eyes as he stood up slowly. Giving a polite bow to her before he raised himself up. "Follow me, I will make amends. He will not be of any use however, this will sadly be quite painful and fatal." Qiang said without saying much as he stepped outside to the male who'd yet to move. The benefit of having a paralyzed body meant you couldn't move. "I will answer you're follow up the question in a moment." An eerie green glow began to form on his hand as he sighed softly. This wasn't going to be pleasant by any means for this guy. Qiang's hand didn't just touch his chest as he pushed into him.

The hand seemed to push into the male as his body began spasming and suffering. Qiang's gaze seemed empty his normal cheerful disposition had left. As this matter required him to Reap the information from this man. He'd die, that much was a given. Being reaped meant a couple things. He could then pass the information to her, everything this man had done. No detail was spared or left without searching. As he looked through each victim's eyes as they were butchered. This wasn't pleasant for the killer as his body began to rip and tear. Dripping black fluid on the ground. His soul was being ripped apart for every drop of information. Qiang didn't do this lightly or even out of a desire to do so. He'd made an error and this was how he made it right. His breathing relaxed as he pulled his hand out of the broken husk. The man was dead and every second had been agonizingly painful. He wiped his hand clean on a crimson cloth he carried around with him. His power to reap information from unwilling people was fine.

"Got it, his entire life story..I'll give it to an apology for getting in the way." He offered her his clean hand as he waited. He got what he wanted for the man sitting before them. His body looked as though it had been almost destroyed from within. On the positive side, he did gain a lucky he guessed. Reading this man added him to his arsenal It was her choice if she wanted the information or not. Qiang had held up his end and obtained what they desired. It wasn't pretty or glamorous. "I am not a Hero, at least not by my definition of the word. I am but a King of a people who knows a singular purpose. I came here to learn about your people and see if some form of the alliance could be met." He said answering the question finally as he waited for her to take his hand. The moment she did, she would see the gruesome killings and those involved. Every person this man ever talked too and where they hid. Not one scrap of information was left out of the problem.

If need be he could even resummon the male as a corpse to give them a hand. To act as the real one and pretend he still did these actions. It was her choice how far Qiang's power and influence would be involved here.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:32 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Diplomatic Enovy 6EdIfMt

Hannah looked on, and seemed entirely unperturbed by the grotesque sight happening before her. In fact, she didn't even glance at it. Her eyes just wandered about and never locked onto any detail of wherever she was looking at the time. It was almost as if she couldn't lock onto detail. As if she wasn't actually seeing what she was looking at, just having eyes as decorations in her head because empty sockets were a bit too distracting for most people. So instead while he did that she just rolled something about in her head a little. A cool trick that she had never really got around to mastering because paperwork.

And then he was done. Ready to hand over the information that he had pulled from him. Which Hannah took and sorted through with unnerving swiftness, almost as if she was experienced with dealing with the life stories of other people. Or was just really good at thinking about things. Either way, she was ready to talk only a few seconds after receiving it.
"Hmm, peon. But, we can get where he is going now, so it isn't a complete loss, I guess"

She then smiled. He had come to them without knowing anything, which was quite cute. So she would give him the run-down, from her perspective.
"The people here, want control of Earth. Which is a big one, lot of people on Earth, so you are going to be stepping on a lot of toes, achieving that one. They also want to bring about the possible-apocalypse for some vaguely defined reason about a new age of rule. In all honestly, K-World is not incredibly coherent in what it wants. It just wants it, and isn't the smartest going about it. If you really want an alliance, you'd be better served talking to someone who can sell you on the dream a lot better. But for me, I just hang around because there really isn't anywhere else for a girl like me to go"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:19 pm

Word Count: --

He listened quietly as he didn't mind the situation he headed into. Everyone's life begins blind and then starts seeing things later. It's all about perception and ideas that come next. His lips turned back to their normal casual smile. So their goals were aggressive and against the Earth, it seemed? So this was what the other side that destroyed their people and home looked like? That was an interesting walk down memory lane for him at least. He listened quietly for her to finish her story of what they were and set out for. Perhaps an alliance with them was a premature choice for his brother. "As someone who survived one apocalypse I can't say I'm eager to see another. You see, where we come from was completely destroyed and our species broke down..No matter how we amassed our armies and fought.In the end, it was futile." He said remember his families faces before they jumped into the cold void. It wasn't a battle where someone walked away, those who stayed behind. They died gruesome deaths that one couldn't fathom.

He wasn't being a downer or really doing much else but telling her a fact. The Sugiura had recently gotten away from the end of their own world. Well perhaps not recently, but those who survived did remember. The journey left scars and brought about things that were harder to learn. It wasn't simple or easy for those who buried the sins of the past. This organization's goal and her acceptance of this as her lot. It was a sad fate in some ways. "I'd offer you a place in my Kingdom, but I doubt you'd accept." He stated this fact as a matter and if anything else that was it. Li Qiang was if anything straightforward, beating around bushes didn't appeal to him. If people spent less time bullshitting one another for things. The world would have likely been less fucked up then it was. That was his mind set on the situations he saw here and there. The fact was this world and its problems did remind him of home. But one glaring issue did remain, could the Eastern Sugiura really do anything?

Perhaps it was the time he paid a visit to Johan and saw what was going on with that King.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Diplomatic Enovy Empty Re: Diplomatic Enovy

Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:54 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Diplomatic Enovy 6EdIfMt

Hannah leaned back with her cup of tea, and sipped it softly. It occurred to her, after she had said the possible-apocalypse, that she didn't actually know what was going to happen, in full. And she didn't want to seem like she was lying to him, or keeping him in the dark about anything. So she spoke up again after he had his bit.
"Well, I say possible apocalypse, but it is interesting that nobody ever says what will happen after the explosion. See, K-World wants to kill the Soul King. Soul King needs to be un-killed or the Balance will be destroyed, the Afterlife will crash into the Real World, the Soul Cycle will break, and...well that's it really. Nobody has ever said what will happen after that point. Maybe K-world has a plan, maybe they have a replacement Soul King. Maybe they have a reason to team up with the evil Shadowfall creatures despite both of them really wanting Earth. Maybe there is a huge plan built into everything that I, as the Head of the Magisters, and not of the clearance to hear. Alternatively, maybe they feel they don't need to sell it to me? You did get the short straw, with me. But nobody else was around" she finished her cup, and then leaned forward again.

"And, while I appreciate the offer, think about it a bit like a King, and not like a Hero. if I leave here, and then join your group right off, they are immediately going to question what you did to me to get me to join. There will be diplomatic upheaval, and divers alarum. So, I'll hang here for now. I don't want to get you in trouble. But hey, you are welcome to wander around, chat to the people, see if you can't attract someone more important than I am"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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