Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Assumption Empty Assumption

Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:55 pm
"Another inserted... How many are left to go?"

The white haired male asked the pale void in front of him, his hands behind his back. His pure black eyes scarecely held back the grin that lightly spread across his lips, looking at the black holes in front of him. "To consume everything about this world... To understand it all, to be one... To remove the illusion of separation..." Rasuca's right hand reached out, feeling the white snake that was trapped within his skin slither out to the surface, looking into the snake's eyes.

"That's what I was designed to do, father... That's what makes me feel complete, that only I can do!" The man laughed to himself, standing there as garganta after garganta began to rend through space around him. His eyes closed slightly, a look of peace dawning over his expression, before smiling a bit once again. "So let me see... who's next...? There's no spirit of the Body.. hmm...? The Flesh?" He asked, licking his lips before leaping through the nearest garganta.

Darkness surrounded his body, but it was not enough to subdue the pale light that consumed his form. Through the darkness he stepped, hollow footsteps popping through the air all around him. At last, the darkness came to an end, and he emerged, standing within a human city. The smell of decay and corruption was strong here. The child of the Doctor had grown accustomed to such places long ago, his white hair billowing about in the cool night air. His hands slid into his pockets, stepping out into the streets.

As strange and striking as his appearance was, there also did not appear to be anything threatening about him. In fact, he did not appear to give any kind of.. indication of himself, other than what human senses could perceive. His footsteps came to a stop, standing at the end of the back alley. One hand reached forwards, gripping into the back of the human in front of him. Deeper and deeper the hand reached in, Rasuca's body moving forwards as his flesh seemed to wrap around the man, the pale white skin forming over him, subsuming him completely. The whole process seemed natural to the man, as if there was nothing he needed to be afraid of. At last, Rasuca would pass through him to the other side, looking exactly the same as he had before. The man, however, was now pale from head to toe, his legs giving out as his body laid lifelessly on the ground.

Light footsteps chimed through the hall, making the man turn about, looking at the person he had been expecting. A smile emerged onto his lips, knowing that it was only him and her in that alley.

"Hello. I've been expecting you. I was seeking flesh... Are you the Heaven of Flesh?"

Last edited by JJ on Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Assumption Empty Re: Assumption

Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:31 pm
Lilium was having a lovely rest... Atop a lovely cloud of feathers crafted by yours truly of course! She always felt a strange kinship with the sky, so taking a bit of a break to just relax and be nice and exposed to the blue, cloud dotted expanse, her soft sighs of content coming out ever so often. It was a strange sight, especially if one knew that the feathers keeping her in the sky were from her own wings, the feathers having their odd, ever present shimmer, day or night they had the strange illusion of a heavenly glow...

All was at peace in the Danava's mind, of course til some wackjob decided to pop up and be exploding his spiritual pressure. Lilium did indeed feel the signs of a close and strong being just pop up, logically through some sort of portal. Curiosity tickled her brain as her eyes opened in a narrow. Oh well, she wasn't getting any answers being above sky scrapers now was she?

The feathery cloud was revealed to be three sets of wings upon her back, which she used to descend to the ground, keeping her light blue dress pressed against her body as she didn't want any peepin' toms having a looksie...

Bare feet touched down, as she could easily pinpoint and walk to whoever decided to bang pots and pans with their energy, the rather young looking girl finding herself walking down an alleyway, her large wings long folded away onto her back, looking not unlike a small beetle shell, except made from black and grey feathers from lack of energy usage. She walked with not a single hint of hesitance or fear, giving this the negligence of an adult being beckoned by a small child wishing for them to watch a menial, mundane task.

An interesting question from a mildly intriguing mouth was spoken to her, though she had not stopped the slapping of flesh to stone, her having the most lackadaisical of smiles, "Well dearie, may I inquire who's asking such a peculiar question? I could have been an innocent little girl walking by, you know~"

Her voice had an odd sweetness to it, yet sounded so unamused towards the male's presence; she was only entertaining it for her own sake, after all. Never know if a boring person could turn out to be of interest.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Assumption Empty Re: Assumption

Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:53 pm
Rasuca's smile was small on his face, a small trait that he appeared to have picked up from his father. As the woman began to approach him, signals began flowing all around his body. He was sensitive to the spiritual pressures of others, having grown accustomed to his own to the point where he himself could no longer sense his own power.

"What would the problem have been then?" Rasuca asked her, his mature eyes turning around as his body followed, his whole form seeming to 'spin' as he went to face her. "I am taking things from this world and placing them inside of myself, you see." The polarized man informed her, his hollow-like appendage moving slightly as he clapped both hands together, placing his hands around the 'statue' that he had created.

"And I need your help…" He told her, drawing both hands back as the man's body began to shift, eye-like structures growing out of his body, like berries on vines, his arms and legs changing, shrinking, his body folding a bit, his expressionless gaze becoming calmer. However, despite the changes, they seemed… unpolished. As if they were missing something, or were just a drawing on a piece of paper. Rasuca's action was quite a bit more well detailed than that, but that lack of 'realism' was certainly present.

"I want to know how to do this… better. I want you to show me, teach me, grow me… I want to be able to reform the flesh of others as I please."

He told her, clapping both hands together again, resting it on a wall. As he did so, small lines of bricks would stretch out from either end of the alleyway, making it seem that this alley was 'closed' for some purpose. In reality, Rasuca simply wished that they be able to continue their conversation undisturbed. "Certainly you can understand my frustrations… So what do you say? Will you accept me?" He asked her, looking directly at her with those black eyes, his white hair resting on his shoulders. His gaze was steel, as if 'no' were an impossible reply…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Assumption Empty Re: Assumption

Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:39 pm
Lilium's steps did not hesitate or stutter, her stride of confidence and competence, stopping exactly where she felt comfortable, being a few feet away from the strange being that lured her forth, not too close, not too far, somehow taking the perfect position of caution. She stood still as the male answered her, pale lips curled into a lax smile, her eyes giving off nothing more than a milky sort of relaxation. She wasn't bothered by he, or the man he had stricken with some sort of ailment; she could very much tell he was still alive, but suffering, quite the amount.

She was concerned for the human that was afflicted with.. Something, but she couldn't lose her cool here, no no. Fretting now would be a terrible idea, in front of such an unpredictable force. Her mouth was shut, as she listened, listened and waited for a chance to speak, to hear this male out... So many things felt off about him, she felt an instability to him, she wasn't too sure if it was in the mind, or body, or even both; upsetting him wouldn't be wise.

She watched as the stranger's body contorted and shrunk, sensing the great distress from within. The manifests of sin were shaking and trembling all over in this space, the little forms only she could witness only further concerned her with their energy. Then both paths of the alleyway were closed off, to avoid any outside intrusion. She was fully under the impression that this being likely wouldn't take it well if she spread her wings and flew off. This prompted the girl to sigh, her small arms crossing and her body gently tilting to the side, her raising an eyebrow.

"This is what you call a first impression sweetie? If I weren't as used to your type as I were, i'd be running off screaming by now..." She sighed, tapping the side of her head, "Gotta think on this stuff, honey. Could be scaring off what you want, but, onto more important matters."

Her bare, small feet, gently pattered against the floor, as she got a wee bit closer, eyeing the suffering man on the ground, soon making eye contact with his captor once more.

"Well darling, if you're trying to learn to manipulate flesh, you mustn't use living organisms as your first subjects..." She narrowed her eyes, "They can still feel pain, and since you aren't naturally endowed with the ability without causing the other serious harm, such as moi," She struck a little pose, modest of course, "You have to start much simpler, much smaller. Humans are quite a.. Complex setup. One wrong slip in the wrong place and well... They're just a bag of meat. Very delicate." She drew her gaze to the male lying on the ground, "Such as he, even if I could fix his body he likely is going to be under severe psychological trauma for the rest of his life. You mustn't toy with the living in that manner, dear."

She made a few more strides to him, though fully prepared to backpedal and fly off if threatened, clasping her small, child hands in one of his larger ones, "I can teach you to not give such harm, but you must promise me, you will not use it to torture lifeforms." She tilted her head to the side, giving a small smile, "Contortion of one's body isn't the most comfortable of experiences, you see."
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Assumption Empty Re: Assumption

Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:48 am
Rasuca's black eyes followed her steps, wondering exactly what she was so confident about. He found it a bit perplexing how relaxed she was, as he knew that his current appearance tended to unsettle those he came into contact with.

"That's right. If you ran off screaming, you probably wouldn’t be worth the time it takes for me to come out for you." He explained to her, his voice quiet and authoritative. "It's just a game, after all.. Like the way this guy writhes. He's playing a game, too. Maybe he'll be alright after we talk, or maybe I'll make a mistake and snap his spine." Rasuca explained, folding his arms behind his back, beholding his work.

"Want to talk about first impressions? You hardly register a single note on the scale." Rasuca continued, focusing far too much on the conversation, not letting Lilium simply push it into a new direction. "In fact, if I were to rank how memorable we were, based on that first impression… Well, little girl wearing a blue dress and bare feet… you'd probably rank a two." He told her, holding out both hands as… stalactites of flesh began emerging from his skin. The horn on his head began to elongate, forming a new pattern, dousing itself in what looked like red paint. Rasuca's eyes stared directly at hers, the black hues quite amused, the smallest smile on his face.

"Hmm, yeah, I think you'll remember this kind of face, won't you? Hahahaha~" Rasuca laughed, finally letting the topic go. "Mmm… My father taught me that if you aren't doing research on a living organism, it'll be much harder to understand what's happening to them. He always said 'Make sure you have the nerve to observe the nerves.'" Rasuca chuckled slightly at that again, looking at the man who was being influenced as his body shifted again, elongating, his fat being turned into height.

"That's why I want you to show me…" Rasuca explained, the stalactites that had formed on his fingers breaking off, falling down onto the ground, leaving his fingers appear normal. "All you have to do is accept the way that I watch… Do that, and I'll leave you be." He offered to her, opening his hands in front of her, as if asking her to clasp them. "I gain no pleasure out of torture, that's true. Unless it's being done to me, I guess. And besides, what better way to convince you that I need this kind of assistance than to show you the consequences of my lack of skill…?" He let the last word trail off, holding his hands out to her, waiting to see her answer…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Assumption Empty Re: Assumption

Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:14 pm
She narrowed her eyes as the male warped his flesh to, what would seem to a normal person, would be a horrifying waking nightmare. But to her, it was the equivalent of a small child drawing a dinosaur and making rawring noises; she had honestly experienced worse in looks. Twas a good attempt in making the conversation more interesting, however, she couldn't complain. She looked rather boring and unassuming after all, but she had taken such a form to not put whoever called for her off.

The person before her, she couldn't help but see them as a person willfully seeking guidance, than just being stubborn in their ways and imposing pain on the unwilling; Showing him how to safely manipulate the flesh of others meant they wouldn't be as grotesque and destroyed as the poor sap on the floor.

As she looked at his outstretched hands, she smiled, walking step by step towards him. With each second, each blink, each heartbeat, the girl's body appeared to shift and change, becoming taller, more developed, til she was almost unrecognizable, black nailed hands clasping the male's own as she was now standing at his height- Her inner tugs and pulls to pride were held back til now, and she wished to be on even ground.

An obsidian eye, and a pearl eye... Rested onto his own, as a soft, motherly smile was on her dark lips, her grasp on his hands ever so gentle, merely looking at her would cause a sort of instinctual ease, like she was a lifelong friend you were comfortable enough to touch forever. Her blue dress shifted to a much more intriguing one, a long dress adorned with black feathers and pearl strings cloaked her body. She looked much like a royal who went all out with a bird theme, indeed.

"I will teach you, but you will run into many strange dead ends with it. I've had my fair share of mistakes, although they were preformed on my own body rather than another's..." She looked as if she were cringing, the memory giving her some pain, bringing to mind the contortion and snapping of one's own body to the point of unrecognition, "Do you think you can undo what you have done to that human?" She faced the quite likely psychologically traumatized being, sighing gently, "If you cannot, at least allow me to put him out of his misery. I'm not sure how much I could remove, even if he were restored."
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