Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja! - Page 2 Empty Re: Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja!

Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:27 am


Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja! - Page 2 6EdIfMt

His teeth, eerily incandescent, emitted a strange blue glow and were as sharp as a fine diamond sword. His skin was mostly scar tissue and he shivered in the early fall breeze. What fur there had been was tufty and thin, providing no protection to the elements at all. On his torso and face were recent scabs from a meal that had fought back, now he picked at them to relieve the boredom of the stake-out. Then came movement from the dwelling, his wait was almost over for such a large beast it moved with surprising speed.

Yoriko concentrated her reiatsu to her feet and hanss allowing them to get an easier grip and minimize the chances of falling on the snow which could heavily slow her down; with feet firmly placed in the ground like an anchor to a ship and it wouldn't do as much damage compared to Ulv with the training dummy but it'd still hurt regardless.

With her fist Yoriko kept both hips forward allowing both of her hands to stay in range. Then when the hollow came close enough she used both her fist to travel outward together into the beasts jaw; if the first one made contact she'd lower it immediately followes by using her second fist the reason why she did this is because she believed the entire body is thrown into the strike allowing both hits too have the full force of the body.

Reappearing before the ape hollow before dashing at once again. Her hip and body rotating mid spin while she drew her second kunai. Both dull ends of the weapon near her face before she slashed them to their respective sides to clean the small amount of blood off each weapon. Slowly it's left leg began to bleed out before Yoriko spoke again. Wasting no time as she moved to dash at the Hollow’s right leg and slide in some blood to get herself ten feet from the hollow more than she was wanting. A low tone growl as hollow turned to face her.

The girl wanted to continue this trend and go on the offensive however she lost her footing and almost tripped in the snow, using this opppurtunity the hollow clenched its fist slamming it into the girl embedding it with something similar to that of brass knuckles made of ice targeting her ribs just enough to send her into the snow. Yoriko looked up as she felt icicle spears poking in her chest almost targeting her lungs..just barely however, this time Yoriko was not going to accept that as the end.

Standing up she rushed towards the hollow and delivered a jumping round house kick, while the aim was a bit off it hit the hollow on the cheek missing the center of the face which would have been critical. The hollow slipped to the side as he fell to one knee falling short.

The fist fist came down hard on the girl as she felt it hit her arms she cried out loudly. "Aaaaahhhh!!!" as the impact created a crater of snow as Yoriko coughed a bit as the second fist was being wound up. The girl's arms were trembling as they fell to the side the hollow finally had its chance as it pinned her left arm with its right hand then realised she did not have anyway to guard anymore as the man charged up and was preparing to end this with a finishing blow. Yoriko did the only thing she could she had no way to evade as she thought up a quick tactic on the spot, although reckless she had no choice. 

Using her reiatsu and transfering a portion of it into her kunai she slashed in a diagnal area which sent out a blue cut that went flying towards the hollow, the intended target. Wasting no time she slashed the air again going from the left side of her body to the right side. The second slash traveled out as Yoriko moved the kunai to her side and rushed towards the hollow, the rage boiling in her eyes as small traces of reiatsu was being flaring outward but only in short burst.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja! - Page 2 Empty Re: Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja!

Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:38 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja! - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Watching Yoriko fight the hollow, she let out a deep sigh and shook her head. The girl really wasn't getting the whole 'Hakuda training' part of this thing, pulling out Kunai and cutting it up as she did. Ulv sighed, as another student bit the dust. Maybe she wasn't as strict with the 'this was a Hakuda training not a whateverthefuckyouwant training'. But, the smell of the bird was probably another reason that she was all 'fuck your lesson plan I am going to ninja'. So eventually she decided to just end it, Grasping the Earth and flashing in front of the hollow, using Wulin-Splitting Legs to shatter it's head with a single powerful kick.

"Well" Ulv said, looking at Yoriko with that 'totally not impressed mother' look. "That was a very strange display of Hakuda. Never seen anyone use a weapon for an unarmed fighting style" Ulv's passive agressiveness was thick and heavy, but then she stopped and looked out to the horizon. She could hear Yoriko a powerful shove, she took the man suddenly flying out of the tundra on her guard, getting knocked back some several foot before recovering her footing.
'Shit. Who the fuck is this guy?' She thought to herself, glancing at Yoriko.

But before she could tell Yoriko to open a senkaimon and get back home, she was ambushed herself. By something Ulv recognized. The Scylla Project. The tight latex bodysuit shone in the light, and would her high speed kick out of nowhere make contact with Yoriko, it would hit like a truck filled with smaller trucks that were in turn filled with anvils. This was not good, at all. And Ulv couldn't even help protect Yoriko from the foe that completely outmatched her because she had her own worries to deal with. This big guy that, even with her reactive enzymes, still made her arms throb painfully.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja! - Page 2 Empty Re: Muscle Girl meets Slender Ninja!

Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:02 am
Suddenly she could feel herself being pushed by Ulv just a few feet away from her until hearing a loud crash erupt her ears. When she looked it was a mysterious person who wore a latex suit that would shine brighter than a star in the sunlight seeing her attacker come full force at Yoriko at such astonishing speeds with a devastating kick, the ninja quickly attempted to block the kick with one of her arms which worked but resulted in a crippling injury. Once the kick made contact with her forearm all she could feel were the bones cracking like toothpicks causing her to be pushed back several feet away before looking at her broken arm in pain.

Unlike most combatants, who would give some taunt or gloat at seizing an advantage in the opening moves of the fight, this latex-clad woman did no such thing and simply pushed the attack. Her eyes were like she had been exposed to untold horrors, having her mentally shattered and remoulded, clearly into this combat-based woman before her. Down one arm, the woman aimed a round-house kick to the side without the arm, kicking without hesitation or deliberation, just stone-cold intent and precision.

Pain continued to course through Yoriko’s body every time she tried to move a finger it’d feel like if her entire hands were being dipped in sulfuric acid. The ninja girl groaned as she stood up holding her broken arm with her left hand clenching it tightly before looking back her assailant..obviously this wasn’t part of the training at all and it appeared that Ulv had her own problem to deal with. Despite this setback she wasn’t going to admit defeat so easily, so with a dash she rushed towards her opponent using shunpo hoping to confuse it before attacking with an uppercut palm strike using her free hand. However it was a completely pitiful strategy as her eyes opened with utter shock as the assailant effortlessly grabbed her by the leg and knead her stomach with the same force used earlier..the girl could see the souless look on her opponents face it’s like all emotion was sucked out of her and replaced with the intent to kill.

The next blow was vicious, after the knee. The recoil of the strike was taken in her stride as it if had been drilled into her brain, and from the stare that never faulted, that could easily be literal. The woman’s arms went around Yoriko’s neck in a clinch, and then dragging her to one side while throwing a kick, it was aimed to put all the impact on her knee joint, not only dislocating it but snapping the related bone entirely and causing excruciating agony while also crippling the ninja girl’s mobility. Whatever the woman was, and whatever the reason she was attacking Yoriko for, she was certainly far better than Yoriko, and far beyond any semblance of morality.

This had to be the worst pain Yoriko has ever experienced in a single day..first her arm was severely broken and now her leg was dislocated to the point of pain deteriorating. With her neck being hold tightly she could feel everything going dim and dark if this continued the girl would’ve most likely passed out or worse die from lack of oxygen flowing to her brain..she felt powerless against this new foe everytime she tries to think of a plan its immediately countered as if it read her like an open book.

The woman dragged Yoriko’s head downwards with the clinch and then brought a knee up to collide with her chest, intending to shatter her chestbone entirely. It was almost as if it was intent on dealing as much bodily harm as possible to Yoriko instead of going for a clean take down or knockout. Why something would be so sadistic, was a question for another time. Another, less painful time.

“I just want this to end..why doesn’t she get it over with?!” Yoriko said to herself as her chest cavity was struck with the person’s knee causing blood to spurt out of her mouth like a geyser. It was an absolute miracle that she was able to feel anything at all this point..her eyes averted towards Ulv with tears falling down her cheeks as she herself was shaken with fear, unable to help in the fear of ending up just like her.

Looking over at Ulv, Yoriko would be blessed with the sight of watching her tear her opponent in half. Covered with blood and one hand dangling limply to the side, along with a lean implying shattered ribs, she was finished. And the torturess of Yoriko seemed to stand stiff for a few seconds, before letting go of the Ninja girl, and taking off at a pace Ulv could hardly match, as broken as she was. Walking over to Yoriko, Ulv kneeled down and gave a mad grin.
“You still alive in there, darling?”

Then as if by some sort of miracle her torture came to an end as she fell into the snow and heard footsteps approach her it was faint but that upon seeing red hair was a good sign that it was Ulv looking at her with that grin of hers. “Yeah..i’m still here.” Yoriko smiled at Ulv happily before groaning in pain.

Looking over the broken darling, Ulv shook her head and opened a Senkaimon, very carefully picking her up and carrying her into it, so she could get some help from the medical people.
“Well, that is good news. I can proudly say, you did well in your first lesson. Expect the next one never because I am going to get shit till I die again for this”

She could see a Senkaimon open in front of the two and smiled at this conclusion of what happened today..despite getting absolutely curb stomped by a mysterious fighter it taught her something. Yoriko can use this as a motivation to train herself even harder than ever before...hopefully to the point of meeting again only this time much more stronger.

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