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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
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Saga Misia Iramasha | Advent of Chaos [APPROVED, Hybrid Iramasha; 1-5+] [Hazard Rating C] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Saga Misia Iramasha | Advent of Chaos [APPROVED, Hybrid Iramasha; 1-5+] [Hazard Rating C] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Saga Misia Iramasha | Advent of Chaos [APPROVED, Hybrid Iramasha; 1-5+] [Hazard Rating C] Empty Saga Misia Iramasha | Advent of Chaos [APPROVED, Hybrid Iramasha; 1-5+] [Hazard Rating C]

Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:29 am

Advent of Chaos

NAME: Saga Misia Iramasha
MONIKER: The Nether Sovereign; Queen of the Abyss
GENDER: Female
FACTION: Iramasha Union
POSITION: Heir to the Devils
DEVIL CLASS: Degradation of Order

PERSONALITY: Saga will most always have an impact on her immediate surroundings; the best way to spot her in a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as she moves from group to group. Laughing and [self-]entertaining with a blunt and nonsensical humor, despite contentment without notice, if Saga was to be in an environment of focused attention, she would much rather prefer all of it to be on her.

Hypotheses, abstract concepts, and plodding discussions concerning mass-welfare and their implications fail to keep Saga interested for long. The girl is one to keep her conversations energetic, with a good dose of intelligence--albeit in quite the broad sense--preferring to talk about what is as opposed to hypothetical situations--or better yet, to just go out and do it. Granted, these conversations tend to move rapidly from one subject to another, frequently without much to bridge the two concepts aside from Saga's own broken train of thought. Those of the same litter leap without hesitation, eyes closed, and fix their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle while preparing contingencies and escape clauses. In layman terms, she acts before thinking; or, perhaps it's acting based on entirely incomprehensible, irrational thinking?

Saga is easily defined as the likeliest person to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. Living in the moment and diving into action, she is understandably the eye of the storm--or perhaps, the storm itself, with those she ensnares facing an inescapable barrier within the torrents. People with a personality akin to Saga enjoy drama, passion, and pleasure; and not for the stimulation of anything mindful, but to satisfy their primal desires, as unstable as they are. They are in no manner obligated to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response, but entitled to commit actions based on thoughts which digress from common sense.

This makes any strict, organised entity a difficult thing to join. It certainly isn't because she isn't smart, and if not for the lacking rationale to her, she could do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal guidelines is just so far from the hands-on learning that Saga not only enjoys, but is accustomed to. It takes a great deal of maturity to see this process as a necessary means to an end, something that creates more exciting opportunities: a trait profusely lacked.

Another challenge Saga faces in terms of the psyche is the mindset in which it makes more sense to use her own moral compass--which is fairly nonexistent--than another's, causing her to lack traits concerning sympathy and empathy, or understanding of a situation or mood. Rules weren't made to be broken in her mind--they just didn't demand to be so strictly observed. This is a sentiment few others are likely to share, and can earn her a certain reputation. But if she minimises the trouble making--albeit unlikely, harness her overbearing energy, and focus through the boring stuff, in all sorts of manners one can consider Saga a force to be reckoned with, if not already.

To some degree, many of these facets to Saga are genuine, but in some aspects they are to a degree artificially influenced. She's absolutely a sociable character, someone who finds it an easy matter to introduce herself given contentment with being the centre of attention at any given moment. Setting aside the more volatile elements to her persona, she's someone easy to get along with in thanks to the tendency to respond in a given situation at her own flow, to which she comes off comfortable with the circumstances, and that sort of comfort can be contagious.

This self-portrayal is influenced both naturally and consciously. For example, her tendency to keep things at her own pace is just inherent to her, but she also takes to doing this purposely as a sort of power move. Saga is someone who enjoys staying on top of things, so she perpetuates herself as someone unaffected by outside influences. It makes it easier to pursue amusement through disorder and maintain it at other's expense, bordering sadistically--such that it's fit to call it a god-complex.

You can basically say that through her fashion of actions, and the way she places herself in the world, the exemplification of superiority translates into a pursuit for the realm of godhood, such that she can justify her god-complex. That's a fair assertion, as it's a sort of ethereal goal she doesn't mind attaining and moving towards, but noncommittal as always, Saga would say that the actualisation has no bearings. What's more important is whether the journey upwards was fun and fulfilling--everything else doesn't matter.

Compounding that, Saga often will go the extra mile to be obnoxious, spontaneous, rambunctious, if only to prove to others--and more importantly to herself--that she doesn't care. Whether or not Saga legitimately cares or not isn't as important here as reinforcing her own thinking with this sort of self-affirmation. To do that she can draw all the attention on herself; the pressure helps her think, keeps herself in-line, and at the same time pushes her to keep ruminating her actions and the responses she gets as a reference.


PHYSIQUE: Saga embodies the typical far eastern stature, providing a small frame in all dimensions. Though she's constantly in full garb, it's not difficult to guess her lacking assets, from a modest chest to small hips. She is just barely one-hundred sixty-five centimetres and around one-hundred eleven pounds, and toned body due more to low body fat than actual muscular development.

SKIN: Fair to the point of lethally pale, Saga has what a wuxia might call "white jade skin". Not quite light enough to see her cardiovascular system, it's fortunate that she is an iramasha, such that Saga can be healthy with so little sun exposure.

HAIR: Long to the extent of inhibiting, Saga's jet black hair falls well beyond her waist, but for reasons unexplained (secretly, anime reasons) the length of her hair doesn't stay consistent. Due to maintenance she'd never admit, from her eye-line length bangs to her hair in the back, Saga's hair is well-kept and properly straightened.

FACE: A face of incredibly contrasting features that make her one easily recognisable figure, Saga's large scarlet eyes and long eyelashes pop out from the rest of her visage. With a small nose, low nose-bridge and thin lips, Saga's round face exemplifies her youthful appearance.

CLOTHING: Saga wears a military-esque dress uniform, fit with a lavish cape, golden highlights, and even a service-cap diadem. Whether this sort of uniform represents anything is up to question, but it's certainly not for practicality in combat or any of the sort. Saga adores this look, and her professional, daunting appearance feeds into her heightened sense of superiority. For a more casual, blending appearance, Saga dons a school uniform fit for a high school senior, and in appropriate weather, a long brown-grey coat.

Earth Attire:

Usual Attire:

EXPRESSION: Through a variety of emotions, negative and positive, Saga wears a broad smile on most occasions. Of course, different smiles convey different emotions, and Saga is sure to be a very expressive person.


ACCELERATED GROWTH: Hybrid Iramasha are characteristically quick to develop. More than anything, it's not uncommon to find them physically and mentally mature at an accelerated rate to the usual singular sub-race Iramasha, and though it's to a lesser degree than the average hybrid iramasha, Saga is no different. As a member of a long-lived race she is still in the process of growing, but generally speaking you could treat her as a full-fledged adult.

Most of Saga's accelerate development took place in her powers, such that she could manifest her aether class at a young age and even alter it of her own will in the process. To be fair, most of her talents are probably by successive genes rather than hybrid growth, shown both by how she takes most of her features after her father given her aptitude towards aether magic and inclination towards nether manipulation.

Of course, like all other hybrids this sort of accelerated growth and for all intents and purposes "latent potential" has no bearings or effects on anything without proper cultivation. It's mostly due to her tutelage under Ketsu that Saga was able to manifest any of this growth. Even now she continues to take advantage of both what she learned and the inherent potential within, though now she no longer has her father to depend for direction on how to utilise it. Only herself and the ambition to achieve godhood.

AETHER ATTUNEMENT: The Devil of Order Degradation is most inclined towards understanding and utilising aether energies. By merit of both natural talent and the events of developing her aether class (to include drinking raw aether energy and breathing it in), for lack of a better term, Saga is well attuned to aether, generally finding ease in manipulating and influencing it, as well as letting it influence her. Saga is also able to exert considerable levels of control and mastery over aether, and as a result also have lots of control how her abilities develop, all of course supplemented by her guidance.

Saga has reached a sufficient level of control over aether to separate aether energy in its three simultaneous states of physical, spiritual, and mental influences. In laymen, this would allow her to hone her usage of aether in these categories to specifically enhance her abilities that specifically affect these three different realms. She can thereon waste less energy expenditure in the process, or conversely enhance her abilities at much higher efficiency. Obviously this doesn't apply to abilities which don't explicitly effect only one of the three realms.

To illustrate this in practice, if someone at her level was to throw something along the lines of an aether energy blast with lower levels of control on their aether energy? Saga could reciprocate an energy blast of equal power, but charge her blast to specifically focus on influencing the spiritual plane; the result is taking out the element of spiritual influence in her opponents aether energy blast. Say a person attacked Saga physically, with a sword or something. If the sword has no sort of enhancements, and by all means is just a swing of sword, Saga could form a barrier and hone the aether to comprise only the physical realm. Spiritual or mental influences would still pass through, and though it takes more focus to implement this barrier by separating the aether's state, the barrier could either be three times as durable or cost a third of the energy.

Aether Perception: To be able to control aether as well as she does, Saga also needs to have developed her aether perception just as well. In turn, Saga has cultivated a hyper-sensitivity to aether energy, such that she can perceive and feel physical sensations from the aether. For example, Saga can physically see aether, and by extension some other fundamental energies that in form don't stray far from what aether is. Something as fundamental as death energy is included, but an unnatural energy like oorja is exempt.

Of course like any other case of hypersensitivity, though there are great advantages including better perception and acute understanding of the energies around her, it also proves detrimental as she can at times be "too sensitive". Severe levels of energy output--specifically of those from a higher tier than her own--can spiritually and physically influence her more than her peers. A powerful and brief flash of someone's reiatsu can be disorienting for her if she isn't prepared for it. She can damper the disorientation by putting on aether sunglasses or sunscreen, but she isn't going to just walk around with them always on. Without, Saga can experience nausea, headaches, a break in focus, and even physical imbalance.

Saga's sensitivity applies to her own energy as well. Similar to how a lot of light from one source can drown out other light sources, or a very loud noise can wash out weaker ones, if Saga outputs her energy at a high level, she'll have a harder time perceiving everything else around her. Alternatively, something like a very dense wall of energy can outright block her vision of what's behind it, even if the energy wall is actually transparent. On the other hand, different energies can operate on different states or planes in the same way she could split aether into three. For that, Saga could rely on alternative senses. So say she puts up a hyper-dense barrier against mental faculties to protect her psyche; though putting it up normally with just aether energy would block her senses outside, if she uses the practice of separating the aether into being solely on a mental realm, she could still use her spiritual and physical senses through it. Unfortunately not everyone can do this, so other people's barriers would probably still block her senses all around.

Nether Attunement: An off-shoot benefit of Aether Attunement, Saga's connection to aether and her status as a devil iramasha also applies to a powerful synergy with nether energy. It shouldn't be a surprise that every application she can utilise with aether also applies to nether--and frankly, even more. There's no energy Saga has better affinity and connection to than Nether as a result of several factors.

Primarily, her status as a devil iramasha. Of course she can utilise nether energy, but what makes her attachment to this energy so vibrant compared to other forms? One part is her aether class, which is basically designed to have a proficiency towards all things nether. As aforementioned, her aptitude to raw aether applies, as well as genetics. Beyond these three advantages, the largest factor is her personal interest and preference towards nether energy. By her own volition, Saga has favoured nether energy and therefore fortified her connection with it. This come to the point of being capable of manipulating nether energy through sheer force of will. Her connection is nigh inseparable, such that cutting Saga off from her own energy reserves won't inhibit her from just utilising the latent nether around her. Obviously this wouldn't apply in areas devoid, but those places are far and few between. Of course it's an exaggeration on her part, but Saga would assert that she is nearly nether energy personified.

PARALLEL THOUGHT: Saga's greatest strength when applying her power is her aether magic, and her preferred off-the-fly style of it necessitates some complex processing and a lot of brain power. So for convenience sake, Saga has invested time into developing the skill of parallel thought--processing multiple, independent trains of thought at once. The more she can process in a short frame of time, the better the magic she can cast impromptu. Like anyone else she can still mess up some thoughts if a calculation is too complex or long-handed, but she's got it covered by running a diagnostics in the background to check her math.

The devil's specific specialty in aether magic is metaphysical application--basically the top of her class here. It's a difficult subject to master due to its complexity, but parallel thought usually has that covered, mostly out of necessity since she prefers a quick application rather than casting the magic with considerable forethought. Admittedly this has led to a great deal of complacency when it comes to choosing the right spell for the right situation, but not every royal devil can be perfect, and that's okay.

WEAK CONSTITUTION: One thing Saga has not been blessed with is a stable physical constitution. Given her lineage and upbringing, it's obviously not going to be weaker than some average human, but compared to her peers she certainly falls short. For a while she felt hopeless in covering this weakness, so rather than wasting time on going to the gym and lifting, she dedicated her efforts towards improving her strengths---like aether manipulation.

This proves more evident with her stature and proportions, petite and lightweight. Her imbalanced practices of focusing on aether alone wouldn't really affect this, but Saga's time in iramasha Vietnam does. Disproportionately growing her aether reserves to what her body was naturally built to handle only serves to further stunt her physical growth. The dynamic between her physique and energy works similar to a "container" having too high a volume of "contents" to operate properly. Either the top is left open, and the contents spill out, or if the top is closed, the amount of content pressures the walls of the container, cracking through and leaving it fragile until the whole thing breaks.

In this case, the container is Saga's physical body, the contents her energy levels. Maybe if she had more time to develop and strengthen herself the container could be more durable, but for the time being Saga's energy levels continue to outpace her physical body, and the energy in fact contributes to the degradation of her body.

(Without special enhancement, forms, equipment, or otherwise, Saga in base form cannot naturally exceed adept in any General Skills besides Martial Skill.)

Chaos Composition: After fleeing the damned fascist Iramasha Union, Ketsu's constraints on her aether growth gave Saga time to reconsider how to address her physical deficiencies. Lifting still wasn't really an option, but so far she's solved all her problems with aether magic; why should this be any different? In exchange for that lack of physical fortitude, Saga has allowed her aether class to take to this body of hers and develop it in uniquer ways. Firstly, the devil has an attunement to chaotic elements directly, and not just in the same manner as being attuned to nether energy. Even disregarding nether energy, anything inducing some level of disorder and chaos serves to empower her.

Saga senses, practically sees, some ethereal force of "disorder" and "chaos" taking place, whether it's in someone's mind, their body, in a physical location, propagated by a foreign energy, even in places beyond her senses and reach-(though at that point it's more of just a "feeling"). This allows her to utilise that level of attunement to employ a number of techniques and strategies, all which only cover the tip of the iceberg regarding Saga's "deformity".

Saga's body is so attuned to these elements that, staying true to its name, the devil's physical body can even absorb these chaotic elements. It doesn't really matter what the source is. She can take these chaotic elements in to inherently induce order in the area by inadvertently restoring the location, person, or otherwise to their natural state. Though it's possible, it's not really in Saga's nature to be a philanthropist, and she'd prefer leaving the circumstance in anarchy. Restoring balance is more of a beta Iramasha Union dog thing to do.

Abosrbing these chaotic elements does empower Saga, but never the potency of her abilities--technically. Usually Saga instead delegates the gained strength to her physical body, which is normally left inhibited by her weak constitution. Strengthening the "container" will enable her to also raise the output of her energy, and inherently also serve to increase the potency of her abilities since her overall usage can be much less controlled.

Given that she can absorb chaotic elements, Saga is also close to immune to these elements of chaos--at least those which directly influence her body. To be specific, attempts that put her body, mind, or spiritual self out of order and imbalanced are (mostly) ineffective. This involves "supernatural" attempts, as that often works more on a metaphysical level, whereas she's only "resistant" to material influences such as throwing the location in disorder, with objects coming down on her sporadically; alternatively, someone could also try their hand at silver speech, attempting to attack her mentally to put the girl in a psychological disorder through words rather than through wumbo mumbo magic, that's completely valid.

Non magical means work normally, so long as it's not directly operating off the idea of inspiring chaos and disorder. For example, rattling her brain physically can definitely incapacitate her brain and disable her mentally; or for the more creative, you could addle her through an electric shock. Even heroin would do the trick.

  • Chaos Eyes: It's already been mentioned, but Saga's eyes are capable of literally seeing elements of chaos and disorder. Technically, this also means she can see elements of order by the "absence" of disorder. Unlike "aether perception", seeing these things aren't such an obstruction of vision, though it can still interfere as a visible distraction.

    To break it down, Chaos Eyes mainly involves allowing her to understand the "system" of an entity, which in turn allows her to perceive the system put in disorder. Whether this is say a system in the physical world which allows the universe to operate, how an intricately devised aether spell functions, what a computer program or system is supposed to accomplish, or even the alchemy of the Soul Evos and magic of demons, outside of something to explicitly interfere with Chaos Eyes, she can understand how it operates, or at least get a sense of how it's supposed to operate.

  • Storm Empowerment: Chaos and the progressive change of terrain by the unhinged power of a storm--or natural disaster in general--so often attributed to some chaotic deity is something Saga can attune herself to. This is a natural ability of Devil Iramasha called "Nether Possession", but Saga takes it to a new level even without specifically doing so through nether energy. Unless there's interference (such as someone else controlling the storm/conjuring it from their own energy) Saga can take command of the natural disaster.


DRACONIC EMBODIMENT: Dragons are creatures associated with chaos and destruction, and from their intrinsic connection to the elements of chaos, Saga has found it within her repertoire to adjust her abilities--and more specifically physique--to adopt dragon-like characteristics and enhance her physical self. This naturally isn't always present, and requires her to "activate" what she calls "Dragon Sense".

This temporarily counteracts her weaker constitution, though it's of course at some costs. What this does beyond physically enhance herself is take the "lid" off the container, allowing her energy to pour out senselessly. This makes her energy output nigh unrestricted, but does happen to drain her energy reserves. It depends on how much she draws that energy out by using her abilities, but even without doing anything extraneously energy-dependent, Saga can only maintain Dragon Sense for up to 10 posts. This only accounts for base form, however, as this ability can be utilised in higher forms, at which point her energy pools expand.

Saga developed Dragon Sense after her battle with Ketsu, when he sealed her ability to breathe in energy. To defy his magic, Saga manipulated her aether with the concept of a monstrous being above all, something conceptually powerful enough to trump his magic. Her time in the wilderness had the mystical beasts of the area her only vestige of socialisation, so the creature visualised was something of a queen to the creatures--like a dragon. Through this concept Saga's aether energy adapted her physiology to possess draconic properties, including both a dragon's strengths and weaknesses.

Enhanced Durability: Saga gains endurance reminiscent of dragons from a many legends. Her physical body becomes several times more durable, able to endure projectiles with the firepower of modern day (25th century) tanks and similarly classed artillery. Like a dragon has multiple layers of scales, Saga's durability also functions in multiple layers. Damaging her without puncturing straight through her skin and down to muscular features or internal organs means that only her "outer scales" take the brunt. There are still layers of defense underneath (around 5), and each one functionally possesses a durability one skill above her natural state (if she has adept durability normally, in dragon sense she'd basically have 5 layers of advanced durability, capped at Elite. If, god forbid, Saga somehow can emulate Master/Grand Master durability, she'd still have 5 layers of defense, but the skill level is not upgraded at all).

An ability developed through conceptual powers is weak to conceptual weapons. More precisely, weapons of higher worth do increased damage against her. This doesn't necessarily mean a powerfully developed weapon, some high-output expensive laser, or just a sword conjured by energy. Weapons with a sense of craftsmanship, value of utility or sentimentality, and not just fiscal worth will be more effective against her. This applies especially to weapons strongly attached to a person, such as a zanpakuto or atma vatou. This does not apply to a quincy's spirit weapon, since that's primarily just conjured energy (unless of course their spirit weapon isn't just conjured energy). This trait doubly applies to any weapons imbued with dragon slaying properties, or slaying properties in general (like an attack from someone from the Hayden clan utilising their african "slayer" voodoo).

A final weakness is a "reverse scale" on the back of her neck above her nape. Being stricken at this area does several times more damage to Saga than a strike anywhere else, and also offers to likely stun or incapacitate her for a good while depending on the force of the strike.

Dragons are commonly attributed to have particularly powerful defenses against magical and spiritual means, and in Dragon Sense this applies. Magic-based attacks and abilities have their efficacy reduced 50% when interacting with Saga. This includes using a magic spell or spiritual ability to attack her directly, or conjuring a magical barrier wherein her attacks against it are 50% more effective. This only applies to magical/spiritual abilities, so physical and mental attacks (not from a spiritual/magical source) still works normally. None of these defensive properties (both the layered defense and magical resistance) apply to anything internal. Her organs are very vulnerable, and if she were open her mouth, attacking her internally is far more effective, as if she were at her normal durability. Magic and spiritual abilities work perfectly fine as well, so if she were to inhale anything malicious then she's properly fucked.

Dragon Blood: Saga's blood is imbued with healing properties. It's not on the level of offering any sort of instant regeneration like many energy abilities. Instead, Saga's blood coagulates and repairs damage more quickly, allowing the necessary aether energy and nutrients to treat her wounds through her cardiovascular system.

The blood is also venomous and flows thick and viscous. The venom can burn into a person's body, and contact with other blood rapidly coagulates it like a snake venom. If Saga's blood enters someone else's veins and arteries, chances are it will restrict blood flow, constrict their breathing, and charge their nerves with immense pain. The blood is also scorching hot, such that her blood will melt through steel beams like ignited jet fuel, or some sort of acid.

On a more positive note, if someone can endure the lava-like heat then consuming Saga's blood can also grant the person healing properties, and a large enough amount can provide enhanced healing permanently.

Draconic Strength: Pretty streamlined. In Dragon Sense, Saga's strength multiplies several times, enough that her flailing limbs could smash straight through bunkers or toss whole buildings. Considering this is an enhancement through physiological changes, this does change Saga's musculature and bone structure to make it denser and more durable, so as to endure all that unbridled strength.

Organ Changes: Entering Dragon Sense changes around Saga's organ composition and numbers. To support her dragon blood and breath, Saga undergoes changes primarily with her cardiovascular system. She gains three hearts, and her lungs are replaced with masses of pure energy which converts foreign energies she inhales into her own manipulable energy. Her stomach and intestines change into a bottomless abyss akin to a pocket dimension, wherein anything she can physically swallow whole can be stored in it. Her tract all the way down to the abyss is still fairly normal, so whatever she consumes must be able to properly fit down the esophagus, and anything malicious will still work properly. If Saga consumed poison, it could still seep through her internal tissue and successfully poison her. If she consumed lava, it would properly burn and melt her inner tissues. However, once something gets to the abyss, it no longer truly touches her physical body, and therefore doesn't harm her. If she can manage to make whatever she swallows to the abyss, her own energy can reconstruct or disarm the entity within, allowing for a safe regurgitation. Alternatively, Saga can try and break down whatever she swallows and convert it into aether energy, similar to her lungs. That way, when she exits Dragon Sense all the things in her stomach are properly converted before it can harm her, since this abyss will turn back into an actual stomach and intestines.

Dragon Breath: In Dragon Sense, Saga passively breathes in and out pure aether energy and available variants, and convert the consumed energy into her own reserves. This does mean she can suffocate in Dragon Sense when there isn't any sort of aether energy or comparable variant available. Through a focused and controlled breath, Saga can exhale a massive amount of torrential, destructive energy to run rampant and consume the area around her. This is an involuntary process that you can take advantage of, such as sneaking in some sort of poisonous energy to the area so that she might inhale it.

Instinctively Destructive: Another involuntary trait. Dragon Sense is physiological, and the changes in her body also effect her brain chemistry, such that she is plagued with an instinctive drive to wreak havoc around her. It can be contained and controlled, but a loss of focus can make these urges too powerful to withhold.

Creature Obedience: The foundation of Dragon Sense was the combination of visualising a powerful being above all, and the queen of beasts around her. Obviously the realisation of Dragon Sense and draconic attributes includes a sovereignty over members of the animal kingdom, monsters, creatures, and beings with animistic features and instincts. They will have an instinctive subservience to Saga, and it can only be contended with other animals of similar statures like tigers, or other dragons.


AETHER ARTS: Saga's physical weakness has her rely almost entirely on her prowess in magic and energy manipulation, and even temporary physical enhancements doesn't dissuade her from this reliance. Her low physical parametres in general encouraged her to implement energy-based enhancements in martial combat.

Empyrean Vessels: Saga isn't particularly talented at hand to hand, but her utilisation of Aether Arts which focuses more on weaving her energy in unarmed combat more than actual technical prowess provides a sufficient level of close quarter combat prowess. Specifically, her control over a manifested Empyrean Vessel can make her a formidable combatant, not to mention her rabid preference of an offensive onslaught. All of her Aether Art techniques can be used with her vessel as the conduit, which functions to extend her range and conduct attacks with more safety. Since the vessel is made sheerly of energy, whilst it can be attacked and destroyed, Saga only needs to refuel it to retake its form. The maximum size of the vessel can reach 30 ft in height and an equal wingspan.

Empyrean Vessel Appearance:

Ruining Fist: Saga's punch draws nether energy in to increase the volatility of the impact of her blows. "Fist" is mostly for a catchy name; this technique works on other parts of her body, though it's most commonly with a punch. Once the blow lands and registers, a delayed explosive effect follows afterwards. Whatever her blow lands on, the initial attack has its damage enhanced, but the nether energy continues to draw around the affected area, in the end accumulating before the explosion takes place. The explosion's size and damage varies with the accumulated energy. Ruining Fist also provides a visible marking on the entity hit that draws energy onto it. The marking is a red, abstract seal floating above the area of contact. If recognised quickly enough, the marking can be dispelled before the energy accumulating gets excessive enough to become an explosion. If not, the energy will continue accumulating until detonation by Saga's command.

Destructive Palm: Energy gathers in Saga's palm before performing a strike. If it lands, the energy will pervade throughout the target, drawing negative energies to degrade and break down the construct after fully spreading around. The technique can be used on whatever, but it's most effective on terrain destruction or defensive structures, since it takes time for the ability to activate. That delay makes it difficult to use on a person, since there's no accumulation to controlled detonation like with Ruining Fist. Since it's easy for her to see the system or function of the defense/construct through Chaos Eyes, it's easy for Saga to actually track the progress on Destructive Palm's progression.

Twin Dragon Fists: Saga coats her arms with chaotic energies, passively tearing apart anything in their immediate vicinity (1 metre from her arms). Like ruination fist, tecnhically this can be utilised on other appendages, not even on her own body. When she imbues the conduit with this destructive aura, she can apply force through her fists (or whatever else) which follows the near instantaneous sequence of sucking things in range of influence, and upon reaching direct contact with her arms after being sucked in, crumbles down the attracted material by breaking down the binding elements which keep it stable (like a molecular deconstruction). The finale is the outward explosion of the broken down material. The pull and subsequent crumbling and explosion can be resisted with a durable enough body, and particularly dense items have a slower process of breakdown and explosion. More difficult subjects takes more energy expended to be influenced. If something is in range of her arms but they are powerful or stable enough, they can entirely resist the attractive force. Say Saga punches someone in the head, but they dodge by a small margin. If within range of her Twin Dragon Fists' aura, they can still be pulled into her fist. However, if their strength or balance is strong enough, they can resist the initial attraction. Without coming into direct contact with her arms (or the conduit), the breakdown and explosion cannot take place.

Dragon Whisker: This technique functions similar to Ruining Fist in that contact leaves a "marking". With Dragon Whisker, Saga places this stomp on multiple different areas (which must be a physical construct. She can't just mark the air). Once more than one mark is placed (at any number), Saga can activate the technique. A link between the two or more marks is created, and between them an energy beam is formed. The link is thin by hyper dense, like a cutting laser or the edge of a blade. Going through this line is like running through a full steel cable at full tension, full speed, basically cutting straight through you.

Dragon's Roar: Another technique involving markings. Once two or more marks are placed, instead of a razor-thin laser of energy, the blasts are more of a full-on energy beam like a cero blast. The energy blast only travels from one mark to another, tearing through whatever is in their path. This is especially lethal if Saga can place markings on two sides of a person's body, as they'll just immediately tear through them at literal point-blank range. The efficacy would depend on the person's durability of course. Putting these markings down has a time-limit. The time-limit starts on the first marking, and after three posts, all markings made will fade. As usual, the markings can be destroyed through energy interference, but the more energy Saga puts into a marking the harder it is to erase. If Saga lands a strike on your limb, it may be more cost-effective to just rip it off rather than spend time destroying it.

AETHER MAGIC: Saga is pretty well practiced with all types of aether magic, but her specialty is on immaterial spells--the form of aether magic concerning metaphysics. Her breadth of knowledge and the potency of her spells in general are still pretty exceptional, but immaterial spells are where she's a large cut above the rest. Naturally the alignment of her spells tend to be nether-influenced or on chaotic subjects. Thanks to her attunement to aether and Chaos Eyes, it's super easy for her to understand how a spell is formed and adapt it to her own repertoire. Such that, if it's within her chaotic alignment, Saga is capable of usurping control of someone else's spell (like spells meant to destroy something or cause chaos in a system). It's not the easiest thing to do of course, but it's possible. If the spell isn't formed using aether or a relative energy, though she can't usurp it Saga can still analyse and understand the system to the spell being cast. From there, she could still use her own energy to interrupt the spell and nullify it at a vulnerability. Sometimes it's easier to just do this than come up with a spell to counteract it passed execution.

Personified Magic:

  • Ruining Wave: The effects are the same as Ruining Fist, just casted as a full on spell instead. A reason to favour Ruining Fist is the speed of activation, as the marking is immediately created on successful contact, on top of enhancing the power in her physical blows. However, if close quarters isn't possible or speed isn't an issue, Saga can still cast Ruining Wave. Upon execution, a wave of energy spreads out in a 90 degree cone in whatever direction, up to around 100 metres forward. The range can be extended depending on the focus and energy put into it, but the cap at maximum exertion would be half a kilometre. This level of exertion would require her immobilised during activation. All the effects are the same as Ruining Fist. Once the energy wave comes into contact with something, a marking is placed which begins accumulating energy around it that, at Saga's discretion, explodes with all the energy stored. This spell is a material magic.

  • Thunder Break: This spell is designed to interfere with the electromagnetic fields of the surroundings, preventing the natural interaction between electrical currents within the domain of Saga's control. The effective range of this spell is around 50 metres, wherein Saga acts as a gateway on a node. By her discretion, electrical currents and magnetic waves can pass through naturally, be stopped, or disrupted. Saga can't directly control where the disruption takes the wave/currents, only that they are put out of their natural pathways. 50 metres outside of the initial 50 metre range, Saga lacks proper control and unilaterally sends the electromagnetic field in disarray, such that trying to manipulate pre-existing currents/waves is stupid hard. This extended 50 metre range won't effect electromagnets conjured by someone else's own abilities, but the inner 50 metres does. It's not that easy to just hijack someone else's electromagnetic abilities, but if they lack control, it's possible.


BACKGROUND: The Royal Devil Company was met with unexpected news when Ketsu Iramasha announced a daughter. It came out of nowhere, and any attempts to greet the infant at initial announcement was deterred. Combined with an unknown mother, it was natural that many questioned the legitimacy, but aside from drama it didn't really matter. The news was scandalous, and then it faded away. For years passed before any of this was relevant again.

Come four years, Ketsu had is daughter more publicised. A small birthday party was thrown for the girl, a few royal devil clansmen invited to participate. Even then, the news only really blew up out of interest and curiosity over the sheltered girl, but nothing particularly outstanding came from it. Aside from being a small toddler that her father's piercing red eyes and pitch black hair, the only other notable traits was her rampant curiosity, some gleaning intellect, and a particular attunement to aether. Maybe in some other iramasha family this would come across as more notable features, but given her lineage all these things were essentially par for the course.

The birthday party went by and a variety of responses were garnered. Some lost interest, some infatuated with a cute and energetic child, nothing really out of the ordinary. And once the event became the past, nothing particularly of note came up with her. In her later childhood years, the girl gained a reputation of being adventurous, albeit troublesome. Her genetic advantages and affluent upbringing allowed her the power and leeway to have some freedom, such that she'd frequent roaming around the Iramasha Realm. She'd come across trouble now and then, sometimes coming too close to territories outside of her father's influence like the Angel or Nature Iramasha's territories, and occasionally scandalous news came back to bite her, but in the end she'd always make it back home to have an earful from Ketsu.

Her adventurousness grew into rebelliousness over time, such that even her father's earfuls did nothing to dissuade her from causing trouble. Sometime in her 50s, Saga finally went too far. During a union meeting with the Iramasha Council, a fight broke out that led to the death of several guards for the council meeting. She was found guilty for inciting the conflict, and pushing the fight to occur. To avoid the repercussions, Saga fled the land and went towards the wilderness of the Iramasha Realm. Ketsu was then held responsible in her stead, and once more news concerning Saga quieted into nothing.

Another 50 years passed by before her name resurfaced again. Out in the wilderness, an anomaly in the aether started disrupting the balance of the realm, as if a small vacuum was progressively sucking up all the aether in the region and turning it into a void. A scouting party was sent out with no one to return. Overtime, the offset balance was enough to warrant the attention of even the council members, and Ketsu himself attended the party to visit the wilderness. Unsurprisingly, they found Saga at the core of the vacuum. No particular machinations or device in place--she was literally the centre of the aether void.

The members that attended this excursion were powerful and experienced, so they were quick to understand that Saga was literally breathing in the aether of the area. It was fortunate that Ketsu was in the party, as the initial response was to slay Saga. She caused trouble once before, and it was easily understood that the scouting parties sent before were killed, fed to the mystical beasts in the area, which Saga acquainted herself well with. By Ketsu's influence and lenience, they instead detained and took the girl back to civilisation, specifically neutral grounds. Despite her wrongdoings, Saga was well-liked by many in the Devil Company; though she was a criminal, her actions weren't totally out of place amongst Devil Iramasha, so her reputation wasn't so tarnished to them. To avoid any over-leniency from their side, neutral grounds were necessary. During her detainment, they uncovered the means by which Saga began to breathe such large quantities of aether ceaselessly.

By her testimony, Saga's time in the wilderness was mostly accompanied by the beasts which inhabited them. Over the years, she had enough familiarity with them that she was led to their water source. The water source was essentially pure liquid aether, and drinking from the pool empowered her. The thought came to mind that if she could breathe air and drink water, and she could also drink aether, logically she should be able to breathe aether. The logic didn't really hold, but by means of aether magic she was able to make it possible. As such, for several years onward Saga had just passively breathed in the aether of the realm, like it was natural reflex.

Now detained, it was a simple matter to just slay her and be done with the matter. Once more in thanks to Ketsu's, who was unusually lenient with Saga, even moreso than his other children, he plead for leniency. Of course it was denied--even if she was his daughter, Saga was beyond saving. In her short life, she was already responsible for so many crimes against the Union.

Once Saga became aware that she was essentially on death-row, fleeing was a must. Thanks to the large quantities of aether she accumulated throughout the years--enough to disrupt the balance of the realm--it was possible to escape. By tooth and claw, Saga fought her way out of confinement and fled the realm. Of course, she couldn't get off scot-free and suffered a many injury. The biggest obstacle was her father standing in her way. Clearly he wasn't intent on killing her, although Saga wasn't a match for her father. However, that leniency was enough for her to at least succeed in running away, but not without consequence. During her escape, Ketsu used a magic which prevented her from breathing in aether, stunting her nigh-limitless access to aether.

At the same time, it was also a boon. Breathing aether became so natural to Saga that simply stopping it was as difficult as going by without breathing at all, and even after escaping, her pursuers would only need to find an anomaly in the aether to find her again. There were other means to track her of course, but these other methods were ones she could combat with her own experience in aether magic.

Since then, news of Saga in the Iramasha Realm once more quieted. News would still flair here and there in other realms when small voids in the aether were created, but they were always considerably smaller events. By the time a party could be sent to investigate, although traces of Saga were present and signs of her involvement were apparent (not just of her energy signatures, but more notably a nasty conflict of the denizens), it wouldn't be enough to use to track her down.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Iramasha Skill Sheet
  • Aether Control: Elite
  • Aether Magic: Elite
  • Aether Arts: Adept
  • Aether Stones: Beginner

Devil Iramasha Skill Sheet
  • Nether Summoning: Beginner
  • Nether Distortion: Advanced
  • Nether Possession: Elite
  • Nether Channeling: Elite

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by Sage on Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:23 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:30 am
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

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Last edited by Gamma on Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:29 am
Fixed the two things addressed.

Organ Changes: Entering Dragon Sense changes around Saga's organ composition and numbers. To support her dragon blood and breath, Saga undergoes changes primarily with her cardiovascular system. She gains three hearts, and her lungs are replaced with masses of pure energy which converts foreign energies she inhales into her own manipulable energy. Her stomach and intestines change into a bottomless abyss akin to a pocket dimension, wherein anything she can physically swallow whole can be stored in it. Her tract all the way down to the abyss is still fairly normal, so whatever she consumes must be able to properly fit down the esophagus, and anything malicious will still work properly. If Saga consumed poison, it could still seep through her internal tissue and successfully poison her. If she consumed lava, it would properly burn and melt her inner tissues. However, once something gets to the abyss, it no longer truly touches her physical body, and therefore doesn't harm her. If she can manage to make whatever she swallows to the abyss, her own energy can reconstruct or disarm the entity within, allowing for a safe regurgitation. Alternatively, Saga can try and break down whatever she swallows and convert it into aether energy, similar to her lungs. That way, when she exits Dragon Sense all the things in her stomach are properly converted before it can harm her, since this abyss will turn back into an actual stomach and intestines.

Enhanced Durability: Saga gains endurance reminiscent of dragons from a many legends. Her physical body becomes several times more durable, able to endure projectiles with the firepower of modern day (25th century) tanks and similarly classed artillery. Like a dragon has multiple layers of scales, Saga's durability also functions in multiple layers. Damaging her without puncturing straight through her skin and down to muscular features or internal organs means that only her "outer scales" take the brunt. There are still layers of defense underneath (around 5), and each one functionally possesses a durability one skill above her natural state (if she has adept durability normally, in dragon sense she'd basically have 5 layers of advanced durability, capped at Elite. If, god forbid, Saga somehow can emulate Master/Grand Master durability, she'd still have 5 layers of defense, but the skill level is not upgraded at all).

An ability developed through conceptual powers is weak to conceptual weapons. More precisely, weapons of higher worth do increased damage against her. This doesn't necessarily mean a powerfully developed weapon, some high-output expensive laser, or just a sword conjured by energy. Weapons with a sense of craftsmanship, value of utility or sentimentality, and not just fiscal worth will be more effective against her. This applies especially to weapons strongly attached to a person, such as a zanpakuto or atma vatou. This does not apply to a quincy's spirit weapon, since that's primarily just conjured energy (unless of course their spirit weapon isn't just conjured energy). This trait doubly applies to any weapons imbued with dragon slaying properties, or slaying properties in general (like an attack from someone from the Hayden clan utilising their african "slayer" voodoo).

A final weakness is a "reverse scale" on the back of her neck above her nape. Being stricken at this area does several times more damage to Saga than a strike anywhere else, and also offers to likely stun or incapacitate her for a good while depending on the force of the strike.

Dragons are commonly attributed to have particularly powerful defenses against magical and spiritual means, and in Dragon Sense this applies. Magic-based attacks and abilities have their efficacy reduced 50% when interacting with Saga. This includes using a magic spell or spiritual ability to attack her directly, or conjuring a magical barrier wherein her attacks against it are 50% more effective. This only applies to magical/spiritual abilities, so physical and mental attacks (not from a spiritual/magical source) still works normally. None of these defensive properties (both the layered defense and magical resistance) apply to anything internal. Her organs are very vulnerable, and if she were open her mouth, attacking her internally is far more effective, as if she were at her normal durability. Magic and spiritual abilities work perfectly fine as well, so if she were to inhale anything malicious then she's properly fucked.

Death Energy was removed.

Saga Misia Iramasha | Advent of Chaos [APPROVED, Hybrid Iramasha; 1-5+] [Hazard Rating C] 8Bvy1N8


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