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Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:20 pm


Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] JCRrxmK


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It had been quite a bit since Vanyel had seen Calypso Asthavon -- the weird, childish spawn of Mana. Blissfully ignorant, Vanyel had...for once, enjoyed someone else's company. It felt strange to have that satisfaction -- but yet, he also yearned for it. It was something new, and something that caused him to feel a bit more relaxed than he normally did.

Thus, soon after the two had parted ways, it wasn't all that long before he ended up wandering through the very same place that the two had met -- America. There was one thing that hadn't changed, even in the short time that he had been absent from this place -- the amount of ignoring that both he, and everyone around him were doing to one another.

Not like it mattered or made a difference to him. He didn't care what they were doing, they didn't care what he was doing. So, as he wandered the suburbs, Vanyel continued to search for the little demon. Time burned past as he casually walked about, his eyes flicking around. The amount of time that he was killing slowly began to grade on his nerves, and the male eventually just reached a "fuck it" point.

He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, locating and locking onto what felt like Calpyso's energy signature. Letting out a soft sigh of relief, Vanyel leaped off in a burst of speed, utilizing his skill in Buzhou in order to reach moderate distances in a short time, eventually coming to a stand, not more than a few feet away from the energy signature.

Vanyel began to walk towards the figure, starting into a wave.

"Hey, Caaaaaaaaalllll..."

As he grew closer, though...his words ran on, and soon, he went entirely silent for a moment.

"...Whooo da fuck are you?"

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Sat Aug 11, 2018 2:56 pm
"What am I going to do..?"

Calypso was walking alone, the shining of moonlight providing the strongest glow of light this night had to offer. She tried to stay out of any busy areas; they still gave her goosebumps... Even if she didn't really have normal skin. She stared at her hands, reminiscing on her dreams, of that man... How was she supposed to do anything? Getting stronger..? The eyes upon her arms and hands looked at her worriedly and sadly, their deafened voices unable to supply a solution to this.

It felt like so much... All over again. This feeling.. Of things being thrown upon her, was just like when she was born, emerged from the demonic Queen, squealing like a helpless whelp, and handing off the baton to someone who didn't exist... No! Lux exists! Lux is just... Asleep, right?
Golden tears were in her eyes, though she tried to keep herself together.

"...Strong people don't cry, do they?" She mumbled to herself, rubbing the sweet substance from her ducts, closing her eyes and continuing her thinking walk...

Til someone who didn't do much of that popped up, calling her name, waving at her like a dumbass.

"...Oh... It's you." Calypso immediately felt a ball of ice... Well, where her stomach should be. He didn't know. He met Lux, he doesn't know about... What...

"..I'm.. Calypso." Her arms were pressed against her chest, eyes all over her dressings giving a look of merciful pity and sadness to the girl, as if silently trying to tell her it's OK, "It's... A long story... Short, Lux... Isn't really... Around. Anymore... Sorry. It's only.. Uh... Me."
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Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:31 pm


Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] JCRrxmK


Artist: Celtic Thunder X - Song: Castle on the Hill - Word Count: N/A

It was nice to see Cal again. To him, she was (somewhat) the normal admist the chaos. While he was rather pleased to see her -- she seemed...less of such. While he was pretty damn careless and lackadasical, he sure as hell wasn't completely stupid. Even with the first words that Calypso had said, Vanyel knew that somethin' was wrong. So, his hand dropped onto her head. forcing her head to turn to him as own head tilted to the side.

"...Wait, wut? Yer Cal, but ya look...totally different."

As he said this, he began to circle Calypso, scanning her over and looking at every last inch of her. He knew that it was her -- he could tell based on the same energy signature -- but her appearance was entirely different, as was quite a bit of her personality. She had gone from a relatively chipper and neutral person to glum, and even more sulkin'.

Eventually, his gaze turned from her to the eyes that covered her. That was the main thing that really left him rather speechless. After all, not a whole lotta people have eyes all over their fucking body. So, needless to say, Vanyel may not have been saying much about that, but his interest and attention were definitely drawn to this oddity.

However, as Calypso finished, Vanyel's head jolted back to attention -- while his voice couldn't be further from that.

"Wha? Uh...the fuck, you mean there's two of ya or somethin'? Who da fuck is Lux? If she's gone, then the hell does that make you?"

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Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:36 pm

Calypso visibly flinched when his hand plopped on her head, but she quickly recovered as she reminded herself that he wasn't intending to harm her; he just wasn't properly socialized. She felt a silent bit of guilt, that she tied him into the facade she tricked herself into, that there was another within her helping her and supporting her. But they didn't exist. It was her the whole time... That alone made her feel guilt for presenting a false self to this man, even if he wasn't the brightest.

"..No, there's technically only me here, at least, dominantly. I... Was a confused person. I'm sorry if you feel tricked or betrayed, I... I just... I... I'm sorry."

Calypso released a heavy sigh for a mouthless face, a weary expression on her face. Her body language read stressed, overly thinking, and anxious all in one, with the eyes constantly surfacing and repressing on her body and clothing continuing to give their attempted wordless comforts, some looking at Vanyel with a, 'We don't know what to do' kind of look as he circled her. She felt ashamed of letting it happen, of letting him see something that wasn't exactly true.

"...I'm really sorry. But, I'm still... Me. Just... Not all outgoing and happy or anything like that... I'm not really like that. I still know who you are, and retain the same feelings I... Had before."

Her face shimmered several different, unnatural for skin colors in the moonlight, letting out a grunt, "I can make it up to you, I can. Just... Don't hate me, okay?"

Coding By Lillian <3

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Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:29 pm


Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] JCRrxmK


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A


There wasn't much else that Vanyel had to say about what she had said.

The whole thing behind Calypso's dual personality was something that Vanyel really didn't understand. All he knew was that the Cal he interacted with was gone, and she was the only one there. To him, that was all he needed to know. So, with a casual shrug of his shoulders, Vanyel stuffed a hand into his pocket, using the other hand to softly push Cal in the direction he started moving in.

"Don't apologize for somethin' that ain't your fault, kid."

As the two would likely be walking side-by-side, Vanyel turned his head to Calypso, giving another shrug as she continued. Eventually, the two would come across a park -- with Vanyel turning toward a bench near the entrance and sitting down, patting the seat next to him as an invitation. However, soon after that, the male put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

"You don't need to make anythin' up to me, you didn't do nothin' wrong."

A tinge of annoyance sparked in Vanyel as he sighed softly, his gaze turning once again to the shadowy, multi-eyed demon as he brought his hands down and into his lap.

"I don't hate ya, Cal. You don't need to feel guilty about all this. I don't feel betrayed, tricked -- anythin' like that. "

Vanyel grinned as he reached toward her, softly flicking her forehead as he turned his head face her, crossing his legs in the process.

"As long as you still are you, that's all that matters, right? So what if the side of ya I talked to ain't around? You yourself are still here. S'all I need."

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Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:29 pm

Calypso was rather... Shocked, with how casual the male before her reacted. It was like he heard the most mundane sentence in the world, and acted accordingly. But.. Isn't that not what's supposed to happen? She thought he'd be angry or upset that she essentially faked herself to him... Isn't that what happened? Is that what she did? Didn't she do something terrible? She lied to him... Didn't she?

The demon flinched as she saw his hand come down, thinking she would be hurt, a sense of terror hitting her, but was lessened as he was just... Nudging her along with him. Her eyes were wide, damn near about to pop from her mass when he stated it wasn't her fault, and that she didn't even need to apologize.

"B-but it was- hey hey hey..!" She grunted, almost tripping from being pushed along, sighing and walking with him, averting her gaze with a colorful blush, a hand rising to cover her face, though that hand was made more intimate with her face when she walked into a pole, not realizing that Vanyel took a turn to sit down. Uttering a gentle 'ow', she went and sat down, though nudging away from next to him, looking to the side.

"...You are way too forgiving... Like... Far too much... Are.. Are you sure you aren't planning to kill me or something out of anger? Out of rage? Are you just-just hiding your anger?!"

Coding By Lillian <3

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Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:30 pm


Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] JCRrxmK


Artist: Nintendo - Song: Gang-Plank Galleon - Word Count: N/A

Careless would be the word that anyone would use to describe how Vanyel acted. There was very little effort or care put in just about everything that he had done up to this point. He did what he felt was the right thing to do. While that vision was...definitely strange, and most certainly more than often very skewed, it was what made him -- him.

Thus, he still remained impassive to the Danava's little bump (while still chuckling a bit, internally), Vanyel simply reclined as the girl sat down next to her, refusing to look at him while she flushed an admittedly, adorable rainbow blush, causing the human to break out into a goofy grin, lightly patting the girl on the back, shrugging soon after.

"Nah. I ain't gonna kill ya, or anythin' like that. If I was angry, trust me hun -- you would definitely know. Worst I'll do is give you a headache from how much I can talk!"

A loud, booming laugh came from the man as he stretched out once more, crossing his legs as he turned back to Calypso.

"I wouldn't say forgivin', exactly. More o' just...I don't care."

Another ridiculous grin came from him as he reached an arm forward -- not giving a single shit about Cal's personal space to flick her nose, before ruffling her hair and giving her a wink.

"No need to look away, ya know. That rainbow blush looks good on ya~!"

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Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] Hm7QDbg
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Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso] Empty Re: Maniacal Shadow [Private/Ask to Join Only] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:21 pm

Though she was internally relieved that he wasn't interested in doing anything horrific to her (although she still possessed some fear and caution to such a subject, being ready to bolt if he tried to do anything to her). Her body language screamed nervousness, anxiety, and withdrawal from him, even her laughter was soft and nervous as he joked about how much he talked. Calypso felt uncomfortable, sick even, from how she felt; she still hadn't gotten over the feeling she had lied to this man, and felt some sort of repercussions creeping on her spine.

He cares.. He's lying... He cares.. He's going to do something... He will...

Being told he didn't really care absolutely did not help soothe her nerves, her feet tapping and tapping on the ground rather excessively, quietly trying to outlet the anxious energy into something else, something rather unassuming, but obviously it would look more like she wanted to use the bathroom rather than releasing some energy. She only looked further away.. Til she saw a finger come up into her face.

She narrowly, narrowly, narrowly caught herself from screaming. Whatever released her voice, it was clammed, shut, quiet, cold sweat and goosebumps running along her whole body. The lump in her throat was huge, and she felt a mass of ice in her stomach as her hair was ruffled, her breath shallow and appearing rather dizzy.

She couldn't take it anymore.

Calypso released a soft breath, her body swaying back, eyes rolling up into her cloudy-feeling head, and the girl falling over. The stress had gotten her so bad she lost focus of her body and was now falling onto the ground.

Coding By Lillian <3

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