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God of Love
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Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) Empty Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso)

Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:34 am

Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) 4nWo3qE


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Ah, the library. A place of untold riches, knowledge scarcely to be comprehended and in such a form that Valentine could hardly believe it was simply lying out in the open for anyone to peruse. No hierarchy of access, no rules beyond not being allowed to take it away from the building without a license... Truly, these were astounding bastions of knowledge, these libraries, and Valentine always found himself drawn to them whenever he had the opportunity.

But what brought him such an opportunity? Well, that was simple enough, wasn't it? As head of the Dimir, it was naturally his job to be keeping an eye on any unusual goings-on in Shadow Fall territory, and so rather easily enough he brought himself deep into the heart of Europe, perusing some French library with his usual contented smile. Surely he would find something interesting in here, wouldn't he? Of course, if he didn't... Well, that was fine, too.

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Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:19 am

Unaware to any oddities entering the library, Calypso was quietly reading a book about, at least to her and those born of this age, practically ancient mythos. She was mostly stuck in Roman mythos currently, reading about many stories that shared a similar tale, but were written differently. She couldn't understand why they couldn't just stick to one story, just one! That'd be so much easier to tell, right? Oh well, not like they had a printing system, or toilets.

The girl couldn't help but chuckle at a few stories not making much sense in relative to the other saying the same thing. Oh well. She was trying to take a load off, for once, instead of panicking and crying and whimpering over everything. A lot of things were tossed at her at once, so she just wanted a bit of relief, right? She flipped to the next page, seeming alarmed that it was the end of the historic tellings of ancient stories.

"...Awwh. Why do they always end...?"

She sadly put the book on top of the slowly becoming rather tall stack of thick books, sitting back in the wooden chair and thinking to herself, remaining in a state of calmness.

"...Huh... Maybe more poetry..? Poetry's nice... What do you all think?" She looked to the eyes adorning her clothing, some opening up, the others present giving her a glimmering look of approval. Calypso sighed, a bit sad, but took it easy.

"I'm sorry I can't really hear any of you, but... Poetry it is."

The young demon made her way to the section with poetic arts, looking for anything appealing to read. She did like poetry quite a lot, even if some of them were just made up words. They were still prettily put together, to make a pretty mental image. Sometimes she even peeked into the dreams of people who seemed rather artistically creative, just for a bit of self satisfaction. It made her feel.. Strangely at ease.

Coding By Lillian <3

God of Love
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Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:43 am

Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) 4nWo3qE


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Valentine might have been perfectly content to simply sit with a nice book in hand, to read and absorb such magnificent knowledge purely through gazing upon its written form. Of course, it seemed that would not be the case for him today, for no sooner had he found something vaguely relaxing than his eyes fell upon...something. Even with the weight of the whole Martian Collective behind him, it was no easy feat to find a proper word to describe the sight before him in any Earth tongue. Ultimately, however, he simply settled on “disconcerting.” It was not entirely accurate, but it would do.

With that in mind, however, he did consider that there was perhaps something to be gained from the creature. He had yet to properly interact with any of demonkind on a purely social basis, and while he did not particularly relish the idea of dealing with these cancers in such a way, it was undoubtedly important for him to understand their kind before he could properly remove them. So, with his inherent disgust entirely outsourced to the Collective, leaving him only with a kind smile, he approach the...thing, with a book and a willingness to speak.

“Hello, young miss. Looking for something in particular?”

He suspected that, in this particular instance, his experience with Earth literature would help him a great deal more than it otherwise might. It seemed the...girl(?) was looking through poetry at present, a topic that Valentine himself was only recently acquainting himself with. The idea of using words in such a manner was one that was profoundly alien to the people of Mars, but he had every intention of presenting the concept to the Elders for consideration. It could certainly help develop the Collective, but that was not his concern right now. He filed that idea away in a drone he dedicated solely to ideas to be considered at a later date, and focused entirely on whatever it was he was speaking to currently.

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Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) Empty Re: Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso)

Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:14 pm

Cali ran a single finger along the spines of the plethora of books, mumbling a few names she was vaguely familiar with, others she had never heard of authoring a word, and books simply presenting practically ancient stories. She hummed something, some tune she had adopted from some corner of someone's mind; she wasn't too focused on what her physical presence was up to aside from picking out a book.

Well, of course until a pale lad had almost scared her from her corporeal form's... Skin? The few eyes who decided to pop open curiously, too emoted fear and concern, til relaxing along with their panting lord, a low groan erupting from the girl's throat.

"Jeez I need to relax..." She vaguely commented to herself, her voice, despite having no tangible mouth, being released like a whisper to the wind, her taking a breath in and composing herself to the taller pale man, who appeared to be all brands of strange by sensing emotions alone,
"Not exactly... Just been trying to turn my brain off for a bit, really... Or well, at least put myself in a state where i'm NOT worried about..."
The girl's sentence faltered as a few somebodies crossed her thoughts, "..Things."

She falsely 'grinned' with her eyes, clapping her hands into a clasp. Good lord this guy gave her some weird vibes, but... She was never one to be a cruel person to someone's face unprovoked, "So what brings you here- Wait wait... Well.. Books... Or audio tapes, obviously... Or... Uhm..." The girl's eyes darted to and fro, face literally, dimly glowing several colors with her nervousness.

Coding By Lillian <3

God of Love
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Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) Empty Re: Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso)

Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am

Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) 4nWo3qE


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

If Calypso was discomforted by Valentine's presence, Valentine felt as though his skin was crawling at Calypso's. Nevertheless, he listened intently to her, his smile never faltering, and he allowed himself a quiet laugh at her minor slip up. It wasn't a false laugh, per se, as he did definitely find it amusing. It was simply more at her expense than with her.

“Books would be quite correct, yes. Nothing in specific, I must admit. There is simply something thoroughly marvelous about the library. I find it peculiar that they would have fallen out of fashion with the passing of time. A physical text is simply far more engaging than any electronic copy could ever hope to be, and certainly far more aesthetically pleasing.”

Of course, he had certainly zeroed in on her first comment, but Valentine wasn't aiming to look massively interested in this girl. He would ask after the worries later, but for now he simply wished to establish a good rapport with her. If she proved to be a threat, he would simply escape and keep such a thing in mind for later. If she was more helpful, than that would be all the better for him. Frankly, either outcome had its benefits and detriments, so he would simply have to wait and see.

“I do hate to pry, and of course feel free to keep things private, but might I ask what has you worried so? I have heard that concern is capable of seeping into books, you know. The ink might run with worry, and who would wish to damage a book like that?”

Valentine had, of course, never heard anything like that, even factoring in the thorough scrubbing of the internet that he had done. He simply made that up on the spot, though he did like the sound of it. Perhaps he'd use it again.

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Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) Empty Re: Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso)

Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:57 pm

The little demon was damn near close to tears with her nervousness as she was forced to dwell on how awkward and dumb her comment was... What was she thinking? That would be so obvious as to why he came..! Why was she so dumb..? Why did she have to be born like this... A weak, tiny, little-

She was brought out of her internalized state of slash-burn as she heard the man laughing, ever so gently. Even if it brought her out of that state, several things swung odd to her. Though he had a kind face, a gentle exterior, the girl was forced to look beyond; The cluster of near mute voices and reaching hands spoke to her, quietly in her mind. No.. It wasn't exactly them, it was more him... The man before her.. His emotions, spoke to her.

What they told her, in turn made her feel.
She felt like a specimen in a cage, being looked over by a larger being; a fleeting interest... Her head tipped down slightly, her mind beginning to run wild with this picture.

What would he do when he lost interest? Would he just leave? Would he say something? Would he do something else? Something... Horrible..? Would he try to pry more interest? Would he? Would he? Would he... Would... He...?
Mistakenly tapping deeper into his emotions only lead to discord, as all she heard beyond his surface emotions was a torrent of confusing, loud, and unsettling noise, only serving to further confuse the demon.

The demon would be visibly shaken over her thoughts and elevated anxiety, massive golden tears beading in her eyes as she slowly rose her head, having hardly captured his question. The strange fluid ran like a gushing waterfall, down her cheeks and to puddle on the floor, her colorful eyes hovering on him for a good minute, them sparkling with all manners of negative emotions.

"Am... I... Just a thing to you..? To poke at until... You're bored...?"
A poorly thought out and formulated question, all Calypso could do was react out of emotion, however being so bogged down forced her to react very quietly, very burnt out, and weak...

Coding By Lillian <3

God of Love
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Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) Empty Re: Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso)

Mon Sep 24, 2018 7:39 pm

Take a Look Within a Book (Valentine, Calypso) 4nWo3qE


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Valentine wasn't entirely sure how to react to that, which was impressive when one considered the scale of the Collective behind his thought. Still, it hadnt been in his expected outcomes, and there didn't tend to be many big emotional outbursts such as these on Mars. Such behavior was as foreign to Valentine and his kind as he was to the Earth; that is to say, quite entirely.

Was he supposed to comfort the creature? His knowledge of Earth social norms told him that would be a bit too familiar an action for someone he had just met. Even beyond that, he was fairly certain he had no desire to actually do any comforting. Still, her words carried with them a bit too much an assumption, though it was close enough to the truth that the Martian found some level of discomfort in it.

“Ah, no. It simply seemed as though you were unsure as to your goal, so I thought to help. I am sorry if I've offended, I hardly meant anything like that.”

Maintaining his smile, Valentine's composure hardly shifted even the slightest bit. He was completely collected, and certainly knew what he was doing. But there was, most certainly, not a single bit of malice inside his own mind. He sought benevolence out from the Collective, storing it within his mind as a mental defense. He was unsure if this creature, or some other nearby, might read his thoughts, but he would certainly not allow them to find anything out of place.

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