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Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Empty Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+]

Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:52 pm

The Blood Shinigami



Personal Information


Name: In any and all documentations post-modern this Shinigami had only been referred to as 'Lycoris' with no family name to be found. If she was perhaps born with another name in her human life, she'd be the only with that information.. unless of course someone had some other means of retrieving it.

True Name:

Titles: Lycoris had not earned herself any form f high ranking title or rewards, especially since she graduated the bottom of her class. However she had been given nicknames out of jest and spite from her classmates such as a 'Vampire' or a 'Leech' due to her specific power set, not her eating habits.

Gender/Sex: Very Simple, Female.

Appearance Age: She looks to be a young girl in her late highschool age, the youngest she could pull off is perhaps 16 years of age while the oldest would be 18 years old.

Age: As for her actual age, Lycoris has been listed as being 167 years old, but due to her habits of keeping secrets and lying some don't believe this number.

True Age:

Affiliation/Rank: She'd be a new recruit to the Gotei United.

Appearance Description: Ordinary. That's one simple word to describe her appearance to those who first meet with her; and a thing she meticulously continues to keep up. With her fair skin, and average weight for someone with her age appearance no-one would expect that she's a highly trained killer. She trains specifically so that she doesn't lose her modest body shape and wear clothes to not extenuate any part of her body which is why people tend to not realize that she's actually a C-cup underneath all of that.

She can be frequently checking her nails to make sure that they are at a medium length and are completely unpainted as to not draw any form of attention. The same can be said about her hair. If her hair begins to grow even an inch away from her what she deems as average or 'normal' she'd be sure to cut it to it's appropriate length, because of such she never has to worry about split ends. Other than for it's length she was gift with a natural brown colour making it perfectly normal with other people as well as having the genetics to match her eye colour.

Though with this all said she is fully understanding that things like her nails or even her hair length can be altered in a battle for your life. A quite sad defeat to offer up, but thankfully she never had to experience any of those just yet.

Personality Traits


Inconsistent A beautiful and simple word to describe her very being. Lycoris as a person is mainly a balancing act of two bipolar traits, when a situation calls for it she will allow one side to overpower the other or vise versa. As such she's inconsistent with her wants and wishes, constantly living in the present with a mindful eye on the future. A person who values in being lazy and doing what she wishes by overworking herself to achieve it. Her inconsistency makes her as a person an oxymoron with her hot and cold approaches to things.

Strange Laziness yet a Selective Perfectionist Lycoris prefers to stay lazy, but it should be better said s she prefers to have an easy time. She'd much rather still be in the Academy rather than working on the field or doing pointless paperwork or whatever she now gets placed in. She likes to have a simple and easy life and because of such she works her hardest to achieve that. Unfortunately she doesn't take the easiest route and becomes over complicated with her schemes a good example would be her schooling.

She wanted to be a failure enough so no-one would expect anything out of her and not force her to graduate, but also be a success enough that they don't flat out kick her out. Because of this she had to study her best to figure out how to achieve a perfect mark on any test and purposefully fail that enough for them to see promise but for her to also fail perfectly.

Another example of her strange laziness is that when she's expected to do something she will just not do it. She'd much rather do stuff on her own accord when she wants too to further explain let's say she was working at a store with a display of coloured lighters. As an employee she wouldn't care of the display and just throw them in whatever order is the fastest, however as a customer she'd want to colour organize the whole display to make a rainbow. This form of random perfectionism and laziness also applies to her inconsistency as mentioned before.

A Dishonest way of Living Lycris had been lying for years and she doesn't even remember when she started, perhaps it was something as simple as her name, or maybe how she was feeling. Either way she had been doing it for as long as she has been dead; this lying has become so attached to her personality that she doesn't even know if the feelings she is current experiencing is something she made up or something genuine. She doesn't understand if the world she is seeing is fully real and the memories she holds are even hers, as such she is constantly wearing a facade that people know as 'Lycoris' for the years to come.

Other Sides of Lycoris Outside of her more conniving and lazy attitude Lycoris can be known for having a hyper active personality when she becomes excited about something. She'll have her adrenaline pumping, and her attention will be solely on that one thing until she either gets bored or something else catches her eye. A very popular example of this happen is during a fight in which she's on the losing end, the adrenaline of the fight tends to make her highly active and want to prolong it for as long as possible even at the extent of herself.

Lycoris is also under the impression that she is the main character of everyone's life stories, that she's the only person that should matter in people's day to day life. Due to this way of behaving she tends to think that her little antics can be glossed over because it's her that is executing them. It can make her extremely selfish at times even willing to leave behind and kill her own teammates if it suits her needs.

A side of her which people rarely get to see due to her putting on a face is whenever she's in situation where she is uncomfortable. If her guard is down and she becomes uncomfortable she will actually become way more reserved and quiet, even responding in ways that would depict her more as shy than the cocky rampaging hyper child she can be. Though if anyone were to point it out, it isn't ike she'd try to hide it but instead would come up with convenient excuses to explain away her strange demeanor.

Character History


Human Years
Much like her appearance everything about her growing up was pretty much the same. Her mother, very caring and loving was there for her whenever she tripped and hurt herself, her father being there to help scare off the monsters in the closet and under the bed. Both of them taking turns to read her a bedtime story and staying the night until she slept. It was the picture book family really; and when Lycoris's parents thought it was about time to have more children, her father decided it would be best to work even more hours so that his wife could stay home full time. Financially they were sound, even though her mother said home during her pregnancy, she still found the time to do small and simple tasks to sell for small cash. Lycoris was never alone; her mother was always home, her father even though coming home late, would slowly creep into her room to give her loving kisses and to tuck her in more comfortably. It was a secret from Dad that Lycoris would pretend to be asleep during these times; she fooled him every time.

Lycoris's showered attention slowly started to decline when her new brother was born; she loved him, but her parents were starting to get stressed because of him. Running around the sound, she tried her best to try and help her parents, and only getting small smiles and quiet pats on the head before they turned back to their fretting. It wasn't until her brother got older that the stress in the family begun to die down, but at this point Lycoris was reaching a point of maturity were most teenagers would start to act out. Rather than hurting her family by verbally abusing them or anything of the such she instead would start to engulf herself within her hobbies. The simple childish actions of ignoring her parents curfew or her bad habits becoming more apparent when she was starting to get late to school; were something her parents were prepared for. If someone were to look for something awful about her background story, they really aren't going to find it. Lycoris had understanding parents, ones that loved her, and her brother knew not to bug her much; so there wasn't really no need for something traumatizing to happen.

However the hobbies that Lycoris was something that doesn't seem to be dangerous on the surface; especially when the school girls are giggling to themselves about ghosts and demons. Yes, she got deeply involved with the paranormal world. They were a very real thing in our world; or as most people say. Lycoris didn't have the gift of vision and nor did many of the girls within her school; every time they brought things up about the monsters some of the children would get skittish and try to forceful change the subject for them, especially the teachers. This is just how she was publicly, she'd talk about it only when others were around; however not the case when she was the only one up in the house.

Have you ever heard of Alone Hide and Seek?

This story was being passed down more frequently, rumor had it that people really did die from it. Though from all the things that Lycoris has done up till this point bared no fruit; she was only going to assume this will be the same. She was wrong of course. Like every time she did paranormal stuff within the house she casually waited for all her family members to be sleeping; waiting until her father came home of course. She couldn't have her dad walking into one of her experiments, that would be awful. By now everyone should know how to set up for the Alone Hide and Seek, but just incase you were one of those people who were stuck underneath a rock; here are the rules. They vary from story to story, but many of the things will stay true; you find yourself a stuffed animal, you cut it open pull out it's stuffing, and fill it up with rice. Once you have refilled it you make sure to resew it back up with red thread, once everything is setup you place the doll within a room and tell it that you're 'it'. Once you thin it understood, you go ahead and stab the doll with something sharp, a kitchen knife or scissors are pretty good ideas; in Lycoris's was a knife. Once it's wounded you tell it that now it's 'it'; this is so it knows how to play the game. You then hide. Don't get caught. To end it you're supposed to put salt water into your mouth and spit on it; Lycoris didn't get a chance too.

Demons, monsters, ghost; they are all very real within this universe; and the unknowing Lycoris had brought a perfect window for a hollow to do it's business. She didn't remember much of the attack, but most people don't remember exactly how they died, but she didn't lose all her memories. She could remember a horrible voice almost like a grotesque animal before agony took over. By the time she was able to regain conscious she had already died, she pretty much woke up with her facing her own corpse in front of her; it was a surreal feeling of course, buts he couldn't tell if it was just the shock that kept her so calm. She had a eerie calmness when she checked the situation of her house, it was in shambles, and it was pretty quiet; at this point the hollow was already killed.

Unlike most people who get attacked, shinigamis aren't always there to dispose of them, but because of the area she lived in there were people specifically set to seek and kill them the moment they entered the city. She had that gut feeling; her family wasn't alive anymore, were they like her? The thought of it didn't really cause her to worry though, she was still strangely calm; no that was a lie, she was pretty excited. This was the world she wanted to be apart of, why wouldn't she be, she summoned something. There was a price to it of course, but isn't there for everything. The shinigami sent her to soul society shortly afterwards and she never got their name. Shame really.

Failing is Hard
She couldn't find her parents on the other side; she couldn't find anyone from her family in fact. She thought maybe she'd at least find her grandmother, there goes for hoping. However being from this side there are some people who if they have to potential they can sign up to an amazing and exciting school. Why did Lycoris sign up? Why not. The opportunity was there, she must get free food and a place to live, sounds like a dream, plus since her death she never got to get that school girl life she always wanted.

Lycoris fortunately had potential, even though in her living life she barely had any spiritual awareness it seemed within her death she was very lucky to get something. That little something was what she needed to get accepted, where she would proceed to be the worse student imaginable. Her intentions were pure, however upon further discovery of the school; it wasn't anything she imagined it to be. She didn't seem to get a reverse harem started the moment she joined, and no-one seemed to be all that interested in her. Quite a let down, so while everyone tried their best to get the best marks, she instead felt like there was no point in doing that now. So putting her hard work into laziness she tried her hardest to stay within the bottom, but still reached the bare minimum to continue on with this school. She refused to let anyone see anything she learned, every time she was supposed to demonstrate she was purposefully fail; sometimes 'accidently' getting that perfect demonstration to still give her teachers some hope to keep her.

Every night was the time she really shined; while she knew no-one was around to see her secret training, the girl would try to practice and hone her skills, keeping her body fit and her mind ready for any test she needs to purposefully flunk. While everyone studied to get good marks, she had to know the right answers to get the wrong, she needed to know everything about the different Kido spells to make sure she knew how to mess them up. She needed all these things to stay a failure student; which was only the cherry on the cake is from all her late night studying and training it would make her exhausted enough to sleep through classes. A proud example of her 'laziness' She had kept it up pretty well for four years; though she was running out of things to learn. She was mainly interested in Kido and hoho; while the other subjects she'd just learn what she must, with these two specific subjects she'd try to learn and explore them in new and exciting ways.

Even though they were rusty she was creating her own spells, trying to figure out how to place her doll making skills into something useful for battle. The more she expressed herself the more she realised her Zanpakutō was taking on a form that was familiar to her. While others would run away from their human life, Lycoris fully accepted it, her tiny Zanpakutō was no exception; while other students ridiculed her for her 'kitchen knife' of a weapon, this was something that was the most useful for her.

So as the years steadily approached to the eighth she was getting word in the school trying to kick her out. How could she blame them, even though she was progressing far and beyond what most people would normally have, she had nothing to show for it. Beggars can't be choosers. So that only meant that she'd have to push herself just a tiny bit further, and by push herself it only meant showing some of her capabilities. Her last push was surely enough to get her to graduate without the prettiest of numbers; failures reaching the double digits and her successes barely getting close. Her almost boring school life was definitely one she'll remember.[/strike]

Last edited by Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚ on Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:54 am; edited 10 times in total

Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Image
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Joined : 2014-08-06
Posts : 2376
Age : 29
Location : The Land of Canabu' (Canada)

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Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Empty Re: Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+]

Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:53 pm

The Blood Shinigami



Natural Abilities


Unique Reiatsu If you were to ask her, she'd think all of her classmates were idiots. Wasted time people spent on trying to make their focus on Reiatsu o be the strongest, or the most durable. Perhaps it wasn't always a choice for people and they were born naturally with that ability, but Lycoris wanted to go for something different.. more something she'd enjoy more. Some may call it a taboo, but she trained her mind, her body and even her soul to give her a cutting edge over others that she could secretly hide.

Lycoris is fully capable of sharpening her Reiatsu so much that she could inflict wounds on a victim's soul, but unfortunately with the limitations of her ignorance she is currently unable to make any of these wounds permanent. More so she found that the wounds inflicted on their soul can still physically heal over if they have fast enough regeneration ability, however the damage placed on their soul reflects as physical pain until they can mend it.

Nonetheless currently she can use her condensed sharpening on other parts of her body and even objects she coats with her Reiatsu to the pint whee most things don't stand a chance against it. Simple shields, metals and those not as skilled as her normally fall victim to her attacks. Though unfortunately the only benefits she gets from attacking someone in this way is if they attack them on their 'physical form', meaning she needs to hit flesh or in some way target their direct soul.

Dexterous Form Out of all her secret training Lycoris has been working by far the hardest on her speed, it is perhaps the most important skill set she could possibly have. With how her Zanpakutō's abiities even work along with the fact she doesn't need to work on her physical strength for Hakuda, Lycoris choose to specialize in quick effective attacks. She doesn't need to cut deep for her abilities to stat working on someone, and especially with how short her Zanpakutō actually is she doesn't have the luxury of mid ranged attacks. She needs to get up, close and personal but also have the speed and dexterity to get out unscratched.

Training her legs so that she can run at alarming speeds and even working her body's nature flexibility to react and respond to threats quickly and easily is a necessary part of her life. With that form of mentality in her night to night training it came as a no surprise that she is capable of landing several blows to a target within a short second, or if she actually pushed herself to out run most of her classmates.

Superb Liar Through her life time s the dead Lycoris has been doing nothing but lying and tricking others, one could say it would be a calling for her. She had done such a good job on lying that even if you attached to her a polygraph she could tell you that she was in reality a walking, talking male dog and it will say she was telling the truth. Controlling her heart rate, her body language when sending out these lies have now become second nature to her. If fact she has become so comfortable with doing this that she sometimes even trick herself on what is the truth or not, often even forgetting why she was lying in the first place. As such she sometimes forget when she should stop holding herself back an actually let herself succeed or even what it feels like to go full out, but at least she graduated with the worst marks in her entire class.

Natural Flexibility As mentioned before Lycoris has focused intensely hard on her speed, hitting fast, moving fast, responding fast however something she also took special care of was her natural flexibility. The act of being able to contort and even bend in unnatural ways can be proven more useful than some may believe. Carefully she made sure to constantly work at warming up and stretching her muscles to keep pushing her limits on any workout. Her flexibility also helps with her natural sense of balance too and how well she can control each of her movements to the millimeter. Capable of throwing herself into flips or even fighting while on her hands is something she practiced in case it ever calls for it, no matter what Lycoris always wants to be the one that comes out in the end, even if she needs to destroy her body and rebuild it again to do so.

Learned Kidōs


Lycoris while known for her many failures in test and class work had actually taken the time to practice and nearly perfect all the kidōs she was supposed to know for her Academy. As such some she is even capable of performing without an incantations which may come to a surprise for those who seen her grades. Here are a few examples of the Kidōs she is capable of:



# 1 Shō (衝, Thrust)
Incantation not required

To use Shō one would need to point with their index finger at their designated target to charge up a small amount of energy at the tip. Once dispelled from them the force of the thrust of condensed energy produces such a considerable amount of kinetic force that it causes whatever was targeted to be pushed back a few feet from the caster's position.

# 3 Piercing Shot
"Pierce their soul and tear their flesh, Hadō # 3 Piercing Shot"

By pointing one's finger at a target, condensed reiatsu the size of a .44 bullet shoots itself from tip of their finger. The speed and power of this is strong enough to pierce the target's flesh, however if fired in quick succession using the same incantation the piercing power is greatly reduced.

# 4 Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning)
Incantation not required

By gathering high-density spiritual energy, one could discharge it from both of their hands in one quick blast, however alternatively one could condense it to just one finger and point it t their intended target. By doing so Byakurai produces a bolt of lightning of Reiatsu that can pierce intended targets.

# 6 Nenshōrai (燃焼雷; Combusting Lightning)
"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Golden clouds of truth, leap at sun-scorched ground!"

Nenshōrai requires one to gather high-density spiritual energy either by through both of their hands or simply using one finger, though due to the potency of this Kidō the energy is rather unstable. It's known for jumping around when shot and even zigzags however it always lands directly straight to where the user targeted this spell. Once it reaches it's max range of 50 meters or comes in contact with anything the bolt of energy explodes outward damaging everything around it. As for the potency of the explosion does depend on how far it traveled meaning the explosion at maxed range is far stronger than when it comes into contact with something.

# 7 Denki-dama (electric sphere)
"Sphere of power, form in my hand. Feel the call of THUNDER!"

To the user one creates a harmless sphere of electricity within their hand, once thrown and comes into contact with any known surface the sphere explodes outwards in a diameter of 3 feet from itself. while it does minor damage anyone hit from it will be attacked by electricity potentially sunning lower and weaker opponents (because it's electricity...).

# 8 Kaen-dama (Flame Sphere)
"Sphere of power, form in my hand. See the light of the BURN!"

Very similar as before, one creates a small harmless sphere of fire within their hand once thrown and the sphere comes into contact with any known surface, the flaming sphere will expand outwards in a diameter of 4 feet. Anything that comes into contact with this explosion and is combustible will be set on fire and receive burns (depend on durability of said targets). The fires however can be put out by the will of the user.

# 9 Kōri no tama (Ice Sphere)
"Sphere of power, form in my hand. Hear the crack of the FREEZE!"

The user can create a sphere of ice from their reitasu within their hand. Once thrown and the sphere comes into contact with any known surfaces it is known to crack and explode outwards shooting 20 ice shads in all directions. The ice shards themselves are sharp enough to inflict damage and slice those who come into contact with them so it's best to throw it far away from one self. Due t the quantity, speed and their irregular shape it is far more difficult to dodge like a normal ability. If thrown into a fire it can put out the fie instead of exploding outwards.



# 1 Sai (塞, Restrain)
Incantation not required

Sai is a binding Kidō which requires the user to point out their index and middle fingers at the intended target or targets, causing all victims to have their arms locked behind their backs. There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many people this can effect, however visual contact may be required.

# 3 Drag
" "Shatter, you hound of Styx. Remember your sins for thou is too late to pay."

By pointing out with your index and middle finger at the intended target and reciting the incantation the intended target will be restrained by six links of chain made up of yellow, crackling Reiatsu. If not specified where these chains will link to they will default to around the neck, the waist, both of their wrists and their arms. As for where the chains will come from would be the surrounding area rather than from the caster's hands.

If outside the Kidō can extend up to two city blocks away from the target and can spring up from both(or either) the ground and surrounding structures. As for the length of these chains they can't go longer than two stories high. As for being inside this ability can become stronger since it's locations can vary using the ceiling, lowers and walls at it's disposal making even lieutenants have a difficult time escaping if one is skilled enough with the Kidō art. Though depending on one's level f strength compared to the caster they could have an easier time getting out.

Depending on your skill level with Kidō will change the capabilities of this simple spell. If one is advanced with Kidō they can use this spell on 2 separate targets and even grand masters can hold up to 4 different individuals without any issues, once could even try to hold even more outside of their skill level however the difficulty comes into their concentration in maintaining the bounds.

# 4 Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope; Viz "Slithering Rope")
Incantation not required

By channeling their Reitsu into their hand or hands one could generate a crackling, yellow energy rope which can be flung towards their enemies. Once caught the Reitasu winds around the opponent's arms and body, immobilizing them stopping their movements.

# 7 Gyokuseki o hogo (protecting boulder)
"Shield me, protect me, from the reality of what is in front of me!"

Once the incantation is recited one creates a panel of reiatsu (5' by 5') that can offer resistance to medium sized balas and cannot be moved since casting. Depending on the skill level of the caster will change the length in which these panels will stay up. Beginner level users can keep this up fr at least 1 post, while Adept users can keep it up for 2 posts, Advance users for 4 posts, and Master uses up to 7 posts.

# 8 Seki (斥, Repulse; Viz "Repulsion")
Incantation not required

The user generates an orb of blue light in any location they wish, this orb can repel whatever strikes it before disappearing.

# 9 Geki (撃, Strike)
"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"

Using their index and middle finger the user has to draw the symbol for "Geki" in the air in front of them while focusing their Reiatsu, once they finished both reciting the incantation and drawing the symbol their target of choice radiates a red energy which engulfs their entire body. While in this state they cannot move until they break the Kidō's hold on them.

# 10 Hōrin (崩輪, Disintegrating Circle)
"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!"

Using their index and middle fingers, the user can generate an orange tendril of Reitaus with spiraling yellow energy, which can be used to ensnare and immobilize any opponent that comes into contact with it. Even after capturing a target the end of the tendril is still attached to the caster's fingers allowing them to control the movement of it before and after capture. If the user casts a second tendril using their second hand they can connect both tendrils together, even if both separate tendril have captured an opponent (thus binding them together).



Kiri (霧, Fog)
"Bewilder, oh great gods. Shroud yourself in confusion and don't return empty handed."

During her many times she secretly was practicing and training while still in school, Lycoris had meticulous trained and practice this one Kidō to get an advantage over others. By using both her index and middle fingers into the air she's required to both recite the incantation and etch out the kanji for fog '霧' into the air using her own Reitasu. From the Kanji a gray fog will start to dissipate obstructing vision as well as most sensing capabilities inside as well. Once the fog is condensed enough one could make out very vague shadows within it if their focus is high enough and potentially even a vague sense of spiritual signatures of strong opponents inside of it.

As for the fog itself, it can only last up to 10 total posts with it deteriorating on the last remaining post, though since the fog is fixed to the location of the symbol and expands outward to about 25 meters in diameter; it does not follow the opponent when they manage to escape it. Other than the natural properties of it obstructing the sensation of those who are inside, it also starts to cause forms of confusion inside of it. The misty shadows becoming more of a hallucination depended on the target, as Lycoris has no control over what they see and feel inside of the fog.

She is unaffected by the effects of the fog and can see normally inside due to it all being created by her own Reiatsu, however she is also unable to see or feel whatever hallucinations are being created by others. With everything being said and done; she cannot recast this ability until it has completely worn off, and those who are much more skilled will experienced weaker effects than those who are less skilled.

Last edited by Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚ on Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:44 pm; edited 18 times in total

Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Image
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Joined : 2014-08-06
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Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+] Empty Re: Lycoris, the Blood Shinigami [Approved Shinigami: 3-4+]

Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:53 pm

Her Zanpakutō



Basic Information


Sealed Zanpakutô Appearance Lycoris wasn't surprised to see that her Zanpakutō was extremely different from all those in her class, it's most notable difference being it's size. The forged blade itself is only around 25.4cm in length, and has intricate inscriptions long the side of the blade. It's handle seemed to be carefully warped in a vivid red tie with some sort of black leather underneath it all. She likes to call it a kitchen knife sometimes since it can easily be the same size, though even with that way of attitude towards her she secretly is really proud of her weapon and handles it with the upmost care, cleaning it and caring for it every day.

Inner World She has yet to see it, but she'd think it's full of rocker music and black clothing. You know, Edgy.

Kyuuketsu's Personality


Because she has yet to actually met her Zanpakutô's spirit she thinks he's just a weird loner and a bit of a dick.

Zanpakutô Abilities


Sealed Zanpakutô Abilities: To put it very simply her one Zanpakutō ability while it's sealed is to make people bleed. Since she never actually spoken to her Zanpakutō spirit she has no idea why that is the case, and is the reason why she earned herself those names and titles. The blade itself naturally is capable of inflicting none healing wounds however there are many rules to this.

By itself once she is capable of cutting into someone the blade leaves a mark in their body, that wound she inflicted will have a difficult time healing itself without any outside sources. this doesn't mean that their whole body is incapable of healing, it's only the wound she had inflicted with her weapon. Shortly after inflicting this wound it will fall into stage two, the bleeding. Even if you can't heal at super sonic healing your body will natural clot to stop itself from completely bleeding out, however her Zanpakutō affects how the body coagulate the blood in that area making it impossible for it to naturally clot. Without any assistance through bandages (tourniquet) or medical equipment on oneself the bleeding will not stop till they bleed out.

As mentioned before with Lycoris' special control of her Reiatsu she can mix those two abilities to make something incredibly dangerous and deadly. With the addition of her attacks becoming on the soul level Lycoris' attacks can become semi-permanent without any treatment. For them to be able to fix or mend their physical injuries they would need to first resolve the damage she had inflicted on their soul first. A strange example of this would be if she slice their biceps, but they lost their entire arm for a different reason, they're arm will keep growing back with the some wound she inflicted. However if they mended their soul first then it will come back normal.

Of course all of this is highly depended on the opponent she is facing and how strong their durability they are. If they were a significantly higher tier than her it isn't impossible for her to do what she does she'd just need to land multiple blows in the same area. Since each one of her attacks would only peg down their regeneration down by a little each time. Plus the added effect of only hitting their armor rather than their own physical form, this Sealed ability cannot function UNLESS she makes a wound. (i.e. If she sliced someone's upper arm and they knocked their elbow on a rock, their elbow would heal normally but not the upper arm wound).

Last edited by Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚ on Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:14 pm; edited 8 times in total

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Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:54 pm

The Blood Shinigami



Skill Sheet


General Skills

Durability: Beginner
General Speed: Adept
Strength: Adept
Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills

Hoho: Adept
Kidō: Adept
Zanjutsu: Adept
Hakuda: Beginner

Will Skills

Willpower/Determination: Beginner
Mental Deduction: Advanced
Focus: Adept

Last edited by Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚ on Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:28 am; edited 7 times in total

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Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:54 pm

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Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:55 pm

The Blood Shinigami



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