Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  Empty Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]

Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:09 pm


Artist: Vetrom - Song: Heartache - Word Count: n/a

Portions of Shadow Fall's resources were being heavily divided at the moment between the multi-fronted war that they were presently facing. So, the response to America was partially delayed and as a result of that portions of the coast had been struck by some of the artillery firepower from Vastime. That did not mean they lacked a counter, however. Once Europe was taken care of, the American portion of Shadow Fall started to pull power from Demon World in order to sustain the effort of keeping sections of their American control in status.

They were getting hit hard form all sides in the country, but the East and West Coast would soon have walls of fire erupting forth to prevent easy access into their ports much like their European Sisters. This would force back any Vastime or enemy ships/aerial flights in the are for the time being unless they wanted to be scorched. In the meantime, to save on resources, Shadow Fall determined it was best to use the vastness of Demon World to their advantage.

In a matter of moments, The Vastime Empire would find themselves having chunks of earth thrown at them from the heavens. These were wormholes that were dropping comets, bursts of solar energy from the stars of demon world and electric energy from the storms of demon world that could be directed and guided under Shadow Fall's control. This was less taxing on their resources and would prevent them from stressing their network because of the fact they were merely guiding resources that were already produced from their own home turf. All they had to do was make an opening, and that was easy enough with their control.

Furthermore, each of these comets were no joke. There were multiple that were the city of entire cities; so to break them into pieces would require a heavy amount of power and that could cause problems for the ocean well beyond Shadow Fall's reach. Tsunami's have occurred for far less power, so the threat of massive tidal waves crashing into Africa, Canada and Cuba from the East Coast was a very real threat.

Additionally, the mother of all comets had dropped when Shadow Fall managed to find a cluster of comets in demon world that was the size of a small island. In moments, they wasted no time transporting it and they enhanced all their comets with demonic energy so that it could further scorch the earth with damage. For now, this should prove sufficent enough to hold their defenses as many Shadow Fall troops were beginning to surround their cities to defend the borders and lock down everything.

As, on Saiko's call, she ordered all the remaining states which were not under direct attack were placed under a war time barrier from Shadow Fall which was powered by the core of Za Koa itself from Demon World into the living realm. This would cause less strain on the Demi Network since they had received permission from Mana through Deveta to then beginning tapping into this power.

Of course, there was only so much of it to go around, but it should hold for at least a day or two and force anyone trying to invade the remaining cities to add more firepower to their attacks. Additionally, all borders between the states would have been consumed by electricity and fire; the likes of these walls extending 100 meters in the air to contain the fighting and hunker down their strongholds in America for the time being.

Thus, for the time being, Shadow Fall could focus on the offense in the remaining cities.....

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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  WVMWLOu
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Morph OTY
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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  Empty Re: Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]

Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:35 pm

Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"A valiant play, but ultimately pointless."

The words of Atlas D'al Decter seemed to vibrate outwards as he stood on the deck of his Godhand class capital supercruiser, the naval ship one of the most powerful things in the Vastimian navy. As the sky tore open into a new realm, Atlas would allow a smile to play on his face. The general seemed to be unconcerned with it as he simply lifted the radio to his lips uttering a few words. "Activate Project Deus." Before he'd low the radio awaiting for the show to begin.

The navy had never actually neared the shores so the sea of fire was no a problem for them as it stood, in fact they would allow it to maintain it's burning. As for as Atlas was concerned it was just a useless drain on their resources, but in order to maintain the illusion it was a hinderance for Vastime he'd even go so far as to make a few ships back away. As if it had thwarted their plans, but in reality was just another resource drain they'd allow to happen.

As for what the project Deus was, it was a joint action with the combined power provided by a certain Yuudeshi and Hayden. With the presence of foreign invaders upon the earth, humanity themselves had some natural defenses among them. This included a man like Atlas and the majority of Vastime's military. Somewhere far away the Vastimian Energy Bank would roll into action as a unilateral order seemed to sweep over the entire American Front for Vastime. A gathering of power was felt among each ship as 'words of power' seemed to emit from a chant, started by Atlas but kept sweeping through the combined power of Vastime.

What followed next showcase humanities ability to survive, for the foreign matter which was not of earth seemed to begin to dissipate. An explosion of radiant energy would be felt as the collective might of Humanity in Vastime seemed to tap into the ancient force of 'Anima Mundi.' This foreign matter which sought to enforce their will on humanity would find the portals they opened to cease to exist above the navy, along with the comets made of Demon World Material. It was a simple amplification of THE Anima Mundi further reinforced by a collective will, empowered by the human host of Vastime.

And with that strain on their resources, Atlas would dab his brow with a napkin. They had dealt with the foreign force that sought to destroy and scorch their world. But it was far from over, their navies where safe but the sea of fire would remain for now. If only to further mask their intentions.
Collective Human Ability used:

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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  JfH75kA
Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  H8Tyk70
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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  Empty Re: Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]

Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:58 pm


Artist: Vetrom - Song: Heartache - Word Count: n/a

Shadow Fall was aware of the Anima Mundi which existed within and around the Earth. It was hard NOT to be aware of this substance given the fact that they analyzed the soil and material of the planet they had nested on. So they weren't exactly surprised to find out that other human beings were attempting to utilize this resource against them. It is why the material which was sent into the living realm was otherwise reinforced by their demonic influence to allow for these potent chunks of demonic soil to resist portions of The Anima Mundi's will.

Ergo, due to the fact that they were being backed up by various systems and energies associated with the united force, it is estimated that around 50% of the comets were rejected by the will of The Anima Mundi. However, another fifty percent still remained and sought to bring about cataphoric destruction to the ships, earth and other regions that they impacted. Furthermore, with the resources from the Demi Network still being charged and amplified by the efforts put in place by Inami in The United Kingdom, the excess resources from Demon World amplified the Earth division of The Demi-Network so that they may have extra fuel to work with and otherwise offset some of the strain placed on the network as it under active use.

Therefore, they decided to otherwise use this opportunity to re-focus their efforts. Instead of attacking with vast chunks of earth with their demonic magic, Saiko ordered the deployment of ballistic missiles that were fueled with enough nuclear strength behind them to otherwise wipe out a city or two. She wanted numerous bundles of these warheads to drop over the naval fleet to otherwise deal with them for the time being.

Thus, combined with the chunks of comets heading their way and these pinpointed attacks on all their naval flights, something had to give in terms of getting the destruction they desired. So it was going to be a game of wait and see among both sides.

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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  WVMWLOu
Seasoned Member
Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  Empty Re: Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]

Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:06 pm

Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The threat of foreign matter hitting the fleet had been dealt with swiftly using an ability which reaffirmed one thing: Vastime had the home town advantage. An ability like that wouldn't have worked anywhere else like Earth, but now that they had dealt with the supernatural threat. Shadowfall had sought to fight on a more conventional level, of which Vastime excelled at. But the firing of warheads, even nuclear empowered would require a swift repose- one which had been drilled into their heads during training.

So the response was swift as alarmed blared from the ships, of which the crew responded with disciplined movements. Officers in the ship would deploy their missile defenses which would first deploy the anti-air missiles, small and cost effective rockets which could travel far intending to pre-empetively explode a good chunk of the warheads before they reached the fleet. While others where able to distort and heat or energy seeking technology. But that would not stop all the missles.

They would strike home, but instead of hitting the ships they would hit the kinetic rishi shielding which had become a staple of Vastimian tech. The heat and energy dissipating along most of it, but one did manage to slip through striking the side of one of their destroyers. The ship would begin to immediately break off of the blockade, it's line adjusting enough to cover for the gap. But the ship would begin to move out of range, presumebly to get repairs at some sea station.

They had struck a minor blow, but now Vastime was turtled up. It would take much more firepower to strike a blow now, but in response Vastime's ships guns would begin to fire. The rolling firing of massive deck guns would send large kinetic rounds pelting the shores of America surpressing any attempts at firing again.

In that moment, one third of the fleet would begin to back off. Including Atlas flag ship, seemingly heading to the east to make landfall in Europe. But the remainder of the ships would press to the coastline, and it seems they would be making land fall sooner or later..

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Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  JfH75kA
Counter-Defense [WW4 Response Event]  H8Tyk70
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