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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:37 pm



» NAME: Yuel Duulheim
» EPITHET: The Devil Particle; The Sealsmith
» AGE: 20 (511)
» BIRTH DATE: February 23rd or 24th
» GENDER: Female


» Out of her Shell: In her younger years, Yuel was fairly shy, though her emotional, rambunctious and idealistic mindset rarely kept her introverted. In fact, much of her shyness was born from the fact that Yuel was often alone in her youth, to some degree by choice. Unable to comfortably play with the kids of her village due to such a difference of mentality, and the fact that her obsessions lied with engineering and academics, she spent considerable time alone. At heart, she was instead an extremely social, life-of-the-party type of person, often functioning as a whirling eddy within the different groups of conversation, constantly carrying at her own pace. She still retains some of her more reserved traits, and a bit of social anxiety when forced outside of her comfort zone.

Fickle Relationships: In fact, with her current personality it can be said that Yuel practically draws people into her. Like a hurricane, she sweeps into your life and brings you into hers, moving along the world without letting you go. Admittedly, she isn't aware of this phenomenon. She's pleased to have enjoyable people around her coming along, but from how one-track minded and forward-moving she is, it's quite often she forgets about those around her. In this sense, Yuel is fickle about her relationships. She doesn't realise the presence of those around her and why they're there too much, but at the same time she doesn't question why they're gone, when they're gone.

» In Her Own World: Because of that, it can be extremely difficult to emotionally connect to Yuel. She attracts people and brings them along, and very often pleasantly socialises with them, but isn't to say she's emotionally engaged. It's often that her conversations with others is moreso Yuel talking to herself with another person as a soundboard, bouncing off ideas back, maybe slightly differently than how she initially put it out based on a response and input from her conversational partners. This is because Yuel isn't usually "experiencing" the world and living in it, so much as living in her own head. This is what really embodies her "idealistic mindset", lost in her own thoughts.

» Strong Leader: Sometimes it's that distance which makes it much easier for her to carry out her job as a leader. Since maturing, Yuel has been able to translate her hurricane-esque aura of attraction into charisma and confidence. The fact that she's most concerned with her ideals and less with the thoughts of others is something Yuel can project into a voice of authority that draws in the crowd. Her words will be concise as she knows what she wants and communicates those thoughts properly. Though she can take feedback as constructive when communicated appropriately, it's also this strong-headedness that allows her to maintain rationality unswayed by the opinion and agendas of others, enact more ruthless tactics that stay true to achieving the objective, and be unhindered by more timid and sensitive ideals. There may be some weaknesses to draw from these qualities, but they've undoubtedly aided her in shaping the world around her to what she'd like to see in it.

» Stubborn to a Fault: All things considered, without the appropriate advisor--in fact, even with an exceptionally skilled aid--it's difficult to change Yuel's mind. This can become problematic in a lot of ways, especially when she interacts with people that place more importance on the means to the ends than she does. Yuel operates with the goal in mind as the number one priority, and the methods to do so aren't utilised in an "any means necessary" sort of manner, but that doesn't mean she's so flexible as to accept all means. As aforementioned, Yuel knows what she wants, and it's rare that she stops before getting it. To begin with, the girl doesn't often aspire or reach for things she truly believes is out of reach or impossible, but for the Mind of Karakura, that's a very short list as is, and a challenge or defiance is anything but a deterrent. You aren't inherently an enemy if your disagree with her, but you're certainly not going to be well respected.

» Morally Driven: Yes, Yuel is exceptionally stubborn and ambitious, often a dangerous and ethically unsound combination; however, the Duulheim is still powerfully attached to her humanity, both literally and figuratively. A good girl at heart, Yuel has boundaries and a moral system to live by. She may not agree with everything people claim to be "good", and is certainly more concerned with protecting and acting on what she thinks is "good", but Yuel will go to great lengths to not let things fall to darkness. By no means is she a pariah of light and lawfulness, but she refuses to ignore actions of evil when its conducted within her reach. Yuel isn't the most concerned with how the world is, and she doesn't have the strongest opinion on how the world should be outside of her areas of interest, but she's certainly decided on what she believes the world shouldn't be.

» Strategic Thinker: For how fickle, hyperactive, and manic Yuel can be, it's often underestimated that Yuel's a rational thinker. Yes, she's driven by ideals, but only because she's confident in finding the means to achieve them. She's lost in her own world and lives in it rather than the tangible world around her, but that's only in anticipation for her world to become the world around her--it's only a matter of time. Yuel is a highly adaptive and quick to jump-start lass that switches from project to project endlessly, but that doesn't discount her ability to hold a broader, long-term focus, and execute each step of the plan with determination and precision. Those qualities become self-fulfilling prophecies; when Yuel is driven, and she's very often driven, all things in sight become a part of the plan as she considers all variables and resources to be at her disposal--if not immediately, then eventually.

» Driven by Clear Goals: Yuel's got a good head on her shoulders--genuinely one of the best and brightest in the world. The reason this can ever really come to shine is due to the goals she sets for herself when performing any task. Even in the most sporadically approaching and sudden events, one of the very first things Yuel sets out is what goal she needs to achieve, or what sort of conclusion she needs to come towards. The actual performance to get there comes afterwards; in her eyes, there's no point in walking towards a location if you don't know where that location is; doing so makes you stupid. Very, very, utterly stupid. That said, from how objective-oriented she can get, a lack of a point of focus can make things exceptionally chaotic for her. Naturally that sort of scenario will almost never happen if we're being honest, but the point is that Yuel isn't just capable because she can identify and is driven to achieve these clear goals, but that she's almost dependent on them. If the girl didn't have aspirations in her life, things she wanted to do and places she wanted to go, in all honesty, Yuel would be horribly lost and utterly useless in so many ways. It's also goals, namely achieving them, that is one of her greatest sources of happiness. The challenge is overwhelming and overcoming it is overwhelming respectively. That said, her focus to achieve in this aspect often drives her too linearly to that goal, avoiding and ignoring obstacles in the way. The thing is, not everything's really an obstacle, but too often does she subconsciously pin things as obstacles. Unfortunately, this can also include relationships.

story of my life

» Inception: Two years before the Suika family had their future chief, Ibiki Suika, the same parents had another child. To the family of strength-empowered brawlers, by all means this child was a failure upon inception; however, this was their first child, and they loved her nonetheless--and they wouldn't have too much time left to love her. This child was born with a birth defect, and through a family friend they were able to take her a quality hospital within Seireitei. It was there that they found that their child had an abysmal level of reiatsu. Such that it was barely on-par with mere humans, and the environment of Soul Society was actively hurting her. It was like a mammal born in the deep sea, the pressure of the water slowly killing it. Tsume was personally devastated, largely because even the zanpakuto spirit within her was especially fond of this child, as if something within the baby's soul was kindred. For the time being, their child was kept at the hospital, barely surviving on a lifeline of the hospital equipment.

» Letting Go: The couple couldn't stay permanently in the hospital, as much as they didn't want to let their firstborn go. They visited often, thankfully, but duties in the outside world still demanded their presence. Several years passed by, the couple even having another child in the meantime. Eventually the couple visited with their second daughter, Ibiki, likely around eight years old at the time, well after her own prodigious strength was established. Ibiki wasn't made aware of her sister until this visit; in fact, most people were unaware. It was such a sensitive topic for their family, and it was rarely brought up. During this visit, the doctors on-hand let them know that their equipment was not sufficient to sustain their firstborn's life for much longer. It was at the suggestion of their family friend that they let her go, as the doctors suspected this continued, forced living was bringing unimaginable pain to the comatose child. They took this suggestion and let her go, hoping their daughter would find peace in another life on earth, as the soul cycle continued life onwards.

» Repeated Rebirth: Unbeknownst to them, the reason for the child's birth defect lied in her inner world. An exceptionally unique, perhaps one in a million circumstance, the child upon birth held a dormant zanpakuto spirit. In its dormancy, the spirit siphoned all the spiritual energy the child produced, effectively weakening her to a point beyond survivable in Soul Society. It was also the same reason that all the spiritual particles of her being as a plus retained itself, when normally a soul would disperse as it reentered the soul cycle. For nearly five hundred years, this soul lived and died, all particles of its being retained. All the way up until the twenty-fifth century, when a circumstance changed.

» Inception Part 2, Electric Boogaloo: Sayal Du'ulheim was a prodigious woman in her family. In their line of work, results were all that mattered, and through any means necessary she'd achieve her results. The main reason for that sort of efficiency was the fact that she truly hated the family business. She committed and performed out of piety and dedication, but that wasn't where her heart lied. It was during a mission in Japan that she found her path. She met a completely normal man who captured her heart. Sayal formally retired from their line of work and renounced connection to the family, and in turn they disowned her. Anybody from her lineage would be disallowed to adopt the Du'ulheim name. From thereon, she simply went on as Sayal Duulheim, keeping her maiden name after marriage. Later, the two had a child with immensely peculiar features, such that Sayal's husband accused her of cheating. A DNA test proved that the child was theirs, and her odd features was a result of their child inheriting a lot of recessive features from her mother's ancestry.

» Birth of the Savior: Although Sayal renounced her family, she still loved them dearly, and her mother loved her, so at the very least their child would certainly see her grandmother once. Thus, Sayal took her child to her homeland for a short weekend visit. Upon arrival Sayal was met with mixed feelings and mixed perceptions. She still loved her family, she just hated their line of work; in turn, much of her family still loved her, but as a clan that held tradition and culture at the highest, they could not give her the respects she once earned. Fortunately, the family respected her freedom, and Sayal respected their work, so even if she couldn't live with them, there weren't exactly hard feelings. When she finally brought her son to her mother, it was fairly shocking. The recessive genes the child retained held special meaning in the family, as a sign of direct connection to their ancient progenitor, for which they became the Du'ulheim family. It was taken a as a sign more or less; unfortunately, the clan's laws dictated that this child could not go into their line of work. Sayal's mother said that this irony was likely destiny in itself, and that the child, despite having genes reminiscent of their progenitor and foretold as some sort of savior, was not meant to be in the family. In the end, Sayal's mother sent her and the child off with a name, Yuel, and two gifts for the child: an ancient gourd relic and a tiger pelt.

» Poor and Brilliant: Yuel's early life was loud and filled with vibrancy. Though he didn't get to see his parents as often as some of the kids around him, by no means was he alone. The small family lived in the boondocks, as Sayal's family business had a lot of transferable skills and work ethic, but no actual credentials to show much worth for. On the other hand, her husband was a man who followed his passions, and those passions weren't very lucrative. Regardless, they were a happy family. While Sayal and her husband often went out of the village for work, leaving Yuel alone to be raised by the villagers around. It was likely thanks to this closeness to the villagers and people around him that started the groundwork for Yuel to grow up extraverted. Unfortunately, that extraversion didn't have much room to shine as the older Yuel got, the more apparent it became how different he was. Yuel took after Sayal in so many more ways; she was a true, traditional genius.

» Finding Passion: The boy just couldn't find intellectual connection with the community around him. No-one really thouught like him, or at his level, and in conjunction, though both parties tried, Yuel couldn't understand the villagers, and they--him. As a result, he also couldn't relate or emotionally connect, and the sense of isolation grew, despite how cared for he was. It certainly didn't help that as he grew older, the time he could see his parents grew fewer, sometimes not seeing them for months at a time. Yuel tried to be understanding, but no matter how intelligent he was, Yuel was still a child. So in the meantime, he spent quite a bit of time adventuring around the village on his own. It was at this point that Yuel found a whole world of means to entertain himself. Through hand-me downs and a local junk depot, the young Duulheim found electronic devices. This fascination with a rarer appliance in his small world turned to obsession, and he quickly entered the world. This quickly progressed through means of reverse engineering, and after years of self-study, the local junkyard turned into his own private tech-centre, filled with junk-turned computers and assorted adventures. Once he gained means to access the internet, the rate of knowledge growth expanded exponentially, and along with this progression came a great deal of information traditionally inaccessible. Yuel became well-versed in the spiritual and magical, fascinated with a world he couldn't touch. Another rare part of himself that made relating to his community difficult was the fact that Yuel was spiritually inept. Generally everyone in the village could see and interact with spirits, but he couldn't. The internet was a means to explore this world. This passion was quickly facilitated by the trigger event which eventually launched Yuel into this world.

» Power is King: Azure Iramasha was a well-known figure and Yuel was by no means a stranger to his reputation. Of course seeing someone online and seeing them in person was two different things, and at first he didn't recognise him. Near the village, the Hybrid King was in heated battle with another winged individual, and the splash from their battle was affecting the village. Though the whole area was to be evacuated, this was the first time Yuel had a chance of personally viewing anything so spectacular, and in his fervent excitement, the boy chased all the way to get a clear, close, and personal first-seat view. Of course this was much too dangerous of a situation for him to get close in any respect at all, but children weren't the best at listening to reason. The fight quickly took Yuel's conscience and he awoke to Azure attending him. This exchanged soon turned to Yuel inviting what was a celebrity to him to the village, asking him a plethora of questions, and eventually finding out that Azure was currently operating in Karakura Central. From thereon, it was the young boy's dream to head to Karakura and follow what was now his idol.

» Knowledge is Power: With a clear goal in mind of what to do later in life, the already studious Yuel took to the books--and internet--to fill himself with knowledge. Through some misunderstandings and embellishments online, Karakura to him was the hub of technology, and to sustain himself and live there, he needed to be more than just bright. Yes, he was smart in his circumstances, but would that really hold up in Karakura, where the best and the brightest weren't even just contributing, but competing? On top of that, considering his abysmal personal power, the only way he might find himself standing beside Azure was to be brighter than the brightest. So for three years, Yuel learned everything there was to learn, from quantum mechanics to property portfolios. When Yuel turned fourteen and earned his parents' blessings, the boy set on his way to Karakura Central to enroll into Karakura High School.

» Life Begins Now: Yuel reached Karakura safely enough, took the entrance exam, and barely passed. Not due to how difficult the exam was, so much as Yuel had many misunderstandings about the cultural difference, lacked common sense, and psyched himself out of going with her first answer on a question--which was usually the correct answer. Fortunately, he still made it, but a new issue arose: housing. The boy didn't really plan everything out and eventually found himself without shelter. During this time, he opted to camp out in front of the high school, and doing this brought a bit of attention. Fortunately, a kind soul, Touma Yuudeshi, took pity on his circumstances and took the boy in. During this time, Yuel underwent a peculiar transformation, and before he knew it, Yuel was now a girl. At the time, the phenomenon was completely unknown, and for many years it remained completely ambiguous, even after meeting many people experts in the matters of the soul. At the core, the reason for this transformation was more a return to form. The zanpakuto spirit which cursed Yuel to a human life with spiritual ineptitude for several hundred years had finally matured, and its interaction with Yuel caused her to become her original self.

» Running Start: From hereon, Yuel's life started to get a bit more out of control. Her enrollment into Karakura High was pretty redundant considering how little time she spent in it, though she did gain some experiences there. Having finally reached her goal and coming to Karakura, she met a plethora of people and gained a plethora of experiences, ranging from meeting the President of Japan, Shadin Yuudeshi, after hacking through the Yuudeshi Network and accidentally summoning a Vasto Lorde in the middle of Central, meeting one of Truth's Angels and exposing his undercover work in Karakura High, being invited to work with the leader of the mafia world in Japan, Augustine, getting through the Iramasha of Borders's zone of control through inventing a space-warp device, and so many more. Likely the most impressive exercise of her genius was inventing a spellcasting system that didn't require spiritual awareness to use, such that any random human could learn and perform it. Of course she didn't account for how much brain power it'd take to mathematically breakdown the method of controlling spiritual energy through nodes and how much mastery of the system was required to perform Renkinjutsu adeptly, but in theory anybody could use it. It's also the instrumental reason for her later success and survival once she thrusted herself further into the spiritual world, and that started with her meeting James Caldwell.

» Change of State: After discovering this gem in the rough through the Yuudeshi Network, James Caldwell--at the time the lead authority of research and development in the Vanguard--the man invited her to one of their bases in Mongolia. When Yuel accepted the offer, she was quickly met with a handsome and intelligent man, and she also quickly understood how unlikeable a person he was. Under her understanding, the man completely underestimated her and constantly patronised her, going so far as to assert that magic had no system of operation, hence, "magic". It was during this time the man challenged her to a spar, and while Yuel had engaged in some fights in the past, this was the first time she was truly engaging in "combat". Of course, through her pride and anger, Yuel accepted fervently. This was also the first time she truly held onto a sword for a fight, and her natural synergy with one came through. With careful planning, psychological warfare, and a genuine mastery of the environment and control of the circumstances, Yuel obliterated James with a force not too distant from the level of destruction world leaders brought about in massive wars. Of course even then, Yuel maintained control of the situation, but she didn't really maintain control of herself. As soon as she realised what she did, the girl was drowned in remorse and guilt. It was through the whispers of a certain entity within her, someone she'd later come to know as Wukong, that she once more took matters into her own hands, quickly taking the power that killed James and targeting temporally ambiguous particles to essentially return time in the location a few minutes back. In the process, she also ended up absorbing a colossal amount of these particles into herself, forever changing the state of her body and soul.

» Accelerating Wisdom: Post-Caldwell, Yuel's life unimaginably became even more hectic. The temporally-ambiguous particle, to which she named the "Keter Particle" after conducting research on it with ASRA from the Vanguard, fractured her personal timeline. Multiple Yuel's would pop-up in various locations in various times, all with differences in memories. In this sense, Yuel would occasionally remember the future, and sometimes that future wasn't even one that actually happened, but the experiences still centralised. From that, Yuel gained experience from excursions in Hueco Mundo and the wastelands, fighting wars that never happened, honing her swordsmanship she felt so attached to, making friends with more vanguard research personnel, helping Ash Iramasha in his shockingly similar circumstance, helping Shadin stabilise Tsubasa Unabara after the Demon Incursion, and so many more.. Likely the most shocking event wasn't even one that happened to her. During the Moon-Invasion, her beloved Azure Iramasha fell. This event was devastating and pushed Yuel to start dedicating herself more to changing and shaping the world into a more peaceful Earth. Shadin took Yuel under his wing, helping her to master her various assets, her intellect, her swordsmanship, and--though she wasn't aware of it--Shadin even prepared her for the inevitability of coming across her ziamichi spirits. Unbeknownst to her, the two artefacts Yuel received from her grandmother, the tiger skin and gourd, actually housed a demon and another spirit, which over the years progressively transitioned from being within the gourd to finding home within her inner world.

» Communicating Within: Often in her dreams, without being aware, Yuel conjured her inner world. It was a rare occurrence for the most part, but in these moments she'd hear the voice of that spirit from so long ago, telling her she had the power to save James if she wanted. Sometimes, she'd also hear the rumbles of another creature, something of a more demonic tone. Yuel could never fully cross the barriers within her inner world to fully meet them, but at the time she was content with just talking. It wasn't until she met some individuals that could help her go further in communicating with them, like Ulv Auber and Calypso Asthavon, that Yuel's innate curiosity started to bloom. The biggest help was meeting Ulv, who taught her the Arms of the Earth technique and developed her own Tulpa. It was through this Tulpa that Yuel could force the spirits within her to face her. It was also in this exchange that, mostly because Ulv entered Yuel's inner world, her zanpakuto spirit finally awakened. To confront the intruder, the spirit confronted Ulv, but in the process Yuel also recognised that this behemoth was most definitely the product of her own soul--and more importantly, that this creature was the reason for her spiritual ineptitude. It wasn't necessarily anger that Yuel felt upon this revelation, but she certainly was very adamant in how they were going to move forward. Once Ulv exited her inner world, Yuel took the vizard's advice in how to treat a zanpakuto spirit, and began proper communication. After this sit-down, so to speak, her inner spirit finally offered Yuel its name, and through this interaction, Yuel achieved her shikai.

» Channeling Mastery: Of course things wouldn't just stop at attaining shikai. Studious as she is, establishing communication with her zanpakuto spirit and being able to have cordial conversation immediately unleashed unending conversations. Yuel talked to herself often as is, so once she found someone to literally always talk to in her own head--which also included her two ziamichi spirits--things just wouldn't stop. And, fortunately for her, Lov was a great listener, or at least great at nodding his head and making single-syllable responses. This unending communication, combined with Yuel's being a quick learner, served to move towards a level of mastery exceedingly quickly. Such that, once she was able to tap into the latent energy reserves burrowed within her soul, an innate sense of comfort in utilising these newfound strengths was hastily achieved.

» The Devil Particle: A chance encounter with Ibiki in Soul Society enabled Yuel to learn of her origins and relation to the Suika family. Her presence on an international stage further progressed, with her assisting research divisions across the world, including Soul Society, Vastime, and naturally the Lux Orior. As tension on Earth rose, she partook in the meeting between the protagonist organisations based in Karakura, becoming a founding member of the Lux Orior.

» Royal Retribution: Shortly after, WW4 erupted. As the world was thrown into chaos, Mana and Ravan appeared in Karakura for a counterattack, with the Vastimian Militant-King and old friend Hayden and Yuel herself fending them off in Shadin's absence. The exchange was short, but Mana--who turned out to be a clone--was severely injured, and Ravan was slain. Karakura was ravaged, but no more attacks on the region followed, and they were allowed time to rebuild.

» Enduring War: The rest of the war, Yuel took more of a backseat and fulfilled her position properly, as a backline research and logistics centre for the Lux Orior, and in the position of the organisation in the war, a logistical support to the protagonist organisations in general. While the war waged, Yuel, to the best of her memory and data tracking, noticed progressive declines in the rate of her appearances and duration of appearances throughout the realms. From the trends and calculations, she predicted an eventual disappearance of herself entirely. While the war continued, Yuel made preparations in advanced in anticipation of the inevitability.

» Subverted Expectations: With her responsibilities relinquished, and letters sent out to her loved ones explaining things and her absences, Yuel felt content in her passing. She put herself at peace with the circumstances, blanks filled her mind and memories. Yet, she found herself still alive, "existing". According to her data, it was well past the point of her eventual nonexistence. True to her heart, she took this opportunity in stride with a few subjects of interest outlined. Why was she still alive? Was it faults in her data, an uncalculated variable, total randomness? What would her bankai be like? What was the deeper nature of the Keter Particle? What happened to the world in her absence, and more specifically, what were her friends and family up to? Should her tangible existence persist, perhaps she could even tackle one of the greatest tasks and contributions she could manage to the several realms, which was to solve the, as she's coined it, Multiversal Instability Predicament.


» Knowledge: It wouldn't be an exaggeration by any means to say Yuel is one of the most modernly knowledgeable beings in existence. While this is most accurately applied to subjects of academia and especially science and engineering, years of practical application, study, and on-hand experience through the means of her nigh omnipresence grants Yuel incomparable banks of knowledge. This extends to political climates, geography, history, culture, and language.

» Handicraft: Since her toddler years Yuel was able to make the most of even the tiniest bits of information, and out of pure intuition and rational thought she could construct functioning pieces of technology. While she is still limited to the available resources and, when given what she needs Yuel is unstoppable. Even utilising scraps, Yuel has been able to go so far as to affect quantum fields and take ahold the fabric of space, contracting to simulate a “warp-speed” effect with her creations amongst other achievements. The further she progresses, even with minimal tools and resources at disposal, the further her creations become increasingly radical.

» Calculability: It’s been vividly shown just how powerful Yuel can calculate, and not just numbers but events, expressions, information in general. The best example thus far is the fact that through natural phenomena and two triggers, she was able to start nuclear fusion and create a tiny blackhole on the spot and survive the ordeal, all through on-the-spot computation. Yuel has calculated the mass and force behind the sword swings of an experienced combatant based off of outside sources off the top of her head, and accordingly respond with her own calculated movements to minimise damage spur of the moment. Her own mind rivals the complex capabilities of the Yuudeshi Network.


» Metal Limbs: Yuel lost her right arm and left leg entirely in an accident. In their place, she possesses outdated metallic limbs that function just as well as her natural limbs. With her own additions and care, they work very well, and are in complete balance with the rest of her body both in terms of strength, weight, and dexterity. Having quickly adapted to them with around five years of experience in handling the items, they are as easy and comfortable to use as their organic counterparts. Their appearance betrays their functionality, but the antique aesthetic remains purely by her preference. Modern technology would allow her to regain her biological limbs, but that wouldn't be as cool.

» Spiritual Ineptitude?: For the longest while, Yuel had no capacity to utilise spiritual energy, and this persisted to the extent that she wasn't even spiritually aware. After having unlocked her shikai and gaining access to her innate shinigami abilities, even in her base, human form, Yuel at least possesses spiritual awareness. However, much of the content of her spiritual energy is locked away within her inner world in such a fashion that she can't readily access any of it without assuming her shinigami form, such that for all intents and purposes, spiritually speaking Yuel is still powerless in her natural human state [5-5--].

» Swordsmanship: Yuel finds herself a natural affinity to the sword, like wielding it is an extension of herself, no different to moving her mechanical limbs. There's an inherent fascination in swordplay for her, and she can tell there's still a mountain to overcome. Unfortunately, Yuel has yet to progress her swordsmanship beyond it, as her attention has been in a number of other fields. Now that she is without the same responsibilities, Yuel holds a rekindled interest in pushing the scope of her talents with the sword.

» Arms of the Earth Tulpa: Once Ulv taught Yuel the Arms of the Earth Technique as a foundation to build her Tulpa, she quickly adapted this asset into her repertoire. Functioning off her willpower, strength of mind, and ultimately the level of mental fortitude she can summon to establish the entirety of her mindscape, Yuel can conjure profound power to manifest in the real world. Starting from the building blocks is establishing her mindscape.

Arms of the Earth is a technique which starts with entering one's "mindscape". Different from the inner world, it's entirely a hypothetical land conjured by cognition. A blank slate of an imaginative plane. From there, the user draws upon their experiences, memories, and imagination to conceive people. For Yuel specifically, she populates this mindscape with the people she knows, forms of herself, monkeys with tophats, anything living, and essentially brings life to this world. The only limit is the person's force of will and mind. The second step is to formulate a method to connect all these people and the world they inhabit, ground them and circulate the connection of their beings into a tangible power to manipulate.

The part after this wasn't necessarily taught, but Yuel drew some conclusions on how to operate things hereafter. She visualised this connection that centralised everything in her mindscape as"gravity", the tool to tether everything together; through that tethering, she manifested the centralised power into reality to influence the world around her, creating a Territorial Tulpa.

So how does Yuel's Tulpa work specifically? Not just the illustration of it in action, but the actual methodology to the magic? Yuel's Tulpa is what she defines as a "Tertiary Interaction". In laymen terms, Yuel can manipulate how gravity bends space. This is limited by how much mass is in a given area of space already.

Basically, a more vacant space with a lower density of matter and less curved spacetime is more easily manipulated. Given her Tulpa operates off force of will and mind, using it exhausts Yuel Mentally. There is also a delay in every time she manifests her Tulpa given that she draws this power from the mindscape visualisations, so it's an opportune moment to take advantage of her during these delays, especially given how generally vulnerable the girl is.

Interacting with Yuel's Tulpa is difficult without understanding it, and trying to combat it is much more complicated, since it doens't work off any sort of spiritual or magical source, therefore interfering with its effects doesn't work by just sending energy at it. The means to interact with it mostly have to do with manipulating space itself, or increasing the amount of matter occupied within space in range of her Tulpa, and doing so can serve to weaken its effects. Considering her Tulpa has no interactive body, you can't really "break" it, though you could break her concentration and disable it; even if it wasn't disabled, there's a limit to how long a Tulpa can be maintained.

If there is a total absence of mass in a given area, a complete vacuum, then the absolute maximum Yuel can conjure is a gravitational force 500 times that of the Earth's. Of course doing so would naturally have something pulled into it, so the total vacuum will only last for the briefest of moments. The average force Yuel can conjure, with a normal atmospheric pressure and some menial things in the manipulated area is 100x Earth. So for example, if Yuel used her Tulpa on a person around 230lbs, the change would act like they were suddenly 23,000 lbs.

Finally, Yuel's Tulpa as a territorial ability also has an effective range. The range of comfort for maximum duration of use is up to 300 metres. The range can be extended based on how much she concentrates to expand her zone of influence while reducing the Tulpa's duration, to a maximum of 3 kilometres for one post.

[As Tulpas are drawn from the user's willpower, it determines the Tulpa's durations. 1 post for Adept Willpower, 2 for Advanced Willpower, 3 for Elite Willpower, 5 for Master, and 7 for Grandmaster Willpower. Beginner Willpower is too weak to have any noticeable change. Tulpa has a limit of the same number of posts. Beginner Willpower can not manifest enough tenacity and discipline to construct a Tulpa.]

» Unlimited Thread Works: The downlow of it is that Yuel's existence in spacetime is fractured, specifically down her own timeline, because of the integration of what she has dubbed as the "Keter Particle" into herself. This has no effect on any other character or being's timeline. Her given appearances are whole, with her soul, body, and mind being complete. Each iteration is distinct from each other, so it's possible that Yuel can 're-exist' in multiple locations in the same time period, or multiple time periods in the same location. It's also possible that the different Yuels are distinct iterations of each other, who might share mutual memories, have gaps in memories, or even have memories of different experiences that did or didn't happen in the given present timeline.

In practical RP application, Yuel can be in multiple threads that take place simultaneously. The order of events that threads happen for other characters, linearly, can be totally liquid for Yuel. She can reference information known from a typically future thread in a past thread, though if an RP partner is uncomfortable with it then it won't happen. El classico "OOC Permission" stipulation.

» Immersion Winds: An Iramasha Aether Stone Cirno Iramasha crafted for Yuel. Now that Yuel has become a sub-shinigami, the Immersion Winds is mostly obselete for her. Physically, the Aether Stone is broken down into a dust that Yuel had to inhale and embed into her body. The Aether Stone's powers can only be used by Yuel, bound to her when Yuel took a vow in Cirno's energy. The words used weren't significant, but if Yuel spoke them in earnesty, and that they were words that affirmed the Immersion Winds would only be used for what she thought as a just, righteous, and moral cause. If the Immersion Winds were used maliciously, then the Aether Stone would never work again.

The stone's abilities must be activated in thread, with a five post duration. There is a three post cool down before it can be used again.

Astral Sync: Astral Sync allots Yuel the ability to convert aether energy into spiritual energy that she can use directly. Immersion Winds acts as a 3rd party tool that can do the "manipulation of energy" that Yuel cannot innately do as a human, and manipulates it according to her intentions. This ability can only be used up to four times per the aether stone's maximum duration. Once exhausted, Yuel would need to visit Cirno to have the stone essentially repaired.

Abstract Embodiment: In conjunction with Astral Sync, this ability enables Yuel to convert the energy absorbed directly into physical objects with permanence. This primarily functions as a means to get ahold of materials for her inventions and builds that are otherwise extremely difficult to obtain by just creating them herself. Equipment with the intent of having true permanence and excessive functionality will still have to be put in as an equipment formally and be approved. Since the purpose of this ability was to facilitate her experiments and inventions, this ability allows her to conjure things related to it. Yuel won't be able to do something like manifesting an entire defensive wall and dome, or instantly create a godly spiritual weapon. She can however create a whole range of components to, say, build a rocket, or create materials to craft a powerful spiritual weapon.

Stellar Consciousness: This ability essentially gives Yuel a boost to her mental faculties. It helps free her mind of distractions, increase her processing power, and break down any 'blocks' she might be having, whether in intelligence, intuition, or creativity. Once this ability is deactivated, Yuel will experience extreme degrees of mental exhaustion. A mental fog, some heaviness, and lethargy runs over her. If she uses Stellar Consciousness multiple times in the span of a single thread, the effects add up, and she can experience mental overload, physical pain, nausea, and lose consciousness. Over excessive use will have lasting effects that impair her.

Celestial Grace: Cirno imprinted her blessing upon the Yuel's body. When she is in danger, an arcane force is conjured to protect her. The power is kept in reserve in the Aether Stone, separate from any energy that can be absorbed through Astral Sync. This reserved energy is roughly on par with the energy source of a 1-5, but it will have enough potency behind its defence to be on withstand the single medium power attack of a 1-1.

Celestial Grace can be used in whatever shape or form Yuel wishes, even outside of the 'activation' of Immersion Winds. It is not meant to be used alongside Astral Sync and Stellar Consciousness because they tap into a different source of power. If an external source of Aether Energy is available, with someone capable of manipulating it, they can recharge Celestial Grace for her, rather than Cirno (and Celestial Grace only). Yuel cannot do it herself, as the Aether Energy absorbed from Astral Sync is converted to Spiritual Energy.

» Renkinjutsu: - Yuel has since evolved Renkinjutsu to become much more powerful with more efficiently written sigils to enhance the strength the utilisation of Renkinjutsu, and since Yuel can directly reinforce its strength or write the sigils solely off of her own spiritual energy, the level of strength she can utilise this alchemy has become considerably more powerful. Additionally, Yuel utilises Renkinjutsu solely in lieu of kido, given she self-devised this system and is more confident in its strength than the shinigami spell-system.

Renkinjutsu Kaishi Undō - This seal is the one which sucks in roaming spiritual particles to activate connecting seals off of a minimal amount of spiritual energy. Of course, to even activate it a certain amount is needed, which is why it requires direct blood from the Yuel in her human state to activate. Smudging the intricate lines that make up the seal disengages the process. Although there's no byproduct as a result of the failure, the time spent gathering reishi is still wasted. If Yuel uses Renkinjutsu outside of her Shikai, this seal is a necessary component as she has no other ways on-hand to power any other seal. The latent spiritual energy won't take priority over something like a Quincy manipulating the surrounding energy.

Renkinjutsu Tentodoke - This seal produces a clear beam of energy linearly where the seal is 'facing'. Looking through it is similar to looking through a stream of clear water being poured without any air bubbles. The other sides is a bit distorted, but the colours can be made out. This ability largely depends on the surroundings. If there's a denseness of spiritual energy, the potency goes so far as to utterly decimate even the side of a mountain after absorbing reishi for around two posts. But, within the span of a single post in a fairly average density of latent reishi? At most, a building could be speared through. The size of the beam is entirely dependent on the size of the seal made. It should be noted that smudging the intricate lines that make up the seal can very well disrupt the flow of spiritual energy that produces such an effect, and a byproduct of the disruption will immediately cause the energy to burst out violently, allowing the same amount of damage to be done around a radius at a 1:10 ratio, 1 being the size of the seal. The seal should be carefully maintained, or else the one who activated the seal is easily in danger of immediate death.

Renkinjutsu Kuchi no Honō - Kuchi no Hono is activated similarly to Tentodoke. Requiring as many as six seals which circle around the invocation seal, Yuel needs an entire post to create the six seals all at once before activating them if it's charged off of Kaishi Undo; the potency of this ability is far greater than Tentodoke. Upon activation, a fire engulfs the area of 100 metres that swallow the surroundings. The heat of the flames reaches a point that instantly melts iron and turns rocks into lava. The rebound of failing to fully activate the seal will result in the energy signature that started the whole process--being traced by the blood used to activate the invocation seal--will transfer all that heat energy to the user as opposed to being expelled in the intended manner, dealing the full brunt of damage to them internally. Basically, instant, painfully fiery death.

Renkinjutsu Ransora - Ransora creates a vaccum in the surrounding area. With the seal as the epicentre, the surrounding 50 metres loses all air and lose particles in general, spiritual or physical. This vacuum lasts for one post, and when that post is over, the seal slowly retracts all the air back into that space. For that amount of time, there is no meaningful friction above the ground. Disrupting the seal will cause all the air to rapidly come back into the vacuum, causing a 50-metre implosion. Without adequate durability, the user of the seal will almost certainly die.

As per her attempt to save James Caldwell’s life when she thought she killed him, Yuel had carved multiple intricate Renkinjutsu seals into herself. Some of these seals are multiple Kaishi Undou, to balance out their small size and multiples, in effect retaining still conjuring an equal amount as she normally might when writing the sigil onto the ground or some other large surface. All of these sigils are multi-purpose, and changing the flow of which sigil leads to other sigils changes the effects. For example, she can utilise any of the aforementioned sigils such as Kuchi no Honou, or Ransora. She must still go through the same procedures as normal, such as using her blood for the preliminary gathering of reishi into the Kaishi Undou seals, and having that power connect and spread to the others to garner the desired effect. In short, Yuel now has her seals at her disposal, and can mobilise them as opposed to initially writing them on the floor and preventing their disruption.

Of course, there are also drawbacks. Mainly, the fact that as a powerless human she still can’t control the effects outside of what’s been inscribed in the seals. If a Kuchi no Honou is raging fire, she can’t control the spread or deter the effects. Additionally, since these seals are literally carved into her body, she can’t disrupt the effects to cancel them.

Of course if Yuel utilises Renkinjutsu in shikai, with her own spiritual energy she now has means to better control and power it, safely. Otherwise, Renkinjutsu can be used as an independent operation in tandem with using her other abilities.


Last edited by Sage on Wed Feb 23, 2022 1:37 pm; edited 15 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:30 pm



»Oni Inheritance: Accessing her constant-shikai fundamentally changes Yuel's physiology from her normal, spiritually unempowered human state to an actual shinigami's spiritual body. Due to this, Yuel's physical abilities are similarly transformed, in particular taking on a lot of the Suika traits that is a part of her shinigami lineage, to include things such as overwhelmingly enhanced physical strength and endurance.

Oni's Restoration [Rare Bloodline Trait]: A rarer trait of the The Suika Tribe that one in ten Suika children possess, and the potential is only fully realised as their bodies mature. It speeds up the recovery process of the person, dependent on their available spiritual energy.

When reaching zero tier, within a thread the Suika can even experience some rejuvenation in vigor and willpower, their mental fortitude. This on-the-spot recovery helps them tank through severe levels of pain, as its a much more temporary experience than one without the rare trait. On a physical level, light wounds and cuts will within a post, and large physical wounds, deep gashes and the sort, won't physically impede them, healing over the course of two to three posts depending on the degree of injury. Something on the level of lost limbs won't be regenerated, but as long as the Oni can survive the ordeal and retreat the lost limb, it can always be re-attached.

High Endorphin Release: Although most write off the Suika Tribe as a band of brutes, lunkheads and overall idiots, outside of combat -- most of these tribesmen are quite creative, friendly and jovial to be around. This is because the amount of endorphin that is generated within a Suika Tribe members body is ten times higher than the average human or Shinigami's body. And, as they become stronger, this elation only becomes stronger and more potent. This effect is stimulated by the fact that their bodies are always constantly being pushed to the extreme, so the reward is that they have a constant sensation of joy and happiness.

In turn, this has then led to them achieving a high level of social intelligence, creative intelligence, and peace of mind. Often times they can be the life of the party because they always feel charged and full of energy. In other cases, they can turn into great poets, creative writers, or even artists because their mind is constantly painting vivid scenes of pleasure in their mind and they can channel that into varying different subjects. And lastly, meditation comes quite easily to most of the Suika Tribe members because their body is often in such a peaceful and serene state from this state of constant endorphin release.

Ridiculous Alcohol Tolerance: Don't try it. Don't think it. Don't even speak about it. The alcohol tolerance of The Suika Tribe is second to none. They crave alcohol no less than any other being and can consume massive volumes of it at a single time. The stronger they become, the more fierce this tolerance enhances itself. It has reached a point where Ibiki Suika herself stated that she can endlessly drink her liquor and never succumb to fatal symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Her mind may alter from being under the influence, but her body will never die from it. So don't do it. Don't try to out drink a Suika Tribe member.

Alcohol Boost: Most Suika Tribe members do experience a high spike in elation when they drink large quantities of alcohol . This then turns them into believing that they've gained a massive physical buff, but in reality it is nothing more than a psychological booster. It helps them to focus better, improve their endurance to pain, helps them channel their creativity and otherwise serves to bolster their mood to better face off against stressful situations; combat or non-combat related. So if a Suika Tribe member is strained or stressed, give them a good deal of booze and they'll be back to cloud nine soon enough. It's their natural anti-depressant.

Vast Hunger And Thirst: Due to the high amount of energy that their bodies demand in order to stay in peak physical condition at all times, The Suika Clan are known to be a tribe that consume vast quantities of food and water. Whatever a normal person eats? A Suika Tribe Member eats four times that. And the more powerful they become, the more food they often require. It even reached a point where Ibiki Suika herself developed a technique to produce infinite booze in order to help sedate her thirst. Without proper nutrition, a Suika Tribe member can become weakened. So they often eat a diet rich in meats, liquor, vegetables and whatever else they can take from the land.

(Bonus: They aren't a clan known to like sweet tasting things. This is due to the fact that their taste buds are often altered to seek out the most enriching foods. So, in some cases, Suika Tribe members break out into a disorder that makes them eat dirt, pure iron, zinc and other minerals to make them stronger. They often call it "Endo Resu Endo Resu", or "Endless Hunger")

Strong Immune System: As a passive trait, most of the The Suika Tribe does have a tendency to produce Shinigami who have tenacious immune systems. This is made possible in part by a few factors. The first factor is the fact that their bodies are often in peak physical condition when it comes to their natural traits. That is, they are comparable to athlete's in their prime even when at tier levels comparable to humans or low-level hollows. Henceforth, their natural immunities are bolstered to that allow them to overcome illnesses and diseases more quickly than other Shinigami. Those on the stronger side can even recover from toxins, poisons and other alignments within an hour.

Secondly, while excessive consumption of alcohol normally impairs the immune system and increases vulnerability to lung infections, the opposite is true for The Suika Clan. The more booze they consume, the more powerful their immune system becomes. It is apart of the reason why Ibki Suika herself tends to drink as much as she does. Liquor is considered such a rich nourishment to their bodies that it is even said that booze is what allows The Suika Tribe to stay in such pristine health. Even throughout their old age, most of their internals can be spry as a child if they continue ingesting large volumes of alcohol into old age.

» Unique Energy Property: Yuel's energy is uninteractive with foreign powers; essentially, someone or something else cannot directly manipulate her spiritual energy, whether they absorb it, alter its composition, or utilise it. For example, the person with lightning manipulation: if Yuel used a renkinjutsu seal powered by her own energy that shot lighting out, the other person could not absorb it, or take control of it despite being able to manipulate lightning otherwise. Or, if Yuel used a seal to create an object like a chair; a demon might be able to use magic to turn an ordinary chair into a table or some other object, but they would be unable to alter Yuel's chair. This does not mean Yuel's abilities and spiritual energy cannot be stopped.

Say the lightning person, rather than trying to take control of Yuel's lightning, returns an attack with the same level of power. Yuel's lightning can be disengaged and destroyed. Or, if Yuel perhaps sent out a spear of energy, a barrier could alter its path.

The reason for this is the Keter Particles integrated into her being, which has fundamentally changed Yuel's 'existence', allowing her to interact with a new quantum field. By extension, her own spiritual energy interacts with this field, but also interacts with other fields, and can therefore interact with other energies or beings. However, if someone was to attempt to alter Yuel's energy, their inability to interact with the 'Keteric Field' themselves would make them unable to do the same.

This quality to her energy is a double-edge sword. Say Yuel learned a healing kido; she'd be capable of healing another person using it. However, healing kido would be inoperable on Yuel if it worked to essentially supplement her spiritual body with someone else's energy. Aside from the individual markers of a person's unique spiritual energy, Yuel's energy appears like any other's.


» Zanpakuto Name: Lov Rahjun
» Shikai Release Phrase: My will is truth, my word is law; arise, Lov Rahjun.
» Shikai Type: Constant Shikai

» Inner World: Yuel's Inner World is unfathomably massive. In the immediate vicinity to which a person could enter, thee world around them would be a completely blank white plane, indistinct scenery in thee distance. The white plane itself would appear to only extend perhaps a kilometre outwards, and unreachably beyond it to the west was an enormous mountain range, whose base couldn't be seen, and peaks extended so far into the sky that they were indiscernable. To the east, an enormous sea that expands on into infinity, and finally an enormous sky coated with vague dancing shapes and celestial bodies glistening in magnificence. The only things in reach would always be the pure white world, and any distance moved would never come closer to approaching the west or the east.

Anybody with any degree of spiritual awareness would be capable of sensing the three enormous presences within. In the sky lies a being emitting chi energy freely and without reserve, enough to cover the sky three times over. In the west within the mountain range lies a demon of enormous, roundingly equal power pervading through the entire mountain scape menacingly. In the east slumbers Yuel's zanpakuto spirit underneath the sea, the waters entirely made up of its emitted and hyper-condensed spiritual energy.

» Zanpakuto Personality: Lov Rahjun is kind of like an old, prideful man. Like anyone else, he disdains in being wrong, though he can accept it at times. What’s more difficult to accept, is a stubborn person. Or rather, to be more specific Lov dislikes someone wrong, incessantly professing themselves right. Though not violent in nature, these kinds of people are one of the few to actually set him off. Of course, acting this way on purpose isn’t going to generate much of a reaction from him--he isn't that easily or predictably provoked. Lov is an introvert, but he isn’t socially stupid--just generally apathetic. Unless confronted with a particularly good liar, fake incompetence isn’t going to get far with bim. In fact, while he also finds strong dislike in such a person, these actions instead solicit his curious side. He’d far sooner inquire why someone was, by his definition, acting stupid, than get angry at them for thinking they could fool him.

As a result of his superior-complex and aforementioned incompetents, having to justify himslf is unpleasant. There’s an understanding that some people need things explained to them, but especially in the case of him proving right in any number of situations with the person present, being questioned instead of garnering their faith becomes a tiresome thing. His actions have on occasion made him heretical to the public’s eyes, especially out of defiance for sake of spite. The act of justifying himself brings Lov Rahjun back to those moments, if only in thought--not to the extent of some sort of PTSD reaction.

As mentioned before, Lov is an introvert who therefore wouldn't often initiate conversation, despite having no problem doing so. He possesses a decent level of social skills, more than enough to get him by, but through and through Yue is an introvert. By no surprising, he doesn't find much comfort and enjoyment in social situations and being around people. His introvert status is thoroughly within his core being. That said, the scales are gauged through comfortability on an individual basis in terms of who he can tolerate to be around. The more he’s familiar with you? The easier it is for him to not mind your presence--such as with his owner, Yuel.

» Yuel Personality Change: Yuel more closely embodies the liveliness of someone her age and apathetic exterior of someone as long-lived as her zanpakuto spirit, like a rowdy charismatic protagonist with infinite potential. With her manner of play being rough and loud, any party she was to enter becomes electrified with her endless amounts of energy. For that reason, her sociability can be contagious, but it's not all good and well. This energy is paired with an extreme level of aggression true to an oni. Playing a game? Yuel is highly competitive, in and out of shikai, and she may potentially get too heated about the outcome. Paired with her loud, outspoken self, she's the best tool used to piss the neighbors off. In terms of martial arts? She'll prefer relentless battering with no room to breathe. Social situations? Yuel is entirely comfortable with making first contact, but her approach may be a bit too high speed for some people's tastes.

As a matter of fact, even some undesirable traits of hers is exemplified in her interactions. Yuel's natural jealousy can blot out the heavens in green, becoming quickly triggered in the sense that she's incredibly protective over that which she considers is "hers". This vice comes out fairly easily, and to that extent Yuel in shikai can come off as greedy and stingy, but as far as Yuel is concerned, her friends are hers. In that seense, she also is very defensive for the people she likes and is always on their side in most circumstances, even if she may subconsciously recognise that they were in the wrong.

Not just being envious, but in just about all her emotions, Yuel will lack discipline. Unfortunately, her emotions control her; at the very least, she’s well aware of the fact, but who cares? Normal Yuel can deal with the consequences later. Often times, anger gets the best of her and she becomes explosive--but when someone points it out? Fuck it, her rage cannot be suppressed because the offense was too great, and Yuel won't even bother to take a step back and review herself, rethink things and in most situations, calm down. Fuck the world and what it thinks, what she does is her business and the world just has to deal with it. It’s a similar scenario with most any other emotion of hers, to include a favourable person that may drive her to borderline personal-space impeding and obsessive tendencies, or a level of melancholy that brings you to check her room for any bleach--just in case. To that extent, one of the best words to describe the youth is: extreme, in everything that she is and does.

That being said, Yuel assumes an otherwise easygoing persona, and most of the time she puts no effort to mull over every little thing. Sweating the small stuff is a good way to turn her blonde hair white. Of course, when her limits are reached--and they’re not all too tolerating to begin with--she becomes explosive, like a pressured bottle that finds release. Touch her his reverse scale, and maybe he’ll curse you and your generations to come forever more, swearing to the heavens she’ll destroy every fiber in your being. And this sort of threat in this form of Yuel's kind of means something.

Yuel exemplifies ambition and this truly shines out with her shikai; paired with her radical nature, many accurately pin her as obsessive. Any goal she’s set for herself is something she’s chased fervently, and having gone through a number of exceptional hardships to temper her mind, Yuel proves incredibly dedicated and focused--to even the smallest of performances. Considering she puts her heart into all that she does and plows forward with unparalleled aggression, her single-minded attitude is easily seen as a stubborn personality, or in more amicable words, a steadfast nature. In fact, her obsessiveness goes to the point being the type to justify the means with the ends.


» Eyes of the Prophet: Yuel is capable of perceiving the elements of a target in existence (therefore she wouldn't be able to analyse an entity of non-existence), and depending on the amount of time she focuses on that particular existence--provided nothing is blocking her perception, both literally and magically/spiritually--Yuel can persistently unravel the elements, attributes, and mechanisms of the target to find out what it does, how it works, and what it can potentially achieve.

That said, she can't actually tell what it's going to do precisely, but with the information on hand and achieved through Eyes of the Prophet, she can find a means to predict the feasible options of its performance. This is only operable in her shikai and expends spiritual energy. Things which interfere with the usage of spiritual energy can inhibit this ability.

If she's also occupying an area or is under the effect of some sort of passive which weakens spiritual techniques (given it doesn't infringe on the clauses of her energy), the rate of information she can extract can be slowed down. This doesn't work on magic that operates without a specific set system, as it needs to be something that if not obeying a physical law, at least has its own system or rules that it operates by for her analysis to take effect.

» Ordinance of the Fermionment: The core of Lov's power, or at least the introduction to it. In shikai, Yuel's zanpakuto has a set of abilities with physical effects of a short range, requiring the zanpakuto to make contract.

Ordinance of the Outer Sky: When held in her left hand, Yuel can mimic the speed of a designated target. She can only designate one target at a time, and can exclusively move at the speed of that target. If the target slows down, she will slow down; if it speeds up, she will speed up; if it stops moving, she stops moving. Yuel has to be aware of the object through the senses, whether visually, audibly, or even spiritually. Each time she uses the Outer Sky, a pulse of spiritual energy resonates out from her.

Ordinance of the Horizon:When penetrating or slashing through something, Lov can sever its connection to another entity. If someone were to control a boulder telekinetically and Yuel sliced through, the connection would be lost. Against a demon, if Yuel cut off their arm, Lov could sever the connection such that the arm would see the demon as a foreign body and reject it, unable to reconnect despite their regenerative powers.

This would even work for spiritual weapons, although it's a task of the highest order of difficulty due to the fundamentally existential property. Doing so would only work temporarily, and once Yuel severs a connection, she cannot sever it again for the duration of the thread. At untrained levels, this can be for a whole thread (i.e. untrained zanjutsu or untrained mediumship) to a single post for those of Yuel's own level of mastery in zanjutsu. She is unable to server the connection of those beyond her skill level.

Ordinance of the Lower Sea: Lov possesses a decaying effect, and when it pierces or cuts into something, that something can break down rapidly. Depending on the size/mass, the decay can be anywhere from an instant dispersal for a handheld object, to ten posts for an entire mountain. Mundane spiritual constructs, like the buildings in Soul Society, or random mundane objects conjured by an ability can be decayed in a similar manner. Spiritual constructs of a spell-like constitution like a barrier kido or fire spell take twice as long.

For things of greater significance, like an actual person or spiritual weapon, the Lower Sea can decay the output of their spiritual energy over time with three times as much difficulty, scaling off the relative 'size' of the energy someone possesses according to their tier (i.e. 3-5 being a city block wide. A city block itself would take 3 posts to decay over time, so attacking someone with 3-5 tier energy would take 9 posts to decay their spiritual energy output. By default, the minimum speed of decay is 3 posts, even for a powerless human, and that would put those in 4-tier of energy at 6 posts.)


Human General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Shinigami General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Elite
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Untrained
  • Kido: Untrained
  • Hakuda: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Grand Master
  • Focus: Master


Last edited by Sage on Wed Feb 23, 2022 1:53 pm; edited 19 times in total

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:35 am
I'd like to request an upgrade for Yuel's Mental Deduction to Grand Master. I think this is justified considering she's well established herself as one of the most prolific inventors, had major achievements in strategy and utilising her intelligence and ability to break down scenarios before her, utilise her ingenuity on the spot, and even establish herself as the foremost expert on the sciences throughout the realms. I'd also like to apply for an upgrade to Master for Focus for the same reasons, especially with the degree of both these skills utilisations due to the nature of her shikai abilities. Furthermore, I'd like to request two different tiers, one for her natural human powerless state that's now at least spiritual aware (5-5 or something) and a tier for her shikai, and i'll apply general skills accordingly since does create physiological changes.

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:08 am


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  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Grand Master
  • Focus: Elite

  • Comments/Notes: N/A

  • Tier:0-3.

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] WVMWLOu
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:23 am
[mod]Moved to WIP[/mod]

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:00 am
Ready to be reviewed. Explicit shikai powers removed, and I'll probably rewrite them and resubmit as an upgrade later down the line. Condensed a lot of descriptions, added some history that updates where she's at right now.

Important things to be noted:

- Tier 0-3
- Grand Master Mental Deduction
- Master Focus

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:18 am
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

Initial Check:
Second Check:
Final Check:


Last edited by Gamma on Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:42 am; edited 3 times in total

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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] CHARACTER_LISTYuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] GRAPHICS_THREADYuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] TIMELINE_THREAD
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:28 am
Made changes accordingly. Also reformatted the second post a bit to order it better, with natural attributes of her being a shinigami at the top, the zanpakuto description, and then abilities that are a result of her shikai. As in, hypothetically if Yuel were to ever undergo a change in her zanpakuto or something, that would only change things as a result of constant shikai, and the other attributes would be unchanged.

Immersion Winds: Changed to statically be 3 posts.

Celestial Grace: Cleaned up the description a little and weakened the defense capabilities.

This reserved energy is roughly on par with the energy source of a 1-5, but it will have enough potency behind its defence to be on withstand the single medium power attack of a 1-1.

Celestial Grace can be used in whatever shape or form Yuel wishes, even outside of the 'activation' of Immersion Winds. It is not meant to be used alongside Astral Sync and Stellar Consciousness because they tap into a different source of power. If an external source of Aether Energy is available, with someone capable of manipulating it, they can recharge Celestial Grace for her, rather than Cirno (and Celestial Grace only). Yuel cannot do it herself, as the Aether Energy absorbed from Astral Sync is converted to Spiritual Energy.

Compartmentalised Energy: Changed the title to "Unique Energy Property" and just rewrote it. Does the same thing, just a lot clearer in description now and addresses your concerns. Yuel can do sometihng like heal other people beacuse her energy still interacts with all the 'fields/forces' that normal spiritual energy does, but also interacts with an additional field; someone trying to directly control/alter it would be unable to interact with the additional field. This works the same way in terms of someone trying to heal Yuel as well, if the way it works is to supplement her spiritual body with foreign energy.

Yuel's energy in shikai is utterly enormous, but its reach cannot extend beyond 300 kilometres from herself as the centre, an overwhelmingly small distance at her level. As a result, her energy pervades the area extremely densely, proportionate to the typical range of destructive power someone of comparable tier can produce. Her powers are focused on "zone control"; while another person of her calibre might possess abilities like lightning generation that can tangibly manifest and can extend a distance well beyond that, Yuel's abilities operate solely within the theatre of her immediate control, at 300km.

Yuel's energy is also uninteractive with foreign powers; essentially, someone or something else cannot directly manipulate her spiritual energy, whether they absorb it, alter its composition, or utilise it. For example, the person with lightning manipulation: if Yuel used a renkinjutsu seal powered by her own energy that shot lighting out, the other person could not absorb it, or take control of it despite being able to manipulate lightning otherwise. Or, if Yuel used a seal to create an object like a chair; a demon might be able to use magic to turn an ordinary chair into a table or some other object, but they would be unable to alter Yuel's chair. This does not mean Yuel's abilities and spiritual energy cannot be stopped.

Say the lightning person, rather than trying to take control of Yuel's lightning, returns an attack with the same level of power. Yuel's lightning can be disengaged and destroyed. Or, if Yuel perhaps sent out a spear of energy, a barrier could alter its path.

The reason for this is the Keter Particles integrated into her being, which has fundamentally changed Yuel's 'existence', allowing her to interact with a new quantum field. By extension, her own spiritual energy interacts with this field, but also interacts with other fields, and can therefore interact with other energies or beings. However, if someone was to attempt to alter Yuel's energy, their inability to interact with the 'Keteric Field' themselves would make them unable to do the same.

This quality to her energy is a double-edge sword. Say Yuel learned a healing kido; she'd be capable of healing another person using it. However, healing kido would be inoperable on Yuel if it worked to essentially supplement her spiritual body with someone else's energy. Aside from the individual markers of a person's unique spiritual energy, Yuel's energy appears like any other's.

Overall Renkinjutsu: Changed to the first post. I remember now that it was supposed to be initially, but the first post couldn't fit the description; now that the app is smaller, it works out. Also added the stipulation that quincy control over the latent spiritual energy takes priority.

The latent spiritual energy won't take priority over something like a Quincy manipulating the surrounding energy.

Tentodoke: removed reference to both chaos blast and cero, and just had it be more generally described as "an energy beam".

This seal produces a clear beam of energy linearly where the seal is 'facing'.

Kuchi no Hono: Made it clear that it takes a whole post to create the six seals, rather than one seal per post.

Requiring as many as six seals which circle around the invocation seal, Yuel needs an entire post to create the six seals all at once before activating them if it's charged off of Kaishi Undo; the potency of this ability is far greater than Tentodoke.

Overall Shikai: Added her shikai ability, titled "PHYSICAL LAW". The ability is basically changing how physics works in a given range.

» PHYSICAL LAW: The reason Yuel's spiritual energy extends to a maximum of 300km and no further is due to how her shikai ability operates. In simplest terms, Yuel can rewrite the physical laws of reality. There are limitations to the extent of how she can do so. Yuel can change how physics operates within her range; as this alters the law itself, the effects are indiscriminate.

As an example, Yuel can change how heat interacts with water. If water boils at 100C, it will instead freeze. Inversely, the water will boil at 0C. As another example, Yuel can change how motion works; all motion is reversed, so intending to fire a gun forwards, will have the bullet travel backwards instead.

Each change has a few stipulations. The more vague a change in law is, the greater its effects, as even very small changes without specifications can fundamentally change how an almost infinite number of things works. The more things are changed within this range, the more energy necessary to enact this change is required, and some changes are simply too great to enact. Therefore, Yuel must specify things about the law.

In the water example, the change in law breaks down below and beyond 0C and 100C. It only influences undiluted water. For the momentum change, this only applies to steel with a certain geometric shape.

To reiterate, the changes in laws are indiscriminate; changing something which could directly afflict someone would also afflict herself, and an alteration that would immediately kill someone would likely immediately kill her as well. Yuel is actually incapable of doing so; her zanpakuto spirit will instead interfere out of self-preservation.

Each alteration requires spiritual energy to support, and she can only perform up to 5 individual alterations simultaneously. Changing an altered law would be a new alteration, and therefore requires an added expenditure of energy to the process.

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 8:45 pm
Changed the zanpakuto.

» Ordinance of the Fermionment: The core of Lov's power, or at least the introduction to it. In shikai, Yuel's zanpakuto has a set of abilities with physical effects of a short range, requiring the zanpakuto to make contract.

Ordinance of the Outer Sky: When held in her left hand, Yuel can mimic the speed of a designated target. She can only designate one target at a time, and can exclusively move at the speed of that target. If the target slows down, she will slow down; if it speeds up, she will speed up; if it stops moving, she stops moving.

Ordinance of the Horizon:When penetrating or slashing through something, Lov can sever its connection to another entity. If someone were to control a boulder telekinetically and Yuel sliced through, the connection would be lost. Against a demon, if Yuel cut off their arm, Lov could sever the connection such that the arm would see the demon as a foreign body and reject it, unable to reconnect despite their regenerative powers. This would even work for spiritual weapons, although it's a task of the highest order of difficulty due to the fundamentally existential property. Doing so would only work temporarily, and once Yuel severs a connection, she cannot sever it again for the duration of the thread. At untrained levels, this can be for a whole thread (i.e. untrained zanjutsu or untrained mediumship) to a single post for the most deeply connected of people (one post for those beyond elite, to include elite with specific boosts and the sort).

Ordinance of the Fibre: Lov can alter the type of spiritual energy of an entity it pierces. For example, changing the energy signature of a human to a hollow, or the spiritual energy itself, to include the different properties these spiritual energies tend to have. If pierced through a source that continues to emit energy (including a soul), Lov can alter the continuous production of spiritual energy, and even inevitably change the source entity itself. This would function similarly to a konso, but not just exclusively turning hollows into pluses. Similar to the horizon, the scale of the task can make it a temporary interaction, but even that can be extremely disruptive to a person and debilitate them--or be an incredible boon. This could be used to help someone, such as a hybrid or vizard strugglign with managing their conflicting energies; Yuel could temporarily change the alternate energy to alleviate them.

Ordinance of the Lower Sea: Lov possesses a decaying effect, and when it pierces or cuts into something, that something can break down rapidly. Depending on the size/mass, the decay can be anywhere from an instant dispersal for a handheld object, to ten posts for an entire mountain. This works on spiritual constructs as well, including barriers or spells. For things of greater significance, like an actual person or spiritual weapon, the Lower Sea can decay the output of their spiritual energy over time with three times as much difficulty, scaling off the relative 'size' of the energy someone possesses according to their tier (i.e. 3-5 being a city block wide. A city block itself might take 3 posts to decay over time, so attacking someone with 3-5 tier energy would take 9 posts to decay their spiritual energy output).

Last edited by Sage on Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
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Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] Empty Re: Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S]

Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:22 am
Ordinance of the Horizon: changed to be a maximum of one post for those she is of equal zanjutsu (or equivalent) skill with, and that she can't sever the connection of those beyond her skill level.

At untrained levels, this can be for a whole thread (i.e. untrained zanjutsu or untrained mediumship) to a single post for those of Yuel's own level of mastery in zanjutsu. She is unable to server the connection of those beyond her skill level.

Ordinance of the Fibre: Removed this one altogether.

Ordinance of the Lower Sea: Added that there is a 3 post minimum of decay speed, even for a powerless human; those at 4 tier would be around 6 posts. I didn't specify people beyond Mountain-level of spiritual energy because i think that would take so long that it's basically irrelevant for a particularly serious combat thread.

(i.e. 3-5 being a city block wide. A city block itself would take 3 posts to decay over time, so attacking someone with 3-5 tier energy would take 9 posts to decay their spiritual energy output. By default, the minimum speed of decay is 3 posts, even for a powerless human, and that would put those in 4-tier of energy at 6 posts.)

Yuel Duulheim [1-4; Sub-Shinigami] [Hazard Rating S] 8Bvy1N8


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