Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
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Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:40 am

How You Been? YRtYvEZ


It'd actually been a while since Alex had hung out in Vegas. He wasn't really avoiding it or anything. He was just a wanderer, wanted to see the world. He'd heard ol' South America was fucked up after Monsuta had their little shebang down there, and he was just about ready to make his way there. Had to check on the old man after all, maybe even set up a cabana in whatever ruins were left. That'd be pretty fuckin slick, actually. Not a bad idea. Could make a few bucks.

That wasn't important right now, though. He was here to say hey to the guy who'd set him up with one hell of an opportunity. Alex would call him “boss,” but that wasn't right. He didn't let anyone tell him what to do, and even though most people in his situation would act like he owed the Hollow his life, he didn't give a fuck about anything like that. He did what he wanted, and if he felt like helping Yaksha out, he would. Was sure as hell more than he did for a lot of other people.

Lighting a cigarette as he made it to the ol' penthouse, he took a long drag from it before knocking on the door with his foot. He could have just used his hand, but he was busy using those on the previously-mentioned cigarette, and why wait another 15 seconds when he could just do it now? Shoes were already kinda scuffed anyway.

“Yo, Dokuja. I'm comin' in, you decent? I'll be mad if I get in there and see your dick or whatever Hollows have.”

Admittedly, though he was as crass and brash as ever, it was almost nice to be back here. It was familiar, and he'd grown a little attached to the idea of familiarity. He was here or in Japan all the time lately. What happened to wandering around more? He had to wonder that as he waited for a reply.

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Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:36 pm
"Alex, you and I both know the only reason a facefull of hollow dong would incense you is because it would call into question your fragile sense of heterosexuality. And now that I've ensured you will never get the words 'floppy hollow dong' out of your head, come on in. The door's open. Feel free to smoke if you like, I bought the top-of-the-line air filtration system for just such a reason. Not that I need it of course, seeing as I don't breathe."

The rich, self-pleased voice of a man who was quite happy with his lot in life, and saw no reason to go around ruining a good thing drifted from behind the door, slurred ever so slightly: He was probably drunk or high, and most likely both. After about fifteen seconds, the door would've opened of its own accord, with or without Alex's own input on the situation, swinging in on well-oiled hinges that had just the -right- amount of creak.

"It's a hell of a day out there, isn't it? I heard that Mana has taken the battlefield. Several in fact. Simultaneously."

These words were spoken with the same mild tone one would use to say 'it might snow tomorrow, don't forget to buy milk and bread on your way home tonight'. He had one hand in the air, the claw-tipped finger weaving back and forth through the air. Since the last time he'd seen Alex, Yaksha had evolved quite significantly: He now stood almost eight feet tall, his entire body covered in the same white scales as ever, but each one also seemed to carry a tiny rune on it, that shifted even as one watched it. He looked very much like a stoned conductor, listening to music only he could hear, as he tilted his head to the side, horns sliding directly through the matter of the couch and coming out the other side. There were six of them, each around the size of a shortsword, as he chuckled fondly.

"I'm glad you're here, Alex. It's been dreadfully boring. Pull up a chair, grab a glass, and we'll talk of shoes and ships and sealing wax. Perhaps even cabbages, and kings."
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7372
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:43 pm

How You Been? YRtYvEZ


“Hey, I resent that. I've got no fragile sense of heterosexuality, thank you very much. Just gotta look like a lady. Whether you are one or not's got no impact on me.”

Entering as the door opened itself, Alex took a long pull from his cigarette, idly noting he hadn't actually smoked too much lately. Maybe he'd just been busy. Either way, if he were surprised at Yaksha's new form, he didn't actually show it. And, in truth, he wasn't really surprised by it at all. It was new, sure, but Alex was pretty used to the world just sort of happening around him. One more change wasn't gonna shake him up.

“Yeah, heard about that one. Well, those ones. Not too worried about it really. If she shows up I'll sure give her a punch or two, but I'm not lookin for it. Been thinking I'm gonna head down to South America.

There was a definite matter-of-fact nature to Alex's statement, and in truth he'd been considering that for a while. He'd been considering a lot of things for a while, though. It was sort of just one more on the pile for him, and he knew that. It was almost upsetting, in a way, but he had a lot he wanted to do. So much to do, only so many hours in the day, or something like that. Where'd he heard that before?

“Can't say I know much about any of those things. Maybe shoes, but mine aren't really worth talking about.”

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