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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Left_bar_bleue16000/1 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Empty [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion

Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:55 pm

 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Y3hboNX

Enter the Penitent


I. Basic Information

» Name: Vastime 1st Penal Legion
» Alias: The Vastime First and Final; The 10,000 Faceless
» Age: Varies
» Gender: Varies

» Association: Vastime; Directly commanded by Abalia Sesshouin.

» Appearance Written: The Penal Legion, like many military units, wears a uniform which is intended to keep an ordered appearance throughout its ranks. Unlike many others, however, there is not one single bit of individuality allowed in the uniform, under punishment of severe beating at the least. Their uniform is comprised of an unbelievably thick overcoat, thick enough to stop low-caliber rounds of its own accord. Both above and below this is assorted body armor, all built so as to be entirely airtight and environmentally sealed, showing not a single square inch of skin anywhere. All of this is rounded out with a mask and helmet, equally airtight and forged in such a way as to resemble a skull.

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality Traits

» Devoted: The 1st Penal Legion is comprised of a single type of men and women; those willing to throw away their freedom for the sake of attempting to redeem themselves in the eyes of the law. Those criminals facing death, or life sentences, who found one final opportunity to escape such punishment in service to Vastime. Because of this, the members of the 1st Penal Legion are far more than merely obedient in their service to Abalia. Every last one of them knows that a single step out of line means their death, and as such will not act against her orders as a basic act of self-preservation.

I. Relationships

» Abalia Sesshouin: Her personal legion, the Penal Legion is the final evolution of what she believes the prison system can be. She is ruthless in her application of them, but sees it as the only proper manner in which she could ever truly teach them service and penance. In turn, they are obedient to her not only as a matter of their lives, but out of genuine respect for her care for them, if a very strict sort of care.

I. History

Created from what one might call the dregs of society, Abalia Sesshouin knew all too well that those “dregs” could yet be put to use somehow. While many might have done a census of some sort, or simply read into their dossiers, the Adjutant of Vastime did not wish to begin anything with such half-measures. She interviewed each and every member of the 1st Penal Legion herself, spending weeks, if not months, ensuring that every single member of her Legion was up to standards. Once she had ensured that, well, the first step could properly begin.

Training for the First and Final was nothing short of torturous to the average man. It demanded the absolute greatest of every man, pushing their very lives to a brink that Abalia herself never could have survived. They did not eat, did not sleep, merely living, fighting, and surviving in the most hostile of conditions. Men made to run the full perimeter of Vastime’s lands, made to swim dozens of miles, made to claw their way to survival. Most may surely have given up, but these men and women all knew that only death awaited them if they did such a thing. This pain, no matter how great it might have been, was the singular thing keeping them alive.

When the day finally came that they graduated, it was impossible to say who between the Legion and their leader was prouder. Oh, some had certainly perished along the way. The training had taken some, and others had simply tried to escape, only to be gunned down by the rest of their members. It was a glorious creation, and not a moment too soon. For the people of Vastime needed this dagger in the dark, and the First and Final would take any task ordered of them. It was good, then, that the tides of war were at their shores.

I. Equipment

» Blank Check: Because of the specialized nature of the 1st Penal Legion, created to engage in any action no matter the cost, they have access to all equipment which Vastime’s usual military may apply to any action, and are trained in proficiency in their usage.

» Sealed Armor: The power armor of the Penal Legion is made specifically for the suicide missions that they are intended to be sent on. As such, it is exponentially more protective than typical Vastime power armor. It is sealed entirely from head to toe, to such a degree that even the vacuum of space cannot surpass it. The uniform is accompanied by a specially-designed oxygen tank which provides enough breathable air for the Penal Legionary to survive up to 48 hours in any environment. It is additionally outfitted with its own communications suite, which has access to both a satellite network, as well as a 500 mile radius radio with access to both general radio frequencies and a specially encrypted frequency which is locked with Abalia’s spiritual energy.

I. Abilities

» Superhuman: There are a wide assortment of improvements that have been made to the Penal Legion that are beyond those most legionaries have been subjected to. Every one of them has had their musculature and skeleton wholly improved with vast cybernetic enhancements, bringing their durability and strength to levels well beyond those of a normal human. Their eyes have been improved in order to grant them vision in standard, infrared, ultraviolet, and multiple supernatural spectrums, and a link port has been implanted directly into the brainstem so as to turn the power armor into something controlled as easily as any body part, quite literally like a second skin.

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 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Left_bar_bleue101000/99999999 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Empty_bar_bleue  (101000/99999999)

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Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:05 pm
[mod]Approved at 3-3++[/mod]
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Left_bar_bleue16000/1 [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard O] Vastime 1st Penal Legion Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:17 am
[adm]Archiving because they super don't exist anymore.[/adm]
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