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- SieghartyVeteran Member
- Joined : 2019-02-28
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Tavern Days (Private)(Rawk)
Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:54 pm
It's just another day. Elyss finds herself helping around the Tavern more than usual. She's not simply just watching for trouble, but this time, she's helping clean up after others. It's just a little extra to make things easier for the Tavern owner and his wife. Though, she wished the customers weren't so messy. One table was covered in blood from a drunkard accidentally passing out and falling onto his glass breaking it and getting his face embedded with shards. No matter how funny that was, Elyss can't help but feel bad for laughing after the man's life was no longer in danger.
This day, since she's helping clean up, she decided to dress a bit more shabbier than usual with nothing but a dirty cream colored kimono around her form held together by stained white bandages with shorts underneath as always to protect herself. Her scarlet hair is tied into a high ponytail, and as she cleans, she makes sure to keep her onyx eyes wandering for any troublemakers.
Today has been rather slow, but that's normal since most are probably working. Only the truly despairing individuals appear at this time. Maybe one lost their job recently and have nothing better to do, or someone has the day off and still have nothing better to do. Well, it's an occurring theme. Only the ones with nothing better to do appear in Taverns. That, or they're celebrating. She's only been working for a few days, but finding the patterns was easy.
In all honesty, she actually wants anything more interesting than a drunkard hurting themselves to occur. She doesn't wish any ill to the Tavern, but she randomly gets these moments where she wants a brawl to happen; give her a reason to knock someone out. Such thoughts startle her somewhat however. It reminds her of how eager she is for a fight and that she has no reason why she's like this. Her eyes flick to the door before returning to the table before her as she works on getting a particularly stubborn wine stain out of the wooden surface.
“Just something more exciting.” She mutters under her breath.
- RawkGod of Love
- Joined : 2017-05-11
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Re: Tavern Days (Private)(Rawk)
Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:05 am
The tavern was, of course, the place the common man found perhaps most inviting. It lacked the responsibilities of home or of the workplace, and certainly was bound to contain a friend or two. The price of alcohol was, relative to many other commodities, quite affordable, and provided something of an escape from the endless troubles of routine life in the Rukongai. Julian St. Vendemiaire, of course, had none of these troubles, at least not to the same degree as many others. He came to the tavern for wholly different reasons; to seek those who shared his dreams.
Entering into the tavern with a small smile on his face, Julian looked around casually, but of course his gaze was in fact immensely discerning. The cause did not seek ruffians, after all. It sought fighters, brave souls who would give their everything to a brighter future. Drunken louts were not an option. As he took a seat at the bar, the white-haired man gave the bartender a small smile, readying his moneypouch for whatever costs might be levied.
“A shochu, please.”
A simple order, for a simple man. But his gaze did fall to the bartender, not in any lustful manner of course. To an observer it would seem the natural action one might take, looking to the woman as he gave her an order. But Julian was studying her with a hidden care, as much as he had to every other patron in the place. Unlike those buffoons, however, he saw perhaps some potential in this woman. Well, he would come to that in time.
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