Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Painful Remembrance (Solo) Empty Painful Remembrance (Solo)

Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:41 am

“Thump. Thump. Thump.”

The sounds of flesh colliding with bark resonates through the forest. Though, it is not easily heard by passersby. Scarlet colored hair swings wildly with each pull back and thrust of those slightly masculine arms. Bloody balled fists fly recklessly and painfully into the bark of this woeful tree chosen from its brethren to suffer from the released suppressed anger of this foolish Plus female.

Why is Elyss out in some forest away from civilization? What causes her to punch a tree mercilessly ignoring the ringing pain reverberating through her fists up her arms? She herself can’t really place it, but as of now, she blames it on stress; stress caused by her peculiar situation and mental state. She’s awoken in a world she does not know with no memories of before, she finds herself attracted to violence for whatever reason; such deeds causes her to feel a strange calming peace (This is what brings her to enjoying this self-inflicted pain.), and just basic stress from her job. Drunken men are wild beings that forbade all sense of logic most of the time. Women are no different as well. They all devolve into animals running on basic instinct when intoxicated. Yet, she can’t say she truly hates it. It gives her a reason to use brute force, but even then, the situations barely go beyond her kicking them out or forcing them to settle down. It’s been a while since she’s had to use extreme force on.

“Thump. Thump.”

Even with the pain, this is refreshing somehow. It’s almost rhythmic. She feels familiar at the moment surrounded by nothing but still life tiring her body out against a solid object. It strangle tickles her mind as if trying to get her realize something; her clear mind soon losing focus to everything around entering into itself.


“Dammit! How dare they!?” The angered voice of a younger Elyss bounces off the walls of the empty gym as she beats on a wooden dummy in the shape of a human hitting it in precise areas: the ribs, gut, nose, and neck. Her hands are bruised from not wearing any protective gloves, but she’s too pissed off to care.

“Those idiots. It’s fighting. People get hurt. Why am I on a suspension?!” Though, she is being horribly erratic about her situation. She was extremely erratic in that fight. She won it, so why is everyone punishing her. Just because she sent her opponent to the hospital, they’re saying she’s too dangerous in the ring. Maybe they should just give her opponents that don’t fold so easily! Her fists continue flying absentmindedly to distract herself, but training only makes her thoughts more precise making her more angry, which in turn, makes her swing harder and wilder.

“Stupid!” Thwack! “Fucking!” Thwack! “Damn you!” Thwack! “Ah!” Her hand suddenly explodes with pain as she strikes incredibly hard. It feels as if her wrist is on fire with pin and needles stabbing into it.


“Ah!” Eyss is forced out of her thoughts as her wrist suddenly pains her immensely; her other hand grabbing right below as she looks wide eyed at her shaking hand. She got too caught up in that memory she did not expect to have. Though, she was copying the strikes to perfection; the precision and power, and as her past self broke her wrist, so did the current her.

Elyss, through the pain, however, feels somewhat uplifted. Her mind feels a bit more open as if she just unlocked a part of it like levels in a video game. She was a fighter? She did some type of competitive fighting that required her to know how to use her body precisely to beat down an opponent. That explains her reflexes in a fight. And, now, she feels that she understands a bit more where exactly why her fists land in certain locations and why they do so with such power.

Still, this pain is almost unbearable at the moment, and she needs to get this checked out. Her lower lip is bitten as she tried to bend her hand which only causes her whole arm to heat up and explode in pain before she growls and turns away from the tree. Off she goes. Maybe they’ll know what to do at the Tavern. This is going to get in the way of her job. Hopefully, nobody questions too much why both her hands are a bloody mess, and why her left wrist is broken.

She has learned a lot this day, and the main thing she’s taken away from this: Don’t punch things so hard and so carelessly; especially trees.

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Painful Remembrance (Solo) Empty Re: Painful Remembrance (Solo)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:27 am
The Young Bear
Elyss Kishimoto Painful Remembrance (Solo) 6EdIfMt

Skip to the near future; about 30 or so minutes to return to back to the Tavern, and Elyss finds herself being berated for her recklessness and disdain for her own body’s limits. Well, it wasn’t truly as bad of a talking as it could have been however. The couple simply scolded her about punching trees too hard. Though, they began blaming themselves for working Elyss too hard, and the, normally, reserved redhead wasn’t going to allow such blowing up on them reminding how they took her in and gave her a place to stay with work. She reminded them how they’re really the only thing keeping her alive at the moment with their hospitality, and this situation is completely her fault. Still, her wrist pained her to move, and they’re surprised she walked all the way back to the Tavern like this. Most people would have immediately ran to find medical attention instead of returning home to explain what they’ve done. At least, at the end, the couple had a few things to help her remedy the pain and wrap up the injury until they can see more professional help.

“Ah~” Elyss finds herself soaking within a nice bubble bath made up for her aching wrist and sore body. She did break a bone, and that does need attention, but she also was moving her arms quite a bit causing them to grow sore as well. Inside the bath is a combination of many herbs to help relieve the pain and soreness within her muscles. It is quite euphoric. Though, this isn’t the time to be getting excited or anything. She just feels… calm and happy. The combination of relieving stress outside and relaxing inside numbs her tired mind. The lady even added some special herb she said she had saved for when one of them got seriously injured, a herb infused with Kaido to aid with recovery and strengthens one’s body to keep the same injured area from being injured again. Elyss didn’t quite understand what such a herb is doing within her, but the fact it’ll help her recover faster easily extinguished any curiosity she had. Still, she had wished such an expensive thing wasn’t used on her. She understood that she’s been doing a lot for the couple with her service, but she couldn’t help but think this was done to hurry and get her back to working status to do her duties again. It’s hard to handle drunk people with a broken wrist. That’s enough thinking about things however as her onyx eyes close; her body sinking further into the warm water. A moment of relaxation never hurt anyone.

Later, after the soaking, she was given an ice pack to place on her wrist to reduce the swelling as it was wrapped up in an elastic bandage. The doctor they soon saw told her to avoid applying pressure to her wrist and to not make a fist with it. That’s going to be hard since she subconsciously flexes her muscles and such when she feels a situation needing her attention may arise. Since she had soaked it early after the injuring, the doctor estimated that nothing major would happen to it, and it should heal quickly. That special herb helped a lot. Still, she had to hear those same words again from the doctor that she heard from the couple.

“Do not punch trees.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Painful Remembrance (Solo) Empty Re: Painful Remembrance (Solo)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:26 pm
The Young Bear
Elyss Kishimoto Painful Remembrance (Solo) 6EdIfMt

-A few days later-

Onyx eyes watch over the Tavern as always. Elyss is busy doing her duty, still, despite her injury. Even as her arm sometimes throbs a bit because she accidentally moves it a bit too much, she’s still leaning against the wall watching over the place pretending as if nothing is wrong with her. Though, she does notice how some give her strange looks when they see her wrist wrapped up, and some has asked about it, but she skips any details simply saying there was an accident. Everyone soon learnt she’s not one to give up information that doesn’t matter, so, soon, people just stopped asking.

“Hey! Ya got a problem with me?!”

Elyss’ eyes flicked over to the bar taking note of some rugged man pointing his finger threateningly at her boss. Well then, that just won’t do. She didn’t hear the whole conversation as she made her way over rolling her right shoulder, but when she got close, she hears the man say he didn’t need anyone to remind him how much he’s drunk.

With as much care as a mother dragging her child away from a oncoming car, her right hand gripped the man’s shoulder pulling his attention towards her. “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you calm down before I am forced to remove you from the premises.” She put on a serious expression which isn’t hard since she always seem to wear a stoic cold face.

Murky green eyes look back at her, a look of confusion on the man’s face as he notices her tied up wrist causing him to, then, smirk dangerously. “Yeah? And you’re supposed to be the one escorting me out, huh? With one arm? Funny. How about ya run along and put on a cute little dress. Maybe you’d be easier on the eyes and help this place sell more.” He removes her hand from his shoulder aggressively and turns back to the bartender laughing loudly.

Well, it’s not a smart idea to anger this redhead. She is one to easily lose her head when she starts to get pissed at a situation, and this man’s words turned her notch halfway to remorseless rage. With a contained sigh, she quickly puts her hand back on the man’s shoulder and yanks before he can turn back to her causing his seat to tilt back sliding off the floor and sends him tumbling down with a thump onto his back.

He’s quick to get back up though despite his numbed body and snorts shaking his head and giving Elyss an angry scowl. “Oh, now you’ve done it you little bi-”

He’s cut off from saying anymore as Elyss’ ankle finds itself between the man’s legs with speed and accuracy causing the man to experience immense pain he has not felt his whole life, and he drops like a sack of potatoes to the floor. Elyss sighs as she, then, proceeds to drag the whimpering man out of the bar and, afterwards, returns to her spot against the wall wincing a bit as she accidentally knocks her injured wrist against it.

Well, that proves that even with her injured hand, there are plenty of ways to deal with these rowdy men besides throwing fists around. She should have aimed a bit better with her foot though. Now, she has a slight ache in her ankle. Better not break that too.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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