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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:00 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ JCRrxmK

Yoriko has gotten news from the lovable Ulv that she wanted to test something on the girl which she didn't mind at all considering a live target is a better way to analyze what the strengths and weakness of a technique is compared to a training dummy. Though she did wonder why she would ask her in particular considering the last argument they had concerning her anger issues..regardless Yoriko was going to use this opportunity to make amends with the girl and showcase Ulv the discovery of her sealed zanpaktou which may not sound like a major achievement in her eyes but it did in the young shinigami's, after all it gives her a sense of drive to keep pushing forward to unlocking Shikai the first stage of a shinigami's strength.

In terms of location Yoriko deduced that the best location for her and Ulv would obviously be the wastelands due to the fact that not many living creatures live in those harsh conditions and its surrounded by earth which would give the girl a slight field advantage. So with a hell butterfly she gave the message to Ulv to meet at the wastelands, not a particular time however but she figured the earlier the better.

"Man the sun's really beating down today.

The girl would await for Ulv's arrival as she shielded her eyes as the cruel sun began to beat down, it's one malevolent eye unblinking, and the sky was it's co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. If animals were even out here to begin with they'd probably scurry to find some shelter from the harmful rays and heat, Yoriko decided to meditate for a bit to keep her mind at ease.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:21 pm


She actually came. When Ulv made the claim that she'd help Yoriko with her tricks if she helped Ulv with hers, she didn't expect Yoriko to actually appear. Maybe she completely did not understand the scale she was dealing with? The ant could hardly comprehend the whale, after all. Sighing, she got up and approached Yoriko, standing behind her and flicking her on the back on the head, hard enough for her to feel it but not hard enough for her to get hurt by it. Waiting for her to get up and look to Ulv, the muscular woman cocked her head to the side.

"I don't think you understand the scale of what you are volunteering for, Yoriko. I guess Henrex never showed you his full power, but allow me to fill in the gaps in your knowledge" she then raised her hand as her eyes started to glow a sulphur yellow and reiatsu gathered in her palm. More power than Yoriko's mind could comprehend, and still it grew until it was fluxing and slightly unstable.


The explosion of power was magnificent. Such that no hollow turned up despite any release of reiatsu was bound to draw some hollow because of the weak walls of reality between the two. The Cero blasted out into the horizon, and carved a massive trench in the ground.
"Is that something you think you can survive?"


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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty Re: This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:49 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ JCRrxmK

Yoriko felt a finger flick the back of her head as she knew exactly who it was as she stood up and faced Ulv with neutral look on her face listening to her ramble on about reconsidering her options as she gave an example of Henrex not showing his full power when training with her since he likes to "hold back" but this was going to be a real taste of the power gap between the two as she demonstrated.

The girl watched as Ulv began charging a yellow ball of condensed energy only for it to be fired out into the distance...once it made contact the explosion was the interesting part sheer immense force and power exerted from her hand created a large trench in the ground as the girl couldn't help but grin at the display she had witnessed, normally she would've cowered in fear and reconsider the training opportunity with a look of oh shit I should probably get the fuck out of here but she didn't.

She welcomed this opportunity and wasn't going to sissy out, with another grin she looked at the trench like it was nothing perhaps it was her ego getting to her and Ulv would see that clearly on her face. Yoriko looked back at Ulv and said these words and chuckled. I'm gonna be honest with you Ulv. I've taken a few cero's from hollows to the face and lived to tell the tale. This outcome will result in the same though I will only be able to handle one, if you're using small percentage or even half of your power.

The girl would take a few steps back and stood her ground with a smile of both confidence and exhilaration if Ulv would look at her she could see that her movements weren't shaky. "Lets do this."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty Re: This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:14 am


"If I am restraining my power down to 0.5%, what is the point of it being me? And besides, it's hardly a feat to say 'I can survive getting hit by a train if that train is going 1mph'" Ulv asked, shrugging at Yoriko's comment. She was a very strange thing, but Henrex didn't go in for the normal girls, as shown with Taichou and Arianda. But then Mirja was also in on those so it was kind of a shared trait. Letting out a sigh and condensing glowing amber manacles around her wrists. Ulv's oppressive spiritual pressure diminished dramatically once they were donned, still strong but not overwhelming as they used to be.

"I'm sure you've met a few Cero-capable Hollows in your time, but there is one thing that seperates a Vizard from a Hollow. Aside from having brains" Ulv raised her hand and made sure Yoriko was ready, before activating her peerless instinctive intuition and locked it to Yoriko to lead any dodging she tried to make. Not something that guaranteed results when fighting an even opponent, but Yoriko was so far from that it was almost cruel. Still, with the Devil Bonds on and her attempt to restrain her powers to fine-tune the power down to a small point, this was probably going to be a good time/

"And that, is the Bala" Ulv shot off the bullet-cero after saying it, the thing traveling with exceptional speed to cross the short distance between them. I wasn't even a breath of wind compared to the Cero, but 5% of Ulv's power was still nothing to scoff at.


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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty Re: This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:16 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ JCRrxmK

As the girl listened to Ulv's comparison between Vizard and Hollows despite the obvious which was that Vizard's actually had a sense of consciousness and are able to make decisions and react to them whilst hollows just attack on instinct she was absolutely right on that regard. Yoriko braced herself as she watched her Ulv's palm glow once again with the same yellow energy before shooting out a small blast towards the shinigami.

It was too quick for her to draw her zanpaktou so the only thing she could do was guard hoping to at least tank the blast as this was completely different from a cero. It didn't take a few seconds to charge leaving the target vulnerable to attack compared to this one was fast, reliable, and quick, hell if she wanted to Ulv could've fired multiple of these at once without risking power at all.

Regardless, the blast was devastating as the impact of the blast was enough to make Yoriko's body move backward which was about a few feet, even with her feet firmly on the ground it still wasn't enough but as the smoke would clear Ulv would see that Yoriko is covered in bruises specifically the forearms which she used to guard herself with.

"Tch" she would utter with a grin as she thankfully was able to survive that blast but this was just a small taste of Ulv's power and this wasn't going to be an easy task but she was ready for any challenge; she then listened to the word Ulv gave this technique as it was officially known as "Bala" the sound of that technique alone only intrigued the girl.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty Re: This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:47 am


"Second point of difference between a Vizard and a low-class hollow" Ulv said, clasping her hands behind her back and leaning forward with a grin. She paused for a few moments, for dramatic effect, and then shot a Bala out of her left eyeball at Yoriko. This was harder to predict for it's lack of telegraphed motion that came from a bala being shot from the palm. Controlling her energy output was interesting when surpressed by the manacles, but she could also feel the roiling power within them feeding off her thoughts and feelings and creating a new thing for them. Manifesting tiny flecks of progression to feed Ulv.

"We can shoot a Cero or a Bala from any point of our bodies" she wasn't entirely sure how this became a lesson on Vizards, but fuck it, she was in for it now. So she was going to go all in. And so with that, she rose her hand and charged another cero in it, hoping that Yoriko would try to at least get out of the way and not think she could face tank it because that one hollow that one time shot her and she didn't die.


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Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:09 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ JCRrxmK

Yoriko stood and watched as Ulv was apparently doing something as she silence filled the wasteland for a few moments only to for the girl to turn around and fire..something Woah! The girl would instinctively dodge as any normal person would but where exactly was did it come from? She only looked at Ulv with a confused look wondering what in the hell she just did but after a quick explanation from Ulv she had an interested look on her face.

"Anywhere on your body huh? A hundred different combinations you could probably come up with. the girl put a finger on her chin as she pondered what potential combos can be utilized with not only cero but also zanpaktou abilities...the possibilities were just endless. But she went back and averted her attention back to Ulv.

"Okay here it comes." She would say to herself as she watched Ulv charge up another cero and she had to be both physically and mentally prepared to dodge this attack, though cero's naturally take awhile to charge she didn't know if Ulv was a master of cero's and just purposely letting it charge slowly. Once she saw the blast of yellow energy expel out of her hands the girl would quickly use flash step to avoid the cero though she wasn't proficient compared to a regular shinigami it was better than just sitting there like a deer staring into headlights.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty Re: This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:39 pm


Ulv shot the Cero as Yoriko dodged, more to make sure she did dodge than anything, but then fired off a second one where Yoriko landed with her flash step, while the first one was still firing.
"The final difference is that we can simultaneously charge Ceros, rather than having to charge one at a time" Ulv told Yoriko, before the two finished. The Cero would have more force than the Bala, but still wouldn't be life-threatening levels of dangerous. And with that done, she would walk over to Yoriko, and lean down, to look at her eye level.

"So, I do hope this has all been an enlightening day. And that later you don't think you can survive every cero ever because one scrub-level hollow hit you with it and you survived that. There is a lot of nuance between them and me. Or even then an an Arrancar" She told Yoriko. "Also you really need to get a sense of scale. When I went to punch Stefan, I knew from the start it was going to be fucked up for me. But I did it because I had a point to prove. You, did it because you really thought you could"


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This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ Empty Re: This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~

Thu Mar 28, 2019 10:35 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

This cero...definitely won't kill you. I promise~ JCRrxmK

Yoriko eyes would widen as soon as she noticed that immediately after flash stepping to a safe spot another Cero was fired right beneath her feet which made the girl stumble a bit as a girl had felt the surface of rocks and various other material along her arms and legs; with a few scruffs from the cero once again before the girl would avert her eyes at Ulv as she walk towards her with a stare before giving a "end" to her part of training as she hoped that Yoriko would learn from this as to which she nodded her head and smiled at Ulv.

Got it. You can fire multiple cero's at once compared to a hollow and a uh.. Arrancar. She said curiously wondering who or what that name meant, was it a further evolution of a hollow, are they similar to shinigami? That's the question she didn't know but that was another thought for another day. Regardless after her hearing her comment on today being enlightening the girl couldn't help but agree. Yeah. That had been a pretty enlightening day indeed.
She said before listening to Ulv explain about power scaling to which she explained briefly by giving an example of her own from an encounter she had with the shinigami Stefan, who although she didn't get to know more in-depth was very recognizable name among the Gotei.

Soon the girl would stand up and look at Ulv "Now that you've gotten what you wanted, I think its my turn to show you something. She said smiling before taking a few steps back taking a deep breath and bringing her right leg up giving a gentle stomp on the ground his right leg up giving a gentle stomp on the ground to send a few shards of earth into the air before sliding her right foot outward and bring her leg backward causing the small rocks to be formed into disks for her to throw at. "What do you think Ulv? I know it isn't much to look at visual wise but I'm hoping to improve my control of my zanpaktou. You mind being my test dummy? She would ask the woman.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:29 am


"Yea, I got what I wanted. If, what I want is you not dying because of your ignorance and screwing Henrex over again. The point of you not going to Shin'o Academy stands. I swear they do classes on explaining how not to be a complete idiot on the battlefield, and to keep your ego in check as not to get splattered. But then, it was 500 years ago and you don't seem like the kind of person that cares about something like class" Ulv was scathing and unrestrained in her assessment of Yoriko, clearly not the biggest fan of the woman.

She then rose her rocks and asked Ulv to be a training dummy for her, which was always good. Ulv did need some practice drawing out the energy of her Hollow, now that she had it in droves, and so rose her hand, nodding to her.
"Sure. Fire off your rocks. I can go all day, so don't worry about that. Just keep firing till you drop" Ulv said, dropping her mask. It was hard to control her Ceros when she didn't have her mask on, but a Bala was a simple thing. And besides, the Devil Bonds and the lack of mask would be enough of a restraint to build up some good bennies with her Devil Bonds.

"Fire when ready"


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