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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Cracking Vesuvius

Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:59 pm

So here he was again. His strength, pushed to its limits. Along the side of Vesuvius, a single man's body could be seen grasping onto its edge. His eyes were sharp and red, his mouth was open wide. His long golden hair was in a patted-down mane along his back. His muscles were bulging against the peculiar garment he wore.

Half of his chest was bare to the world, with the other covered via a line of fabric that stretched up from his waist. Around his legs, he wore baggy pants, layered with skirt-like swatches of fabric. He wore a band on his right arm, and as that arm rose back onto the mountain face, the band stretched to accomodate his expanding muscles.

His fingers struggled to raise themselves, struggling for every inch. Unlike your average rock climber, this man did not look for purchases. The stone beneath his grasp shattered like it was struck with small ice picks, his cracked and bleeding fingers embedding themselves within the stone.

"Ca... ha... HA.... HAA...! VOOOOOOI "
Moonie Iramasha let out at the top of his lungs, his energetic cry roaring across the mountain face. His body struggled, lifting slightly up... and then down. And then up.. and down once more. His muscles roared and strained against the pressure. After all, his body weighed several hundred times what it was supposed to.

There were few objects he could lodge himself to for this kind of training. Few things big enough to serve as a counterweight. Few things vertical enough to allow him to battle against the gravity of this planet for a meaningful amount of time. Few things that would not give out from this much str-



Uncermoniously, the rocks shattered on Moonie's right hand. He lost his grip, the right side of his body sinking down like a stone from the incredible weight. His left arm stayed firmly grasped against the side of the rock face, but the cracks were already spreading toward it.

Dammit. Dammit. Gotta. Gotta... Moonie's right arm fought his own weight, his teeth visibly clenching where they pressed against the cold stone. He could smell the eart in his nostrils; nearly taste it from how closely he was pressed up to the rough stone.

His fingers reached toward the stone, trying to find purchase, to dig in, to cem...



The wind ripped and tore at the man as he was shot downward, gravity immediately taking its toll. The increased gravitational force that Moonie had been training with accelerated him much faster than normal, the wind ripping past him as he shut his eyes. His hair whipped rapidly about as he crashed into one outreaching precipice, then another, and another. There was nothing the man could do to stop this eventuality; he coulf not muster the strength to fight his own enhanced gravity, along with this degree of momentum.

Or perhaps he simply thought it was a fair, adequate punishment for failing in his training.

At last, he sank into the earth. The dirt shattered and broke, as if it had been struck with a comet. At the base of the mountain, Moonie's body lay still, trying to recover his wits, and his breath. Bruises stretched along his body; and a shard of rock that had been beneath him during his descent had managed to puncture into his ribs, about half an inch.

Slowly, his eyes began to stretch back open. One hand pushed against the ground, his head bowed as he fought the gravity against himseld with his legs. He was still panting, his head turning to face the mountain once more.


He roared at the top of his lungs, sending shock waves through the nearby trees, slightly uprooting a dead one from the raw force of his shout. Moonie's hands reached to his mouth, his eyes wide and livid.

The gravity fought his upswelling energy, but it was not enough. Out of Moonie's mouth arose a great burst of energy, smashing against the side walls of the mountain. It was visible from miles around, making it plain to see someone was interacting with this volcano. The blast damaged and destroyed the outside of the mountain, shaking the ground as Moonie breathed, trying to recenter himself as he obliterated part of the mountain.

"Voi... you want something to shatter about...? Well, there you go... caha.. ha... hahaha... ha...."


Template By: [THEFROST]
Steiner Franz
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:22 pm



Cracking Vesuvius 6EdIfMt

"Its a pretty nice day out, I'm not sensing any danger, or seeing any danger."

The day had started like any other day for the Hero of Honor, who had recently taking his lickings from Ulv, and had decided to go find himself, so to speak, and continue his training to advance himself further. After all he was brimming with ideas and thoughts about how to hone his skills and had in fact been practicing his forging techniques on the road with new inspiration. He was excited, but had tempered his expectations as he marched through Italy toward a port town where he believed he could catch a ferry on its way to Africa. Though war had come, some people still were looking to make money, and as such were operating to continue the common trades such as travel, lodging, and recreation.

He had met some people on the way to this particular port town, people who were taking their goods away from Europe, and its brewing conflict who were in need of some help. A wagon that had fallen into disrepair due to a wheel being severely damaged, he had stopped to help them out, and fixed their wheel via splicing a metal portion to it using his forging ability. They had been gracious and had even offered to pay his way on this particular ferry, he had declined, and had instead chosen to safeguard them all the way to the port town. They couldn't say no to him and before long he had been joined by a traveling family of salesman. The eldest of the family, a man in his sixties growing gray, nodded his head, and let out a sigh of relief.

"I was worried that with the war going on we would see some kind of trouble, but I guess luck is on our side today."

Steiner nodded in agreement as he continued to march in front of the wagon which housed a family of six and a plethora of random goods that could be ranged from pots and pans to packs of seeds to grow vegetables. They seemed like honest folk and from the way they seemed to be speaking about the war, Steiner could tell that more than likely they had seen some things, or at least heard of some things. They had come from the inland and from the look of some of there wares, things were not good there.

"Yeah, I would say its smooth sailing from this point onward. I reckon we will be at the port town by the end of the da..."

An explosion rocked Steiner to his very core and startled the family who quickly went to circle the lone wagon they had, Steiner looked up toward the nearby mountain range nearby, and saw quite visibly what could only be called a point of impact. Smoke and debris sailed high into the sky and due to it being so near their path, Steiner doubted that if a fight was going on that this family could escape undetected, and without a great deal of stress. Unless if there was a diversion.

Ulv was going to kill him.

"Keep following this path, it will lead right to the port. Get on the boat and don't look back. Whatever is going on, I will act as a decoy so that you can get away."

Before the elderly man could protest, Steiner was already on his way, hopping, and moving with great speed over rubble, and difficult terrain. He wondered what was going on as he had not sensed a thing, not a single iota of power until the explosion, but now? Now he could feel something that was definitely threatening in terms of power level. He was certain whatever this thing or person was, they would easily mop the floor with them if they so wished, but now was not the time to be worried about such things. He had to act as decoy, even if it meant he got roughed up in the process.

He arrived at the location shortly, as he had made quite a bit of haste to arrive at the site of the explosion, and found himself staring at one man. One single man had cracked a hole in the side of the mountain, but as he looked at the damage to the mountain he felt a piercing headache send a shiver down his whole body.


Steiner shook his head, thinking he was hearing things as he stared at the powerful entity in front of him. He had never seen this man before and as such that made him a threat that he couldn't take lightly. He drew his sword, as good as it would probably do against the might of a being who was the manifestation of a celestial body, and stared at the man with his blue eyes filled with determination.

"Who are you and why did you blow a hole in this mountain?"

Steiner asked directly as he stayed in defensive stance, ready to act in case the being in front of him tried to lash out, or attack him. He wasn't actively looking to get into a fight with this man, but he was also not going to be absolutely trusting of a person he had just met for the first time in the middle of nowhere.
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Cracking Vesuvius OlBPPj4
Cracking Vesuvius VewULRr
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:58 am

The wild creature stood there, still panting. He could not hear or smell much; typically, his nose would have picked up on the approach of someone else. The amount of debris flying around and the sound of the explosion had considerably reduced his detective capabilities.

"...Voi?" Moonie's left arm reached back, gripping the stone that was lodged into hie back. The knightly man had just arrived on the scene. Moonie still had not detected him, so he was not holding back as he tugged at the rock.

The ground shook slightly from the force of Moonie trying to stabilize his body. At last, it came free, a torrrent of blackish-purple blood spurting out along the man's skin. Moonie tried turning his head to inspect the hole in his ribs... when something far more colorful caught his eye.

Before Steiner's eyes, the man's hair exploded. Moonie had released his gravity control, causing it to return to its normal obscene levels of poofiness. The crazy-eyed man's body spun about, turning directly to face him.

The Moon Iramasha's body also assumed a stance, seeing that the man's weapon was drawn. But it was more like an animal, waiting to pounce or defend itself. More than that was the way Moonie's hackles were raised, his teeth showing in an aggressive grimace. Pure bloodlust radiated from his body....

Just as quickly as it had appeared, it dissipated. "VOI! Who are you?" The man asked, straightening himself. He could not sense a hint of bloodlust from the man before him.

Moonie's animal instincts were rather well honed. He could tell that the man before him was not taking such a stance with certainty; that much was obvious from the fact that the man was just standing there watching him. "Voi... who am I? Cahahahaha, cahahahahaha!" The clothed man laughed, his arms stretching out to either side. The smile on his face was obvious. "VOI! I'M THE MOON IRAMASHA! MJESEC VORGUKLIENDID!" The man's thunderoud voice crashed over the forest, the debris behind him finally settling.

It had been too long since someone had asked Moonie who he was. "But people suck at saying my name, and I ain't used to it, so they just say Moonie." He concluded, much more calmly than before.

Almost as if he were disregarding Steiner, the man turned his back to him. Moonie's arms folded in front of his body, examining the wreckage. The bloody patch on his back was apparent to Steiner once again. "Voooi. It was a weak mountain. Cracked right under my fingers. They said that nobody ever comes around here, which means I can use it for training, right?!" Moonie asked the man, legitimately not understanding what it was he had not done wrong...

Until a wave of heat passed over his face. Moonie's eyes narrowed, looking deeper into the debris... seeing a shining red heat. "Vooooooooi.... It's not a mountain... it's a volcano..."


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Steiner Franz
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:30 am



Cracking Vesuvius 6EdIfMt

Steiner had seen many things over the course of his life, he had ran into Arrancars, and fought against Hollows, but now staring at the being in front of him he didn't know how to describe him. He had long flowing hair, eyes of pure intensity, and a weird set of clothes on him, but more importantly he had taken a rock out of himself with little thought. A stream of purple blood, a color that he had never seen before in terms of blood, shooting out as he did so, and Steiner continued to keep his defensive stance even as the being took a stance of his own. Should he use Resolve Flame now? The difference between their powers was vast and he was afraid that if this thing lashed out at him he would easily take him apart without it.

But then as quickly as the man had gotten aggressive he went to a more passive sort of approach, dropping the stance, and standing there asking him who he was. Steiner remained tense, holding his stance as he stared down the potential threat in front of him, and wondering just what the hell was going on. Even more so when the being began to shout out his name to the heaven, and boy what a name it was! He shifted his head to the side, questioning whether that was legitimate name in the first place. It seemed almost made up and fake to him, but he would humor the Iramasha.

"Yeah, I think Moonie is a lot easier to pronounce. I'm Steiner Franz, former Vanguard Second Sword, and I came to this area because there was an explosion. I was traveling with a group of refugees when that explosion occurred, I sent them ahead as to insure their safety in case it was an enemy, but..."

Steiner then dropped his stance, sheathing his sword in its scabbard as he stared at Moonie. As Moonie turned his back on him, probably viewing him not as a threat entirely, but Steiner didn't really mind it at all. If he wanted to be, he could be an adequate fighter. Steiner listened to his explanation and nodded his head in agreement, he had been training in isolation himself, but he had kept himself aware of the outside world via television and consistent information feeds via intelligence dossiers.

"So you caused that explosion? That's pretty dangerous to do in areas near civilian roads don't you think?"

Steiner looked over to what Moonie was looking at as his eyes filled with concern as the realization that Moonie had blown a hole in a volcano. He walked over to be side by side with Moonie, the heat that seeped out of the gaping hole of the volcano that had been formed by this Iramasha. The thought that he could reseal this hole did cross his mind, he probably could reforge it into an least a serviceable plug to this potential issue.


Steiner winced as the same voice that he had heard only a moment ago as he put his hand to his face and then shook his head, he looked over at Moonie, and then back into the hole as he tried to piece together where the voice was coming from. Perhaps it was the effect of the Resolve Flame? Someone calling out to him from far away that was resonating through the network.

"We can't let this hole just stay here...if this is a volcano there could be a massive wave of lava that could come spilling out and completely destroy this region. People frequent this area sending goods from one point to the next and with the war going on...we can't just let this thing just remain open like this."

Steiner said as he began to walk forward, the heat picking up as he got closer to the Iramasha made opening, he reached out to the nearby wall of the opening, and tried to see if there was enough minerals to reseal the hole with his forging ability.

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Cracking Vesuvius OlBPPj4
Cracking Vesuvius VewULRr
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:49 am

"....Voi? The Vanguard?" The Moon Iramasha blinked, his eyes locking onto Steiner's. Staring Moonie down was no easy task. The man's face exuded self-confidence. "Cahahahahahah, then we're allies. Or sort of. Or used to be. Voi..." The blonde haired Iramasha rubbed the back of his head, trying to get what he wanted to say straight.

After all, Moonie had once upon a time worked for the Vanguard as well. Though he was more of a... contractor than anything else. They had that base on his homeworld, after all. "But, voi, not so much now. You probably know about the attack on ths Moon and Poland; I was at both!" Moonie explained, before turning his back to Steiner.

"Voi. I was told that nobody comes anywhere near this place, that it's very often avoided. No roads or buildings nearby. I don't wanna get yelled at like this." Moonie explained, his mouth turned into a frown. He did not really appreciate his training being interrupted. He missed being on the Moon, where nobody complained if a mountain range was badly damaged.

"...So it's a volcano. Voi, what're you doing?" He asked, Steiner's focus on the flame catching the Iramasha's eye. Without hesitating, Moonie reached a hand down into the hole, gripping onto one of the melting pieces of rubble.

The lava was beginning to pour out now, easing its way out of the opening. Wherever Moonie had struck did not have enough gasses to cause an eruption.

So it simply oozed. Moonie brought the rock up to his mouth, smelling it for a moment before putting it within his maw. Before Steiner, Moonie chomped on the molten hot piece of mountain. At last, he swallowed, one hand gently patting against his stomach. "Voi. You think? Wouldn't it blow eventually either way?" Moonie clearly did not fully understand what Steiner meant. He was great at destroying things, and he supposed that he could create another landslide...

One hand reached out, a black flame shaping between Moonie's fingers. "Voi! I can make rocks fall over it, mostly patch it up. Think that'll help? Cahahahaha."


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Steiner Franz
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:34 pm



Cracking Vesuvius 6EdIfMt

"If you were an ally of the Vanguard that still makes us allies. Just because our organization isn't still around doesn't mean that our alignments and kinship goes away."

Steiner stated this as a matter of fact with a smile on his face as he continued to work on a way to better seal this hole up. There wasn't much rock to work around with by using his forge ability as any rock he would take away to the mountain to push into a new location could cause a potential leak in another location and he would need a lot of rock to do so. He imagined he could take it from the earth beneath their feet, but the effort of transferring earthen metals from one location to another was something he had yet to truly train to do. He didn't know how much energy it would take for him to seal one major hole like this.

"I don't mean to yell or scold, its just possible that debris could have landed on someone. There is a war going on and refugees are moving from place to place, even taking unexpected routes to get away from the conflict. Sorry, I just concern myself with other's safety more than even my own."

The heat of the lava coming was beginning to singe Steiner's flesh, but he ignored it by willing his Tulpa to him, one second Steiner would be unarmored, and the next second an armor made of pure willpower would appear around him. He knelt down on the ground, putting one of his hands on the ground and grunting as he put his other hand next to the mountain's wall of pure rock. He would focus as hard as he can, asking, no, demanding the earth from below him to create a wall of pure rock that could withstand the heat from within to form over the hole. Slowly, but surely mass from the earth where he was touching began to form rock on where he was touching, the rock slowly began pushing toward the opening, but he realized it was much too slow. He could feel the heat intensify as he looked back to Moonie, the helmet de-materializing for a moment.

"Most volcanoes erupt at one point or another, that is an inevitability, but this Volcano has been dormant for quite a while by the looks of the region. We have to find a way to stabilize it before this thing gets to the point of devastating the whole country side. These people have enough stuff to worry about you know."

The helmet didn't re-materialize as he listened to what Moonie said about another landfall, he supposed that would work, but it would have to be from somewhere other than the mountain face itself. The volcano had taken enough damage and with the lava pushing itself out at a faster pace, well as fast as lava could, Steiner wondered if he could even create a wall to hold this back. But he was determined to do so, but he would definitely need help.

"I need more rocks...lots of raw materials, get them from around this location, but don't damage any mountains. Rocks, raw earth, metal...I can forge I must forge something to stop the lava."

He grunted as the helmet reassembled itself as all the heat began to burn his eyes to tears, but the armor was holding. Compared to a city busting cero, the heat of lava was nothing to worry about, but he wondered just how long he could hold on. He still had the Resolve Flame if things went too south, he could probably super charge his Tulpa if he needed to, but he doubted that Resolve Flame would help his forge technique. He still continued to forge more and more wall, but it was going way too slow. Just how long would he need? And would Moonie be of any help in this situation? He had to trust Moonie, a person he had just met, but he believed in Moonie regardless. He was a former ally of the Vanguard and that was enough for him, he had to believe in his new ally, and he would do so with complete confidence.

"I trust your judgement...just hurry."

Steiner said through the muffle of his willpower helmet.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Cracking Vesuvius OlBPPj4
Cracking Vesuvius VewULRr
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:56 am

The Moon Iramasha lifted both arms up, displaying a clear shrug. "Voi... if you say so. I think it's a lot easier to tell friend from foe through your own eyes. If you've got that, it should show for itself... cahaha." The man laughed to himself, unsure of what the end result of this meeting would be. The man's way of speaking was very well polished. It seemed that he put a great amount of stock into things such as organizations and alliances. These things were not typically Moonie's cup of tea, but he had always generally understood and agreed with the Vanguard's goals. So perhaps there was hope for the two of them to get along yet.

"...Voi... a war...?" Moonie's ears perked up at that, his eyes becoming dead-set on Steiner. His animal instincts had been going crazy for the last few weeks. Usually they were senses of fear and malice, but such things only served to excite the blonde haired male. They were also the reason why his training had become so intense. Moonie was very much interested in what kind of war was happening. More likely than not, that meant there would be warriors coming to claim glory and prestige. Just what the Moon Iramasha loved to see.

But the focus of the man in front of him seemed to be on something else. "Voi... seriously?" Moonie asked, his head tilted to the side. One hand reached into his mane of hair, scratching against his head. This guy seriously confused him. He thought it was very interesting the way the man's armor formed around his body. It did not smell or look like any kind of spiritual energy that Moonie had experience with; he wondered what it would take to break such a thing.

Meanwhile, the lava continued to flow. The man appeared to have gotten his mitts into the earth well enough to start sealing up the hole, but it apparently was not going to be enough. "Voi... 'these people'... and 'refugees'.. putting them above yourself... do you even feel anything for them?" The Moon Iramasha asked, looking directly into Steiner's eyes. The helm was gone, allowing for the two men to speak eye to eye. Moonie's tone was not demanding or aggressive... in fact, he almost sounded sad.

"Voi. Do you care enough about them to beat them down with your own fists if their blood starts to run cold?" The Moon Iramasha asked, turning his back to Steiner after the man finished speaking. "If my Boss said something like that, I'd kick his ass." Moonie remarked, a biting hostility entering his tone as he walked away from Steiner. "I could feel something weird when you drew your sword... something like this, I'd guess.. you don't care if something happens to you as long as 'those people' get left alone, right...?" The Moon Iramasha asked, one hand stretching out in front of his body as he fell to one knee.

"VOOOI! That's so STUPID!"

Moonie's shout echoed across the forest, the flowing lava, Steiner's body. It was quickly accompanied by waves of shock, tremor-like forces. Out in the woods, a dead tree became uprooted, beginning its shattered descent into the shaking earth below. Moonie's right fist was buried into the earth, sending massive shattering cracks into every direction. "YOU ONLY GOT ONE LIFE!" The Moon Iramasha shouted once more, another earth-shattering blow throwing up dirt and rock in every direction. At the middle of it all, Moonie stood. One hand gripped into the earth itself, a purple energy flowing down into the dirt from his torso.

"That's no way to live..." Moonie stated, pulling out several tonnes of earth in front of himself. "...Voi. Maybe not. That ain't really the kind of stuff you walk around thinking about all the time, is it?" Moonie shouted over the clump of earth, before shifting the gravitational influence around it once again.

"Incoming." The mass of natural minerals and earth sailed toward where Steiner was standing. It moved at a good pace, but even a human would be able to scramble themselves far enough away to avoid getting crushed. They might gef a bit dirty though.

Moonie cut the wave of gravity as it approached the hole, piling up a decent amount of resources around it. His expression was currently pensive. He didn't know if he liked this guy's attitude; but he decided to wait and see... and not jump the gun like he used to.

Like he wanted to.


Template By: [THEFROST]
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Tue Apr 02, 2019 4:06 pm



Cracking Vesuvius 6EdIfMt

Was this man serious at this point? Did he really want to have a conversation on the importance of life when a giant freaking hole in the side of a volcano had been opened up and he, Steiner Franz, was sitting right in its path trying to seal it? He supposed he could humor him, but there was a time limit to just how long Steiner could hold his Tulpa together, and after that he would be nothing more than a burnt piece of toast before the heat of the lava in front of him. Taking some of his focus away from the volcano, Steiner would try to answer, but then would be yelled at about him valuing his life less than another. It seemed to be that he was getting this life lesson more and more recently, but he decided to answer anyway.

The first thing Steiner did was begin to shout, shouting was good for the soul, and for a while Steiner had a lot of clumped up aggression. Most notably after he had taken a city busting cero and had been lectured almost non-stop about how weak he was. Yet, despite that weakness Steiner was capable of extraordinary things as long as he put his heart and his will behind, but he had taken the verbal berating like a champ. Now here he was taking another round of it, in under one week Steiner had this happen to him twice, and at that point Steiner was feeling a little too tense to accept a shouting. Shock wave of force or not, Steiner's armor took the brunt, and in return Steiner would give him his own shout. There was no shock wave accompanied with this particular shout, but this polished voice he had became sharp.


He shouted at the top of his lungs as the helmet once again disappeared, allowing him to speak more clearly to the Iramasha, Steiner turned his head in his direction, and tried his best to maintain the sealing process even as flecks of flame singed and burned his skin.

"Every day is a blessing! Every damn day I get to wake up is something that I don't ever take for granted, but you know what? That is the same for anybody else! Every person on this rock is trying to live their life and enjoy their life, but you know what? Most people don't have the powers that I have or you have or even enough power to deal with the damn deity level beings walking around. Those guys get to choose who lives, who dies...which city gets burnt down to the ground...and you know what they don't give a flying fuck who gets caught in the cross hairs. People tell me to value my life...yet these same people don't put any value in anyone else's life. They would rather elevate themselves to the highest echelon of importance...its sickening and its narcissistic.

People much stronger than I are choosing to not get involved, to not dirty their hands in a war that is being fought on all fronts, a war that is splintering families, and destroying lives. That repulses me to my very angers me beyond belief that people with the power to actually not take as much risk as me, are just sitting on their hands playing with their phones, as they watch the damn world burn down around them, and damn anyone else for thinking differently than them. Damn me for thinking that I can make a difference in a conflict between gods, between kings, between it so wrong to want to protect people? To take value in the lives of others and want to make sure that a future generation has something to look forward to other than a field of corpses and rubble? Is it wrong, Moonie? Is it wrong that I want to fight and I am scared shitless? That I can't even sleep some nights because I know that I could die any day, that I could go out, and just cease to be? But that is what heroes do.

We don't sit at home and talk ourselves into getting involved. We don't pretend we have any more value than anyone else and we sure as hell don't let the power we do have waste away while the world around us goes tumbling down. Death is a natural cycle of life...its just what happens, but to be quite frank this isn't part of the natural cycle. What is going on is a slaughter, its carnage, and its a war between opposing sides that want different things and by the time it is all said and done who knows how many people will be left or how many cities will be left standing. Those are the sort of powers that are in play.

Just as he finished speaking, more natural resources were deposited near him, or rather toward him. Steiner had to move and he did just in the nick of time as a clump of dirt and rocks was neatly thrown at him via gravitational manipulation, he assumed. Steiner would have to ask him just what his limits were after he got done here, but for now Steiner went back to work.

"So no, Moonie. I don't value my life any differently than anyone else, I have one life to live, and that is my life to put value in. But that doesn't mean I undervalue it either because every life is important, everybody has value, and to undervalue anyone else just to make yourself seem more special is selfish and pointless. No one cares that you have a life if everyone else around you is dead."

Steiner stated the last fact dead pan as he continued to work on what he was doing with his helmet materializing again, but the last look Moonie would see from his eyes was sorrow. Not that he was remorseful about yelling, but sorrow because that is how life was right now. There was no more flimsy peace, there was now just a battle royal, and everyone, powered or not, was caught in the middle of it.

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Cracking Vesuvius Empty Re: Cracking Vesuvius

Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:22 pm

Moonie's eyes looked directly at Steiner's focusing completely on the man. That would include the entirety of the hyperactive Moon Iramasha's attention, bearing down on the man before him. As such, Moonie was picking up significantly more minute details about the man, even more so once that helm was removed. He could see the man's skin reddening, the sweat emerging from his brow, the stress in his face Good. Maybe that heat'll burn away these nasty feeling he gives me.

Moonie's posture did shift somewhat once the man began to speak, his torso leaning forward a bit. Steiner had begun shouting. And that made the Iramasha... smile at the knight. It was one of his big, shit-eating grins, with plenty of teeth showing. Moonie was by no means a debater. But... he could read emotions, intentions, desires... he could wrap his head around those. From the man in front of him, he could not sense deceit. He could hear anger, and he could hear passion.

As Steiner's words came to a halt, however... Moonie began to laugh. His laugh grew in verbosity, crescendoing in intensiry with each passing moment. It was the type of laugh that Moonie knew deep in his heart that his former opponents heard when they closed their eyes.

At present, Moonie's incessant laughter would begin to fade, his arms outstretched as the smile returned to his face. "Haaaaaaa....Good! Well let's see! I've burned down cities just like that!!" Moonie could hardly contain his excitement, remembering the rush of being tbrown into buildings, flattening districts, delivering decastating headbutts to their demonic defenders. "Did some of 'those people' not survive? CA... Ha..." At that, Moonie's expression changed a bit. The smile had vanished from his face, and taking its place was an almost... wistful expression.

"...I would hope they ran, hearing I was coming. I don't tread lightly. If you stand in my path, I will tear you down. But I don't hunt those who run away. I don't terrorize those who are too weak to do anything but flee." Moonie explained, one hand reaching to his neck.

He stretched it out, letting it audibly snap and pop as he thought his next words over. For him, this was fairly difficult. "They chose to stay...? I dunno. But they made that choice. Unlike you." Upon that phrase, Moonie's gaze shifted, turning hard and cold. He took a small breath, forging on.

"I'm not talking about your life. The most powerless girl in this world lived more than you have. No strength, barely any passion at all... but she still lived. She made choices, and she didn't let her powerlessness hold her back from any of them." A truly emotional tone had entered the Moon Iramasha's voice as once again, he took a breath.

"Voi. Did I choose to be alone on the moon until the boss found me? Hell no. But now I can do whatever I want, with whoever I want. Are you saying I don't get to choose how I use my own fists?"

Moonie walked up past the rubble, stopping just short of Steiner, looking dead into his eyes. He was a full inch shorter than the man, but that didn't stop him in the least.

"So what if they sit on their phones? That isn't any of your fucking business. Who are you to tell them how to use their souls?"

"I've fought 'heroes'. They usually make amazing fights. Really get the blood pumping when their souls burn against mine. If you're being straight with me, though..." Moonie paused, looking over at the rubble that he had moved.

"You're not okay with being that. You want to force the world to play by your rules. You want the natural order to stop for you so you feel like you did something that lasts. But that ain't how Earth works, kid. Someone will always be hunted, and there will always be a hunter." Moonie halted, looking back over at Steiner, examining him.

"Voi. One time, I hit that girl and sent her flying. Would you do that for one of the victims of your 'carnage'? Are they even people to you? Or are they just toys for you to get upset about when a bigger creature steps on them, who doesn't even want to give them a chance to grow on their own?"

Moonie watched the man continue to work, his gaze having finally calmed once again. "When you found me... you didn't even think about that rock I was pulling out of my back, didja? While your precious refugees were safe and sound. Didja think that might've hurt? That I might have needed help? I doubt it. I don't even think you saw me as living soul. Something that was experiencing pain." Moonie told him, lighting his right arm aflame with that black fire once again.

"So don't you tell me that bullshit about caring for each and every life. You do what you want just like they do. Only you're clearly not enjoying it. And what's that getting you, huh? I can finally feel your soul, and it seems fed up and tired. That really who you wanna be?" Moonie finished at last, before crossing his arms.

"I don't think your soul wants to burn from someone like me shouting at it. Voi... From how you reacted, you're already used to that. So here's a question.

How can we get inside this volcano without it threatening to blow? What angle?"


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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