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Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:50 pm

Show me the way of kido.  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

It's been a long time since Momo's gone out to train someone especially with the ongoing war happening around Europe,Asia, and many other continents while she would most definitely help out in the war effort she figured it'd be best to teach others who're rather interested in the art of Kido. That didn't surprise the shinigami much considering the fact that many would rather prefer to utilize magic into their fighting style instead of taking the close quarters combat approach which she herself didn't fancy.

She heard rumors about a person who was in search of knowledge of the outside world and of the various races that roam across the land, this made the girl curious as to what this person's ultimate goal was were they going to participate in the war effort by bringing in various supplies and resources to troops or do they prefer to stay back and let the impending chaos resume. Whatever the case the girl waited as she sat down communicating with her spirit Tobiume.

You sure this is necessary Momo? I mean what if this person doesn't show up. They'll show up Tobiume. Besides if anyone is interested in learning Kido they'd come to me, just give them time.

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Show me the way of kido.  Left_bar_bleue40300/10000Show me the way of kido.  Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

Show me the way of kido.  Empty Re: Show me the way of kido.

Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:41 pm
Show me the way of kido.  824AE305D43EABA15792BB8E642C2823FDA44FD8

The audible sound of a door being opened was heard across the entire area as a magical door appeared before Momo which slowly opened. For those that could sense spiritual energy this wouldn't feel like the energy of a Shinigami or even an Arrancar, no this energy was unique. It was a specific energy that only belonged to that of the Sugiurans and for those that were not aware of what a Sugiuran was or how a Sugiuran's energy worked they wouldn't be able to comprehend or understand it. As soon as Zunza exited the door, closing the door behind himself which was quickly disappear into nothing, he would turn to look at Momo with a look of deep comprehension, and then sat down before her silently. He opened his bag, pulling out a book, and a quill with a calm smile on his face. He would say nothing as he opened up the book with insane amounts of information written down inside of it and would then ink his quill.

No word would be said as Zunza would put the quill to the page and look up expectantly at Momo. Upon seeing that she had not began to discuss kido or talk about it like he had been told she would do, Zunza would look at her quizzically.

"I'm sorry are you not Momo Hinamori? I was told via missive that you would be in this location and that you were looking to educate some on the art of kido. I, not being of the shinigami species, am looking forward to your guidance as I am quite intrigued by the "magic" your species utilizes."

Zunza would air quote the word magic, he had no idea what the air quote meant, but he had met a rather nice group of people who had shown it to him, and he was keen to utilize everything that he was taught. He was trying to learn everything that he could about this world and its people, but most importantly he was trying to find reason to get involved. So far he had met only a young man who hadn't offered him much in the way of information as to why he would join this war, but he was more than happy have at least had a dialogue. Surely a shinigami, a warrior race from what he had heard, would be more keen on offering him insight into the reasons as to why they were fighting, and maybe why he should fight. He continued to hold his quill and warm smile as he stared at her, awaiting whatever lesson she might offer.

Show me the way of kido.  OlBPPj4
Show me the way of kido.  VewULRr
Show me the way of kido.  AQodtc6
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Show me the way of kido.  Empty Re: Show me the way of kido.

Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:02 pm

Show me the way of kido.  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Momo would hear the sound of a door opening as she began sensing the energy signature that created such a door, it obviously wasn't a shinigami considering the amount of effort and specifics needed to create such a thing nor was it arrancar, this energy intrigued the shinigami as she stood up watching the door before her vanishing instantly. From out that door stood a man with blue hair, glasses, with a vary strange clothing style she's never seen before she was about to speak before the man sat down rummaging through his bags with a quill and book. Talk about old school, regardless he gave off a friendly gesture via smile and even knew her name which wasn't that surprising considering her name is well known throughout the world especially the sereitei.

"Yes that would be me. And I see that you're the one who needed lessons on shinigami's way of magic. Before we begin tell me, what is your name? And why do you want to learn our ways, is it for personal gains or something else? She would say to the stranger before giving him a polite bow followed by a smile, the reason why she asked this is because of the way she teaches people of various skill level, if one were at the basic's she would start off slow and give in-depth explanations on how to do a particular skill compared to a higher level.

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:02 pm
Show me the way of kido.  B3961d667ea845c25b7daaa930a20fac

"Oh no, my dear. I don't intend to use this for personal gain as that would be rude of me as these spells are your people's contribution to the realm of magecraft. I intend to learn these spells for educational purposes, my intention is to educate myself in your craft as it would better help me comprehend the level of potency in the realm of magic that your kind have."

Zunza put down the quill and gave Momo an even warmer smile, if that were possible as Zunza always appeared to be mostly a man who appeared super serious. However, with a curious new subject matter laid out in front of him, he quickly turned into a kid in a toy store looking for the shiniest most exciting thing. He quickly continued his speech in an almost ranting way, he would talk fast, and words would almost seamlessly phase together.

"I have always been a seeker of knowledge more so than a man to pursue power, I suppose both of those things aren't mutually exclusive when they come to magic, but I try my best to separate the two. It fascinates me that our two species took different routes when it came to magic and I hope by learning what you have to offer that perhaps it could expand the horizon for my people in the future to educate themselves more in-depth on Kido as a subject matter. Perhaps bridging the divide in the process between our two realms and becoming a guiding hand to perhaps a more perfect union than the one already established, but that is thinking way into the future...also it would give me insight. I have been sitting on the sidelines looking at the chaos facing this planet and have yet to affiliate with either side due to disagreements on the whole subject of war. I'm not a fighter, a teacher perhaps, and a man who seeks knowledge, but no warrior. I was born for the purpose of being a super weapon, one that could end wars before they start, and now that I have come to this world I see the horrors of what a race war look like.

Ideology vs ideology is something that is common from where I am from. It has caused a great deal of chaos in the realm and has fractured the realm for generations. Seeing species do the same, fracture future hopes of peace, and destroy the land where future generations would tread is disgusting and almost pointless. If I wasn't such a pacifist, I would have tried to put an end to it upon arrival, even though I doubt my status as an anti-war weapon would have mattered to some of the more powerful entities I have sensed, but I am still powerful in my own realm...and still have a few tricks up my sleeve that could even the odds in my favor.

Zunza looked to Momo for quite a while before blushing profusely. He had realized at this point that he had been ranting and raving like a lunatic while talking about things that did not pertain to the subject matter. He had gotten way off subject and now he felt like quite the fool, still his excitement was palpable, and he felt the need to express his reasoning's for wanting to learn the ways of kido in the slightest.

"I am Zunza Lowelen"

Zunza said as the final thing he would say before picking up his quill again and looking expectantly at Momo for education.

Show me the way of kido.  OlBPPj4
Show me the way of kido.  VewULRr
Show me the way of kido.  AQodtc6
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Show me the way of kido.  Empty Re: Show me the way of kido.

Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:01 am

Show me the way of kido.  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

As Momo listened the man's speech about helping others and not being on the sidelines hoping to end this war peacefully it made the girl honestly symphasize with the poor fellow as she too was in the same position as him when she was a shinigami four hundred years ago she tried doing whatever she can to gain enough power to become a meaningful asset to her squad mates and the Gotei as a whole. She knows what it feels like to be on the side-lines letting others do all the work for her, it made the shinigami almost shed a tear as she remembered when she and Renji and another academy student were sent into karakura for their first hollow mission and what did she do? Just stood there paralyzed with fear instead of helping.

"I know what you mean..I've been in the same shoes as you four-hundred years ago. I was almost scared and felt powerless to do anything which could've cost some of my squadmates lives..luckily we made it out okay but I can still visualize the group of hollows that stood before me as I laid there cowering like a child."
She would say before wiping a small tear from her cheek listening to the man's ultimate goal and purpose in life before he introduced himself as Zunza Lowelen an interesting name choice to say the least, it sounds like a shinigami who would be perfect for the research division. But that was for another day, for now she was going to explain Zunza the way of kido and even give some examples to demonstrate.

"Okay. Kido is the "magic" for shinigami and it generally comes from our Reiryoku or spiritual pressure within us all. It comes in two different variants bakudo and Hadō, Bakudo is used for defensive abilities and supporting allies such as binding, healing, and many more while Bakudo focuses on direct attacks; also the difference between our magic and I assume your own would be that most kido spells require an incantation. I'll use a Bakudo as an example.

Momo would then stand up and back a few feet before staring into the empty wasteland specfically at a rock that was a several feet away this would be a great target dummy to showcase what kido can do. So with a deep breath followed by an exhale the shinigami would look at the two rocks before extending her arm and using her index and middle fingers, uttering this incantation "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!" Bakudō #9. Hōrin! Once said Zunza would see that her fingers generated an orange-hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns aiming it at one of the rocks as it was binded using the end of her fingers Zunza would recognize that the end of her fingers are controlling the tendrils before using her other hand to capture another rock of equal size.

"Of course if you're an expert at kido some don't need to recite the incantation. Also it ranges from 1-99; one being the easier spells while 99 are spells that can create devastating effects but is very draining even I have trouble with it sometimes.

(Visual reference: Show me the way of kido.  Latest?cb=20170109215858&path-prefix=en

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Show me the way of kido.  Empty Re: Show me the way of kido.

Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:40 pm
Show me the way of kido.  B4cb9a678eac1c2b9dd32445edd76315

"Yes, it is indeed something that I dread. I do not wish to act as war is not something that I take lightly, but I do indeed feel the need, nay, the purpose to get involved. After my exi...well after what has happened to me I do believe Earth will be a permanent residence for myself. So perhaps getting involved on its' behalf is not such a bad thing."

As Zunza finished speaking in his heavy germanic accent, he tipped his quill toward Momo as they did share some common ground in that regard. Still they were different in a lot of ways. Zunza had been born to be a weapon for the Western Hierarchy, the ultimate magus that could cast any spell, and master any form of spellcraft he came upon. This was what had been forced into him from day one and as such he had grown accustom to the thought that one day he would be used to kill, but that all changed when the burden of head of house fell on to his unprepared shoulders. At that time, he quickly grew fond of teaching as opposed to pursuing his own personal gain, and even more so had met a man and even a woman who looked at him as more than just a nuclear option. They viewed him as a person, a genuine ally instead of someone who could destroy an army by simple incantation, or as a tool to better their political and economic standing.

Still it was the kinship of magecraft that brought Zunza and Momo to at least mutual understanding. Both of them were skilled in their respective fields and it was clear that he could learn a lot from Ms. Hinamori. She would begin to go over the different types of Shinigami magic and without a word she would find Zunza just writing with reckless abandon, filling page after page with not just her words, but theories. Theories of how to utilize the magic of the shinigami in combination with his own, if she would try to look at his book she would see he wrote in an unknown language. Using the Sugiuran alphabet even outside of the realm as he found the ease of writing in his native tongue quicker for note taking as opposed to writing in a foreign tongue and stumbling occasionally. Plus it was just easier for him to read. When she finally admitted that she would be using a Bakudo as a demonstration, Zunza's hand would finally stop writing, and hold up a single finger to stop her from casting her spell at first. To give him one moment.

He had to see this. Not with the simple, dull grey eyes that she had probably grown accustom to seeing, but his real eyes. He to see this for himself without the benefit of his glasses protecting him. So, he took his glasses off, at first nothing would come of this, but as he opened his eyes the grey of his eyes began to spazz out, changing into their true shape:

Show me the way of kido.  Ciel_eye_by_hyuugakarasu


He watched the spell with all out intent, watching as the energy was warped, and moved in such a manner to get it to do what the shinigami wished of it, but in his mind he was also doing more than watching. He was internally practicing the incantation, but more than that he was using his photographic memory to learn how to do the spell, but also how to twist it for his own purposes. To give it the good old Sugiuran twist that he would need to do to use that particular bakudo. After watching the spell and seeing what she had done, he would quickly put his glasses back on, his eyes returning to their normal appearance, and he would look at Momo to see her reaction. However, before he would allow her to talk he quickly tried to quell her fears.

"Do not worry friend...those eyes of mine are not a threat to you. They merely help me see how you work the energy of the spell at a much deeper level than possible by basic means. I wear these glasses to insure that I do not receive massive headaches...debilitating headaches as my true eyes take a lot out of me. I will understand if you are concerned that I am some kind of monster and I must attest...I was made to be one. I was born to be the perfect mage among my people and as far as I can tell there is none stronger than I, I am the greatest mage from my realm, and that is due to twisted and horrible actions. Those actions cursed me with these eyes that can never truly see without me being in pain, so these glasses were invested to keep my eyes in check, and keep my ability to see energy at roughly ten percent of its' true capacity.

I chose to reveal my eyes to you because it was...worth it? I wish to learn the inner workings of your species magic and the best way for me to do so is to see it with my real eyes. So, forgive me for the deception.

Zunza said nothing more as he went back to work, but this time with a diagram, and even some more advanced theories of how to replicate the bakudo, but to also make it a true Sugiuran spell all its own.

Show me the way of kido.  OlBPPj4
Show me the way of kido.  VewULRr
Show me the way of kido.  AQodtc6
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Show me the way of kido.  Empty Re: Show me the way of kido.

Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:17 am

Show me the way of kido.  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Momo continue the kido for a few more minutes before gently let the two rocks she constrained early onto the ground only giving a small thud; only to turn around and notice that Zunza's eyes were different than before it was not only a different color but a different shape as well. This immediately got the shinigami curious as to what this man had to offer in terms of power, but she figured he'd test his capabilities later and would walk up to Zunza ready to give a little small pep talk but before she could speak he simply apologized using his eyes as a means of "deception" the girl just looked at him with another bright smile.

No that's completely alright. Besides I've seen way crazier means of deception in my day. Momo would chuckle before she stopped as her mind went back to four hundred years where Aizen betrayed not only her but the Soul Society. She trusted him and he just stabbed her in the back...she can still feel the sword penetrating her chest, still the wound was healed but it was a reminder of her past; Zunza would see that she had grown silent for a brief moment before she snapped right back into reality. Anyways Zunza. What was that little trick you did with your eye?She asked the Sugiaran curiously as she's never seen anything like this before, heck she didn't even knew he could do that until now.

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Show me the way of kido.  Empty Re: Show me the way of kido.

Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:13 pm



Show me the way of kido.  6EdIfMt

"It is not a trick, Ms. Hinamori. These are my eyes, the ones that I have been burdened with since my birth."

Zunza spoke solemnly as the pen and paper he had brought with him were quickly brought to use, Zunza drawing the spell as he saw it with his own eyes. The eyes that could see energy down to its very core being utilized to draw a picture perfect diagram of the spell known as 'Hōrin'. If Momo were to look upon the drawing she would see what appeared to be weird spiked things that rotated around an orb, but the spiked things had lines drawn to the orb that seemed to connect them. To Zunza this was how the spell was made on a fundamental level. The spikes were what contorted the spells shape and the orb was the source of the spells power, his eyes had seen it, and with his picture perfect memory, Zunza remembered it in such detail that some kido scholars probably would have blushed.

" seems like this spell has multiple uses and could be extremely versatile if a few things were adjusted."

Zunza began to adjust a few of the spiked object around the orb, moving them about, and writing in the native tongue what the movement would change about the spell. A movement here could cause the kido to become barbed and impale the person having their movement being halted by the spell, a movement here could have the spell simply spread out into threads of energy that would slow movement, but not halt it. It wasn't as if Zunza was a kido practitioner, but it was more along the lines that he was creating new spell craft within his own means.

He would look over to Momo and nod before turning to face a nearby tree. He was about to experiment, something he had not done in many months, in front of a stranger, but he was more than willing to show Momo what he was capable of with enough thought and creativity.

"What was the name of the spell again...oh yes Hōrin!"

With no incantation or chanting of a number, Zunza would hold up one hand, and launch what would appear to be the same spell. Well until the spell hit the tree that is. Upon contact with the tree the energy would splinter around, forming many course strings of psionic energy entrapping the tree, and cutting into it. For a few seconds it would remain that way, the orb of energy in the single hand Zunza held up was dropped as the orb dissipated, and as it did so the energy strings exploded. Launching hundreds of shards of psionic energy inward, cutting the tree to splinters."

"Fascinating...I had only wanted to drop the spell, but it seems I need to maintain concentration to make sure that the spell doesn't unleash a destructive implosion such as that. I suppose I will need to find a way to cut the magic of the spell without endangering the captive."

Zunza would go back to his paper and begin to work out the logistics of making that possible, while rubbing his chin in contemplation.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Show me the way of kido.  OlBPPj4
Show me the way of kido.  VewULRr
Show me the way of kido.  AQodtc6
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