Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:58 am


Ulv was doing that lazy thing she did, which was a vital part of her training. If you didn't learn how to relax, then you would just push yourself until you did damage and removed everything you learned from what you learned. Something that a lot of people needed to learn. And speaking of damage, she needed to get Elyss over to the Harbour so she could see Cho Zi. That guy was a grumpy wonder of medicine, and magic. His cool superpower was able to heal any damage short of decapitation, so long as you still had the limb to recover.

But then, for reasons known only to herself, she rose her hand up, pointed at a fluffy cloud in the sky, and smiled to herself.


The energy blast shot out from her finger and neatly perforated the cloud in a few seconds. Balas were fast. Though she would certainly be waiting if she tried to cero the cloud, since a Bala travelled some 20 times faster than a cero. Maybe if she folded some energy into the Bala, she could make it travel even faster? Gathered energy at her fist and used that as an explosive propellant? To much thinking for her lazy day though, so she just went back to sleep. Not even sure where she was, but it was definitely Earth. With her travelling capabilities, it was impossible to be stranded, after all.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Apr 26, 2019 4:01 pm


Sleep was interrupted, and that was not good. Ulv woke up grumpy. Still, after wiping away the grogginess of sleep, she recognised what had woken her up. While her Dantian had broken, she was still capable of sensing the energy of Tai Chi, which meant that when there was large exertions, Ulv's wisps of energy that spread out across whatever continent she cared to be on, could pick them up, like a spider feeling vibrations on her web. And the release of power she just sensed was clearly that of a Rank 9 technique. Not something that you let off just to show off.

Sighing and getting up, Ulv rolled her shoulders and then took off, arriving at the fighting ground pretty promptly, and then dodging backwards as a maddened creature tried to take a swing at her. Haughty laughter rang out from a woman above her, and there was the smell of Xian. Sending the guy in front of her to a dirt nap with her Recoiless Roundhouse, she looked around, and saw a whole village of men, their eyes fucked and their energy signatures distorted. Just like that guy.

"You, again?! I shall not stand for this! Get her, my beast! The Naku can hardly stand, the cretins will deal with her!" It was screaming Meteor Walking girl. Though Ulv didn't have much time to think about that because she needed to get out of the way of the meaty fist currently heading for her face. The precise application of Tai sabaki helped with that - most people assumed that with the muscle and penchance for breaking things, Ulv was exclusively Hard Style, but she like to think of herself as Mageru, the ability to bend between hard and soft as the situation required - and gave her a few vital seconds to crush the skull of the other guy that was trying to get up, and focus on the new assailant.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:25 am


Turning after her much needed dodge, there was a guy she really didn't want to see, his eyes an angry pink colour and the immense power coming off him feeling strained, like the last man. She sighed deeply and shook her head.
"What does it take to kill you?" She asked, as Typhoon - who was somehow still alive despite being dead - rushed her and got booted into the sky, a sudden flash of inspiration made her Hwechook and Recoiless Roundhouse meld together into an incredible kick. There was a crack as he was launched into the air, sound barrier breaking around the massive form. And with that done, she turned to the sword woman.

"So, what even is that? Other than a tool to piss me off?" Ulv asked, walking up to her and cocking her head. The sweat beads dripping down her neck certainly implied the sword was better than the wielder, though she didn't want to test that theory and subtly put on her Punchinators incase she had to go fist-on-weapon. And that was exactly what happened, when she suddenly surged forward, the sword thrusting for Ulv's heart, though she managed to reflect the blade. One of the tainted people got in the way of her reprisal kick though, and so nothing much came of the attack on either end.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:45 am


Staring at this woman, there was also Xian to consider. She had been wounded badly from the smell of it, and had those super-creatures after her, which was not going to be good. Ulv wanted to go over and help her, but that would give this woman a chance to escape, or attack, both of which were not very good. So she would just have to hope the woman was capable of helping herself out of this sticky jam. Not, something that was required, as a few seconds in, she felt a massive disturbance in The Wind behind her and so launched herself upwards, flipping over to get a sight of what had just happened.

What she saw, was magnificent. A giant of a man, towering over even Typhoon, with a Naginata that was large even with his immense size. Ulv estimated him to be around nine, maybe ten foot. And that wasn't the biggest thing. Though clearly old, his muscles were tremendously honed, and with a swing of that Naginata, he cleaved a half-dozen men in twain, clearing out the chaff. The woman Ulv had been blocked screamed in vexation, and turned to leave. Ulv tried again to stop it, launching a Bala at her, and this one had better results as her arm was blown off and clattered to the ground. But she, still managed to escape.
"Bloody Meteor Walking. I swear, made to piss me off"


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:59 am


"Thank you for the assistance, Supreme Elder" Xian said, cupping her blooded hands and bowing to the giant. Ulv had her suspicions, but they were confirmed here and now. Alavazi Naku, Supreme Elder of the Naku clan. And from what she was feeling, most powerful man in Wulin, having succeeded in his seclusion training, and broaching the realm of Yu-Shan 5.
"Have we fallen so low that we muster only a single teen and an outsider for a mission of such great import?" His deep, rumbling voice was certainly at match with his stature, and despite bleeding, Xian hung her head.

"Speaking of outsider, I'm going to have to let you two catch up. I got my own bits" she told the two, nodding and loving the look of shock on Xian's face, as well as the slight grin on Alavazi. Clearly, not a man to stand on ceremony. "Just about...there. What is that sword, anyway?" Ulv asked, turning back around to face the giant of a man.
"A terrible relic of the Golden Age. To have lost it at all is a great shame on our clan" Alavazi was subtle, but not dismissive.

"So like you but with the bad juju. Got it" she then flicked a smile and left amidst the thunderous laughter of the giant man.


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sat May 15, 2021 6:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:12 am


Like a meteorite from the heavens, the corrupt form of Typhoon shrieked from the skies and crashed into the ground, where he would find Ulv watching. A Strong mind, that one, but not quite strong enough to hold off the sword, rather keep half a mind while he did.
"Echidna..." The groan came, like talk was hard for him. Climbing out of the crater, he stood for a few seconds, silent. "Capture....Echidna" He then surged forward, fast enough that Ulv barely had the time to react from the punch, and no time at all to send a reply.

'Mask?' Hvit asked, more rhetorically than not.
'In a bit' Ulv replied, before planting her feet in a firm stance, Her front arm stretched out to it's full extent, forming a palm pointing towards the man. Her back arm was equally as stretched, and clenched into a fist. Her whole body lowered itself while her arms stayed were they were, so her palm was in-line with her face, and she let out a deep breath. His second charge was accounted for, and Ulv soaked the force of his charge with the palm, though her bones creaked with the effort and muscles screamed. Palm retracted as the force increased, and just as he was right on top of Ulv, her fist shot out, sudden and unexpected. Not only the full force of her muscles, but the force that Typhoon had pushed against her, and as much as she could leech from the ground itself went into that punch.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:22 am


She did not relent, not let the lack of serious impact deter or delay her. After Ten Thousand Mile Death was used, she followed through with a flurry of blows, each one born from her beloved Re-Taekwondo. The Three Great Flaws - that it was straining, that it was vulnerable to a close-fight, and that it could only attack a limited amount of places - mattered not in a fight like this, a fight against a beast. Smart beast though, because it managed to roll with her blows, mitigate what it couldn't deflect outright, and ensure that Ulv did as little damage as possible to him.

Though every blow failed to find true purchase, Ulv did not stop throwing them, each one adapting to the defence he had thrown, and each defence adapting to the new attack. Eventually she needed to do something that wasn't just the delaying method of kicking him into space. She left a lull in her flurry, and he took advantage of it very quickly, though it was designed to take advantage, and so Ulv was ready. With The Wind around her feet, she slipped away from him like she was on ice, and then centered herself and struck a mighty blow into his side, roaring Dragon Gate turning the skin to charcoal with the force she outputted.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:35 am


Her worries of earlier were truly founded. Her, Ulv Auber, great protector of Minatumi Harbour, was fighting this creature that matched her blow for blow. That sword really was dangerous when used on someone that was a competent fighter, and Typhoon was far more than that. Genetically designed to be a new era super-soldier to lead the older generation Atlases. And those buggers didn't accept anyone who wasn't strong. With that sword driving him on, he was definitely Ulv's equal, which was why she wanted to beat him with her own two fists, so she could prove that she was superior. That she was in control. This was all Hvit's doing. With their new connection, Ulv could feel her intense emotions, and they coloured her in times of stress.

Speaking of Hvit, Ulv rolled the monster's hook and then hit him with a Baekdu, reinforced by a Baek Rok and finished off with a Hwenchu. The combo smashed the ground, rumbling out to the creater his landing had made and ripping the whole ground into a tremendous sink-hole. Ulv got out of the way, but Typhoon just did the brute approach and climbed out of the hole after falling in. Battered, bruised, and furious, it snarled at her, and Ulv, just stared back coldly.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:46 am


He did not die gently, nor easily. Ulv exerted every ounce of skill she had to reflect the creature's blows and return them with forceful interest. It took her a long time, but eventually she felt bones break, muscles rip and blood vessels rupture. Her Fury Stacks helped that, but other than that it was all her own application, which pleased the overwhelming pride she was burning with a the moment. Getting more acrobatic as the battle went on, she flipped and leaped, delivering more blows to his head as he weakened and shattered. Ulv was deep into the Bersark trance and could feel only the force of flesh yielding to her fist.

The he toppled. The great beast fell and did not rise again. Though this was not enough for Ulv, who straddled the creature's chest and delivered earth-shattering blows to his face, Even when his skull was in splinters, he face collapsed into a fleshy mush and quite possible his brain being squeezed out of the holes that she had punched into his skin, she still punched more. Making sure that there was nothing left of his face but an unrecognisable pancake. This guy had come back far to much for her tastes...


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:57 am


Swollen eye, bruised ribs - a miracle considering they were made out of energy - and a body feeling as if everything had been replaced with ultra-dense space metal. But, he was dead. Finally, he would darken her doorstep no more. Leaning off to one side as if she was going to fall off, it was instead moving out of the way of a sword that was coming to punch through her Lung. Instead, it just sliced open a part of her side, glancing off the amber ribs and being followed by a snarl of vexation. Come back to finish the job, it seemed.

"You have ruined everything! I may not be able to have you, but you are exhausted in mind and body. So I shall have your head" she was pretty pissed, it seemed. Though Ulv was no different. Getting up and turning to her, she seemed huge despite being so exhausted.
"You are a thousand years to early to take me, little villain" Ulv then decided to showcase this matter with her Bankai, releasing Grendel Smasher and looming with the intense suit it gave her. The woman, an oppitunist at best, decided to try and flee, but before she could manage, Ulv swung a fist at her.

Confident in the sword's strength, she held it up to block it while she was leaving, and the cataclysm of force that was Grendel Smasher obliterated the blade into a million shards. What this did to the woman, Ulv didn't know, because she was off again. Though, without the sword, she could no longer be a threat to the world. Ulv garbled something incomprehensible, and then dragged her ass away, to recover from this day.


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