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Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:44 pm

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: Massive Attack - Song: What Your Soul Sings - Word Count: N/A

Defeat. It is something which the Ex-Primera Espada had not felt in quite some time in the physical sense. Bloodied, beaten and bruised; the cherry haired Mischevang felt like death as she dragged her cold body across the white sands of Hueco Mundo's outlands. Every movement caused the woman to limp over in anguish, but something within herself ached in far greater pain. With her right hand clenched to her chest, the reddened eyes of The Mischevang overflowed with frigid fluid that dropped to the ground with each movement she took.

'Stop. Stop. Stop.'

That single word repeated itself in the consciousness of the woman's mind as her bloodied left hand kept wiping away the tears fell to the ground. She did not want to be in such a weakened state of mind mentally and physically, but it was the reality she faced as she tried to continue walking away from this surreal feeling of immense grief. With more hushed cries being suppressed by her desperation to cling to her pride and ego, the woman reflected on the disheartening thoughts of abandonment which brought with them a great sense of weight to them.

The Royal Mischevang family -- was nothing. All of them were gone or assumed to be dead at this point. One of the last families of nobility in these lands was down to just herself at this point. The smiles of her sisters and brothers were nothing more than a faded memory as the bonds they shared mended themselves into ash forgotten in time.

Yes, despite the effort to force herself from hiding in the comfort the virtual realm into reality to please her big sister Ashlei, it all mattered not in the end, didn't it?

Ceasing her movement, the woman fell to her knees as the tears just wouldn't stop and the pain kept rising to the surface of her mind. Remembering the feeling of complete abandonment when facing against Nagato brought forth a greater sense of pain than her opponent could ever hope to do her mortal body. In spite of all the investment, the battles waged and all the love she gave her sister; it was all thrown in her face and decimated in this battle she waged for a kingdom which no longer existed anymore.

It is at that moment of defeat that she knew she was utterly alone. Without a soul to call upon for guidance, the woman's sobs grew ever more painful as her body tilted over and fell to the sand. She knew there wasn't a point to her actions anymore if she could not get the satisfaction of acknowledgment from her elder kin. Perhaps at heart, all the woman ever wanted as that embrace, but none of it was relevant in the present. This was a repeat of those years spent alone fighting in the depths of Hueco Mundo for territory without that warmth of love at her side.

Undoubtedly she was a vagabond who was an enemy of the world. With her fight against Nagato being the last she represented herself as the Primera, the woman could no longer call herself that without the kingdom Ashlei built being a reality. There was no place for her when everything that bounded her to that faction was eradicated. So what choice was there but to withdraw and tie herself to nothing? No one truly cared for her beside the utility of her power.

It is why she tried to even ignore those passing thoughts of longing for the romantic figures in her life; as the intrusive thoughts of running to the side of Kamui Cruor bled into her mind. She wanted to feel safe, protected and loved for; but it was absurd for a creature of herself to long for such a thing in a world that consumed it's own without a second thought. It is that savagery which her pride, power, and respect were built upon.

...but that sense of abandonment is what started this all. Being burned at the cross in her human years for protecting her sister, Origin Code itself was just her spirits feeble attempt at trying to control the world around her for a life that revoked that sense of control from her grasp. Nothing in this universe had ever been in her grasp, so rewriting the particles of code which the cosmos itself is compromised of was her security to overwrite that which sought to hurt her heart.

So as she lie on the ground beaten, injured and alone; the illusion of that comfort was shattered and all that was left was to soak in this somber reality that she was vulnerable, weak and alone. It is not something she wanted to admit, but in her deepest heart of hearts, she knew the truth and it is that truth which wanted her to stop living such a farce and remove herself from Shadow Fall once and for all. She had no right to call herself the Primera anymore.

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  WVMWLOu
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Fri May 17, 2019 9:12 am
Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  Banner-Safira

Safira | Bewitching Golden Serpent

Step One, Step Two and on and on. Things were falling into place. So for the last few days she had quietly been wandering around the Sands of Hueco Mundo. If she were going to make her plans successful the ambitious snake would need to not cut corners and get a feel for the landscape lest she wanted to get chewed up and spat back out before she even made any steps. So with help from two generous benefactors she was curious about if she could pick up her own compatriots as the hollow Yaksha so put it. Right now she only had them but having people connected to her was like a little safety net the more she considered it.

With her pequisa quite alert she didn't like Hueco Mundo, it was sand and more sand but under every rock there was the possibility of a predator trying to kill you. What animals, it was only due to that heightened sense though that she could sense a faint signature in the distance and decided to check it out, truly it felt quite miserable. A broken soul that would either make a good meal or a useful piece of amusement for her no doubt. It wasn't until she reached the spot did she realise that what she had come to investigate was a much bigger prize and something that was leagues more useful than a toy to use and then discard for her own ego.

A broken little girl but she was not a nobody, she was the former de facto leader of a great deal of this place that had quickly been demolished. Impressive that her speculations that the hollows aligning with the demons would only end in a similar way. But that wasn't important. She was keeping her guest waiting and so after a quick appraisal she determined the best way to handle the situation.

"My dear Rose, you look terrible and very tired. Would you like any help?"

Yes, that seemed right. A comforting approach that was warm and welcoming to her woes. So as she finished off her sentence she reached down and put her hand gently over the small woman's head and began to pat her as a comforting gesture.


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Wed May 22, 2019 12:49 am

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: Guano Apes - Song: High - Word Count: N/A

Rose wasn't a being who was numb to her surroundings despite the despair which washed over her broken heart. Her senses could pick up on the smell, footsteps, and pulsation of energy which the fellow Arrancar near The Miscehvang possessed. Judging from her movements, Rose utilized the way in which the perception of reality moved at slowed speeds to discern she was of non-hostile intent at the moment.

Still, the woman was on guard and prepared to slit her throat if it came to it. It didn't matter if she was still holding back cries/sniffles, the world didn't give one iota of a fuck for the sentiment of a girl with a bleeding heart. This was the reality of Hueco Mundo and one Rose refused to be ignorant of. Regardless, though, the gentle approach that the woman took gave the former Primera Espada no reason to otherwise lash out on her. Well, at least physically speaking, anyway.

"And how can you help me? Just because I lost the scarp doesn't exactly mean I'm powerless if you are trying to take advantage of me. Nobody in this world helps another person without a caveat to that help."

Throat sore, mind angry and body shakey; the voice of Rose was a mixture of contempt, fragility, and sorrow as she was in the process of trying to work through so many emotions. It disgusted her on many levels to be hurt this badly, but her conscious mind kept bringing her back to that sense of control and power she wanted. It was stemming from a desire to try and keep what little freedom of her mind and surrounding that still existed in this reality. So, she briefly had the flame of pink energy snarl from her body in a faint glow before letting out a soft sigh when the woman patted her head.

She wasn't going to outright admit it at first, but it felt pretty nice to feel a soft touch. It is for that reason the power slowly faded from her as she did want to be helped, but she wasn't even sure of what she needed help for herself. As far as Rose was concerned, she was tossed out into the darkness without a map, radar or compass to otherwise assist and guide the way toward something which resembled some kind of stability or objective.

So, Rose took a moment to process this question before coming up with a response:

"Where the bloody fuck do I go from here?"

Of course, this was a total stranger she was talking to, but Rose didn't give a shit. She needed to pose that question out to the universe if for no other reason than trying to ease the echoes of her hurt mind and discern some kind of direction from this point onward. Her old life and way of living were gone, so this was something she was going to have to accept. How she could navigate this new world was something which brought her despair, fear, and uncertainty; but it was not something she could ignore anymore and she wielded the power to at least give herself a much better fighting chance of thriving than most of the other needless mooks who exist in this world.

All she needed now was a sign, perhaps.....

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  WVMWLOu
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Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:46 pm
Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  Banner-Safira

Safira | Bewitching Golden Serpent

The woman's elegant fingers gently ran through the smaller woman's locks while she pondered the question, it was a simple and fair one which wasn't exactly all that wrong either. In a sense she was here to take advantage of Rose as she had her two other collaborators but this was just her being opportunistic, Rose wasn't critical but additional firepower and the resourcefulness was always welcomed and the former Espada might still have her uses after her fall from grace.

"Your suspicions are admirable and well-deserved I suppose, but dear the only person that can stop you from being taken advantage of is you."

Taking a seat in the sand as much as she frowned when she did so, she hated the texture and knew it'd get stuck in her clothes but it was a small sacrifice.

"I can't answer that question and even if I did I won't give it to you. If you took it on board wouldn't I be making your decisions for you?"

She had decided on her tact for the girl, sliding the comforting hand down onto the woman's shoulders and pulling her a bit closer while a hand would brush away any stray hairs.

"I won't give you your answers Rose, but I'll offer you something to decide on yourself. Do you want to take back control where you can't be hurt again and reclaim your place reborn to be unable to be hurt by others again? I can offer you the resources but you'll need to build the road yourself."

There was a certain beauty to the offer that made Safira reminisce and she had a soft smile as she recalled one of her own downfalls millennia ago where when one has nothing left, they have nothing to lose.


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Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:30 pm

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Cranberries - Song: Zombie - Word Count: N/A

Straight and to the point. Rose could respect the fellow Arrancar for having her intentions, reasons, and intent being made so crystal clear. It is why she still remained still and allowed the woman to continue running her hand through her hair. This is because of the thought that she allowed herself to be taken advantage was something which ran true in her mind. When it came to how much her sister used her to sustain the kingdom, the work she was putting into Shadow Fall and the people that have used and abused her in the past; it was hard not to feel like she was the one who enabled all of this to transpire in the first place despite having so much retarded power in her fingertips.

Hence, from this reasoning, The Queen of Snakes was right about her insight into Rose. And, because of this logic, The Former Primera Espada could only give a gruff sigh out of a sense of agreement when it finally registered in her consciousness that she did enable so much hurt to enter into her life based on how she reacted to it. So it is why she then remained receptive to what the woman was saying as this was going to have to be a choice she made of her own free will. Something which, despite her rough exterior, terrified the Arrancar on a primal level.

Yes, she was capable of consciously addressing this deep sealed sense of fear, but it was another thing to make that decision to undo hundreds of years of following someone else around. As for most of Rose's life she always found herself wanting to serve another's needs as it brought her a sense of comfort and happiness to be of use to those she loved and cared for. Which is why she was beginning to reluctantly accept that this was perhaps the smack to reality she needed to try and think for herself about what she wanted to do with this blank canvas of a life; despite how painful it felt to have nothing and be so alone.

"I want to reduce my odds of being hurt again, but that won't remove the possibility of it ever happening again. That's not a realistic approach, but there is certainly a lot more I can be doing to prevent this type of heartache from entering my life because I've allowed people to abuse me so much for that love, attention and affectionate I sought from them."

Even if Rose was in a lot of pain at this moment, the one thing that did reside her being still was a sense of blunt honesty. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind on what was transpiring in the corners of her mind and it was this sense of confidence that was going to be needed to otherwise build the foundation of her next life perhaps.

"So regardless of that falsehood, I'd still be curious to see what that route would entail as I have nothing much to lose at the moment. I'll say that I'm not 100% on what I want out of this life at the moment, but perhaps I need something new to experience to start building that structure for myself."

There was a sense of hesitation during the first half of her words; as portions of her mind did want to go back to the comfort of Ashlei's side. Yet, in spite of that urge, the logical half of her mind knew that the home she sought no longer existed and trying to reach for a place which doesn't exist would drive herself to madness quickly. So, to Rose, there was no other choice but to accept this painful reality for what it was and figure out where to go from this point onward with all her faults laid out on the table.

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  WVMWLOu
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Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:59 pm
Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  Banner-Safira

Safira | Bewitching Golden Serpent

Allowing the girl as much time as she needed the serpent didn't do much aside from stroke her hair comfortingly even though she was doing it more for the sake of the former espada than her own benefit. All the arrancar could really do was offer an ear to listen to her woes and continue to try and anticipate the ebb and flow of the conversation. Trying to reach the destination before it became real and see the path that would get her to that point.

"Like the dinosaurs Rose if you'd like I will help you burn down the world you hate and allow a new one. You do have an adversary don't you? I think we might share a common one at that."

Finally letting her hand remove itself from the smaller woman's head she stood up and stretched before going about the process of dusting the sand that clung to her attire. How she hated this place but would make due with what she had, Hueco Mundo was nothing but sand. If it wasn't for her spite she might've turned back and went back to Vegas to continue to enjoy the show but the name was like a phoenix, and not a majestic one at that, but all things died eventually. The Espada legacy was no different.


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Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:39 pm

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  6EdIfMt

Artist: Cellwdeller - Song: Unlikely- Word Count: N/A

Rose was beginning to think about the words which were flowing into her mind by Safira. Past the hurt, pain, and abandonment were ambitions to provide something grand for the people of Hueco Mundo and her race. It was hard to tell if this was out of pride, ego, a need for attention or a desire to alter the world for the better; but the former Primera Espada loved her science. She loved tinkering with the code of reality to otherwise make improvements to her technology, equipment, weapons and the biological and cybernetic structures of all beings who her influence touched.

Ergo, since she knew her power held the capacity to give so much to the world, what was the harm in finding purpose and fun in that? It's what Kamui tried to get her to do so long ago and it's something she regrets not having done sooner as there had been so much wasted time to do something. Which is hwy, based upon that sentiment, did Rose then cling to Safira and hug her waist as she basked in her warmth.

"Of course I have someone I dislike. I feel...we should do something with how Hueco Mundo is changing. I don't believe Nagato has the best interest of our race at heart and I would not mind helping you with that mission."

There was a mixture of tones which were heard in the Mischevang's voice. They varied from soft, to determined and quiet as she was feeling out the woman's body for her own. The desire to not be alone right now was strong, yet that natural craving is what spurred all of this awareness within herself and led to the developments occurring before both of the Arrancar. So, she let off a ginger sigh before releasing her grip and looking outwards towards the vast sands of Hueco Mundo.

"Well, we know what we need to do right? Let's build something kickass, ....."

There was then a pause before Rose blinked and realized she hadn't caught the woman's name just yet. So, she let out an honest laugh before following up on that last bit:

"....what's your name again? Hell, what is our group gonna be called? I don't think we are alone, so we should call ourselves something cool if we are going to change up this place."

Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  WVMWLOu
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Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:54 am
Throne Of Abandon [Rose/Safira] [WW4 Interlude]  Banner-Safira

Safira | Bewitching Golden Serpent

When she stood up she did not expect to be so quickly hugged and held onto, it made her react by pulling away a tiny bit before she changed her tact. Comfort was what the girl wanted, comfort is what she would receive from Safira and so she started to lightly pat her head while she went back to thinking about how she was going to slot Rose into her plans. She was exceptionally useful though that was for sure.

"Excellent, in that case I need you to create anything you want, helpful or not if you want to create something Rose I will acquire anything you need and we'll cut the head off the Espada."

She gave a small grin, Hebi and Yaksha no doubt were exceptionally useful for this business of acquiring her resources. With two great inventors behind her surely she could amass a potent arsenal.

"I want you to make the most kickass thing you can make Rose, and as you fought him I hope you know plenty about Nagato but if you need more I have contacts that can help you in that endeavour. As for my name, you can call me Safira. I hadn't given the thought of a name to the group, Ningishzida or Asclepius maybe but they sound very old-fashioned sounding aren't they? Do you have any suggestions dear?"


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