Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Will to Improve Empty The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 10:54 am



The Will to Improve 6EdIfMt

The door opens to Ulv's room. Elyss didn't bother knocking as she entered with a serious expression on her face. She has something to discuss with her current, ah, what word would best describe this sort of relationship, Mistress? Sensei? Elyss doesn't bother thinking too hard on it. Surprisingly, despite the humiliation she's felt dealing with Ulv's ways of teaching, she truly believes that the woman does want the best for it, but the woman also wants to have her fun whilst helping. Sometimes, it's quite infuriating, but to say there has been little progress would be a lie. Elyss has noticed herself not being as angry as she has about certain things. Maybe it's just that it's beginning to become normal to her, but she feels that out in public, her reactions to such things may also become more mellow. Though, Elyss does feel her training with Ulv isn't helping her as fast as she would like. She's getting stronger mentally, but physically, she's not improved much, and that's why after learning more of a certain organization, she wishes to see if maybe her training could be rapidly improved if allowed the opportunity to join. Why does she ask Ulv though since the woman allows her to go about her business when not being trained? Well, Elyss felt it would be nice to tell her current teacher about such things in case it affects anything.

"I wish to join the Shino Academy."

She is quick to get to her point; not even greeting the woman.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Will to Improve Empty Re: The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 2:02 pm


Elyss was growing pretty well. Her emotional control and mind was becoming more than one that would completely lose itself to mania the first moment she got angry. Like before. Such a scene would play out differently, though not by a long degree. She was still on the lower end of control, but at least she had some control. However, she did catch Ulv off guard when she came in and claimed to want to join the Shino Academy. Not somewhere she wanted Elyss to go until she had a much firmer grip on her fury than she did right now.

And that, was precisely what this whole thing was, wasn't it? She was furious. And not just any old fury, but a fury burning from the very soul of her being. It was reminiscent in a way that transcended just being similar. If Ulv didn't have Mirja's soul, she would have said this woman was the reincarnation of Mirja. Which was worrying, because that girl was troubled beyond help.
"Sure. Just gotta beat me in a fight first. Are you confident in your chances, or do you want to take back your request and get some more work done?"


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The Will to Improve Empty Re: The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 2:39 pm



The Will to Improve 6EdIfMt

What?! Beat her in a fight?!


For a moment, Elyss' onyx eyes seemed to brighter for a moment at the thought of fighting Ulv, but after just seconds of rational thinking, the redhead finds herself looking away with an unsatisfied sigh. She knows she can't beat Ulv in a way. That's an impossible possibility. Hell, if Elyss could win, then, she'd really have one less reason to be around the other woman. Hell, why even go to an Academy when she can beat Ulv in a fight. Though, how strong is Ulv. Elyss can only tell she is quite a powerful individual, but she has no true idea just how far apart they are.

"I... I just... I just..."

She pouts some as her cheeks start to redden some. Yes, this is pissing her off a bit, but she can feel it herself. She's not as explosive as she normally would have. Ulv is right however. Would Elyss be able to go through this without having an explosive episode? What would set her off? Who would set her off? How badly would it go? Elyss just wants to be stronger, but is she mature enough for such strength? This does cause her to move on a bit to another question she had for Ulv that also pushed her drive to want to be a Shinigami.

"Are you a Shinigami?"

She looks back up at Ulv with a defeated curiosity. She may not be able to join the Academy under Ulv now, but if she knows that Ulv is one of them, that would just drive her further to join their ranks. Of course, she has personal reasons in her mind for this sudden want, but deep down, Elyss looks up to Ulv a lot. Hell, she can't get past the fact something inside her adores Ulv, and the more she trains herself, the stronger this feeling becomes. Whatever it is, it seems directly connected to her own Spiritual Energy.

"I'm sorry for rushing in like this by the way."

She adds with a slight bow of her head. At least she actually caught the brute off guard for once.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Will to Improve Empty Re: The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 3:36 pm


"Mmm, that's a complicated question. I am a Vizard, which is basically a Shinigami with an Inner Hollow. Plus, my relationship with them is unique even if I didn't have a Hollow. Much easier to just say no" Ulv explained, finishing with the pie she was making and putting it in the oven. "As for rushing it, I can completely understand. You are a young woman with a fighting heart. You want me to teach you to become strong, physically. And then get out there and use that physical strength against whatever you can get your mitts on"

Ulv got up, and stroked Elyss' cheek, before kissing her with deep passion.
"But you do not realise that mental strength is just as important as physical strength. If you can't keep your head out in the field, then you are worse than useless to everyone. Yourself, and your allies. You need to be able to hold firmly like steel, and yet bend softly like reeds, before I teach you anything about a proper punch" Ulv told her, before letting her go.

"Now. I learned a new Shibari rope technique yesterday. Do you want to feel it? I would say see it, but with the blindfold on, you won't be seeing much"


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The Will to Improve Empty Re: The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 4:16 pm



The Will to Improve 6EdIfMt

Wait, what?! A Vizard? A Shinigami with an inner Hollow? What does that mean? Though, even though Ulv said no, she still said yes in a way, but her uniqueness must causes enough difference for her to be able to say no. Still, Elyss doesn't quite understand this whole situation, but she still has the want to become a Shinigami. That at least will propel her closer to the level that Ulv is at.

Elyss' nose twitched as she finally noticed the pie and tilts her a head a bit. Now, that's a homely thing for Ulv to be doing which causes her to raise a brow. No matter how hard Elyss tries, she can't just simply imagine Ulv as a house wife. The woman comes off too much as the man of the house who comes home from work demanding attention and to play as he pleases with whatever woman awaits him.

"I... don't want to just have strength to harm whoever wrongs me."

She huffs that out looking to the side again not noticing Ulv get closer before it's too late and a hand is on her cheek. Of course, this causes her to look back reminding her of the last time Ulv touched her cheek like this outside when she was exhausted from the heat in a latex maid outfit. That time the woman decided to fluster her, and this time, it has much the same effect, but, this time, Ulv went way farther than before. Elyss' eyes opened wide as the woman kissed her, and kiss her she did in such a way that probably could have swept any person off their feet.

Once it ended, Elyss is left with a blissful expression as butterflies rampage within her stomach. This was unexpected, yet, it was also something she knew could happen at any moment. The words of Ulv sound distinct for a moment, but they hit home quite hard as Elyss is let go and left to back up and shake her head of the muddy thoughts set within it.


She mutters such moving her hands through her hair and biting her lower lip with a mad blush on her cheeks. It felt hard to look directly at Ulv. Elyss feels... weird. She's mad about the random kiss, but she's also happy about it as well. Maybe that's just because the other is someone she wishes to be like or admires that her anger is starting to wane with whatever it done to her. Though, somethings still remain the same as she looks up with quite the annoyed expression smacking her teeth.

"Do I even have a choice when it comes to you and your crazy antics? I'd prefer to go and lay down to recover."

Yes, recover from that amazing kiss that has her slightly shaken now but not stirred. She'd rather not be tied up and done who knows what to at the moment, but if Ulv demands it, she will do as told.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Will to Improve Empty Re: The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 4:30 pm


Ulv felt the butterflies in Elyss' heart, the feelings that she got from the kiss, and it stoked her ego. Ulv liked it that she could do something so big to Elyss with something so small. Ulv was a very sensual woman, having sex and doing sexual things more for the feelings and reactions she got than the act itself. Pleasure was only pleasure, after all. It could be gotten from many difference sources. "I told you before, darling. You have the choice to tell me what you feel. Whether it is what we are doing right now, or what we are doing in general. I need only your word to put a stop to it. And another word to cease it forever. Remember that, always" she'd ruffle Elyss' hair and then head for the door. "Pie is on a slow burn, so it'll be done in a few hours. I'll be back by then, so go grab a nap. It is hard to remember that not everyone has my energy reserves"

And Ulv was gone and Elyss had the house to herself. To do with, as she wished. Even if as she wished was to go lie down and catch a nap.


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The Will to Improve Empty Re: The Will to Improve

Wed May 15, 2019 5:50 pm



The Will to Improve 6EdIfMt

She sighs. Sometimes, it's hard to think herself as free as she actually is. Though, this is pretty much the first time Ulv has enforced the fact she can say no in a way that didn't make her feel guilty. Last time, Elyss felt that leaving would eventually end in her demise. Then, the thought that maybe Ulv is seeing her a bit more as a person than a toy appears in her mind. If that's true, Elyss smiles a bit as Ulv steps past her.


Her words are said despite the the woman being gone, but she feels that Ulv probably know she appreciates those words a lot. The drive to impress Ulv and grow stronger both mentally and physically grows within her. Maybe also something else, but that doesn't bother at the moment as she heads to her room with the thoughts of the Academy still looming in her head.


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