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To Seek New Horizons Empty To Seek New Horizons

Fri May 17, 2019 8:55 am

To Seek New Horizons U5BtpSP


Artist: Kota Hoshino - Song: EG Expression II

Cyrus was not fond of Europe in these days. It had nothing to do with European culture proper, though he didn’t care much for that either. No, it was just the matter of the demons who had swarmed the place and turned it into a second Hell. In some sense he supposed that it already was, but even so, he liked to think that it had once been a better place. Still, he had a particular mission in mind today, and it was one that no amount of distaste could possibly dissuade him from. He needed good people, people who had a vision of a better world.

Steiner Franz seemed one of those people.

It had not taken terribly long to pinpoint the gentleman, though. There were few such heroic figures in Europe, even less so who were human. He hadn’t much enjoyed the many conversations he’d had with the folk of Europe to find this figure, but he didn’t need to digress once more. The fact of the matter was that he was here now, and he had a small, cordial smile as he followed after the energy signature he suspected, nay, hoped was Steiner’s. It had been an unpleasant journey, but he hoped at least that the destination would have been well worth it.

“Steiner Franz. Might I have a bit of your time? I believe you and I might have a bit worth discussing.”

It was straight to the point from the dark skinned Quincy. He had no particular time for much more than the most requisite of pleasantries, for this was a cause that needed handling as quickly as possible. He had wasted such time already on other methods of achieving his goals, and to so little end. Action would be the only way to fix the world at this stage, and action could not be hindered simply by a matter of race. He would seek out anyone who seemed fit, and Steiner Franz… Steiner Franz certainly fit the bill.

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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To Seek New Horizons Empty Re: To Seek New Horizons

Sat May 18, 2019 1:48 pm



To Seek New Horizons 6EdIfMt

The Chateau Franz was once a marvelous house set near the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean, it had been a place where the Franz family had carved out its' life for itself, and had created a place of warmth for a single foster child.

Steiner Franz had been that one foster child, that one lucky child who had found peace with a loving family after years of abuse, and had loved every second of it. He had gone down to the coast and fished, he had read books in the large library that his foster father had, and had sat under the large tree placed near the cliff while watching the ships sail by at night underneath a blanket of stars. They were warm memories for him, memories of home usually were, and in this situation all of the pain of his former living arrangement with his blood relative evaporated replaced by a sense of nostalgia.

Cyrus would find none of these things here.

A broken down home, almost completely abandoned, save for a few wild animals that would peek their heads out from the burnt down lumber would be the first thing that would grace his eyes upon arrival. The house looked to be have been immolated not too long ago, as the smell of burnt wood saturated the air even over the breeze which blew over what had once been the front yard of this home, and out to the ocean in the distance. Whatever life that had been carved into this home was now all, but extinguished, but it had not come without a price.

A pile of demon bodies, close to five corpses, had been simply discarded, and piled with little thought to who they were as people or what rank they were. Their bodies were desecrated, sliced open, and skewered with malice by the look of things. The murder weapon, a sword with a great deal of wear and tear, was plunged into the skull of one of those corpses. Every once in a while the wind would shake the sword, causing the head of the demon who had been impaled with it to shake its head, as if it were still alive, and saying no to an unknown question.

Further away from the pile of desecrated demon corpses stood a tall tree, splattered with dry blood, and with several long gashes through it. Trails of blood through dead grass, upon further inspection, would lead back to the pile of corpses as if the bodies had been dragged from the tree and brought to the pile. The tree, large, and gnarled with old age was quite clearly dying and beside it were three mounds of dirt with makeshift crosses planted above them. The crosses were made with tenderness and care, carved by a knife, and perfectly formed as if done by an artisan who cared deeply for the process of making those crosses.

A page turned in a book as the lone man in this particular area, turned a page in a book full of photographs, and in silent appreciation seemed to stare longingly at the pages. Perhaps hoping for a time that had long since passed? Or for the pain to just go away? The man, whose white clothes were stained pink, said nothing as Cyrus posed his question, and instead would begin to speak to Cyrus as if the question had never been posed in the first place.

"My mother and I used to sit under this tree late at night underneath a sky full of bright stars. She would read me stories from a big book in the library in the house...I always had problems going to sleep, the pain of what my blood relatives had did to me always caused me to have horrible nightmares, you see? But whenever my mother would take me out here...underneath the stars and looking out over the ocean, with her loving and tender voice telling me a story of some knight fighting to save a princes from a dragon...that pain would just fade away. The nightmares would just disappear...and I could sleep soundly."

Another page turned, more memories, and more pain filled the man's mind as he grunted with effort. The weight of the horror weighing on his mind.

"I always wanted to come back here...but I always put it off. Too busy trying to save everyone else, too busy looking for ways to get stronger, but they never complained. My grandfather was a war hero and out of all of them...he understood and covered for me when I didn't make it home for the holidays to eat Mom's famous pumpkin pie or to hear dad's stories from when he was a kid. He would always say...'You are fighting the good fight, Steiner. Don't worry, I'm sure they will understand.' And you know what...they did. Not once did they complain or feel like I neglected them, they were kind like that, and always backed me up one hundred percent."

Steiner closed the book, covered in demon blood, and glancing over at the graves next to him as a solemn wind shook the dead branches of the tree.

"I met a guy not too long ago that told me that the people with power...those who are way stronger than us common folk have a choice to do nothing it they want to. That it is their right and that they didn't owe a thing to anyone, but the way I see it is if you have the power to do something and you don't? That makes you just as bad as the people putting bodies into graves!"

Steiner, who had been sitting under the tree, and walked over to Cyrus, the book would remain under the tree as he closed the distance between the two. He was hobble a bit, clearly injured from his confrontations with his family's murderers, but none the less was still capable of moving. Still capable of fighting if the need be.

"Yeah, I'm Steiner Franz...and if you have something to say to me, make it quick. The longer I stay here...the more pain I feel."

He said as he extended his hand covered in demon blood to Cyrus to shake.

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To Seek New Horizons OlBPPj4
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God of Love
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To Seek New Horizons Empty Re: To Seek New Horizons

Fri May 24, 2019 7:35 pm

To Seek New Horizons U5BtpSP


Artist: Kota Hoshino - Song: EG Expression II

Something deep within Cyrus could not help but stir as he listened to Steiner speak. He knew the pain of having lost one's family, though he cast it aside quite often. He simply reminded himself that things had to be that way, or rather, that he could not change the past. Those emotions out of the way, the Quincy committed what Steiner said to heart. It was not his story, but this was a man he hoped to fight alongside, to change the world with. The life he had lived, the tragedy he had suffered, was something which Cyrus would need to carry in his own heart as well.

"I will not waste your time. I believe much as you do that inaction, when one has the power to prevent tragedy, is an act every bit as evil as enacting the tragedy himself."

Taking Steiner's hand in a firm shake, Cyrus removed his glasses with his free hand, that he might better look at the famed hero before him. He was clearly injured, at least moderately, presumable from the battle with these demonic interlopers. He would need to recuperate, but Cyrus would freely offer that easily. There were things more immediate that needed speaking on, however.

"I have a great deal more to say, of course. But such things can be discussed someplace else, at a later time. I am here to ask if you will help me, Steiner Franz. I have a vision of a world where the weak need not live in fear that the strong might not protect them. And to that end, I am finding those that I know will be able to fulfill such a dream. Can I rely on you, Mr. Franz? Can the world? I believe that we can. I believe you are fully able to bring such a thing to fruition, but working alone has been the bane of many a well-intentioned man."

Cyrus replaced his sunglasses, then, and turned his head slightly to look at the ruined château. Something about it kindled a faint displeasure within him, but Cyrus latched onto that this time, and focused upon it while recalling the circumstances Steiner had laid out to him. Soon, the displeasure grew to outright irritation, and the Quincy stayed deeply focused on that as he hammered this anger into himself. It was not that he did not care. It was that he wanted to care even more. He had no time to hope for emotion, and so he could only force it into himself. That much he owed to this man.

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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To Seek New Horizons Empty Re: To Seek New Horizons

Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:07 pm



To Seek New Horizons 6EdIfMt

Life had dealt the Hero of Honor nothing, but losing hands since the day of his birth, and yet he had picked himself up off the floor on multiple occasions to keep treking forward, but this? This attack on his adopted family had hit a little close to home, his emotional state was not composed, and neither was he in the right mind to be dealing with offers from strange gentlemen who appeared out of nowhere. Yet, he wished to hear this man out, even if to humor him in the slightest as he had traveled probably a great distance to speak to him personally. The question of how he knew him and where he had gained that information were indeed at the forefront of his mind, but at the moment he was more curious about something else.

"Who are you, stranger? You know my name and where to find me, but you have yet to share anything on yourself..."

As Steiner said this he let go of Cyrus' hand and sat down on the stairs to the old house that once belonged to his family. He looked at Cyrus earnestly, focused intently on what the Quincy was to say as what he would say would probably dictate his reaction to his forthcoming request, and it was a lot to take in. A chance to do something good on a global scale was something Steiner would indeed be interested in, but at the same time very little information had been given to him as to the whats or the whys of this particular idea. If Cyrus wanted to nab Steiner, he would have to give him something to work with other than a faint idea being waived in front of him like a steak, it wouldn't need to be much more. Perhaps a game plan of what Cyrus intended to do with him on roster beside a general statement?

"I don't know you very well, friend, and yet you want to recruit me to join what exactly? A fight to protect the Earth? Its a little vague on your part, but I do indeed see what you mean...working alone hasn't netted me much results and even though I have saved a few people here and there...well...I could be doing much more if I had more help in doing what I do. So lets skip the someplace else and lets just do the talking right here."

Steiner was determined to get some information out of this man before leaving his old home. He was intrigued and he wanted to make sure that Cyrus knew that, but he was also not wanting to run head first into things. Ulv had taught him to not just let his heart lead him around like a dog on a leash, and to try to use his brain to put himself in less danger. So instead of just running off and following this guy, he decided to hear him out, but first he wanted to make himself extremely clear.

"I am indeed interested, but I can't just sign up on a dotted line for just anything without knowing more. How do I know it isn't a trap or if your intentions are truly pure? Such things are not ascertainable by simply making fleeting statements about the general need to save many lives. I don't know your methods or your strategies that you wish to enact to accomplish these give me something I can work with and we will go from there."

Steiner stated cross his arms around himself as he waited for the reply of the man in front of him. He didn't sense any ill will, but he needed to be one hundred percent sure before he decided to join up for anything.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

To Seek New Horizons OlBPPj4
To Seek New Horizons VewULRr
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God of Love
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To Seek New Horizons Empty Re: To Seek New Horizons

Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:31 pm

To Seek New Horizons U5BtpSP


Artist: Kota Hoshino - Song: EG Expression II

Cyrus was not especially surprised at Steiner's hesitance to simply accept the offer without question. Indeed, that level of discernment was but one of many things which had made the Quincy seek him out. He did not take a seat next to Steiner, preferring to stand, not only for his own comfort but out of respect for the dead. He thought for a moment or two on what to say, but for once, the full truth may well have been the best option.

“I am Cyrus ast-Auramazda, grandmaster of the Sternritter. The Vandenreich, and my people, have seen failure too many times for my liking. Perhaps it is in no small part their fault. There has always been an expectation of purity among us. I see such a thing as needless, antithetical to our true goal. The Quincy race would not have such trouble remaining alive if they but saw their place among others, integrated into the world rather than casting themselves apart.”

He could not help but grimace at that statement, none too pleased with the fate of his own people. He himself was one of those lauded Quincies who was pure of blood, yet the thought meant nothing to him. He was a child of the desert, a child of the divine fires. The idea of whether his lineage may or may not hold within it some non-Quincy was so far removed from his sphere of concern that he had not so much as considered its importance until he had joined the Vandenreich. Shaking his head before he was too lost in thought, Cyrus returned his attention to Steiner, the confidence in his voice more firm than ever.

“It is no secret that Shadow Fall and the Kokuryuteshi are forces which do ill upon the world. Their influence is one that few would argue against removing from the Earth altogether, I think. They leave chaos in their wake, force their influence on a world which is not their own, and have at their call people who could change the whole of the planet without much effort. Yet... tell me, Steiner. Is that such a different repertoire than Lux Orior, or the Gotei? I, personally, do not believe it is. This latest war is but one in a line of conflicts. Good versus evil, I am sure both sides consider it. But to those living upon the Earth, who never asked for such a thing, which side can be called in the right? Does the value of order or of chaos in itself mean anything when your home is destroyed in some mighty conflict? I believe it is not.”

Looking to the sky, then Cyrus took a deep breath to compose himself. He was not angry, per se, but it was clear this was all something he had thought much about. It was, if nothing else, more important to him than anything else.

“I do not wish to see this world at the mercy of those who can simply change it at a whim, of those who do not even hail from this beautiful planet. All of their morals mean nothing to me, Mr. Franz. What matters far more to me is the well-being of those who are impacted by the actions of giants. I do hope that is a goal you can agree with.”

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