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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty The Wasteland and I (Open)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 6:25 pm



The Wasteland and I (Open) 6EdIfMt

How many Hollows did that make?

Ten? Twenty?

To tell the truth the hero of honor had lost count along the way as he threw himself deep into his own personal training. After losing his family all over again, it was all he could do to put his wandering mind at rest, and to be honest even after cutting down clusters of wild Hollows in frequently traveled roads through the wastes. Caravans were making there way through all the time along these routes, taking goods to small towns, and cities that existed outside of the safeguards of modern society. It was here that things were most dangerous and even more so it was here that Steiner had began his training.

Many years ago, Steiner had entered the Wastelands to hone his skills, and perfect his swordsmanship, but now? Right now Steiner was using the wastes as nothing more than a distraction. There was no training here. What Steiner was doing could barely be considered protection of the weak, it was more closely resembling taking out one's aggression on others, but it had worked so far. The distraction had given him room to breathe and it had also done a few of the supply vehicles he had seen a bit more breathing room as well. They offered him thanks, but he barely acknowledged them, his mind elsewhere. Still, he continued to kill these feral Hollows who hunted the caravans along these routes, and he did it with little to no thought to it.

How many now?

Thirty? Forty?

His breath was ragged in his own throat as he stood over a mound of bodies. How many days had it been since he had started on this, how long had he gone without sleep, and had continued to kill off Hollows to alleviate his emotional state? Covered in Hollow blood, Steiner sat down for the first time in days, and reflected on what he had been doing. The wind of the desert howled around him as he came to terms with his grief and exhaustively picked up his sword before placing it in the sheathe it belonged in. He supposed enough Hollows had been killed to at least allow the caravans to travel safely for a few days before more sprung up. He began to walk down from his pile, stumbling a bit as he looked back at what he had done, and let out a sigh.

He still felt horrible and looking back at the pile of Hollow bodies, he realized that nothing was going to fix that unless he talked about it. Unless he unloaded all of this pent up emotion with a nice long talk, but who could he talk to? He didn't want to bother Ulv with his problems as she always seemed to dislike him talking about his problems and he didn't want her to think of him as nothing more than a whiner. He wanted to prove that he was capable to her and the first thing to do with that was to swallow the bitter pill in the bottom of the bottle and not reach out to her. At least not for now, at least not when he felt like a spring just waiting to bounce out. He had to first accept the bitter pill that they were gone and that more than likely he would never see them again and to be honest? He didn't feel too ready to do that yet. Still, he decided to wander for a while he supposed, maybe find somebody to talk to and work some shit out. After all, healthy communication was important to recovery.

And Steiner needed to recover dearly.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Wasteland and I (Open) OlBPPj4
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 7:01 pm

Colin Washi

…Hmm? Oh shit, could it be?

Along the plains of the desert, a single bird could be seen flying through the sky. The owner of the wings drifted from one side, to the other, his eyes looking straight down at the bed of carnage. Aw, hell yeah. Look at that form. Look at how much slower he is. And also… Yeah, perfect. Damn. And here I thought people got bored of having things they could hunt without consequence or oversight.

The man with the wings shot in circles, lazily drifting throughout the air currents. Curiously, Steiner would begin to notice that the Hollows… stopped appearing. All that was moving in his sight was that strange bird-shaped figure high above him. That is, unless he had greatly enhanced vision…

In either case, the bird began a nosedive.

Never, it never gets old… Ha… Hahaha… "Ahahahahaaaaaa!"

Raucuous laughter finally coursed out into the sky of the Wasteland, the man's body hitting critical velocity as he at last came in for a landing, shooting past Steiner's body. His wings turned up, and he effortlessly changed courses, cushioning himself with the sky to help him brake. His heart was pounding in his chest; no matter how well his body was built to the contrary, humans were not meant to fly about like birds. A draft followed behind him, lightly buffeting Steiner's body as the bird-man approached him. A single hand rose in the air, by way of greeting. "Hey, so… hi."

He smiled at the young man. The first thing that the stranger cutting down the hollow population like Sushi Chef on New Year's would notice was that the newly arrived individual was… tall. Well past 6'. The second thing he would notice was that blonde, spiked up hair. The third thing was the red garbs he wore, clearly to try and beat the desert heat. And the fourth thing… was those peculiar orange glasses, obscuring his eyes completely from sight.

"Hi there. I'm Colin Washi, ex-Vizard Corps. My eyes don't work so well anymore, so I've been roaming the desert trying to cook up something to do. What're you here for? Doesn't look like training. And, well… to be honest, that leaves less than… pleasant alternatives."

The man explained, arching his back, the sound of bone popping echoing throughout the desert air. His gaze moved from one pile of bodies, to another, and then back to Steiner. He was not exactly smiling at the young man, but his face was full of life. Even… if he could not see his eyes, his posture was confident and welcoming. He hoped this young man would make a promising candidate for something he had in mind…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Steiner Franz
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 6:19 pm



The Wasteland and I (Open) 6EdIfMt

In his dull haze of keeping his mind off of matters, Steiner had barely noticed that he was being watched, and had continued his task to push the dark thoughts from his mind. Now that the task was done, he began to realize with his senses now on high alert, that he was no longer alone out here. Not that he had been alone in the first place with the abundance of Hollows that frequented these parts, but the general gist that something far above a Hollow was now taking a nose dive toward him. The worst part was that Steiner could not identify what type of creature this individual was, he could barely gauge if the creature was a friendly or not, but now that it was dive bombing toward him? All of Steiner's body was tense and his mind told him to ready himself. And so he did.

As Steiner drew his sword from its' sheathe, the creature flew by him, and caused Steiner to instantly turn around, sword drawn, and staring down whatever the hell this thing was. Surprisingly the 'thing' wasn't a thing at all, it was a person with bird like features, Steiner was buffeted by a breeze from the near impact, but he continued to analyze his situation, and the person in front of him. The person greeted him with some level of casualness as he rose his hand and said hello, however Steiner kept his sword drawn, and pointed toward the person who had dive bombed at him out of the blue. He sized the man up, height, hair color, and color of clothing being the easiest thing to deduce, but Steiner was looking for something else. A weapon of any kind. He didn't trust the situation he was in and one of the few ways to waylay his worries would be to discover if the newcomer was armed or not. Not that a person couldn't fight unarmed, but it would put him more at ease to know that the person didn't have the advantage of common weaponry.

The man questioned him, asking why he was doing what he was doing out in the wastes, and discovering with ease that it wasn't for training purposes. Steiner tilted his head to the side a bit, for a man with a self-diagnosed vision issue he sure was able to figure stuff out without much effort in a visual manner.

"Taking my mind off things...been a real shitty few weeks and I decided to cut loose on some Hollows near some popular trade routes. Kill two...birds....with one stone."

Steiner didn't know if saying 'birds' would be considered offensive and since he didn't know who this man was...well he did, Colin Washi an ex-Vizard corp. member, but that didn't mean that he "knew" him. He could possibly be an enemy, but then again since he was spending time to talk as opposed to lashing out at him he doubted that Colin was an enemy, but that didn't mean he should drop his guard. He had far too many encounters in his life with people or things that seemed harmless only for them to surprise him and his time spent with Ulv had taught him a few things about people particularly being dangerous without appearing to be so.

"You will forgive me if I don't drop my guard, Colin. You swooped down from the sky, unannounced...and I have no idea what your intentions are and in the can't be too safe or trusting."

Steiner stated calmly, even though he saw, how lively Colin was.
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Wasteland and I (Open) OlBPPj4
The Wasteland and I (Open) VewULRr
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:01 am

Colin Washi

Colin glanced down at his hand, fingers widening and closing. He had considered going for one of the man's lapels as he passed; yaknow, let him know the kind of speed the man before him was capable of. But...

Colin had ultimately decided against it. The guy in front of him probably did not need that kind of posturing, or to feel belittled, or for him to come off as confrontational like that. Unlike most of Colin's students, he probably would not see it as a mischevious act.

It seemed like a good idea not to mess with him on the way down. He was already pointing his sword at Colin, and the expression on his face was not exactly calm. His eyes did what they usually did; following the gaze of the one who was training a sword at him. Is he looking for.. oh, duh. Colin reached down for the end of his cloak, lifting it up. On his hilt was not one, but two swords, stuck in their sheathes... unlike Steiner's.

"And uh, this, and... this..." Colin chuckled a bit. He loved showing off his weapons. Like the metal plate he had in one pocket. A simple touch made it a plasma knife; but he just showed it to Steiner before it went back into his pocket. Then he held up a small cube. "My rifle's in here. Wanna see it?" He asked, before finally whipping out his other sleeve. Before Steiner's eyes, a pistol smoothly slid between Colin's fingers. His grip was strong, turning it over and finally putting it that one down on the ground. He hoped the man in front of him understood the significance of that. The others stayed where they were on his body.

"Well let's try to avoid making it three, huh?" He requested, his facial expression relaxing a bit. Seems like the guy's going down a dangerous path, after all...

"Well, isn't that kinda the name of the game out here? Reckless and gritty, being able to put your life completely into your hands... I can get not wanting to drop your guard. My Stealth Ops days are behind me though, for what it's worth... which proooobably isn't much." Colin shook his head, leaning against a nearby piece of rubble. "Well, what's on your mind? Things've been tedious around here lately; I'd love to have someone to talk to for a minute. Or, if you'd rather not, that's fine too. Have you ever gone fishing before?"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Steiner Franz
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:34 pm



The Wasteland and I (Open) 6EdIfMt

The man counted off his weapons like a guy counting out dollar bills at a grocery store till he had the exact amount to purchase what he had brought to the counter and Steiner, oddly enough counted off as well. The man had quite a few tools on his person, not just melee weapons, but also a few ranged weapons as well. Colin's arsenal was well rounded, much more ready for whatever came his way than Steiner's own, which after assessing the situation more in full, Steiner came to the realization in terms of fire power he couldn't match the man in front of him. He had him beat in sure quantity of weapons and items on his person, but in terms of actual firepower, he doubted that he could hold a fight with him for more than a few seconds, and that was being generous. Still if the man had wanted to be aggressive he probably could have just attacked him without a second thought, but instead the man in front of him had casually flown by, in an aggressive manner mind you, but not with an ounce of ill intent inside of him.

In fact, the man had been diligent with him, and polite, if not prying into his personal affairs, and that was not something that a man who was looking to bloody his hands would do. For a few seconds only the sound of the desert wind would be heard before finally Steiner spoke up, calmly, and composed despite the sudden appearance of the former Vizard corp. member.

"I used to to train out here before my powers manifested. Just a man wielding a sword fighting the supernatural: Learning the weight of your skills by surviving tough encounters with beings who no normal guy would want to take on, learning the advantages of terrain and how to use them properly, and learning the basic fundamentals of strategy...learning the weaknesses of your foes through observation. From time to time I come out here, call it a refresher course...this time, however there is more to it."

He didn't know Colin very well or rather not at all to be more precise, but he needed to talk things out. To get things off his chest so to speak, perhaps it would be better to talk things out with a stranger as opposed to seeking someone out he had met before? Besides, the man was cordial enough...but to lay something like this on a person on their first encounter wasn't something the young man was one hundred percent comfortable with doing, but Steiner pushed that aside, and began to think.

"I came out here to get my mind off of family was recently killed in their home by demons. So...I came out here to sort of get away from all that, to focus on killing a few Hollows near a few trade routes to keep the flow of resources flowing without impediment."

Steiner let out a rather audible sigh as he dropped his guard, placing his sword in a sheathe on his hip, and revealing in the process an assortment of throwing knives as he did so. Much like Colin, he carried a mini-arsenal on his person so that he could be prepared for any situation: Axes, a few daggers, an assortment of different sized swords, and some throwing knives being the tools of his trade.

"It works for a just blank out and hone my skills on Hollows, but eventually...well you can't run from your problems forever, right?"
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Wasteland and I (Open) OlBPPj4
The Wasteland and I (Open) VewULRr
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:21 pm

Colin Washi

…Shit. I think I might have forgotten how normal people talk to each other. Colin thought to himself, observing the young man's disposition. Steiner was… calm, collected. Level-headed. He was not full of passion or some illogical need to thrust himself into the world. As Colin listened to what the… ….Should I refer to him as a kid? Uuuuugh… how about just 'dude'. Yeah, that works better. as he listened to what the 'dude' had to say, he found himself following along at his own pace.

"Well.. That'd explain why you came back. I've trained here… a lot." The Eagle explained, raising an eye at the man as he said that there was 'more to it'. …It really is like looking in a mirror. Sounds like he's got some foundations after all; I wonder what kind of things he's been through. Colin wondered to himself, glancing at one pile of corpses, and then at another. In a lot of ways, though, Colin could… feel what the man did. This was the Wasteland; out here, it was do or die. Out here, you could be whoever you liked, and nobody would judge you for it. If they did… you could just kill them.

But Colin did not want to kill anybody. He just wanted to let the guy talk; it seemed like he did better when he got to actually interact with another human being, anyway. He seemed much more calm, more focused. "…Jesus Christ. My.. Apologies." Colin's mouth hung open a bit; he had not meant to pry quite… that deeply. The guy was just out here, contemplating his loss.

Colin could feel his blood start to pound in his ears, a tight… ball forming in his chest. …Aw man, this dude's… that's not good. His posture slackened a bit before Steiner, one hand lightly rubbing the back of his head. "…Well, uh… Sounds like maybe you could try to get some of it off of your chest, yaknow…?" Colin asked, his long arms outstretching as he gestured at the corpses around them. "Like… I'm sure this is cathartic to some extent, but is it really what you want to be doing, thinking that kinda stuff?" The birdman inquired, reaching back down to pick his gun off of the ground. He lovingly brushed it off, his cuffs shining it between his fingers.

…Well… you can 'run' from your problems, but they're still inside of you, yaknow?" Colin asked, standing up and walking over to the other man, clapping him on the shoulder. Maybe the dude would not enjoy the physical contact; but it was just Colin's way of trying to say that, well... he did not want him to feel like he was alone in this. ...Losing your family sucks. The ones you leave behind... is that what it was like for you, Alex? Nathan...? Justin? ...Brian...?

"Here, let's make a deal. You get it all off of your chest. I want to go fishing. I think it's a lot easier not to have to look somebody in the face when you're getting everything off of your chest, anyway. That work for you?"

If he agreed, Colin would begin walking along the desert sands, his hands in his pockets, leading him… somewhere. …It's a bit aways from here.. But that's why it's my territory, ain't it? He thought to himself, gazing up at the building about a mile in the distance…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:11 pm



The Wasteland and I (Open) 6EdIfMt

"Training out in the middle of nowhere, where you either kill or end up being killed is a good way to learn a thing or two. But you probably know that..."

Steiner spoke casually as he reached into his pocket for a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brow. If the monsters didn't kill you, the heat of the wasteland sure would, and at this time of the day it was almost impossible to find shade, or safe refuge if things turned south. There was also the chance of sandstorms, which though dangerous on their own, could house rather huge Hollows looking to walk around without being detected visually only to lash out to devour unsuspecting prey. He had seen his fair share of Hollow attacks with that method when he had worked as a delivery driver when his powers were taken away from him. They never ended well as the people who usually traveled these routes were without defenses or were no where near tough enough to survive an attack from a large Hollow.

"Don't misunderstand me...I know it may seem like I'm mindlessly killing these Hollows out of grief and sure I'm sad beyond what I would ever consider possible, but there is more to it than that. I've been killing Hollows for two reasons...the first is to get stronger. I don't want to ever feel this feeling again...this emptiness inside where there used to be some happiness. The second reason is because I don't want anyone else to feel this emptiness either. The people who travel these routes have families too and they are no where near as tough as me, I know this from experience."

Steiner stated as he remembered the Rhino Hollow and the giant ape Hollow as well, two monstrous beasts that had attacked him back when he had been powerless. They had nearly killed him multiple times over, but the young man had done his best to survive and had done so. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger right? So instead of just keeping that strength for himself, he had decided to share it with the less fortunate, and do his best to help others who had once been in his position. The loss of his family had only strengthened his resolve to make sure people were protected and taken care of so that they could go home to their families after a long day on the road. So that they could go home to something that he would never have again. He snapped out of his thoughts as the man asked if he wanted to go fishing so that they could talk more, maybe get some thing off his chest?

He supposed since he had already started talking, why not go, and relax for a bit and talk things out. He decided to ignore the fact that the man had pat him on the shoulder, it was easy to tell his motives in this regard, and Steiner accepted his condolences.

"Thanks...I will take you up on that fishing. I used to do a bit of it myself back when I lived off the fat of the land. Also...thanks for being willing to listen as well."

Steiner followed behind Colin, making sure to note his surroundings, and to take mental notes of things. He wondered just what kind of fishing could be done in the wastelands.
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Wasteland and I (Open) OlBPPj4
The Wasteland and I (Open) VewULRr
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:21 pm

Colin Washi

"Eeeeeeeeeh…" Colin's hand reached out, moving slightly from side to side in reply to Steiner's comment. That reasoning may be the cause of why Colin was out here in the first place. Neat. He carries a handkerchief. I haven't had one of those things since I was alive. …or was that a bandana…? Colin wondered to himself, his own body not seeming particularly hot. Well, that was easy enough to explain; he had been riding the currents most of the day, using the wind like a vulture to cool him down.

"…Well…" Colin started, before letting out a heavy sigh. One of his hands moved to the side of his head, lightly rubbing against it. Even so, dude… you're not really doing it for the right reasons, are you? …You're probably hurting a lot, and at least this way… you can try to use it toward a good end. Colin's expression was neutral, his Cybermind racing. At last, he gave the man a small smile. …After all, it's not that much different from what I did, is it…? He wondered to himself, rearranging the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hell yeah." Colin sounded legitimately happy that the man had accepted his offer. "And, uh… don't worry too much about the roads. I think you got all of them for a good couple of miles." A chuckle crept into his words as he spoke. He honestly admired the good that the man had done; even if he was not certain that it was for the right reasons. "Well.. It works like this."

Colin explained, reaching the door to the colossal building. One of his hands fumbled in his coat pocket, the jingle, jingle of keys and a coin echoing through the air as at last he popped one out, holding it up with a smile. "Cave fishing. I used to train around here; but I needed… something. So… I looked up some old maps, and guess what?" Colin asked the man, his hands tucked back into his pockets as he lead his guest down the stairs of the building, going deeper and deeper down.

Some time passed before Colin finally answered, his long legs trying not to outpace the sweating man. The deeper they went, the cooler they became; the desert heat was gradually beginning to fade from their bodies. "This basement here wound up right on top of the outside of a well-known spot… and, well." Colin chuckled, coming to a stop at the foot of the stairs.

The man's nose would be hit with the scent of nature. The damp smell of a cave, where life existed in a primordial form, much more subdued than the rest of the world. "…Don't even worry about it. Here; do you have a preference of some kind of tackle? Or can I hook you up?" Colin asked, a bit of a glint in his eye as he looked back at the man.

Against the wall next to the stairs, there were all kinds of different rods and tackle. Essentially any kind one could imagine was here; and if the man did not know quite where he wanted to begin their little trip…

Colin would be happy to help.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:52 pm



The Wasteland and I (Open) 6EdIfMt

Steiner noted that Colin was generally enthusiastic that he finally found someone to go fishing with and Steiner tried his best to look enthusiastic. Though his enthusiasm was dwindled by the fact that only a few short weeks ago he had a family and now he had nothing. Still, he supposed he could not allow the fact that his cherished loved ones were dead to effect him for too long as there were other people in the world going through the same thing. And in those sink or swim moments, most of them found a way to swim regardless, and Steiner would be no different. He would swim and move on, but he would never forget. To forget would be to pretend as if the loss of life was acceptable and in no way was it, but he wouldn't allow it to continue to dampen his mood or cause him not enjoy life.

Life, after all had a great deal to offer those that tried to live it to the fullest after all.

"Everyone needs something I suppose...I may not look it, but I have a hell of a green thumb. I mostly grow medical herbs as it is easier to supply yourself than to buy supplies, right?"

Steiner said as they neared a colossal building which loomed over most of the desert, a building that Steiner had not seen once before, and caused Steiner to raise an eyebrow. He had never seen this building before and he had trained here for quite some time, so actually it was quite odd that he had never seen this place before. He supposed it had made sense that the wastes could have hidden it via sandstorms or that it had been hidden by some kind of optical illusion, but it still surprised him none the less. Before he could ask any questions about the building, Colin had already opened the door, and was walking down the stairs into the darkness.

"I was wondering what type of fishing there could be in a wasteland, but it makes sense that there would be some kind of subterranean lakes or something."

Steiner said in reply to Colin's statement as the smell of earth and the feeling of cold dampness surrounded him. He felt right at home in this environment, in fact it felt so much better in here than it did above. A sense of calm silence and serene peace making him feel comfortable as they continued to descend into the unknown. Apparently this was some kind of well known spot, even though Steiner had never seen it before, and had never heard of it before. He, however decided to take Colin's word for it, and continued to follow him while taking everything in stride while enjoying the cold and earthy smell.

"What type of rod and bait would you recommend for fishing? I suppose the fish have special tastes for down here as opposed to up above?"

Steiner said as he nodded, walking toward a few of the poles to begin to size them up, and evaluate them in terms of quality.

"Any help you can give a novice would be greatly appreciated."

Steiner said over his shoulder as he continued to eye the fishing rods.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Wasteland and I (Open) OlBPPj4
The Wasteland and I (Open) VewULRr
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The Wasteland and I (Open) Empty Re: The Wasteland and I (Open)

Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:49 pm

Colin Washi

"…Yeah." Colin replied with a bit of a chuckle, his legs carrying him down the stairs. "Everybody needs a hobby. I knew this one chick… eh, nevermind." Colin shook his head, the roar of the outside desert storms echoing as the door shut behind them. "…Have you ever tried to grow anything out here in the desert sands?" Colin asked him, his face turning back toward Steiner. Throughout their conversation, his voice remained level. He was aware that the mood was a bit more… somber than he was used to. …This dude… Well, at least he followed me down here. Maybe he can take his mind off of things for a little while. Colin thought to himself, leading them down.

"…Yup. This place is nice; if you're not in the air pretty often, you'd miss it completely. That's what makes it so ideal; nobody ever bothers my setup down here. They just think, 'wow that building is abandoned and empty, let's go eat the nearest thing with a soul'." Colin explained, his gloved hands moving back and forth in front of himself, gesturing.

"Well, they do, and they don't. The basic principle is the same -- they need to eat protein to build their bodies." Colin explained, grabbing a certain pole made out of aluminum… the one that Steiner had just been looking at. He had just visited the bucket at the end of the line, having drawn… something out of them. If Steiner looked closely, he could see some small crayfish between Colin's fingers.

Without hesitating, the Eagle Man's hands worked on the rod, and Steiner could probably make out the slightest bit of tension in his shoulders. "O-o-okay. Let's get these puppies in the water." Colin explained, handing the rod to his new friend, before walking out to the water and taking a seat. There were two lawn chairs set out on just the edge of the water; Colin sat on the right one. If one were to look closely, they would notice a significant amount of dust on the edges of his seat.

At last, Colin relaxed, beckoning for Steiner to come up and have a seat. "Well… here's the first, and most important thing. Fish are stupid." Colin explained, relaxing back as he held the pole in one hand. His other hand moved behind his head, clearly relaxed as he breathed in the scent of the underground cave…. And cast out his rod.

"…They're kinda like hollows, that way. Unlike hollows, though… you can't just overpower them with ferocity until they stop moving. You only have that little hook." Colin explained, pointing at the disturbed surface of the water where his hook had plopped in. "…Just imagine them under the water. They're trying to fit your bait into their mouth. Wait for them to actually pull on your rod, like they're trying to get away. That's when you'll be ready to start pulling them in." There was a clear smile on Colin's face as he explained the process. He evidently enjoyed this a lot; if Steiner did not quite as much, he would be plenty pleased simply from having someone willing to put up with his explanations.

Colin's eyes were pointed at the water, but his words were meant for the man next to him.

"…And, well. I guess we should just get this out of the way first; what exactly happened?"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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