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Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:32 am

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

For the first time in many many years, he'd slept soundly. Sleeping to the sounds of crashing waves upon the port hearing the noises of this city. It ran through his ears from people going down the street to awakening in his current residence. This was the first time he'd slept out of the Kuchiki Manor. That place was a strange one from his perspective. He knew some weren't happy with him for his mother's death and his heritage. But he was still a Kuchiki by that regard so he was important. Deciding to push such thoughts to the side he rose up from the bed walking to his clothing. Slipping his gloves on and other things covering the injuries to his arms and body slowly. Takehiko had trained very very hard at the Academy. Enduring a large sum of injuries from the difficulties he had. Covering his chest's largest one he had from a kido backfire injury. He walked to the window now opening both of them as he stepped outside. Standing on the air though having some difficulty at the first moment.

Using a flash step he went to the roof of the estate or hotel-like building. He'd been so tired he hadn't inquired to what it was. He went to his room and slept as though dead. Now upon the roof, his eyes scanned the horizon as he settled himself down. Sitting down he closed his eyes and began to meditate and focus on breathing. Taking air into his lungs and carefully moderating his breathing. He didn't know what kind of training Ulv would present him. He wouldn't get advice from his hollow or from the voiceless sword he wore. Ulv was a being of passion and strength so her training would be helpful. Conditioning his body to hopefully a good area. She'd point him in the direction he hoped to travel at this moment. Jaeden seemed certain and Ulv was very confident as well from what he could tell. Hopefully Arianda and her well alright, he's not meant to cause trouble. Thinking about on that occasion Takehiko didn't understand much of it. But that was typical for him not understanding many things.

His education was lacking in that regard, he would save people next time and be ready. Takehiko would stand proudly as a Kuchiki and remove any dishonor from his parents. He wasn't eager for war though, he knew his current standing meant little. Confrontation against someone potent would only lead to his death. Or the worse case someone had to come and save him.

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:32 pm


There was a breath a wind, barely called a breeze, and suddenly another presence was with him on the roof. Such was Ulv's speed with The Wind Road that she could move faster than some people could even sense. And she liked it that way, though her speed was far from the greatest, she never really put that much attention into it. At least, not the attention Mirja put into her speed. It's beauty really enthralled that poor woman, to a point of madness. Ulv was also mad, but for different reasons, and much better in control of what she was.

"So, this obsession with speed and Hoho. What's it's roots? Where do you come from in this wish? What are you going to do when you hit the apex? These questions are the questions you need to ask before you set off, as they will be the foundation of what you do going forwards. They will be what you look to when things turn bleak, they will be the force beneath every step you take towards the goal. And if they are found wanting, your footing's not a pretty sight to mistep at 600mph"



Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:08 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

As always Ulv asked the questions that mattered most of all. He didn't have the perfect answer or skill to do much. But this was one thought that had been on his mind constantly. What was the reason for speed he desired, was it so he could be fast enough to save his mother and father? They were dead and it wasn't realistic to cling but he had that. His reasons were sharply not about just that but something else. Takehiko remained quiet and listened to her input about crashing. Rather than be astonished someone could survive that. His eyes shifted into the clouds now. He'd not heard her come or even detected her movement. But by this point, he'd grown used to not being able to see them. So his goal getting stronger or faster isn't enough of a reason. "My reason for doing it huh...Yeah, that makes sense, if anyone went far for something they must have had a reason. " He said sitting thoughtfully for a moment as he wanted to answer honestly with purity. Takehiko knew Ulv would prefer the most honest answer.

Itching at his nose a bit before running his index finger under it. "For me, I've always been unremarkable in most opinions. I wasn't born with prodigious talents or skills. The short answer is that I'd like to be fast enough to prevent tragedies like what befell my mother and father. " He said pausing as he looked towards her with his eyes. That would have been a good answer and most knew about what had happened. Tsunashi Unabara had been Tsubasa's little brother and his wife had been killed. Takehiko had managed to survive but only because he was weak. They didn't believe him capable of being an Unabara or even an important person. His weakness kept him alive that day and beyond. Opening his mouth he spoke softly as he guessed she could feel it. Ulv had a power that was astonishing and beyond the realm of anything, he could expect. Being left alive for helplessness was frustrating beyond comprehension. But more so that he couldn't do a damn thing for his mother in the end. His father the former Horsemen of War failed his entire duty.

"Tsunashi Unabara, dad had a lot of legends about him. I remember stories about him and someone. " He said softly thinking the girl that was said to travel with him. Takehiko hadn't met her ever but he always felt a sense of sadness from his father. Something like a deep wound left in his heart for what he'd done. His father ran away from his problems in the end and married his mother. "I can give you the full story if you want Ulv, but it's up to you." He said glancing towards her smiling a bit.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:36 pm


"No. Anyone who went that far needs a reason. Unless you are a cheating bitch like me who just imports from an earlier save, but even then that earlier save had a reason. Better reason, better motivation" She told him. His reason, was that he wanted to be able to stop catastrophe. Which wasn't a terrible reason as things went but it was not something that was viable. At least, not so laser focused to match Mirja in her drive to be the fastest so the voices would finally fall silent and she would have peace in her head again.

"Hmmm. Sheer speed won't help you there, Takehiko. You'll need strength, power, contacts, influence, skill. Catastrophes happen, and will always happen. To stop them you need to be almighty. And simple speed doesn't help you there" Ulv told him. And finally, there was a stirring in her soul as Tsunashi was mentioned. Ruin, who slept a long time in her despair and existential nihilism, woke.
'It's him. The son of Tsunashi Unabara ' Ruin spoke, which was quite the rarity, but the passion and desire in her voice was something Ulv had never heard.

"But hey, don't worry. At least you've got one fan" Ulv would use her Tulpa powers to manifest a facsimile of the beautiful being that was Ruin. "I have kept her save and loved for a long time. But, I think she wants to get back into activity. To join with a Horseman, once more. And for Ruin's sake, is a good motivation"



Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:00 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko's eyes looked around as he saw an image inside of Ulv. Before falling on the figure as he only could utter a single word."Beautiful.." Takehiko had never seen someone as beautiful as Ruin before his gaze. His eyes took a moment before snapping himself back to reality feeling a sense of purpose. This was Ruin that once worked with his father as a partner inside of him? She didn't deserve such a cruel name for such a beautiful woman. No to call her a weapon was an insult in those books. They deserved to be burned in the nearest fires possible as he looked at Ulv. "Horsemen..The Steeds, the four beings who were given life to work with the riders. " One thing was clear his perception was different from other peoples. He saw them as living beings and was convinced they deserved peace. "I'm sorry Ruin, I couldn't protect father or mother. But I wish to have the power to someday protect my friends and loved ones." He said softly, letting out that he did sorely miss his parents and wished for anything he could have protected them.

"Ruin and Ulv let me ask you something, do either of you think I should try to undo my uncle's damage to the reputation of father and the Unabara? This isn't something for me to just decide and do, the people who knew them and seen them deserve every right to decide their fate. Should the Horsemen leave them to the shrouds of history?" Takehiko's question was clear as he didn't know what to do about them. He wanted in his core to help his father's honor. To clear both his mother and father of false accusation and return honor to the family. He wore the title of Kuchiki but hadn't completely ignored his heritage either. Thus he sat still and waited for their responses. His eyes are unsure of the move to make here. He wanted to know what Ruin wanted most of all in this path. She and her sisters had been brought into that world. They above all others deserved to voice an opinion.

His mind caught up with several thoughts at once. He didn't hold skill like his father did at that time. Nor did he know how he would fair in war or even the nature of his zanpakuto. How did this work in that regard he wondered as well? How did the sister's function within the people? He didn't call her a Steed but a woman and instead ignored all of that. Far as he was concerned Ruin was a living breathing girl. With a mind of her own who deserved to make choices happily.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:57 am


Takehiko would get along well with Ruin. She looked at him like one would expect, son of a most beloved partner. And he looked back as though she was a living woman. Which was slightly false on two aspects. She was a spiritual being, and this one was a Tulpa rendition of that spiritual being, but she wasn't going to argue the point with him and just accept his thoughts on the matter.
"No. I feel it would be a waste of time trying to clean your uncle's damage. See, one person can not ruin a clan. You have the people that do and will always support the Unabara clan, then you have the people that do and will always decry the Unabara clan. And nothing you do will change one or the other. So it's a completely wasted effort" Ulv exclaimed, shaking her head gently at his idea.

"Instead, focus on growth. Skilled people can help you - the point of you being here - and you can grow yourself off that. So, accept Ruin, if you will, and then we can get down to the point of you being here in the first place" Ulv finished, and then nodded. It was time.



Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Sat Jun 08, 2019 11:25 am

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko didn't know that he was worthy of Ruin. But he nodded and brought his form forward. She was a precious person and perhaps the closest thing to a link to his family. "I accept, what do I do?" He asked innocently unaware of what they should do in this circumstance at the moment. Takehiko didn't know what to make of his journey at the present. So he'd never encountered someone like Ruin yet. Though he wondered how many had met such a beautiful figure. Takehiko didn't know how to do it or what was required. But he would gladly accept Ruin no matter the consequence that followed. The answer was unexpected in some ways about the Unabara. She was right that two sides did exist in this argument. Some who believed in them and wanted a return. While others thought negatively about them and believed they should be persecuted. At this moment Takehiko had nothing to offer for that. He could only train and see where this road took him. At this moment Takehiko was a Kuchiki before an Unabara.

That thing had been once a rather good one between noble families. But he also knew training was why he came here. Takehiko would prevent suffering where he could. That was his dream at the moment to save lives. To protect those he considered precious to him. To be able to save as many lives as possible. He felt a need to help others inside of his chest. But also to restore lost Honor to his father and mother. Those were feelings that were strong inside him. He didn't know what manner of training Ulv brought. But he would be prepared for whatever the outcome of it was. This was going to be intense and something he suspected few others would go through willingly. But training was important in every facet and this was a far cry from dummies. He would be working and training with a figure of renown power. Ulv was known to him somewhat at the very least though only through word of mouth. The Mayor of the Harbor was strong and very fast. He knew about the second one rather intently in this regard.

Given she just ran around and popped into places. He'd seen her move if only just a glimpse of it. Following it was more of a forget about it situation for him. He couldn't follow Ulv's movements even on the best day. She simply was too quick for him in that regard. He didn't know what sort of training this would entail. She could ask him to do anything though and he'd give everything till he collapsed. That was the nature of Takehiko's resolve in this journey. He would fight on and do whatever he could. Frustrations were part of this journey he was on of course. Three hundred a number that stuck in his mind from Jaeden's trial. What would Ulv do, was she going to break him in two as well? Or was her method going to be different from Jaeden? This was conditioning after all and perhaps it would only pay to see what came of it.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Sat Jun 08, 2019 11:43 am


Ulv nodded to Ruin, who's hair grew a light amber colour, and then walked over to kiss Takehiko. It was a most passionate kiss, probably his first kiss ever, and certainly his first kiss in such a manner. It lasted for a few seconds, and then she was gone, and inside his soul was a light. A bright, burning light. Ruin had not left Ulv's body with nothing, but rather a souvenir from the trip.
"She's a Lady, Takehiko. Not a whore that puts out on the first date. Don't expect to be able to use her powers immediately. She deserves love, time, and respect. Give her all of these and she'll give back tenfold"

Crackling her knuckles and stretching, Ulv cracked out a grin,
"Now, to training! A well-overlooked thing about running is breathing. If you can keep a solid breathing pattern going, it'll allow you to run further. Of course, to do that we first need to know your limits, so lets go out on a run!" Pointing to the horizon and bellowing out a laugh, she slapped Takehiko on the back and then started on what was barely faster than a walk, for her at least.



Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:12 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

To say Takehiko was surprised by this was an understatement. His cheeks were flushed with crimson color. His expression was bashful and unsure of everything. First kisses as they go that was his. And dear god he was confused one every bodily function. Did he buy her flowers and give them to her now? What was the next step after such a passionate kiss? Was that what passion was in the first place? Takehiko was a kid in nature but had just got something surprising. He wasn't angry or anything just in a state of surprise. Surprise nothing he was in dumbfounded shock. His eyes blinked a couple of times taking his hand from his lips. Glancing at Ulv and towards the direction only able to really say a single word. "Okay" His body shifted weight to his right foot and began running to the destination. Keeping up with her required a jog from him to say the least. Maybe almost a run as he didn't know what to think at the moment. The kiss still had him in shock as he'd never been kissed.

He didn't want to ask Ruin for help or ask for her powers. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe. She was a precious flower that deserved safety in this place. Nothing short of that would do as his eyes burned and adrenaline began pumping through his veins. The kiss had sent his blood and hormones into a frenzy of confusion. But beyond that, he could only run after Ulv and not even think about anything else. Her back was his target without thinking about it. Breathing seemed to naturally flow though maybe that wasn't true. His eyes stared ahead at the back of Ulv. Thinking about nothing but running at this moment with his feet going one after another. Hearing sounds almost like a rhythm in his heart going. Inhaling for three steps and exhaling on the next two. That was the only idea that came to mind to try and control it. Repeating this process over and over again like clockwork. His lungs didn't burn yet and his body didn't ache right away. But they'd only just begun so that wasn't anything to be pleased about.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete] Empty Re: Training of a Lifetime (Takehiko/Ulv) [Thread Complete]

Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:23 pm


Ulv jogged, and felt Takehiko's emotions while he did. He had some foolish thoughts about Ruin that she was going to solve, but that would come later, right now she was just listening to the breathing patterns and working from there. Which, she did. A nice run across the Ryoku Islands where she made her base, and then she looked back to Takehiko with her observations.
"Ruin is a sword, just so you know. She is beautiful and lovely and elegant, but she was made to be active. Her very nature screams to be used, which was why I gave her to you. Do not neglect her through any misplaced ideas of protecting her"

Ulv would give him that advice, and then prod him in the chest.
"As for your breathing, it is decent in rhythm but needs greater scope. You have to take stronger breaths, but in the same time-span. Mirja used a pneuma, which worked because she had Wind powers. You should find your own way to have powerful breath. I could teach you Wudang-an-han, and then you could go from there off that, if you wanted. Or you can just create your own"


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