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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:42 pm
Early afternoon. The waves lapped at the sides of the ship that ferried her back to the City of Light. The hum of the powerful engine tickled at the feet, and the rich reishi of the city buffeted the senses. The salty smell of the sea air was pleasant, as always.

Sylvia had definitely looked better, as she descended the ramp onto the island's dock. Her coat, the crux of her uniform, lay thousands of miles away in tatters. Her white, button front blouse was as disheveled as the leggings she wore. Three seele schneider and her pocketbook even stuck haphazardly out from her waistband, as they were all she'd thought to take with her as she fled.

The young Quincy rubbed at her sore neck and shoulder with a grimace. In her fear and haste to be away from the woman named Ulv, she had definitely overdone it. Her calves and thighs burned like she'd just run a marathon. The hand beneath her leiden hant felt swollen. She'd jumped at every inclination of a Hollow's reiatsu during the trip back.

She still didn't know if she'd done the right thing not firing that arrow. She'd be dead if she had, but at least, she'd know where she stood.

"Sylvia Brauer, rebording from leaffe." Her voice was defeated as it rang through the city's communications channels. Just before she'd reached the dock, her left hand rose and snapped the medallion from around her neck, and she threw it aside into the water with a satisfying plop.
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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty Re: To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:17 am

To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] U5BtpSP


Artist: Kota Hoshino - Song: EG Expression II

Though he was perhaps not as successful in the endeavor as others might have been, Cyrus made it a policy to keep a watch over all the Quincy under his command in the Vandenreich. True, he lacked the ability to do so himself, but the Sternritter provided him with something of an exceptional information network. As such, he was intimately aware of one Sylvia Brauer returning to the City of Light. Perhaps more importantly, he was aware of who she had been with.

It would not quite be accurate to say he was angry, per se. He could not fully blame Sylvia for falling into the snare of the daeva. It was the natural way for man to drift toward those temptations, and not all could be so righteous as himself. Of course, that did not mean corrective action should not be taken. Merely that it was important he consider the context of her actions from her perspective. Regardless, Cyrus took control of the communications personally, signalling to the controllers to remain silent for now.

"Cyrus ast-Auramazda, Sternritter Grandmaster, responding. Please standby at the dock."

He said nothing more, and began his walk down to the talks. He held his head high, and did his best to replace his stern countenance with an understanding smile. It was...difficult, but he did manage it. He had been learning, after all, and he did not wish to seem impersonal. The soles of his boots clicked gently across the hard ground as he walked, and he made it to the dock just in time to see the ship arriving. His hands folded behind his back, he simply watched and waited. She would, hopefully, not make this difficult.

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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty Re: To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:06 pm

To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] GDQCzUl


She hadn't thought it possible for her heart to sink lower, but the grandmaster's voice accomplished just that. She could see him already, waiting for her at the end of the dock. The tall, dark-skinned man was imposing, as one of his rank should've been.

As though she didn't already have problems...

Sylvia straightened her posture and locked her hands behind her back to show the man the respect his position deserved. It was only after she'd taken a few steps onto the dock that she remembered her state of dress, and she quickly pulled a small amount of reishi towards herself. The teal unifo-

No. She couldn't wear even something that resembled a monster's handiwork. Instead, she made adjustments to suit her own liking for the moment. What uniform she did finally create was more a mix of bomber jacket and trench coat, with loose sleeves and a long tail that reached her ankles. Most importantly, it bore the colors of the Quincy of old, white with blue accents.

"Zir?" The young Quincy was brief in her acknowledging the man, as her thoughts continued to weigh heavily, even with the attention she put towards looking presentable.

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God of Love
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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty Re: To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:58 am

To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] U5BtpSP


Artist: Kota Hoshino - Song: EG Expression II

"Walk with me, Miss Brauer. You and I should talk."

Cyrus led the way, his tone remaining as even as he was capable of achieving considering the circumstances. He wanted to reassure her, since he knew that she was surely not to blame in this situation. made his skin crawl, even thinking of what might have occurred.

"I will cut right to the point of the matter, Miss Brauer. You have spent your time recently with Miss Ulv Auber, yes? Do not feel the need to apologize, for you are far from the first to...slip into her clutches, as it were. But you must know to be more careful. Not only around those of Hollow origin, but all those who do not come from this Earth."

He said those words with what almost seemed to be a faint level of disappointment, as if he had hoped for something far greater. And, of course, he had. There had been a time when he thought that the people of the many realms could cooperate, could become something far greater than they were individually. But it had become apparent to him that Earth was, to all of them, not a home, but a battleground. They fought their wars over it, and upon it, yet they had no right to do so. How very infuriating.

"My words may strike a chord as being antiquated, I fully understand as much. But trust me when I tell you that I have dealt with her, and many others. I do not come from position of racial pride. It is a matter of this being our home, and nothing more."

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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty Re: To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:29 pm

To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] GDQCzUl

Sylvia Brauer

A brief "Ja zir" was all that she could respond with as the man instructed her to follow. If it weren't for how direct and to the point the Quincy grandmaster proved to be, Sylvia might've had time to worry even more about what was going to happen. Punishment? Exile? Even death?

Maybe, she was being a little silly with the last one.

However, his words were not those of a reprimand. They were words of caution. They were words she couldn't argue against, for they were exactly how she'd felt for the longest time. How she still felt? Yes, but... No? It definitely wasn't how the Vandenreich leadership felt, if what she'd been told was the truth.

"Ja," she muttered along in agreement with the man as he spoke. It was almost like being back home again, listening to her teacher's lectures on the history of the Quincy and their war with all Hollow-kind.

"May I, zir?" She had waited until he'd finished, and though her mood made her more casual than she should've been with her superior, she still asked his permission to speak. She didn't continue until she'd gotten that much. "I didn't... know. Ulff prought me to zee Vantenreich, zo I... I zought I could trust her, put ven I found out sche vas ein Hollow, I chust... acded. I drew mein pow, put I couldn't fire. I'd... I'd brobably pe dead if I had.

"I..." The young woman hesitated. Just thinking about it, all the emotions she'd felt when she'd met with Ulv had come back again. Her fear. Her anger. Absolute loathing for every fiber of the woman's being. "I hate her, put...

"Sche helbed me to pe vere I am now." Sylvia's expression told more than her words, almost. Her confusion about the matter, about a Hollow helping her, and her regret over not firing that damn arrow. As she'd spoken, she'd squeezed her hand into as tight a fist as she could behind her back.

God of Love
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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty Re: To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:08 pm

To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] U5BtpSP


Artist: Kota Hoshino - Song: EG Expression II

"Mm. Yes, I understand the sentiment quite decidedly, Miss Brauer. Do not misunderstand me, Miss Auber has a great many worthwhile qualities. She is a kind soul, even if her displays of such kindness manifest in violent ways. I suppose I could never prove this, but I feel she quite genuinely only means the best. With that said…"

Cyrus turned to Sylvia then, and studied her carefully. It was difficult to tell exactly where he was looking at any given moment due to the sunglasses covering his eyes, but it was obvious just from his demeanor that there was nothing untoward about his gaze. It was more that he wished to see how she reacted to his words, and how she conveyed her own response. Anything more...intimate would simply not be in his nature.

"Even in her kindness, she is dangerous. Or, perhaps, one could say it is that very heart of hers which makes her such a threat. She will help you, yes. But, if you will allow me to make a comparison to the stories of my homeland, her assistance is something akin to that of the daevas, one which carries with it the potential for ruin. She has harmed people before you, Sylvia. She will likely do so again. Whether out of malice or simply a consequence of her actions, I could not say."

His tone dropping a touch, the Grandmaster seemed a bit more grave as he spoke his final point. It was not merely a matter of severity, but of the very wisdom he wished to impart simply being...well, somewhat bleak. Still, wisdom it was, and perhapd some that Cyrus considered among the most important he could offer her.

"It is good not to hate her, Sylvia. You may hate what she has done, what she will do, even what she is. But she is still a fellow member of creation, as we are. She has hopes, dreams, fears, all of those things which make us more than animals. Ulv Auber is something akin to a demon of old. I will not deny that. But what is more important than hating her is to understand why she is a threat to you. Hollow-kind are anathema to all we are. You assuredly know this already. But there are a great many things in this world which are so equally diametrically opposed. Quincy and Hollow are not so unique in that way.

"The arrow of a Quincy carries infinitely more weight than any other weapon. Those it kills are simply destroyed, removed from the cycle. Yes, there are creatures and people who may deserve such things. But is that a judgment you can simply mete out in a moment of fear? Can a decision made in the blink of an eye carry with it the total and absolute consciousness that is required to snuff out a life for all eternity?"

There was an obvious sense of weight to Cyrus' words, as if he had long contemplated these things. His gaze had drifted away from Sylvia, off to the waters of the Pacific, and it was almost as though he were simply stating a lamentation than directly addressing it to Sylvia. Nevertheless, it was fully intended for her ears.

"Every time you draw your bow, every time you fire even a single arrow, you are bringing to an end a soul that has lasted for thousands of years. It is the burden of a Quincy to know when they must truly mete out such a judgment. It is why our rivalry with the Shinigami is not one that was truly worth maintaining. Most souls, even those shackled by their sins in life, may still be purified and sent along the cycle. It is good and right that the Shinigami do such a thing. But when the time comes for those souls who are truly beyond reproach, that is when the Quincy must step in."

Admittedly, Cyrus had meandered a bit. He knew that. But he hadn't planned this speech or any such. He was simply speaking as thoughts came to mind. He could not simply impart all the wisdom of the ages into Sylvia in one swift motion or the like, so this would have to do. Turning to her again, then, his stern countenance lightened. He raised his sunglasses, to truly look her in the eye, and he smiled.

"It is good you did not fire your arrow, Sylvia. For Ulv is many things, but such a level of true uncleanliness upon the Earth is not one of them. You've shown a sense of judgment that I believe has been lost among great many Quincy. I, as both your superior and as your kinsman, am quite proud. I am aware you are within the Jagdarmee, but… If you would consider a position as Sub-Captain within the Sternritter, I would be quite honored to have you."

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To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] Empty Re: To Be A Quincy [Cyrus]

Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:30 pm

To Be A Quincy [Cyrus] GDQCzUl

Sylvia Brauer

The grip on her own fist lessened some as her superior spoke. It was a lot to think about, and while she was in no state of mind to properly consider each and every point in the moment, she did listen closely and let his words sink in.

In short, he had made many good points. She knew that her arrows didn't simply kill a Hollow, but erased their very soul from existence. Her parents, her teachers, her very blood told her that this was a good thing. That she was removing a blight from the Earth that had no right to its own life.

Yet, she had not fired on Ulv, and Cyrus claimed this was the right thing to do. Sylvia breathed a soft sigh, of relief that someone did not blame her for such a mistake. Even if it had meant little, it eased her mind.

"Danke." The young woman thanked Cyrus through a small look of thoughtfulness and relief. "I'll need... to zink apout your offer. Apout ein lot of zings, hacdually." Her thoughts were still in a tumult, but she might be able to make sense of it all now. "Is zere hanything elze, zir?"

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