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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:51 am

Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] X8EHjdK


The time had come for the next step. Perhaps he could have orchestrated the perfect revolution without ever walking into these gates. It would have been a better life, a better world, if that were the case. But necessity demanded otherwise, and Julian was not a man who simply avoided his duty out of reluctance.

So it was that he stepped toward the Seireitei, and announced his intentions to the guards in no uncertain terms. To a great many, it might have seemed he was betraying everything that he held dear. But word would spread in time as to the true nature of his intention. He did not announce it to the world, after all. That would have been far too indiscreet for his liking.

"I am here to apply for Shin'o Academy."

Eight simple words that had assuredly been uttered many times, in perhaps this exact spot. But this time... This time it was quite different, he suspected. He would change the world from the inside. He would bring about a new era of the Gotei, of the Rukongai. No matter how long that took him...he would do it. For her.

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Morph OTY
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:55 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

It was not everyday that Arkin The Immortal visited Shino Academy, but when he did it was often to see the new generation and offer them some wise guidance. He was an old soul of the world one which many knew, and he carried a weight among the common folk that was undeniable. It was one of those things which no amount of money could buy, for he was simply trustworthy. And as he walked the steps of Shino Academy he would stumble upon an interesting scene.

By this point world had spread of the man's changed appearance, sometimes he saw the occasional person that did not know him but brief explanations where easy. On top that most recognized his energy, it made such things easier. However, the scene he had come to notice was quite interesting for it was a man he knew from his time in the Rukongai. He was moderately well known, well that wasn't the word. It was that he had presence, like Arkin.

"I believe I know this young blood."

There was a grin on his face, as the two academy guards seemed to blink upon recognizing this was indeed Arkin.

"Young blood, you wish to join? Join mah' family?"

The grin only seemed to widen at the very end, looking at the two guards seemingly unconcerned with the two. For surely they would not deny the young man, as Arkin threw his arm around his shoulders giving him so rather hard pats on the chest.

"He is great man. Allow him."



Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] JfH75kA
Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 4:35 pm

Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] X8EHjdK


For better or for worse, Julian knew that voice, if not that face, from a mile away. Arkin the Immortal, they called him. Devoutly loyal to the Gotei, yet a man of the people through and through. At least, that was attributed to him. Julian did not think two such traits were capable of existing simultaneously in a single man, but naturally he did not say anything of the sort. He had a ruse to maintain, after all.

"Arkin. Well, I suppose I should have expected to see you around here, though this timing is unexpected if nothing else."

He allowed the viking to wrap an arm around him, though in his mind the whole affair made him immensely unhappy. He did not like physical contact even from those he considered trustworthy. Even Minerva, perhaps his closest ally, was not one he much enjoyed touching. Still...the ruse. He had to maintain the ruse, and so as Arkin vouched for him, he simply beamed proudly, which in some sense was an apt reflection of how he actually felt. He was, if nothing else, very proud of how well his plan was working thus far.

"Thank you dearly for your support, Arkin. I do hope I do not let you down."

What a falsehood.

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Morph OTY
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:45 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Ah what a smile on the young pupil, Arkin could already see so much of himself in the young man! And so proper too he would surely fit well within the ranks of his brotherhood, and this only spurred for Arkin to let out a loud laugh. The sound of which seemed to echo the sound thunder made as it clapped in the sky, each shake of his chest another burst of force. But being this close to Arkin, Julian would no doubt experience the icy sensation of the man's energy. Normally being this close for someone was enough to make their hand stand on their ends, as if there was a mixture of cold and static which emitted from the man.

But for the time being he'd release the young blood from the one arm hugged, before looking to the guards of Shino Academy. It was clear they where set at ease with the presence that was Arkin, even exchanging a few inside jokes- something about a chicken and hound. It was rather crude, but illicted another laugh as Arkin gave Julian a soft push forward past the guards.

"Come, come, I shall show you around. We shall enroll you. And I shall visit you often! Perhaps you will even join my division. Grow big and strong like me!"

The man would lift an arm up flexing at the end, as if to further drive home the point of being strong. Arkin was.. both blessed and curse. He had no affinity what so ever for the more energy based skills of a shinigami, he was unable to use kido or that blasted shunpo. Instead, he focused on his raw body and fighting style. It worked well enough, for he was a behemonth in combat. Perhaps Julian would find something similar, though Arkin was admittedly doubtful.

"While we walk, young blood, tell me. Why join our tribe? You seek companionship? Or perhaps you just want something to impress the' women."

A very, very, toothy grin appeared.



Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] JfH75kA
Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:06 pm

Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] X8EHjdK


His reasons? Well, Julian supposed he could share those. Perhaps not in their most complete form, but he suspected that telling the truth would, in this instance, get him very far. The Gotei was, if nothing else, a nominally honorable organization. Good intentions may have been mostly useless, but here at least they could do some good.

"I wish to change things, Arkin. I've seen the way of the world, and I don't believe I much like it."

That was more than good enough, surely. Straightforward, but certainly nebulously "good" enough to convince a man like Arkin. Of course, Julian was not enough of a fool to think anyone bought over entirely by something so simple. Heroes may have existed in this day and age, but they were quite rare. It would only draw undo attention toward himself if "good deeds" was the beginning and ending of his motivation. So, naturally, he formulated another.

"Though… Since you've mentioned it, I may as well be frank with you. Do promise not to share this, hm? But there is...a lovely little sparrow I've known in the Rukongai. A beautiful thing, through and through. I must admit I wish to do well by her."

In all technicality, that was not untrue. She was indeed his little sparrow, a title he had given her long ago. She was beautiful, though he had never said that her beauty held any appeal in his eyes. And of course, she was a Fellow Citizen. It would be simply antithetical to all that he was were he not to work toward her well-being. But...he knew fully how any reasonable person would take what he said. He knew especially how Arkin would.

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Morph OTY
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:33 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

"Then you have a long, and hard road ahead of you. I hope the gods see fit to watch over your journey."

The low rumble of his throat seemed thoughtful as he spoke, despite not even asking what those ambitions was. For he had no reason not to trust the man, to believe that his dreams where worthy. In his time he had seen many come and go, some pleased with the world and others not. More often than not they would fail in their endeavors and become relegated to footnotes in history, something that had even happened to the viking himself. But that was many years ago, and he was a different man then with different ambitions.

As if to lighten the mood after that he'd reach into a deerskin satchel which hung at his side, removing some type of waterskin. But within it was a sweet wine like drink, or what he referred to as honey mead. He'd take a large swing of the drink before holding it out to the side of Julian as if expecting him to want some. After all, was it not right for brothers to share their drinks? But regardless of if he took it or not an impish smile played under his thick beard.

"Ah. I see. That reminds me when I was younger, when I was a wee lad wanting to raid lands far away. There was a great shield maiden, I shall never forget her face or name.." He stopped abruptly as if searching for something, but could not find it. Lips slightly parted before a frown formed on his face. But as soon as it came it disappeared. "I was.. affectionate as you would say to her. I did not wish for her to dine in Valhalla without me, so I fought like a mad man as a young lad. There is nothing like your first action, stuck side to side with your brothers in the shield wall. Only Odin knowing who shall be picked."

That illicted a smile, foreign memories and eras long gone. A golden age for him, but a dark age to others. However he'd take a swing of his mead.

"Long short of it, the lass broke my nose. Told me she could take care of her damn self. Needless to say however, she found herself in my tent that night."

The man let out a chuckle which sounded akin to the rolling tide of thunder, as if with each breath he was gaining mass before exhalling it. He was like a walking storm of energy, constantly moving and burstling with activity. His aura was infectious, it simply washed over people like a sea taken by hurricane.

"So I get it lad. You do what you need to. The Allfather will see to her safety, for all of shall one day meet our ends. I hope to meet mine with you standing beside me."

A grim thing to say, but coming from him there was nothing but happiness with such a thought. For there was nothing more just and worthy of a warrior to die with a weapon in his hand, so that they could walk through the gates of Valhalla ready for his father's table. By this point they had reached the first area, which happened to be the kido training area. It was one of the closer ones, so people could see and enjoy the displays from away.

"Ah Kido. I've no skill for it."



Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] JfH75kA
Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:29 pm

Vive la Révolutionnaire [Open-ish, Ask pls] X8EHjdK


In truth, Julian had roughly no interest in any of Arkin's life story. It simply carried no import for him. However, he was also not nearly such an idiot as to think that he could simply pretend to be aloof toward him. That was not how these things worked. So instead, he committed the whole story to memory, and naturally took a long drink of the mead offered him by Arkin. It was not to his taste, but no alcohol was. Still, compared to the cheap shochu of the Rukongai, this was stellar.

This whole story displeased Julian on some visceral level, though he couldn't exactly place why. Maybe it was the whole carnal nature of it, or perhaps simply who was telling it to him. Regardless, he looked quite interested throughout the whole telling of it, and did his best to genuinely consider the whole thing as, if nothing else, a glimpse into his new coworker's mentality.

"Yes, well... That does certainly give me a great deal of guidance. I suppose I should take that to heart when she and I next meet."

He would do no such thing. However, his eyes fell upon the training area at much the same moment as Arkin's, and even he could not hide his obvious interest in the displays. He knew of zanpakuto and martial arts, of the abiliy shinigami had to dash about every which way. But all he truly knew of kido was that it was like wizardry, and far from infuriating him, that was one thing which he could only ever say that he did wish to know. It was the singular thing the Gotei had which he truly wished to master. A knowledge of such things could allow him to change the world far beyond he ever could with mere hands. It was...

“Fascinating. I suppose I need not say I too lack any skill in it. But I would very much like to change that.”

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