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Demon Maybe?  Empty Demon Maybe?

Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:51 pm

The Forgotten Hero

Masamune Shiro

It had been two days since he'd washed ashore this island. It was not far from an island called Minatumi. Masamune had lost his armor and eye patch during it. Wearing a worn and tattered shihakusho his clothing seemed a bit messy. The island's population stayed away from him. His left eye's black sclera frightened them as did the blood-red iris. His pupil's swirling pattern in the center also caused alarm. Creatures had come seeking to attack them as Masamune sat. Hollows and demons were raiding them. He didn't have a way to hide the monstrosities if he fought. Hesitation and anxiety plagued him despite his height. Standing up from the beach he swallowed before allowing his left eye to open. The beach's appearance to him suddenly changed. The once blue waters looked red with twisted fleshy barbs and bones sticking up. The sand was black with body parts littering it as far as he could see. It was enough to shatter his sanity as he inhaled a breath. He needed to do this quickly before it took him.

He'd not sleep well tonight anyways seeing these horrors again. Marching towards the hollows numbering in the 20 with 10 demons leashing them. His frame gripped his sword as he let a bit of his reiatsu out. Just one he couldn't count on these people to fight. Thirty of them on his own was going to be too hard. He couldn't get out with just swordplay. But he couldn't let them see the horrors, could he? A hollow had gotten close to a child in the village. No choice remained as barbed spike formed at the end of his spine. Clenching his fist the fleshy spiked tail shot forward. Lassoing itself around the hollow once in a loop. Before yanking backward as bones and flesh gripped tightly. The creature was tossed aside as the tail pierced it. Slowly his tail moved around the area as he emerged from the forest. The sight was frightening enough as it was for children. It dripped with juices and bloody fluids. As the bones hit together making a strange noise. One that the sounds of grinding bones alone could make.

That was when he heard the boy call him a demon. It hurt every time, no matter how often stones were thrown. They hurt and people saw him as a monster. Gently gripping his zanpakuto with one hand he brought it down. Swiping another hollow down as his tail coiled another. Crushing it before long that tail vanished and his other arm changed. Fleshy muscle and bones formed around his left arm. With small bits of liquid dripping down his clothing. Mouths formed with saliva pooling at his feet. At the end of his hand, a jagged mouth formed with teeth consuming the hollow entirely. Blood dripped down on the ground before it vanished. No more, he couldn't do this anymore. He could hear their fear of him as much as the others. He wasn't their savior just another monster of the week. This village in the clearing had plenty of space and room. Demons sat upon smoldering buildings observing the creature and talking among themselves.
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Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:59 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Demon Maybe?  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Minatumi harbor, and the islands around it, quite a peaceful place really. Well, that was until you got around to the fact that most of the islands around Minatumi are regularly targeted by random attackers. Clearly, some hollows and demons either from Shadow Fall or not at all decided to attack a village on one of the bordering islands. Sure, they were relatively unprotected. At least, that's what the scene always gave off. However, Ulv has a chunk of people from Minatumi who have powers of their own to protect such places. Arianda Vael, Angel of Conflict, was among those who helped Ulv protect the surrounding Islands. After all, she needed to repay Ulv in some way; this was it. When Arianda felt the presence of such beings on the island, she was like a bullet, dashing out of her house and leaped from the island; running along the air like it was solid ground.

Soon, Arianda had shifted forms, launching straight into her Possessive Drive of Conflict; Timoria. She had not drawn her claws yet. No, such a thing was not needed as she moved. However, it took no time for Arianda to reach her destination; and it was there she saw the horrific sight. Burning houses, harmed and killed citizens, and demons and hollows assaulting them all. Rage flared up from inside Arianda as the demon let her baleful presence free. Normally, Arianda kept her energy from showing it's true colors, giving off a much fonder, relaxing, section of herself. However, Arianda's rage and anger normally gave way to her true energy. The demon and hollows in the village seemed to freeze, even the citizens looked afraid before Arianda gained enough control so they felt the better part of her presence. Realizing who she was, many faces of relief broke out among the people down there. Then, Ari sprung into action.

The Hollows and demons were small-fry; with maybe one semi-powerful leader. However, as soon as Arianda landed in front of the group of hollows and demons; they did not even give it a second thought. The group of beings rushed towards Ari, seemingly not realizing what, or who, she was; but soon, all was clearly. Arianda's hands were surrounded by Giant gauntlets with claws sharper than most of their blades. She growled, her tail flicking as Arianda dove head first into the demons. Anyone to see the sight would know that, no matter what others believed, this was what a demon was truly like.

Arianda ripped and tore, turning beings into mush as her gauntlets seemed to be blue blurs that turn other beings into dust. Even when someone landed a strike against Ari, it did nothing, there was simply a flash of steel, the smallest spurt of blood, and then a cry of agony as whoever got lucky to land an attack on Ari was crushed. She never stopped in her onslaught until she stood amidst a pile of bodies, her claws dripping with different colors of blood; all the hollows were even gone. All that was left was the demon leading them all. Without warning, he charged up to Ari, bringing his sword directly down to her neck. In a flash of movement, Arianda caught the blade in her mouth and crushed it with such force nearly the entire weapon shattered as she grabbed the man with an her bare right hand; the gauntlet seemingly gone. She held his throat tight; her voice ringing out as she spoke.

"How DARE you attack those who are innocent, who do not wish to fight; who do not wish to die. You deserve not a single bit of mercy!"

Arianda then threw the man into the distant woods, plummeting after him. The villagers could no longer see her and the demonic man, but Masamune would have a clear view. Arianda literally tore him limb from limb, before finally crushing his skull with her foot; spitting onto the corpse before it seemed to wither away into nothingness. Of course, Arianda had absorbed the DE from his remains so nothing would be left; but Masamune could not know that. All he knew was that this woman, this demon, had dismantled an entire force without breaking a sweat; and seemingly without injury. Then, Arianda returned to the villagers. The villagers still looked scared, however, her warm smile and comforting words seemed to calm them; especially now that Arianda seemed to have cleaned any blood off herself. She was, in essence, a demon; and if Masamune saw every second of it, he had no reason to believe himself anywhere near such a being. After all, no man or woman could truly to compare to the brutality of a true demon; especially when enraged.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:17 pm

The Forgotten Hero

Masamune Shiro

She came like a hurricane sudden and swift to put an end to them. The growths he'd stopped forming them. His body needed rest from it all but that boy had gone to his mother. None escaped the wrath of this demoness, it proved one thing. He wasn't a demon but what was he then? He didn't have the same powers as hers as he sheathed his sword. Fleshy tendrils around his wrist and arm growing a bit as he raised his arm. Slowly the mass formed larger flesh and bones that surrounded the people. He was covering them from any damage she produced. The twisted manifestation of writhing flesh and bones. Blood didn't hit them as fluids trickled down the enlarged appendage. Claws like razor blades hung at the edge of each. But he didn't sink them into the people merely guarded them. The boy began crying as he watched over her. Any debris would strike his enlarged hand he'd created of pulsing flesh and bones. As she finished the hand faded away now losing its structure and he opened and closed his hand.

He gave a sad glance to the people as she came up to them. The boy asked what he was but he'd already begun leaving. Masamune was used to this treatment at this moment. If he wasn't a demon he would still be called a monster. That was the way it was in most places. He'd help them and they'd shun him for existing. Was his greatest mistake being born? He couldn't help the fact of how he came to be. He'd had no name so just took one given readily. What did it matter in the long run anyway? No matter how much good he did everyone saw him as a monster. His power wasn't something pretty or beautiful. It was a nightmarish thing that frightened people. Using his sword's powers always did this to people. What kind of Shinigami was he? He couldn't turn it off either and get peace from it. He turned before leaving offering a small bow of his large frame. A way to say thank you to Arianda for helping them. She'd restored their spirits more than he ever could. He merely haunted dreams and caused pain.

Masamune had only awoken a year ago making him a one-year-old Shinigami. But he had to wonder what was his purpose? Why was he born this way so different from everyone else? It just didn't seem fair that he'd get cursed. But her awesome powers did prove one thing. He was most certainly not a demon. He wasn't a hollow either far as he knew. He lacked their holes and didn't have a mask or any such thing. Was he merely an abomination born into the world without purpose? That was what he had to face up to now. People oftentimes ran or wretched in fear of him. But she had been different, they saw her brutality and were grateful. Masamune would have to find a way back to Zaraki District somehow. He didn't think the world could accept him. Not as a Kepnachi like his friend hoped. But he just didn't have any answers on birth or his reason for being.
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Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:29 am

The Angel of Conflict


Demon Maybe?  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Sure, Arianda did regret scaring any of the villagers; however, upon seeing that she was friendly, they seemed to be just fine enough. Especially because she had not attacked them; no, she saved their lives. It made Arianda quite happy. Basically the demon had started to play with some of the children, letting them play with and investigate her tail; making sure they did not injure themselves. Then, Arianda tended to some of the injured villagers. A few things in what may have been Japanese, maybe even some movements, and she healed those with injuries. Soon, Arianda had tended to the villagers and helped put out the fires. Frankly, it did not take long to do all this. The damage had somehow remained quite minimal before Arianda had arrived. Then, a little boy brought her attention to a man departing from the village.

Arianda blinked as she looked between the boy and where he was pointing; at the man walking away from the village. She blinked in his direction. Clearly, he was a Shinigami. There was nothing baleful or wrong with his energy; but something about how the boy pointed made Ari believe he thought the man to be quite different. She looked at the boy and gave him a warm smile; ruffling his hair as she stood from a kneeling position. Soon, a few villagers also mentioned how he seemed to be trying to protect them. Thanking the little boy, the villagers, and making sure the villagers would be alright if she left; Arianda jogged after the man. However, she soon moved with sudden speed and appeared in front of Masamune; directly in the path he was walking upon. Of course, this meant he would need to stop quite suddenly and look at the blue horned woman in front of him.

"So, if I may ask, who are you to walk away from an attack on a village after protecting them; acting as if you are the greatest scum on the earth. Why were you simply walking away without trying to make sure the villagers were okay? Hm? Just because I was there does not mean you could not have tried to make sure people were okay. There were burning buildings, destroyed houses, injured men, children, and women; what reason do you have to leave these people when there are those who still need help? Huh?"

Arianda wasn't angry at the man. No, she wanted answers, he was walking away from those who are harmed, needed help, and probably needed some reassurance. She didn't care what his powers were. She had just put on a bloody onslaught and the villagers thanked her warmly. In Ari's mind, whatever ailed the man was mostly his own confidence; his own problem. However, she had no idea what problem it was. In the end, that may help Ari decide if the problem was his or not. Regardless, Arianda certainly was not going to let Masamune away without explaining himself.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Sat Oct 05, 2019 8:40 pm

The Forgotten Hero

Masamune Shiro

He blinked when he looked at the female who arrived his creepy looking eye exposed. Bringing a hand up he touched a hand to his eye now. He didn't have a method to conceal this at the moment. Masamune's frame felt defeated as he stood still. Lowering his head as he listened to her. She had excellent points and reasoning for everything. Why did he leave wounded and burning fires? Her points were excellent as he spoke. " power..isn't something good and me being around them draws misfortune." He said softly as he looked down before turned to glance backward. His eye glanced around before he saw something. The tree near her would do fine. "ever since I awoke, it's been like this...I can't stop seeing them. " He said softly as he ran his hand near the tree now. It began changing converting to what he saw. Legs and arms with twisting tentacles. Muscles and different inner body parts melded together. It moved and pulsed as though alive with strange fluids running down.

Liquid as the tree's hands reached out towards him before he closed his eye. Causing the tree's transformation to vanish back to normal. "Every tree, everything I see out of my eye looks like this...all the time. " He said softly admiting to her his problem now. "I feel them and experience each thing how'd you expect. I...can't turn it off and whenever I try to help people..they see a monster." He said softly admiting to her the problem that comes up. Leaning against the tree he slides down it sitting down now. So tired of seeing these horrors and abominations. Concerns about getting greater power lingering. Had he even come close to her his nightmares would never end. She likely didn't understand the pain of seeing that tree everywhere. To see an ocean of blood and limbs sticking out. To see black beaches everywhere with morbid imagines. But it was also the people he saw, most of them were morphed in inhuman ways.

Managing to close his left eye he exhaled a breath. This was the cursed eye his zanpakuto gave him. There was the fact he couldn't seal his blade no matter how he tried. "I can't wield kido or spells like others. I also don't even know my name...But people often throw stones and curse my appearance. So I thought it best to leave." He'd suffered this treatment everywhere he went. Sometimes it felt like his very being born was an issue. So Masamune just didn't know about how to help them. He figured him being gone was the best cure for it. She had come and mended everything she could. Releasing a yawn as under his eyes if she looked closer. Signs of a major lack of sleep became clear. Rubbing at them tiredness seemed clear. "Got to find someone to seal my eye so I can sleep...been several days..people threw me through a balck swirling thing and landed in the blood water." Again a powerful yawn escaped his lips as he looked at her. If she could just see what he saw every moment.

She would understand why sometimes he had to leave. Until he found someone able to help him. To at the very least create something to close his left eye. So he didn't have the torture even in his sleep. It wasn't limited to this world but even his dreams. Thus a tremendous amount of sleep lost for him even in this case.
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Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:11 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Demon Maybe?  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Arianda let out a tiny sigh. This man was seriously disappointing. So what if his "appearance" caused people discomfort. IN this form, Arianda looked mad, had horns, and was basically in a skin tight body suit that, while did not reveal any private features, definitely showed off her form; Lithe, small, but obviously strong despite all of this. She looked at the man in front of her, explaining his excuses, explaining this and that; even showing Ari the tree's transformation. If he had expected a reaction, he did not get a flinch or even a sideways glance from Ari; she simply stared at him.

After Masamune slips down onto the tree, and Arianda kept looking down at him; letting out a tiny sigh before she walked up to him and pointed her right hand at the man's eye. The so called "cursed" eye. She pointed at it still before finally speaking.

"So, you wish to seal your eye? It is sad that you search for someone to seal it instead of working out the problem yourself. Have you not attempted to converse with your Zanpakuto? It is something I have heard Shinigami can do with practice."

The gauntlet on Arianda's hand grows in size, showing off the same giant claws she used to cleave the beasts assaulting the village in twain; and then they were gone just like that. She smiled at the man, no longer pointing at his eye.

"Forcefully sealing your own power would do nothing more than harm you. While I am sure I could seal your power, it would come at the cost that you could not unseal it yourself. What you need, what you lack, is confidence and control. Sure, you can desire to seal away your powers by another; you can desire your powers to be sealed by another all you wish; but that is incorrect."

Arianda crossed her arms, a small, yet solid looking, gauntlet on her right hand; her left hand bare except for the skin tight sleeve and glove that covered it. She didn't look disappointed, not exactly; she looked more like she was wondering why this man was unable to control his powers. Soon, however, Arianda sighed and shook her head gently; arms still crossed.

"I suggest your learn self confidence, control, and talk more to your Zanpakuto. If there is any reason that you cannot seal your own powers; it is you. As far as I understand Shinigami, their spirit and Zanpakuto is an extension of themselves. Be comfortable with who you are; otherwise, your powers will never, ever, work correctly for you."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:19 pm

The Forgotten Hero

Masamune Shiro

Masamune's frame slowly got up as he moved towards her now. His eyes looked tired as the woman wouldn't react to anything. "I would if I could...But communication has been a problem." He said softly as he put his hand out for her touch. He was going to attempt to show her his inner world. So she could see what the problem was. He would wait for her as he spoke softly once more ready to show her. "I can't do this long, it's uncomfortable for me..for a couple of reasons." He said waiting for her to put her gauntleted hand on his. As he focused now feeling the reality around him disappear. He began to focus more and more on his zanpakuto. Slowly the surroundings began to fade for him entirely. As did it for her had she taken his hand now. The world around her was dark as the ground held hands and corpse fingers. Flowers were made of bones and skin. While the skies were filled with deformed clouds dripping blood and pieces of flesh. That was when slowly a mass seemed to appear.

A circle merged into a triangle of flesh and bones. Twisting and writhing in its endless movement. Managed brought together by legs and arms hooking around its strange shape. Scales and flesh almost akin to an octopus, dragon, and a human. This hybrid like being seemed massive without an equal in the world. Its disturbing image had driven a few people mad. For Masamune, it was like his head was pounding. Every time he came around his zanpakuto spirit it hurt almost like having your head pop. But then it spoke to he and the demoness now, the genderless being."Welcome...stranger.....Why.....Have....come...master?" Each word whispered into their mind a thousand times each. Never-ending as though nails ripping against a mind. This sound seemed ot ripple outwards through the very world itself. Masamune's eyes clenched shut for a moment. Feeling pain ripple through his mind again. The expanse of the creature wasn't just large but massive. As it became clear the very inner world was but a mere fraction of its size.

Masamune's mind held on longer than normal perhaps due to Arianda's presence. "I brought her to see your form.." He said sweat dripping down his forehead slowly. It was clear this put a strain on Masamune's form. It would break when Arianda was done. He doubted this did anything to her mentality. She was rather strong-willed not to mention a demon. Their world most likely made this look like a funhouse. But for Masamune, he'd only been born about a year ago now. So the entire thing was extremely confusing for him down to the smallest details. When she was ready to leave he would do so breaking the contact with her. Masamune didn't consider this an excuse as he'd tried. "Believe it or not...I've only lived for a year thus I'm very confused about most things." He said softly looking upwards towards the skies now. Not sure what would come next from meeting a real Demon.
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Demon Maybe?  Empty Re: Demon Maybe?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:35 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Demon Maybe?  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Arianda raised her eyebrow at Masamune. Clearly, she was not getting his sob story. Yes, it is hard to communicate to Zanpakuto effectively; at least that is what Arianda has heard. However, it can't be as difficult to reach an understanding with a Zanpakuto as it was for Arianda to reach an understanding with Amphilogiai. However, soon the man was asking Arianda to take his hand. Arianda blinked at him, looking towards the village briefly before she placed her left hand on his hand instead of the other hand. Sure, it would have been fine; but Arianda would rather not just have someone hold Ari's weapon that is certainly very dangerous for most people. She let out a soft sigh as she was pulled into the man's inner world; where the Zanpakuto spirit normally resides. The view that met Arianda...

Suffice to say, if Arianda was a normal being, she might have been afraid, disgusted, or something of the sort. In fact, the look on Arianda's face seemed quite... bored. This man, this Shinigami, believed that whatever this power was is akin to demons; and Ari could not help but look far more bored than someone should who just entered the inner world of a Shinigami with issues. She looked up at the flesh-like being; listening to it's voice. She simply let out a small sigh as she heard the thousands of voices. She reached her right hand over to Masamune, gently tapping him on the head with a knuckle of her gauntlet; the pain diminishing slightly as she resumed staring at the Zanpakuto Spirit. Clearly, Arianda seemed a little bored with the whole thousand voices. Why, she used to hear millions of voices saying a million different things on a daily basis before she and Amphilogiai finally were in better spirits; and away from Mana.

"No, it makes complete sense that you have only been alive for a year. To be able to use Shikai at such a young age is odd, but, regardless..."

Arianda let out a small sigh as she looked towards the Zanpakuto spirit and then looking once more towards Masamune before speaking again.

"So, how bout you explain to my why communication is a problem, then? Because if someone seals your powers for you; you shall not learn a thing. It'll hurt more than help. So, what is the true problem here?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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