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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:31 pm

The Right to Rule - Page 2 Ge6zOAa


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Alex wasn't a Hollow, but when the call had gone out, he still felt something primally in his spine. He wasn't really sure what it was, but he could tell by Hayden's reaction that it hadn't just been his imagination. They'd just been chilling, enjoying a few drinks, but now? Now it was all fuckin' serious business, and the second Hayden laid it out... Hoo boy, Alex had to stand up just so he didn't start singing the couch he was sitting on.

Naturally, he went along for the ride. What, was he gonna just fucking stand around like some limp-dicked faggot with no sense of justice? Nah, that didn't roll for him. He had ears, he heard what Hayden just told him. Fucking more people in Hueco Mundo trying to start shit? Nah. So he stepped through that portal with a confident stride, his anger only barely contained by the thought of what Nel would say if she saw him lose it all together.

"You know you fucking retards ruined fucking everything, right? Every single FUCKING thing. You think you can just stand here now, go 'oh well I didn't know, lemme just help with the solution now that it's already gotten annihilated.' Where the fuck were you when it was happening, you stupid strawberry bitch? Get the fuck out of here."

His eyes then turned to the spider and the black haired sack of shit, and more heat began to flare from every part of his body as his fury just grew and grew. He clenched his fist fucking tight, staring them down as steam began to emanate just from his anger.

"You blew that whole city up. You killed fucking millions of innocent people, millions of your own fucking kind, and what now? You want to set up some cushy prettyboy faggotland democracy with checks and balances? How about you fucking kill yourself instead, you retard? How about you fucking think about your God damn actions, think about the 8 ways from Sunday that you FUCKED YOUR OWN PEOPLE OVER, and then get the fuck back to me. Are you high? Are you just that stupid?

"I watched people die without a God damn chance in hell, and you were every bit a part of it. Anything you say right now is a fucking waste of oxygen, is a waste of fucking soundwaves, a waste of time itself. I watched a man who cared more about these people than any single fucking one of you do, die for a cause made entirely of self-righteous horseshit."

Alex kicked the sand beneath him now, and the heat was enough that those grains now separate from the whole of the desert simply turned to glass in the air.

"And you have the fucking nerve to try and act like any idea you have is worth anything other than a kick to the fucking teeth?"

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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Wed Dec 04, 2019 10:28 am

Despite the former Primera's objections and pessimism about the plan, the Hollow was being dragged in more by the current's words. She could... tolerate sharing the seat of power with another. The thought of bringing democracy to Hueco Mundo was even a little quaint, though it seemed the Primera missed the point of it by having an even number of rulers.

"We-" Her words were interrupted, however, by the arrival of yet another. A power greater and darker than hers or the Primera's by an unfathomable degree, and it came against the three of them with rage and anger in its voice. Yet, something else still followed...

Something human.

"Seems We have missed a lot." She chuckled from behind the pink-haired one, and grinned a little at the mild amusement of a human stepping out from a garganta into the very land of its predator.

However, despite the Hollow's bravado, baser instincts tugged at her from within. She had no chance to stand against this mystery creature, nor was she interested in seeing if either Primera could answer his challenge. Her mind ran with every avenue of escape that she could take advantage of, until something familiar struck her panicked senses.


The cute niña had followed her, or come beckoned by her call. Either way, she and the others in Las Rejilla were in danger. Other, more intricate instincts rose, and brought anger to the Hollow's mind with them.

From behind the pink-haired Arrancar, she took a breath and roared; a deep and rumbling frequency that rolled across the sands of Hueco Mundo in warning. The few of Las Rejilla who were preparing to fight hesitated, and the trio of giants shuddered in their steps. Unlike before, this call was not one of challenge. It was simple:


The lumbering Gillian added their voices to the call in answer, and turned back around to rejoin their queen. They moved with an uncharacteristic haste, and soon, were standing behind the would-be leaders, between the battle and those who stood to lose by mere chance of proximity. Their towering bodies would be a wall, and their might a deterrent.

The female Hollow drew her rapier, and the blade hissed hungrily at their supposed foes.

"For what it's worth, We like the idea. It needs work." Her red eyes fell upon the human practically glowing with the intense heat of his soul. She held her tongue for the barbs it had almost uttered against him, in favor of the former Primera's own words to speak for themselves. However, that did not stop her tasting the intruder's power radiating so openly and freely.

She licked her lips, and never broke eye contact with the man. He smelled... Delicious.


The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:07 pm

Aspect of Loss

おだ たつや

The Right to Rule - Page 2 JCRrxmK

He sat in the chair his eyes closed as he listened. He listened to the words carefully taking each in. People outside their depth standing within the sands. Where were they when Nagato forced a leash on them? Did they come running before Nagato forced the invasion? Did they come and aid that hollow within Las Vegas? Slowly the temperature around the area began rising. As reiatsu began dancing around the area. His digits slowly landed upon his trident. He sensed bloodlust but it wasn't just his. These hypocrites had no right to judge anyone. They didn't stop Nagato, they didn't protect Las Vegas. So they came here breathing fire and roaring testosterone. "Don't....misunderstand...ten laws forged especially...This isn't a regular democracy...This is a Hollow democracy...issues are dealt battle!!" He said standing up now as reiatsu slammed outwards from him. His eyes glowing as they looked through each one. He didn't make this plan overnight. "I killed....every..single Nagato Follower without exception...His kind..if you seek the one who joined him you are too late...For that being died."

Flames began flickering from his skin as Anastasius rose from his chair now. He didn't sit at the center of this round table as a king. He came here to fight and protect the way of life. They did not belong to Human Kind or by their laws. You can't punish one for the many. If that was the case, then for each human action should Vastime not pay? Evil could be found anywhere someone looked. His shoulders cracked slightly as muscles became loose. He sensed the bursting power from Rose. And the evil energy flowing off the new being to emerge from the portal. "The false Prophet hm and a tangible future. Perhaps within your world of the living, but it had no chance within the Halls of Hueco Mundo." Reality was true in this statement only hollows interested in living in the human world went. ' Curious, are you angry perhaps because you did nothing when it burned? When Kimimaro destroyed Las Vegas and forced obedience from those of us attempting to give Yaksha a chance? I don't recall seeing you there.." His eyes held nothing but an accusation.

Anastasius had tried his best to give Yaksha a chance to fight and even made certain that his attacks weren't entirely lethal. He believed Yaksha had a chance in the human world. But that was dashed by the arrival of Kimimaro. Although he'd made sure to send Yaksha outwards and away from it. So if the hollow had been recovered. The dreams weren't entirely dead in the living world. But Las Vegas was sadly destroyed. And his loyalty proven by releasing a single Gran Ray Cero. But when Nagato and Kimimaro died, his duty became clear. He quickly executed every single Nagato supporter he could find. The mess Verathius made and so many others. A chance to end it all within one evening. That was the plan before a challenge came.

The female with her hollows and Rose with her curiosity. "Did you recover him, or just leave him where I blasted him too to die? Perhaps I should have trusted the Shinigami to handle that task." His eyes were cold and didn't hold much care about the difference in power. Anastasius had determination to undo this. This nonsense of a singular monarchy had failed them every time. It was time for a new flower to bloom in these sands. "Sit down...If you came here with some perspective on something a discourse is possible..But don't act like you are above us or higher and mighter. When you did nothing to stop Nagato with your Kingdom or your Power." His eyes stared at Hayden as Anastasius sat back down. His frame resting in the chair his eyes looking at his sister. He did not intend to beg her or plead with her. He let his anger out at how hypocritical this nation was. It was easy to bark and howl after the fact. When they did nothing the entire time.

"I came here after I butchered those hollows loyal to that man Nagato and Kimimaro. To offer an alternative route. " He said his eyes shifting to the spider hollow now and the male seething with rage. "Monarchy is a failed experiment at best in Hueco Mundo, these sands tell a tale of blood before any of us were thought of. Before even Aizen to come here. Self-Declared Kings and Queens walked these sands. Barragan the most well known I'd imagine. " He said his voice evening out as he calmed his reiatsu. Pausing as he looked at the table now with a long glance. " So I made a choice when Nagato died and I was free to act. I would fight whoever came here and make them listen. Even if I should die in the process. This Monarchy of one King had to stop, no single being can rule Hueco Mundo. " He said calmly making sure they understood his points. This wasn't to be a regular democracy where you voted. No this was a different subject altogether.

Hollows wouldn't cast votes like humankind and never could. " Four will rule the sands and all four must agree on matters. If a disagreement is had it's settled by combat within the sands. That is our way of life, we fight to prove points. " He said explaining what he thought of their current form of democracy. "I suspect many will be had in the beginning for those who hold the title of Sovereign, many hollows will come to disagree. So many battles will be held on the sands. I don't speak for all, but as far as I'm concerned Human World isn't my business or problem. I went because Nagato demanded it and threatened to kill several Espada if I refused." Anastasius and his body didn't hold power to contest that being. No, as it stood he'd simply die but it was also. Fear of an unknown and still settling into his personality. He'd only just been born in Minatumi harbor. "Ten Laws agreed on her this day by the Hollows and Arrancar within this room. That is my proposition to you who have come here.

He slowly brought both hands to either side of the chair ready to stand up now. Since he didn't know what actions they would take. But he knew for a fact that they were talking King's and succession so even the humans couldn't be caught unawares. It was time to wait and see the reactions that came. The Living world interfering here was unforeseen. But he couldn't deny he'd been surprised by it. He could see the energy forming from which Hayden and the other spawned. His eyes were special and so was his sensory skills. He could detect distortions such as those though Hayden's energy didn't help either. This was merely the beginning of the arguments. He suspected the angry male would lunge or attack someone. If it was him his eyes were trained on him. Watching the inner flow of his energy inside his body. Anastasius was more then prepared to fight if he had too. Die too if that's what was required.

Much like Verathius and William before him, death was an acceptable outcome. If it laid the foundation for something fresh and further from the failed pasts.
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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:45 pm



The Right to Rule - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Here she was. A bittersweet return to the place she came from. It was a little daunting but her arrival was a little late. What kind of guts did the king have to take her man all the way out here? Did he want this whole place to turn into a massive death battle?

So she tore her own descorrer right through there and arrived barely that late. Looking at each person with an impassive expression that judged the situation. She was the only one here from the original Espada, that being the one from Aizen and while she was not the strongest one here it meant something right? If anyone was able to recognise her. These people were all probably children compared to her and regardless of their age they were acting the part quite well.

It was so hard not to pity her race. The idealist that spoke of diplomacy, a "hollow" democracy. Like there was any such thing, their kind were primitive and animalistic as a grand collective. They only responded to power as their authority. That's why her presence here was nothing while she had become a shadow of her former power, she was just a relic.

She didn't offer any words but her disapproving glare at Hayden and Alex were enough to say she wasn't pleased by this turn of events that she had not been told about nor supported them from the get-go.

That didn't necessarily mean she supported this whole thing either. The one that seemed to be cowering behind her forces definitely didn't have the makings of a Hollow King despite her gunho attitude about the whole deal. She was just being naive like the man that as far as she could tell was a turncoat through and through. First Shadow Fall, then Nagato and now... She couldn't actually tell who this time. So why did he expect people to trust him?

Hang on, was this woman looking at her boyfriend with eyes like that? Now she just had a bit of anger boiling from this woman's audacity to look at Alex with those eyes. Only she could look at him like that and not in the context that she was showing, maybe her reiatsu did flare a little subconsciously before she reeled it back in.

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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:46 pm



The Right to Rule - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"You speak a lot of shit for a guy who flips every other month. Shut up, and let the adults handle this. Fucking cock-roaches always trying to seize power."

The man almost spit at Anatasius, far to unconcerned with whatever accusations he threw Desmond's way. The raw fact of the matter was that while Desmond held considerable power, in allowing the festering sore of Nagato to boil over he had failed his people. On more than one occassion he had the means, and want, to do something about that tyrant but allow'd things he thought where more important to take precedence. Such as the world war which still brewed on edges of his world, but to allow this new cancer to take hold would serve to be a stark reminder in his inaction. Inaction, he would no longer suffer.

Moral high ground be damn'd the one person who held any legitament sway, or who he truly would genuinely trust to not flip would be Rose. Despite her fall from power and even now, entertaining this shit, she was steadfast in most of her defiance towards Stefan. If anyone should have any level of power, it should be her- the one person who didn't constantly invade Earth with her power. He wished Yaksha was here, if only to be a figure he could support. But now he had Nelliel, and one pissed of Alex, to further guide this situation.

He'd gather himself, taking a breath as he brought a blackened hand to pinch his nose. Almost like he was a father dealing with petulent children seeking to keep playing, despite the night coming to a close. Hollow roars, and defending this and that- he recalled when reports of Kimimaro blew this place sky high. He suppose one thing about Hollows was their longevity and survivability. How he wish he could use turn Hunco Mundo in one giant fucking factory, maybe then these monkeys would be kept under wraps.

His eyes would follow to Alex. He'd default to him. He had truly the most stake in this. Despite whatever the other lesser Hollow's said; he hadn't come to fight. He didn't care if he wasn't native to Hunco Mundo- it was time to set the record straight.

"Alex rage, sums it up. Rose. I believe Hollows can only answer to authority, that they need someone to shepherd them. This democracy shit, everyone here knows that would last a few months before some dipshit tries to usurp some power. You heard about the souls idea, all of you saw Yaksha's plan in action. Pick a damn leader. Pick one who will stay. Pick one, who isn't going to do something stupid. Because I'm right here, and I want the entirety of this 'hollow nation' to be aware; I am watching and waiting for the next Nagato. Everyone speaks ill of now, now that he's gone. But damn if I don't see his ghost right now."

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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:29 pm

The Right to Rule - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: Switch - Word Count: N/A

(Posting music)

Too much fucking noise. This little scene turned from something small and intimate to a bandwagon where everyone and their fucking mother started coming out of the woodwork. It was a pain in the ass and it's why Rose's perception started otherwise darting between what was important and what wasn't.

The little feminine boy hiding with his friends? Not that important. Unless he dared to attack her, he was a non-threat.

The flame headed man's screaming words? Empty bravado which brought a roll of the eyes from the Mischevang. Unless he was here to provide solutions or fight, Rose didn't give much of a favorable impression to some jackass here to hurl insults and start a battle he can't finish.

Oh, what else was there? Right. Reina. She was a non-threat since she was just hiding behind whatever veil of power she could at this point. So her words were pretty empty and hollow to the Primera Espada as well. And while Anatisus wanted to divulge into some long tribe and quest about all that transpired up until this point, this wasn't exactly the place to have a gushy spiel like that. However, he could be easily managed as far as she was concerned and is why she simply motioned for him to shut up as she placed her arm on his chest.

"It's alright. You tried. We all did. Shit happens. Relax and shut up."

Those words were quick and to the point as she just needed her brother to chill-out before he did something retarded. It was easy for anyone to lose their cool given how much weight was behind this circumstance. Everyone was quickly growing to lose their fuse and with more parties showing up it was ill-advised to show your cards before you even knew what the hell the situation you were in was.

Which is why when Nel finally showed herself, Rose gave a curious eyebrow raise since she was aware of who the woman was from her cybernetic mind storing records of the former Espada within Shadow Fall's databases. It could get rather nasty if she were to otherwise jump into things, but it still wasn't anything to be too worked over at the moment as she seemed disinterested in combat.

So...that only left Hayden to contend with. Easy enough.

"You aren't in a position to be hurling insults at anyone, cherry-fuck boy. If your plan was so fucking great, you would have been able to stop Nagato by yourself. But you didn't and you are here looking stupid just like everyone else here. So sit down off your high horse, get the cock out of your ass, shut the fuck up and stop shitting out fighting words that you can't back up before you lose your life."

Irritated and annoyed by Alex's presentation of his grievances, Rose was agitated but didn't seem hostile. He just needed to otherwise check himself before he pressed the wrong button as far as she was concerned.

"Really, nobody here, not even myself, has a right to act all high and fucking mighty. If you all had this fucking bravado while Nagato was alive? Perhaps we wouldn't be in this place. And that includes myself. It's easy to say what the fuck we could have done or should have done after the fact."

Rose then a hard groan as it seemed like this whole meeting was like walking on eggshells. The wrong action, the wrong word, and this whole place was going to be nothing more than a wasteland. Which, she was fine with taking on, but had no desire for any further pointless combat. So, she'd suck up her own ego and try to diffuse the situation.

"Everyone here failed to do anything about Nagato. Whether it be through inaction or direct action, but what the fuck are we gonna do about it? Sit here and bitch about it, point the finger at others or try to scheme to make some shitty glasshouse empire that'll just fall and break again?"

There was then a pause before Rose took some parting glances at Reina, Alex and her own brother before turning her sight back to Hayden.

"My fucking idea is simple: finish through on the plans Yaksha set forth. I've done a lot of shitty things working for Shadow Fall, but working with Safira helped me find my own voice and the only thing I want to do now is my own person. I'm tired of hiding behind Ashlei, Shadow Fall and other rulers and it's my fucking will that Hueco Mundo be a kingdom that can live on its own merits and people without assistance from other worlds."

Which is why, with a hard sigh, Rose turned back to the group before her and sucked her teeth:

"So, until we find someone I can trust to manage this shit, I'll fucking lead this world."

Then, with an eye back to Hayden, Rose addressed him.

"And as long as you don't do anything retarded, I'm sure we'll manage well enough since I'm tired of the shit myself."

With that said, she turned her eye back to Alex.

"I can't do shit for your friend and all the millions that died, but if nothing else, I'll finish the plan and execute it myself. That's all I can really offer you right now, human. Everything else is a waste of breath if you have no alternative to what I've proposed."

The Right to Rule - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:57 pm
To say that Cala wasn't much for politics, regardless of their form, was a gross understatement. While it took some focus to stretch their senses Cala could make out not only the exchanges of words, but also the intent of the powerful beings below. Hell, it's not as if any of them were being particularly subtle with their emotions anyways. While initially the dark thing that had appeared rubbed Cala's senses the wrong way, both in their bluster and the sheer.... well... MASS that their pressure exerted... Cala had been drawn to something much more akin to neutral as far as their opinion of the dark thing was concerned after hearing their initial statements.

Since then, some loud man rather eagerly took up the mantle of handling Cala's distaste. He was... loud.... somehow in a more abrasive way than the dark thing. Fuming, yelling and kicking in a way that honestly made Cala view him as less than the human he was and more like the primitive Gillian Reina commanded. They were ruled by instinct and vague emotion too. In the end... was there really a difference? Cala couldn't really think of one. Aside from what he and others chose to call himself being different. Cala once again wrinkled their nose, expressing distaste.

When Reina's own senses touched Cala's they blinked, detecting a twinge of... concern? Cala's cheeks flushed at this and they were rather sheepish about the Gillian moving between themselves and the gathering. It made things... much more difficult to see. But if Reina thought it was necessary Cala wouldn't judge. After all, if she felt the need to do such a thing then Cala was almost certainly safer for it.

As Anastasius' energy spiked and their anger seemed to be directed at the dark thing, Cala's eyes widened and their attention perked up considerably. While they knew nothing of the events they spoke about, least of all the people involved, Cala could at least piece together that an individual named Nagato was a point of contention. Seemingly, Anastasius claimed to have tried to undermine him, while the dark thing and the angry man wanted to avoid another example of him. The... somewhat familiar... female that entered the scene only made Cala tilt their head in confusion. While she seemed to belong here she also seemed... out of place? Did she not want to be here?

Cala shook their head, almost as curious as they could be about all this, though... even unfamiliar with the specifics of the situation was they were. They had a rough opinion on exactly what was going on. Which, to Cala's surprise, the pretty, pink fireball all but said for them. At least..... a more wordy and aggressive version but... the core of it was still there. Cala blinked, noting the sudden still that followed the fireball's words, and decided that now was as good a time as any to actually do something.

Thus, even with their primal senses screaming at them to run, to hide, to go AWAY from the things that would devour them... Cala hopped down beside the Gillian Reina had positioned, swallowed HEAVILY of the fear lodged in their throat... and shuffled up to the very edge of this impromptu meeting. While getting closer was certainly... possible.... the weight of the spiritual pressure in the ares was barely tolerable for them at this point. Besides, even if this situation was highly dangerous to Cala's well-being there was one thing that drew them like moth to a flame. Loss. And every single person here, themselves included, showed scars of having experienced loss themselves, or having delivered it in suffocating amounts by their own hand.

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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:19 am

The Right to Rule - Page 2 Ge6zOAa


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

So that was the name of the game here, eh? All this fucking talk, all this throwing around of absolute nonsense... Who could even keep up? Every single person just fucking bowing out to whoever was strongest, whoever could flex the hardest of anyone. Even bothering to talk would've been a real fucking waste of time, eh? Fucking hilarious.

"Ah, my bad, cunt. Didn't realize the big kids were fucking talking. Yeah, guess you got a fucking point. Oughta used my big brain to make your stupid ass do something productive, eh? Oughta used my master plan to make you useless fucks actually handle a problem instead of sucking the fucking dick of some big boy who decided he was in charge. Got me there, scumbag."

Honestly, he'd have kept going for a while. He could keep going for a good long while, and he could fucking feel his bones starting to crack out of sheer heat buildup and imminent rage. The only thing stopping him from just throwing the first punch right now was that Nel was right there. Admittedly, he almost wished he'd bit his tongue first, but there wasn't even a point now. He'd said his piece.

"You fucking degenerates do whatever you want. Sure you retards'll just go back to your scheduled programming when this is all over anyway. Yaksha didn't fucking die for animals like you. Blow this fucking sandbox sky high for all I fucking care. But next time you rub your three brain cells together, keep your dogshit ideas here and let yourselves die, eh? Ciao."

With a final, incredibly venomous word of farewell, Alex bowed out of his own accord, stepping back through the garganta Hayden had brought them here through, as he only barely contained his fury. He needed a fucking swim.

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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 09, 2019 11:58 am

It was difficult not to visibly roll her eyes at the current Primera's repeated words. He seemed stuck to his ideas; inflexible, even. It made the Hollow wonder just how well of leader he could be with such a rigid view of things.

However, the discourse did make progress, despite the man's unwillingness to do the same. Another former Espada appeared, but remained silent, and the previous Primera herself stepped up to claim the throne.

While the female Hollow detested the thought of bowing her head to the Arrancar, it did rest on the tongue more pleasantly than listening to a word uttered by the invader.

She glanced back at the newly arrived former Tercera with a curious gaze in her red eyes, as the Arrancar and intruder continued to speak. There was something... oddly familiar about the woman. She couldn't yet place her finger on what, but something buried deep within her memories, to a time when...

When Skitterer had served the original Espada! A knowing grin crossed her lips, though for lack of appropriate time and place, she held her tongue of any greetings towards the rival of her former master. Instead, she directed her attention back to the meeting at hand.

"Adiós, niño." She smiled and waved the temperamental boy through the garganta and back to where he had come. A part of her was sad to see such a promising meal escape, but there were much more important matters at hand now.

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The Right to Rule - Page 2 Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:22 am



The Right to Rule - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Thus far Nelliel had nothing to input and it remained as such, she wasn't a player in this game with them. She wasn't a voice, she was merely eyes that observed the events that would surely play a part to shape how her former hope shaped up in the coming future. Maybe if it was a few centuries sooner she'd have spoke up but not now. Not anymore.

Her expression said as much as it needed to, especially towards Alex. For him to had a special "We'll talk about this later" look directed at him as he returned to go cool off. He definitely needed it.

Regardless Nelliel wasn't surprised much by what she saw thus far. She was almost guessing at this point with a semi-successful rate of getting the correct idea of how people were going to react. The weaker ones ultimately would go with what the stronger ones decided, an offer to lead. Not an offer to protect.

"Hollows don't need a leader."

Her words were like a knife that cut through her silence. A part of her wanted to cry as she remembered her beloved fraccion that she treated like family, not as subjects. She was the strongest but she was never their leader. She was their protector. The tears never came and her tone was distant as she pictured the nostalgic memories from the people she had become separated from by fate.

"You all make promises to lead but none of you speak on protecting them."

The closest ironically as the one willing to protect was the weakest one, it was noble but naive and idealistic like she was but even she didn't seem to get the divide between those two things like they were for Nelliel.

"You'll never bring order to this chaotic world. It's our fate, you will only ever be able to protect the outliers of our nature but yet time after time everyone seems to want to try and tame the ocean. Aizen, Shadow Fall, Nagato... They all see something to lead and don't care about it's wellbeing."

She had said her piece. The former Espada had very little of anything else to contribute to these superpowers and others but she wasn't going to leave until Hayden did, she had many more words that were just for him.

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