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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:29 am

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) YRtYvEZ


Well, shit. Alex had meant to go into the Wasteland to meet that Colin guy. This was...well, it sure as shit wasn't the Wasteland. Now didn't that just suck the fat one... Well, no big deal. If he was in Africa, which he was pretty sure he was, then he might as well head on over to see Nel. Maybe Abalia and Hayden were free too. Double date could be fun. Did those two even go on dates? What would that even be like? He kinda wanted to see. These questions and more ran through Alex's mind as he wandered in the general direction of Vastime's capital city.

It turned out to be a little longer of a walk than he thought it'd be, but he was never too great at actually telling time, anyway, so it was all his best guess. Still, the sun was in the sky, even if it was currently hiding behind some pretty thick clouds. Was it gonna rain? He knew it rained around here, but it always seemed weird. He never really pictured Africa getting rain. Well, if the sun was up, Nel was probably working, which was enough to bring a smile to Alex's face. That apron was fuckin adorable, now he was all excited. As he found the entrance to the tundra, the clouds above only darkening with every passing minute, he pushed the door open with at least a little bit more force than was probably necessary.

"Honey, I'm home!"

He had no real thought about if anyone else was actually in the Tundra.

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Morph OTY
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:36 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) 6EdIfMt

Desmond wasn't someone to have much free time, that which he was allotted he tended to travel around his city. There was always so much life to be seen, a spirit of patriotism mixed with the heart of warriors crafted a unique setting. Conflict was a necessary in the world, something which turned the wheels of progress so that the stagnation humanity experienced would never be the same. But today Desmond was simply a man among many, as he sat in the tundra which wasn't staffed today by his wife or their mutual friend. It took no time for the king to simply allow himself a booth and a cup of coffee, while scrolling through his phone reading the national happenings.

But the sound of the door opening and a familiar fiery voice caught his ear, his emerald eyes shifting to gaze at none other than Alex. "Sad to say, I don't believe she's here." The baritone voice of Desmond would reply, cutting the silence Alex dramatic entrance made. Placing aside his phone, he'd take another sip of his coffee. "How are you, Alex?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) JfH75kA
Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:56 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) YRtYvEZ


"Ah what the fuck, you're not Nel. God damn it."

Alex's grin, however, made it clear that he was just fucking with Hayden as he went to the kitchen. He at least wanted a fuckin' drink, and considering he lived here, he didn't think it was really much of an issue if he just grabbed one. Cracking open a sweet grape soda, he drank down at least half of it before he actually took the time to reply to Hayden.

"Me? Doin' uh, doin' fine I guess. Ulv sent me off to find someone for some training but I missed the mark. Figured since I was here, I oughta just stop in and see my girl, you know?"

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Morph OTY
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:14 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) 6EdIfMt

"I feel that, well if you need someone to train with I'm free. Been a moment since I've fought someone."

Desmond of course was referring to the fight with Ravan, with that he'd stand up. He heard Alex was doing well in getting stronger, almost reminding Desmond of his own meteoric rise. Truth be told, if someone was to happen to Desmond; Alex could make a good successor. Well not for Vastime but more as spiritual protector of Earth. Despite being a shinigami, Desmond felt far more connected to earth than anywhere else. So with that he'd motion for him to follow him; after all he doubt Alex would decline the chance to fight a fight a king.

"There's an arena nearby, meant for people to fight on our caliber. Private, unless you prefer an audience."
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) JfH75kA
Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:29 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) YRtYvEZ


"Damn, just wanna beat my ass that bad, huh? Alright, I'm down for that. Trust you not to fuckin' kill me, pretty sure Abalia'd have you on the couch for at least a week."

Finishing off the rest of the soda, Alex tossed it into the trash can, and as it landed without even hitting the rim, he did a quick fist pump. Hell yeah. Following after Hayden as he rolled his shoulders, Alex glanced over toward the king of Vastime. Always seemed weird to him that this guy could beat his ass even though he was that much shorter.

"Hey, I don't fuckin care either way. I was ready to oil wrestle you in front of God and everyone on the beach, remember?"

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Morph OTY
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:21 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) 6EdIfMt

"Yeah she would, and hey- that might happen one day. I'm sure the public would absolutely love such an event. Make it a charity thing and everything, maybe Abalia would even approve of it."

The man would chuckle as they began to make their way out of the cafe, it wouldn't take them long walking time. But of course Desmond was beset by the populace of Vastime, nothing too uncouth but they did often wave and speak in passing to him. Alex would see genuine happiness etched onto the features of Desmond as he conversed and walked past them, of course introducing the young Alex to them. He trusted Alex to not do anything crazy, but provided nothing happened they'd reach the arena.

It was a massive thing housing some of the best fighters in the world in their own sections, of course Desmond held a special area dedicated to people of his caliber. They would need to take an elevator downwards into the earth. The heavy duty machine would groan and crank, as they descended downward.

"So, how's life? Learning interesting, unlock any hidden powers?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) JfH75kA
Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:55 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) YRtYvEZ


"Hey, they'd be watching for me. Dunno if you know this, but I'm a pretty good lookin' guy."

With a grin as the two kept walking, Alex just made smalltalk as best he could. He didn't get all this kingly shit going on, but he did get that it'd probably be a real dickhead move of him to act like a monkey throughout this whole conversation. Thankfully, it wasn't that big a deal, and they made it to this special arena Hayden was talking about. Fancy spot, though he didn't like elevators much.

"Psh, nah. You know me, I keep it simple, my man."

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Morph OTY
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:53 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) 6EdIfMt

"Good. I won't be using my Zanpakatou, I do need to restrain myself."

The man would inform them as the arrived to the depths. A large cavern which seemed reinforce will all types of metals and the like. It help the highest security measures to contain the continental shattering strength which Desmond could put out. So they'd step into the steel room crossing the distance slightly, but at this point Desmond would turn around beginning to undo the top button of his shirt followed by his tie. As he began to roll up the sleeves of his shirt, he'd cast a now glowing emerald gaze towards Alex.

"I have to warn you, Alex, you best come at me with everything you have. You're liable to die if you don't."

A grin would come onto the face of Desmond. As the weight of the room began to grow heavy it was Desmond releasing his spiritual pressure, not enough to crush the poor man but enough to show he was going to be taking this seriously. The warm comforting aura which he had been known for was replaced with something else, an aura filled with the burning intent of a warrior. One which was unique in it's feel, and almost deathly as a blackened mist seemed to emit from him. He was just finishing rolling up his sleeves.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) JfH75kA
Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) H8Tyk70
God of Love
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:18 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) YRtYvEZ


"Woah now, what'd we just talk about, huh? You lookin' to get into the doghouse that easy? Think of all the hearts you'd break if I died here."

Rolling his shoulders to loosen himself up, Alex didn't need to be a fuckin rocket scientist to know this one was really gonna hurt. Like...really, really gonna hurt. Honestly, he didn't mind too much. He'd stubbed his toe the other day on a table leg and it hadn't even fazed him. It was a little thing, but something about it just kinda got to him. That'd have hurt once upon a time. It was weird.

"But yeah, yeah, I get you. Trust me, I just got back from Minatumi. Gave a girl everything I had, might've been a bad idea. I'm kinda used to holding myself back, feel me?"

Taking a very deep breath, Alex focused inward briefly, then allowed the full scope of his own energy to burst forth. Compared to Hayden's, it was barely anything at all, but even at a glance it was drastically different from the King of Vastime's. It was hot, quite notably so, and practically screamed outward as it tried to fill the room. It snapped at all outside influence, a burning violet shade that seemed all too aggressive for being next to such a giant.

Only when that had finished did Alex take one step forward, the musculature in his leg tensing to such a degree that his pant legs tore in more than a few places. And then he lept right for Hayden, any sense of his own safety wholly thrown to the side. He already knew that Hayden could turn him to paste on the wall if he wanted, so there was no point holding back. That thought left a little bit of a pinprick in his chest, that searing inferno of the Riot trying to push its way out.

But for now, he'd distract himself by swinging right for Hayden's chin. No sense in starting off with pussy shit.

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Morph OTY
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Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:32 am



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) 6EdIfMt

This was the stuff Desmond Hayden lived for, the rush of a battle against a foe who truly deserved it. Despite them being leagues apart he saw the improvements of Alex with the first step he took, the speed and strength which coursed through his body. Those emerald eyes of the king glowing as a grin spread on his features, his instincts taking over. Desmond was not a fight of extreme skill, perhaps more skilled than most, but his specialty laid in the brutality of his fighting style. It was not the beautiful honorable style of warriors of the modern age, but instead something crafted to kill. As the fist came for his jaw, his body would shift downward as a hand extended outwards to grab at his forearm.

Provided he was able to place his hand on his forearm, he would allow the momentum of Alex to follow through before his free hand would grip his thigh. In a feat of strength and speed he'd arch his back while on one leg seeking to suplex Alex onto his back. The force of which the slaw was carried through with would cause a small hypersonic burst, shockwaves rippling from the mere exerting of power. As Hayden himself fell backwards, his hand would release the thigh seeking to send his closed fist straight into the nose of Alex while they both where propelled downward.

Once all was said and done, Desmond would ideally be on a knee with a fist either smashed into the ground of Alex's face. Emerald eyes glowing as he spoke, a mist emitting from his mouth.

"Do you know why I'm this strong Alex, why I'm a cut above the rest? When confronted by impossible odds, what will you do? When you stare oblivion in the face, what are you going to do?"

The man questioned removing his hand regardless of where it landed, his voice carrying with it the profound weight of a man who knew exactly his answers. Desmond Hayden was not a man of compromise in the face of the impossible, when Destiny tried to enforce it's laws onto him he broke them every time. In the words of his beloved wife, he was a man who sought to make the impossible reality. In was that drive, that uncompromising view on life which allow'd him to rise beyond he was capable of.

"I will change the world, Alex. I will, for my daughter."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) JfH75kA
Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) H8Tyk70
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