Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Burning the Negative  Empty Burning the Negative

Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:55 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko had considered everything he could and possibly say on his way. The Vice-Captain Commander's words spurred him forward. But in truth there just happened to be one fact. Takehiko wasn't suited to fighting Akuma and had been too all over the place. He'd been indecisive about things let it close to him. Takehiko made sure to send a hell butterfly ahead of him. The reality and truth of the matter were difficult. He touched his chest as he closed his eyes. "Ruin, I'm so sorry..had I just listened to her sooner...Or just not been such an idiot it would have been better..I hope at least." Takehiko felt sadness inside him for failing. Not just Ruin but Akuma as well. He didn't know what Ulv would do but he felt a sense of sadness. Takehiko sat down and kept his gaze downward now. All there was to do was wait for her to arrive now. He didn't feel like saying anything in his failure. His hand held his hollow mask looking at it. It would be one of the last times he saw it or Akuma. A tear dripped upon its surface and ran down it.

"I'm sorry Akuma if I was just not such an idiot...but maybe with this you can be reborn with someone smarter..., who listens to what people tell him." He said leaning his forehead against the mask now. This wasn't a happy occasion for him. It wasn't him being wrong that bothered him so. It was more him failing Akuma and Ruin so drastically. That was what bothered him in his deepest core. He felt remorse for the being he'd condemned. Some healer he couldn't even save his inner hollow. His parents once again flashed before his mind. Once again helpless before the tide that came. Much like an Ocean Ulv would do something he guessed. Something that crashed and would leave him empty. But he didn't have a solution to beating Akuma. He was a poor match for Akuma in terms of his skills and power. So, in the end, his failure had come full circle. Well, he would always remember Akuma. This wouldn't be forgotten at least he hoped not.

He hoped that memory at least remained so he could remember this feeling for the rest of his life.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Burning the Negative  Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Burning the Negative  Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Burning the Negative  Empty Re: Burning the Negative

Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:44 pm


Ulv was on the beach, sparring with a truly tremendous man. He wielded a Naginata the size of Ulv, and swung it with incredible skill. She blocked one of his blocked but was pressed into the ground by the sheer power of it, and then, with a feral snarl, pushed back. Didn't do anything, so she dynamically dropped the sword and flipped backwards, calling it back to her hand after she landed.
"Gods, what do they feed you?" She asked with a broad grin. Though, that grin faded as she felt Takehiko. Letting out a sigh and driving the sword into the ground, she gave the man a traditional bow and then turned to Takehiko as he arrived.

"Alavazi, this is Takehiko Kuchiki, Bloody Idiot of the Seireitei. Takehiko, this is Alavazi Naku, the Sky-Touching Giant. Supreme Patriarch of the Naku Clan" she introduced them, and then man definitely earned his name. Nine foot tall, and as broad as Ulv was, it was small wonder the red-head struggled to match him in the field of strength.

"Now what do you want?"



Burning the Negative  Empty Re: Burning the Negative

Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:07 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

His eyes looked upwards before standing up. Well, here she was as he stood there. Not defiant or addressing the nickname. He accepted it for what he had to do. He just didn't know what else to do anymore. Coming the Vice-Captain Commander, that gave him courage. As well as the Fourth Squad Captain. But he felt strings pulling at him. He didn't want to lose Akuma, a negative piece of himself. He held the hollow mask in front of him. He'd been simply staring at it for a long time. "'s nice to meet you, Master Naku." He addressed him with the title that seemed to fit. He was a master above him in any stretch of it. Takehiko heard the what do you want, feeling his blood chill. This was the moment where he asked her. Where he acknowledged his failure and every stupid mistake. He'd done nothing right and been an absolute idiot. The entire way he'd gone towards it and not heeded warnings. " you.." He felt a lump in his throat.

It felt like those last few words didn't want to come. The simple acceptance of the matter. He felt like he'd lose part of himself. Like something would be torn apart inside him. "Is remove..Akuma from me...I'm unfit to be his vizard. " He said merely hanging his head now low. He didn't want to look at Ulv as he felt shame. For everything, he'd done wrong in every single moment. Every damn step had been wrong maybe even his training as a doctor. Had he just looked at the lessons within her teachings? Maybe this moment wouldn't have come. But perhaps if the only silver lining was Akuma was given a chance. A chance for a better life than anything Takehiko could provide. That was all he could hope for in this encounter. Did it matter what happened to him afterward? No matter his condition he'd likely be taken back to the Manor. To rest himself within its walls. But Akuma, how he wished he'd been a better vizard and a less stupid man. But stupidity was something one came to terms with now. When it was far too late for it to matter.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5956
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Platinum Points:
Burning the Negative  Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Burning the Negative  Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Burning the Negative  Empty Re: Burning the Negative

Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:42 am


"Of course you want to ask me. You are never here except when you want something, and you never take what I give you when you are here" Ulv took the pause and spoke her own words, making her disdain so very clear for Takehiko. Alavazi said nothing after giving Takehiko a traditional bow, and then just watched. Ulv listened to the second part and then just sighed. She had a whole powerset designed to help with this kind of situation, but she didn't know if she even wanted Takehiko to keep Akuma. He was a fool just like his uncle and that was not youthful naivety as he was proving.

"Part of the blame sits with Byakuya. He just locked you in the compound and left you to rot when I first met you. From that you didn't have the experience to know what was a dumb move. But most of it is your fault. Not listening to your elders, to the people who are demonstrably better at the subject than you. This should have gone double since you failed Shin'o Academy and only graduated from the same manner of abuse that got you into Karakura Prison. You are a text book example of why Nobles need an academy of their own to teach them how not to become fucked up. Something I might talk to Abalia about later"

Ulv stood there, arms crossed, staring down at him without blinking or moving a muscle. She was almost a talking statue.

"The answer, is yes. Hollows like yours are literally just condensed negativity. Hollows like Hvit and Haereticus are different, especially due to the Evolucion, but yours is new, and simple. Which means they burn without a single ash remaining. It's much easier before you accept the Hollow into your soul, to make yourself a proper mask-wielding Vizard. This will scald your soul and it will take work to recover. But, ignore that at your own choice" Ulv would reach out a hand to clamp none too gently around Takehiko's head, and then flush him with her Resolve Flame. A deep, powerful flame, it was like touching The Sun.

There was warmth, but not heat that such a powerful flame should have. It moved down to the smallest, most fine part of his body, and Takehiko could feel his very cells alight with the flame. And then it was over. It wouldn't be immediately evident, but Takehiko's reiatsu would feel heavy and hard to control as Ulv had to effectively burn out the Hollow.
"You can leave now. Preferably forever, but knowing you it won't be" Ulv told him, the passionate emotion in her eyes tempered with a cold hammer.



Burning the Negative  Empty Re: Burning the Negative

Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:04 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

He didn't say anything to her or speak to Ulv during the exchange any further. Nothing he said mattered anyways not to her. Nothing he did or tried would make up the mistakes he made. So remaining silent now that she spoke was all that remained. It did feel like thousand-degree water struck him. When she put her hand on his head his eyes remained empty now. After she'd completed the task he offered a simple bow. Ulv had grown tired of his presence and perhaps further his existence. He felt it eating away at him an emptiness. He felt it keenly inside him that something was missing. Something went deep inside his core as he walked away. He didn't say anything else Aside from two words left upon the wind. "Thank You." Akuma would hopefully become something greater now. Takehiko walked away as a Senkaimon opened for him to step through. He offered a final bow before the doors slammed closed. He would not return to this Harbor again. From here on he needed to avoid Ulv Auber.

is soul felt strange but so too did his emotions. He felt numb inside a coldness that stretched through his entire being. It felt as though he'd become something else entirely. The loss of Akuma felt like his being had changed. Something that becomes different fundamentally. From this leaving him more cynical by nature. As he trudged on through the world between. He felt his eyes lose some softness. Before venturing further into the senkaimon and returning to his home. Before him, a trip to the academy remained. He didn't feel anything about it where once he felt fear or terror. Now he felt nothing, just a place where he would or learn. Anxiety had been taken and replaced not with confidence but uncaring., This was an interesting transformation. His soul hurt as well it felt burnt by the raw power. It was a hard sensation to explain within words. It just felt like something had been seared away. But something else had tagged along with that. That was what came of it in the long end.
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