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God of Love
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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:15 am

The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

The morning air of Konigsberg always did Erchanhardt well. His morning meditations were improved tremendously by the breeze, and the birds which flitted about the garden would on occasion, even come to land upon him. It was in these moments of tranquility that he thought about his previous day, considered the nature of philosophy and of the way he looked upon the world.

It was silent, for now at least, as the sun crested over the horizon. The morning light had come slowly, but now as the sun rose, the day truly began. Such did not bother him, however. He still had far more training to attend to, far more of his daily routine yet followed.

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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:51 am
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


After settling down she noticed that things with Erchanhardt had settled into a nice motion, it was very simple and that didn't bother her at all. The routine shift between working, resting, learning and training. There was no noble matters to attend to here, it was pretty nice.

As for her activities she had been meditating a lot more, trying to rediscover her zanpakuto and bridge the gap she had created between them. When she wasn't doing that it was keeping her body up to scratch by step exercises and kido with kata being mixed in. At least she hadn't gotten any slower since she left and the more she moved the less her legs hurt.


The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:05 am

The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

Only after he had finished his morning meditations, and had found himself suitably readied for the day, his mind and soul aligned in accordance with the Fourfoul Root, did he go to prepare his morning meal. It was a short process, nothing more than eggs, potatoes, and the traditional sausages. Unlike their dinners, which had grown increasingly elaborate, Erchanhardt did not spend much time at all on breakfast for himself and Yugiri. It was a utilitarian meal, after all, and he ate quickly, with purpose, and brought a small handbasket containing it out to Yugiri. He was impressed at how regularly she kept a schedule.

"Breakfast is ready. Eat it quickly, before it gets cold."

He set the basket down, and took a seat to watch her routine. Erchanhardt always desired to learn whatever he might, and he was certainly not familiar with a great deal of the techniques that Yugiri used. Idly, it occurred to him that simply watching was not the best approach to learning, but he would wait until she was finished to broach that topic.

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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:20 am
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


One. Two. Three... Four.

She had various spots set up around the courtyard, small little markers that were a reference point for her and she was launching herself from one spot to another. It was just an exercise for Hoho, she'd use shunpo from one spot to another, trying to move in as few steps as possible while dodging imaginary projectiles which she imagined purely to force her to not take the most straightforward path but still try to make the same time.

When Erchanhardt called out to her she stopped, landing on the wall of the castle gracefully poised on all fours although defying gravity by staying firmly on the wall despite being perpendicular to it. With another leap she landed in front of Erchanhardt with a girly grin.

"Good morning, Erckenhardt."

He was giant from where she was looking, standing on her toes close to the ground while her hands prevented her from falling over. Even when she stood up she still had to crane her neck to give a bow of thanks and appreciation before sitting down with the basket in between her legs and dig in.



The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTThe Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADThe Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:28 am

The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"Rather impressive, I must say. It is hardly every day that you see a woman hold so easily to a wall, even a woman so exceptionally nimble."

Smiling to himself at Yugiri's bow, as well as her enthusiasm for the meal, Erchanhardt looked between the points she had set up. It seemed nothing short of inhuman to him that she could so easily leap between them at that high of a speed, even when one took into account her physical prowess. He had never put much effort into his own speed, that much was true, but it still struck him as more than a touch impressive.

"Tell me, Yugiri, if you do not mind my asking. What is your technique for moving with such speed?"

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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:40 am
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


Having dug into her food Yugiri listened to his praise, she did like getting it and especially from him so she grinned a bit while chewing it.


Speaking with her mouth stuffed sure distorted her 'thanks' but he'd get the point, she forgot how hungry she got when training was involved. After all she had all but stopped it once she left and since settling with Erchanhardt she had only resumed it and realised how much she got hungry.

"Huh? You mean Shunpo?"

She swallowed her food that time and didn't speak with her mouth full. After taking another bite she went back to explaining.

"It's a thing Shinigami practice. Lets us uh, move really fast haha. It's all about stepping techniques you know? You gotta be nimble or else it doesn't work since I'm a Shihoin I kinda got a lot of study in-.... it."

She abruptly paused after she thoughtlessly mentioned her family, she hadn't spoken about that and it didn't even occur to her at first, but she had been able to forget in her routine about that, her mistake. Going back to eating her breakfast she did lose a lot of her previous enthusiasm and became quiet again.

"Yeah.. I was just using Shunpo."


The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTThe Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADThe Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 6:33 am

The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

The mention of Yugiri's family, and the obvious sadness that set over her, made Erchanhardt's own smile fall just a touch. He nodded pensively at her explanation of shunpo, and at the apparent simplicity of it in concept. Stepping techniques... What did such a thing entail? He could only think of footwork, how one moved in close combat.

"It is an astounding feat. Would it be possible for you to teach me? Even if its advanced methods would be out of reach for a human, its fundamentals would surely be worthwhile."

Erchanhardt just kept on with the original topic of conversation, knowing it would be better than to simply ruminate on what had pulled her down. He far preferred to see her full of life than disappointed in herself.

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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 6:46 am
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


She had a few moments to sit in self-pity before her friend pulled her out of it with the request to learn it which was a little surprising. Come to think of it she'd never actually taught lessons on it, she had only ever done small things for other people like teach Chidori some kido and all of those teaching gigs were very recent compared to consistent over her lifespan.

"I suppose I can. There's kind of a divide, between the close quarters application of the skill and the actual moving stuff. Like with Senka, you work with stepping really fast so that you attack from the front and back almost simultaneously to deliver a crippling or lethal wound."

She didn't even figure if she should explain what Senka was. Didn't he just intuitively know all the famous hoho moves?

Yugiri stood up after finishing her food and stretched. Facing Erchanhardt before taking a breath and blinking onto Erchanhardt's shoulder, standing there in a rather stable fashion.

"I don't know if you could do flashes of movement like that but I can try to teach you other parts. We need a practice spot though... hmm. I need chalk or sticks or something to mark out spots and then I can show you the basics like how I learnt it."


The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:13 pm

The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"That seems in itself more impressive a feat of speed than many I have so much as heard of. I have apparently been remiss in failing to study the techniques of the shinigami."

Laughing quietly to himself as Yugiri blinked onto his shoulder, Erchanhardt stood once more to his full height, keeping such a balance of his own body that the girl's own stability would scarcely even be affected. She had a certain exuberance that was nearly contagious, he found.

"Whatever you feel as though would be worth teaching, I will happily take the time to learn. Something tells me that my dear courtyard might be rather harmed in the process of this training, given my own physicality and the fragility of mere stone. I have a place for such training, and I believe that there is more than sufficient equipment already there for us to use."

He simply began to walk, not concerned with keeping Yugiri exactly where she was if she so desired to stay there. It was nice to simply know he had company here.

"I will, of course, teach you anything that I know in return. I do hope you know that."

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The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Empty Re: The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 7:50 pm
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


Yugiri gave a soft smile, it was a bit embarrassing to show off like that but she stayed contently perched on his giant figure. It would be a bit easier if she was a cat but she wasn't and so she got to idly stand on his shoulder as he lead them off somewhere to train.

"Alright then, what can you teach me? I don't really watch you train."

She was pretty curious about that, what did the colossus actually get up to for his routine? So she was only left to ponder while she gently swayed on top of him towards their destination.


The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
The Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTThe Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADThe Singing Bone [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
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