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The Game
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:05 pm

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:603

Life had given Carter more than a handful of ass kicking lately and he was hell bent on making sure the streak didn’t stop, he needed it, almost craved it. He found himself in a cheerful mood as he walked into the dojo, it didn’t take him long at all to realize more than a handful of Shinigami had their eyes on him, an ex captain that wasn’t known for hand to hand combat walked into the place that they honed their craft, with a smile on his face at that.
It didn’t take long though for his smile to fade and finding a sparring partner was neigh on impossible, either no one wanted to fight an someone of his level or they didn’t want to waste their time on someone who had practically nothing in the way of Hakuda training. As he decided to give up and return to his training in the out lands a torrent of bottled up emotions hit him, his golden eyes scanned the room and saw a taller dark headed woman he hadn’t spoken too earlier and even without his ability he knew she was the one he was feeling this quiet rage and rather odd amount of insecurity from.

Guess someone in here needs my help. He thought before walking up and standing in front of the woman, it was almost comical to see a boy such as himself standing looking up at the woman. She had almost a foot and a half on him, her shoulders were wider and much more defined, not in a way that was unbecoming, and she had the cold look of a fighter in her gaze.

’Cuse me but I see you standing here practically one with the walls and I find myself without a sparring partner.” He said, looking around and noticing people were giving her a wide berth. “Now I’m not the smartest man by any means but it seems you are also alone, would you care to help me practice my Crane Style?” He asked, a sincere smile on his face, his golden eyes lit up with potential excitement as he waited for her response.

If she agrees I’ll really need to tone my speed down, I can feel her spirit pressure and she’s an almost brand new Shinigami…

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] ZfrGue8

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] EUuCTxy
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:01 am
Tap – Tap – Tap – Tap – Tap

The rope created a repetetive, fast rythm while her bare feet made almost no sound at all.

Tap – Tap – Tap – Tap – Tap

Hanako concentrated on that sound, the rythm, to zone out from the rest oft he dojo, until her heart almost followed the same rythm. But in the end it was just the ticking of a clock, scraping away the moments until she had to come back to reality again. She liked these simple exercises. Rope skipping, running, swimming, muscle training. You could loose yourself in the repetitions and the steady pattern of breath. It numbed the mind and brought along a peace and serenity not even sleep was able to bring. Still, even then Hanako knew that the others gave her space. Like on the academy she had become known as the solitary ice queen in the Gotei as well. She wasn’t looking for companionship herself and the others weren’t offering. It was polite, like always with fellow shinigami’s, but also like always Hanako was training alone. It didn’t really bother her, or more realistically: she stopped thinking about it. Not that she knew how to approach someone anyway.

This time, however, things seemed tob e different. Even Hanako felt the spiritual pressure before he entered the dojo. When the actual person followed his spiritual pressure she was only mildly surprised to see a teenager walk in. Hana may have been lacking experience -as was to be expected for a freshly graduated shinigami- but she knew from direct encounters, that souls in general and shinigami especial came in all shapes and sizes. The outward appearance said nothing about what lay beneath.
The boy looked around for a moment and came straight for her. Hana stopped her exercise and just stood there, looking at the grey haired, golden eyed shinigami. It must have been quite a strange sight. There was Hanako, tall and muscular for a woman, in her tight crop-top and pants she wore for her training. Sweat was forming glittering drops on her skin, but her breath was calm and regular. And there was the unknown man, a teenager from looks, almost half a meter shorter than her and visibly lighter.

When he spoke his voice sounded friendly and sincere. He was asking her to be his sparring partner, to practice his ‚crane style‘. It surprised her and it showed on her face.

„I don’t know if I can be of much help. Even with my limited senses I can tell that you are far stronger than I am.“ She said and there was maybe a bit of suspicion in her voice. It wouldn’t be the first time for her to stumble into something far above her paygrade. She got through each time, until today, although the humiliation was often hard to bear.

„But I actually could use some sparring and I’m just through with my warmup.“

And there was it again. Her determination to prove herself, to not back down and not be afraid. Deep inside herself she didn’t feel so shure of herself. Deep inside herself she just wanted to decline and be left alone. Where there was no hurt and no humiliation. But she couldn’t do that, she had to attack in some way. And so she accepted the offer of the young man, although it was well inside the realm of possibility, that it would get her into trouble and earn her some more bruises. On the other hand, she could see no ill will in the face oft he other. Not that she was infallible at detecting something like that, but this one seemed tob e honest.

„My name is Yamada. Hanako Yamada. First Division, Realm Enforcement.“ She introduced herself and bowed politely.

The Game
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:39 pm

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:792

His smile deepened at the compliment to his strength from her and rapidly turned into a lighthearted chuckle, "I think you'll find the two of us on very even footing, you see my ability in hand to hand combat is sorely lacking which is why I am developing a style all my own. The Celestial Crane!." He said, his left hand coming up above his head and clinching into a firm fist while his eyes shone bright with vigor.

He could sense her unease at the thought but her pride quickly over came her own apprehension but it didn't mask the feeling of wanting to be alone he was getting from her. A deep sad feeling he was all too familiar with. His smile dropped just a smidge and some shine left his golden eyes as he looked up at the tall woman, on the outside she appeared the picture of power had an air of one who would not be dominated easily but he could feel her. He didn't know her exact thoughts but he could understand from the swash of emotions within her she was uncomfortable and looking around he noticed eyes all over them, eyes that would watch and judge the ex captain and the stoic woman in front of him.

This simply will not do. He thought while walking up to her and taking her right hand in his left and walking toward the back of the dojo, in the back you could request private sessions on the sparring mats so unwanted eyes couldn't annoy him. As he stomped onward if she let herself be taken along she would feel a hand that was oddly out of place for such a small young looking teenager, his hands felt rough and warm like that of worn leather left out in the sun light. Calluses adorned his hands like jewelry from years of practicing his swordmanship and working himself, ironically none of them were from a second of hand to hand sparring though, at least not yet.

Once the pair passed through the doors to the private mats he would let her hand go and turn around to her, a different look in his eyes, a deeper, almost sad look, " I did not mean to embarrass you in front of your fellow soul reapers, I just sensed something in you, something I know very well and thought maybe we could help one and other take our minds off of what is eating us with some exercise." With that he would walk to one end of the mat and remove his shoes, almost again looking like a giant child as he pulled them off without untying them. Once finished he set his zanpakuto aside and pat it twice on the hilt before taking up a defensive stance at his end, Let's let her go first, this way I can gauge her speed and tone mine down to her level. He thought coolly.

The smile returning to his face he widened the stance of his legs and brought his arms out in front of his being, " Well Hanako come at me with everything you got!" He yelled, his golden eyes fixated on her in such a powerful way she may think the child in front of her was gone and replaced with some predator animal of a forgotten time and realm, something not seen in him except for in battle had awoken.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] ZfrGue8

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] EUuCTxy
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:12 am
„Celestial Crane?“ Hanako asked, raising her eyebrows in mild confusion. She had no idea what the Celestial Crane in terms of martial arts was and the stance carter took didn’t mean anything to her as well. She herself was trying to incorporate another fighting style into the standart Hakuda that was taught at the Academy, but it wasn’t so much because she thought Hakuda was lacking power. The style being the defensive Aikido it was more that she was trying to incorporate the calm mindset of that martial art into herself. This, in turn, couldn’t be done without learning Aikido. It turned out that this was far easier said than done.

Hanako hadn’t the chance to say anything else. Carter came up to her, took her hand and pulled her after him. She just had enough time to grab her pile, which included her Shihakusho and Zanpakuto. It caught her so much by surprise that she didn’t even voice any objections, let alone resist, to being taken along into a seperate room. The hand oft he supposedly young man felt totally different from what Hana would have expected. Rough, with calluses, but also warm and strong. He had worked a lot, had probably practiced hundrets and hundrets of ours with his sword. Hanako could tell, these calluses were already noticeable on her own hands, albeit not as pronounced.

„What do you mean? What do you sense?“ she asked, when she put her own bundle down.

She couldn’t imagine, what he could mean by something that was in her and he knew very well. The two of them seemed to be nothing alike. Even the way he treated his Zanpakuto. She did notice how he patted it on it’s hilt. Hanako’s sword was just lying there with her clothes. It wasn’t like she had thrown it there or that she ever treated it with disrespect. But to her it was just a sword. A sword she liked, that felt good in her hand, but she didn’t feel any affection for it.

She shrugged it off. Whatever Carter meant, some exercise to occupy her mind was something she always welcomed.

„Well…okay then. Let us do this.“

After Carter she took a stance herself. Only that hers was seemingly much more relaxed. Body straight, arms loosely at her side, hands roughly at the height of her bellybutton. If she had been wearing a Hakama even her stand would have appeared very reaxed. Like this Carter could see that her feet were placed in a manner that would grant a high amount of stability.

Hana pondered her options for a moment. Even if at the same power level, Carter would have been able to outmaneuver her, simply because he was smaller and lighter. Not that Hana was such a beast, but the considerable difference in height could not be ignored. But on the other hand exactly that difference in height an weight was something she could try to use.

Then Hanako moved. Two small steps and a lunge forward. In the same movement with the lunge she brought down her right arm, like she would a sword, for a chop. If it went through it would hit Carter’s neck on the left side, directly on that spot where shoulder and neck met.

The Game
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:49 pm

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:622

His golden eyes scanned her as she advanced on him, her foot work was a little sloppy and she was broadcasting her intent a mile away but her follow through was clean and balance wasn't off. She had good basic understanding of hand to hand combat as well as the build for it. Sizing her up he noted the stark height, weight, and reach difference between them and realized speed would be hist best weapon against her but also he knew he couldn't out speed her. Well he could, easily, but for the sake of this bout and developing his style further he needed to move at her speed, so with his eyes watching how long it took her to cross the mat while he counted in his mind he gathered her speed to be roughly five to six times less than his own.

Taking that into account he went through the act of slowing himself and reacted with just enough time to counter her chop, With nothing more than a simple duck and bob his head went under her chopping arm and he came back up around the outside of her arm, her own momentum from the mad dash forward carrying her a bit past him. Seizing the moment he struck out, shifting his legs for a wide balance stance he would plant himself and bring the back off his left hand downward on her out stretched right arm to smack it down and force her off balance, afterward he would pull his left hand up and out, his palm now coming to connect with the bridge of her nose. Keeping in mind his speed he relaxed the force of his strike so that if it did connect it would only cause enough pain to smart and bring tears to her eyes.

Once finished he would angle himself so that his left shoulder was pointed at her, his legs in line as well, giving her a smaller area to hit on what would sure to be an enraged counter. not wanting this spar to become ugly he decided to speak on what she asked, on what he sensed. "You're alone, and you do not like it but at the same time you do not want to open up to others. I get it, I've been where you are my whole life, hell even now I'm here in this darkness. Don't let it swallow you." He said, his golden eyes scanning her from head to toe watching for her next attack.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] ZfrGue8

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] EUuCTxy
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:00 am
What Hanako had feared the moment she started her attack against Carter just happened. He dodged under her chop and then gave her something like a slap on the wrist. She felt the movement and realised what he was trying to do. He applied even more force to her right arm so she couldn’t simply stop it where she had intended to. Instead it was supposed to pull her off balance. But her stance was good enough to prevent the worst. Hanako was able to use the movement, let her arm swing in a half-circle and turning herself around in the process, so she’d face Carter again. It actually would have looked quite gracefully if Carter’s hit in her face hadn’t landed.

Now she was standing there trying to blink away the tears. It angered her. Not so much the hit or the pain. That wasn’t too bad. But the tears that innevitably had filled her eyes because o fit. She felt how her face became warmer and she blushed. In her mind it made her look weak, even a part of her knew she couldn’t do anything about that reaction. She felt humiliated by it. Still, or maybe because, she forced herself to harden her shell even more, remain cool on the outside.

„As if it were that simple.“ She said through clenched teeth, which gave away that her coolness just was a facade.

„You’re right about that I don’t particularly like it.“ She said, not without a cynical undertone in her voice.

„But it is how it is. People don’t seem to like me and I don’t seem to like people. Maybe just who I am.“

Her voice became a few degrees colder.

„And what do you know about darkness? I come from it and I never left it.“

She stopped herself from talking. It was not his business or anyone else’s, so why was she talking to him? She didn’t realise it, but while her conscious mind tried to push Carter away, as always, to avoid letting someone close enough to exploit her weakness, something inside her screamed and yelled and wanted her to open herself up. Only she was too afraid, though she would never admit it to herself.

Hanako started her next attack against Carter. She stepped forward and pushed her left arm forward as if she wanted to grab him by his throat. Only that this wasn’t her real intention. Her hope was that he took the bait and tried to grab her arm. Then she would try to withdraw her left hand before he could get a hold o fit. In turn she would grab his arm with her other hand, spin herself around him, until she was standing in his back. All the time she was pulling gently on his arm to make him turn like a corkscrew. This move wasn’t too easy, it was all about the timing. Hanako knew she had enough deficiencies in this department. But if it worked a gentle pull on his shoulder, while standing behind him, would be enough to make him fall on his butt.

The Game
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:37 am

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 761

And what do you know about darkness? Her question echoed in his head, More than you could ever understandHe thought with a sad smile on his face. Images of his lost friend Landen swirled in his mind, shifting to his many failures as a shinigami, to thoughts of his human life before joining the spirit realm, and finally his biggest regret with his old friend Animum, the day he forced her out of his squad when he was a captain of the Gotei. Oddly enough the memory was quickly smashed by a thought of who she was now, Magnolia. Sure, Carter had abandoned his friend and hid in his own darkness when she needed him but now he knew she was stronger than ever before, stronger even than him.

These thoughts were enough for Carter to realize he had screwed up , his day dreaming had allowed for Hanako to get him by his forearm and snake her way behind him, putting pressure on that arm a she went it would force him to spin against his will while she added pressure to his shoulder and he fell on his ass, looking a fool as he stared up at her. "That's what I get for day dreaming, I guess I'll have to take this a bit more serious If I'm going to beat someone as driven as you." He said, the sad look in his eye and smile fading while a more determined one appeared, his eye sharpening and the smile on his face fading he sighed and pushed off the ground with his hands, aiming his lower body upward while lowering his head to the mat he used his arms to steady himself all the while his right leg cocked back to gain power before unleashing itself toward her chest in attempt to kick her in the ribs. At the last second, he rotated his wrists while lowering his legs and brought his left shin to come and sweep into her right ankle to topple her as she had just done to him. The first kick was nothing more than an attempt to throw off her defenses while the left toppling kick was his true intent. All the while from her viewpoint he would look like a rather amusing break dancer that wasn't quite sure of himself. Afterward he would push backward and come up into a back flip before landing soundly on the mat.

" People might like you more if you dropped that pointless hard outer shell, we are all drawn to the idea and want of friendship." He said after creating distance between the two of them. Once he felt comfortable enough with the distance he had made Carter widened his stance to provide better balance and waited, for his next attack he needed her to rush in. We won't apply any spiritual pressure to this next attack, I need to get this technique down before I can make it something worth bringing to the battlefield first. He thought, his golden eyes scanning the girl with a passion he hardly ever felt, this sparring match was going well and he knew if they could keep going he could awaken something in himself, something he needed to manifest to hit that next level.

Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] ZfrGue8

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] EUuCTxy
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:59 am
Hanako saw the knee coming and managed to catch it in both hands, just in time to prevent it from impacting into her chest. In her mind she sighed with relief. She didn’t like to admit it, but a hit to one of her breasts caused her an enormous amount of pain. It was bearable but she preferred to avoid it, if possible. And here it looked like Carter would have hit in just the right spot.

Her face widened to a humorless grin when she looked into the golden eyes of her sparring partner, as if to say ‘I am a newbie, but not THAT green’. Just one moment later she saw him shift his weight and felt the shin of his other leg against hers.

“Agh.” was all she was able to say before she was the one sitting on her behind.

Damnit, she thought. He had fallen for her feint, but in turn she had fallen for his. His style had surprised her.

Yes, his style mighte have surprised her, but his words didn’t. Don’t be so cold, what’s with that made her angry. It was no one else’s business. No one. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone? And now he, pretending he did understand. But how could he understand? No one could, she was alone in her darkness.

“Stop it!” Hanako suddenly yelled at Carter. “Why do all of you think you know what’s going on? Huh? What makes you such an expert? Talking smart about dropping the shell, about not letting myself get swallowed. Well, guess what, it’s already too late. My life is nothing but darkness, in a way you could never understand! So don’t pretend you do!”

Her face was red with anger and her breath heavy. Why, why, why was she again lashing out. In a small corner of her mind a very small Hanako sat and asked ‘Why? That guy means well.’. But she was so angry. It made her so angry. SO angry.
At that moment, alle Hanako really wanted to do was grab her stuff and storm out of the Dojo and hide in a corner. Somewhere where no one could see her and her shame, her weakness. But at the same time she just couldn’t humiliate herself in that way. Carter had stirred up so much inside her, in such a short time, she was almost overwhelmed by it. She wanted to shout, to scream, to break down and cry her eyes out over how unfair and indifferent the universe was. Like so many times before. And also like so many times before she didn’t. She bottled everything up inside her, stuffed it in a jar and closed it. Oh how she wished to be able to just throw that jar away. She hated this part of herself. And the jar was just about ready to burst.

She attacked Carter again. Her plan was to throw a straight punch with her left, wait for Carter to hopefully block it. Then she would quickly grab his forearm, give him a ‘facepalm’ only to confuse him and then slip under his arm into his back and twist his arm in a way that would force him onto his knees.
But her attack was sloppy. Carter would surely been able to see that her heart and, even worse, her mind was not fully on it.

The Game
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:04 pm

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:614

Too far Carter. He thought when she yelled for him to stop, in that moment he felt all her anger and something else, something that felt cold and dark, something that wanted to be left alone. He had gone too far and prodded too deeply on a woman he had only just met and in doing so caused her anger when he had been trying to show her, she wasn't alone. Maybe his darkness and her own had different roots but in the end, they were still black and people shouldn't suffer it alone. In her rage she came at him again, his golden eyes stuck to her eyes and watched her every movement, his own eyes warm and full of sadness for the person in front. The sadness wasn't a pitying one but one of understanding at her anger and one that wanted her to know he regretted pushing her.

All the while her attack came at him and he accepted it, her firm fist connecting with his cheek, stars would blast off behind his eyes as she hit him, but he wouldn't blink, he wouldn't look away. Taking the hit he would hope to stun her out of her follow up action while he cleared his throat and a red welt form on his face, "I'm sorry Hanako I was out of line for attempting to read you like that. I wasn't trying to get under your skin. I just felt something in you that I have felt before in myself and wanted to help if I could. I understand your anger with me." He said, bowing to her in a form of apology.

After bowing he would walk to the door of the sparring room and call for an employee, once one appeared he would order tea and return to the mat, the door closed again. "I think we should take a break for a second, let our emotions calm and have a refreshment before we get back into it. Maybe we can get to know one and other? or not, we can just sit in silence while he simmer down." He said, his tone soft, like a friend trying to comfort another. You cannot even make a friend Carter.... you really suck at this guiding light thing. He thought ruefully while keeping the warm look in his eyes, not letting his own sadness appear.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] ZfrGue8

A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] EUuCTxy
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A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana] Empty Re: A Day at the Dojo [Carter/Hana]

Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:15 am
When her fist hit Carter’s face it was as if lighting struck her heart. It felt like it skipped a beat and a cold, awkward feeling spread throughout her chest.

In one flash the anger was away. Instead Hanako saw how Carter just stood there, waiting for her blow, accepting it, without turning his eyes of him for one second. And again. And again. Like a movie on repeat she saw again and again how she charged in her anger and struck and how Carter didn’t even flinch, just accepted the blow. And then apologized with a bow.

She was still standing there, her hand in a fist, when Carter called for an employee to bring them some tea. She turned to him, her face an expression of confusion. She struck at him in anger and he ordered them tea? Suddenly she couldn’t see him clearly anymore. Everything was blurred as if viewed through a veil.

“Tea?” she wanted to ask, but her voice broke and it came out as a raspy whisper.

She tried to make sense of it, but her head was an empty void. Why would he do that? After she yelled at him, got angry at him. Why would anyone order tea for someone like her? She felt hot liquid rise in her eyes…

Suddenly it all was just too much. What was left of her anger dissolved completely. All the pain, the fear, the whole emotional buildup seemed to lead up to this one moment. When the bottle had exploded into millions of pieces. When she broke down completely into a pile of sadness, shame and self loathing. She sank to her knees, buried her face in der hands and hunched over until her forehead touched the mat. Tears started flowing like waterfalls. The big warrior woman was kneeling on the floor, crying and sobbing, and didn’t care anymore.

She was so ashamed of herself. She felt like she had acted like a irascible child that was throwing a temper tantrum. A sparring match, nothing more. And she had taken well-meaning words personal and had lashed out against someone who just tried to be kind. Again and again her thoughts revolved around that scene. How her fist impacted into Carter’s face and how she really, really wanted to hurt him in that moment. But he didn’t evade the attack, didn’t block, did nothing at all but order tea for both of them afterwards. You didn’t order tea for someone unless to be kind and polite. She was so ashamed and hated herself for everything she had said and done and….and….and….

There was no stopping the flood. She wanted to stop, to ask Carter for forgiveness for how stupid she was. Wanted to thank him for the tea. She simply couldn’t. Hanako felt so weak in that moment, fragile. Like her shell was completely gone but there was nothing underneath.

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