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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:30 am

The Good Girl

Anis Kabal

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Returning from a pale skin to average colour, she would then totally go the other way and turn deep, ugly red as the shredded blood vessels pissed blood all over her body. They infected her sweat glands with the sheer scale and she started to ooze blood from everywhere, a horrible thing to see. But they were not done, as Cyrus - nay, Ahura Mazda - came to the room in all his divine splendour and laid upon Anis the words of his core.

Saved though her life was, it was truly cruel to watch. The reconstruction of her body fell upon her and while the girl was silence, the spasms of pain spoke volumes, her body writhing and rolling, the power healing the damage she did with such erratic movements even as they were done. Eventually, covered in blood, sweat and bloody sweat, Anis gently returned to the bed an was still at last, her wounds healed and her life saved.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:09 am

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

They called for him, her Liege. Helle held no desire to share the room with any however and kept herself busy within the hallway of the floor, pacing. From one end of the hall to the other, she walked, her thoughts the only company she has. Yet, his presence alone struck her mind and left her, momentarily, breathless. They are connected, something she forgets constantly. The act of him calling forth his divinity, alone, sends her own shard into a frenzy, demanding, itself, to be expressed. His thoughts effortlessly penetrate her mind, his desires plucking at her emotions. Her Liege may not feel, but she does, and his abandonment of a piece of himself invokes the being that now shares her soul.

Kelheh Zam does not approve. Or, better yet, Helle does not approve. There was something special about being the only one blessed with such divine ordinance. Anis may not hold within her one of the many siblings Kelheh Zam has, but now, there is a connection between the two women that does not easily settle within Helle’s core. The influx of energy had almost staggered Helle into allowing the switch to occur right then and there, but she held herself fast and simply stepped into the room as herself and not as Kelheh Zam. Yet, her ghastly yellow eyes showed that spark of divinity, and the frown on her face spoke everything she didn’t. Without a word, she stepped further until affixing her gaze unto Anis, ignoring Cyrus’ tired appearance, and with a voice harsher and crueler than what one would imagine to fall from her lips, she spoke in a faint whisper.

“Such recklessness, my Liege.”

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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:58 pm
Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Hd0GJlj


The eyes of the divine Quincy were closed, but he hardly needed them to see the change which had occurred in his right hand. Perhaps it was the influence of the divinity he had imparted upon her, or perhaps she simply chose to be more brazen, knowing that he considered her his equal. Whichever it was, Cyrus did not seem to have any particular reaction to her tone, at least not outwardly. He simply opened one eye, glancing in her direction, and answered her in an even tone, his baritone echoing through the room.

"Reckless action is necessary in times of crisis. I would ask that you explain to me what it was that led to this. Call for the medical staff, if you would. A bit of a walk would likely benefit our discussion."

Cyrus had no intention of standing just yet, perfectly content to wait until professionals were present to ensure Anis' recovery continued on smoothly. He knew that it would, of course, for he knew exactly the manner in which his divinity had helped the woman. Nevertheless, he would not leave her unattended, if only as a matter of course. If she awoke, he would like her to have someone there to reassure her.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:46 am

The Good Girl

Anis Kabal

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

This all was very strange. She was dying for a moment, and it was kind of nice to have that assurance she was going to be done with this catastrophe of an existence. But then the very heavens themselves descended and touched her, cruelly dragging her back into this life and forcing her back into her body. She had never been dumpshocked out of her Vollstandig either, so her brain was still in a tizzy as it was trying to decide what it wanted to do with it's life now. Plus her Blut was active and then deactivated, which just never happened, so she had tremors and spasms as her body was expecting to be burned out and yet, not...

So there she was, staring at the ceiling, entirely unsure what to do, and entirely unsure if she could even move. She needed a brain to do that, and currently brain was running around shrieking madly.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:15 pm

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Some crises are meant to be just that, crises.”

Such harshness. Helle’s face fell more. Why? Maybe it was her own cruelty in this situation, shocking even herself, or maybe her displeasure with what had occurred wasn’t properly displayed with the frown she already adorned. The young woman already knows the answer. The divinity within her already knows what it feels, but she is still struggling with everything that has recently occurred. It is difficult to control her emotions when they are stressed in some form or fashion. However, the dumbfounded stare that Anis wore while staring up into the bright abyss, seemed to pluck a bit at Helle’s compassionate side, wounding Kelheh Zam’s influence over her. “However, I am glad she lives.”

“I shall call for the doctors.” She seemed distressed, her sickly yellow gaze brightening into the emerald beauty that they usually appear in. Yet, her eyes are glossed over like a hypnotized person as she moved away from the two and disappeared into the halls once more. She is only gone for seconds before returning however. And, with her, are doctors and nurses ready to take care of any of Anis’ needs.

Helle, on the other hand, moves over to Cyrus immediately. Her eyes are still glazed over, but she sighs and places a hand on her head, closing her eyes in thought. ‘She had an episode and attempted to escape. A foolish endeavor… I then proceeded to restrict her Reiryoku which caused her body to implode into itself before exploding violently. This madwoman… I do so apologize for interrupting whatever you were busying thyself with.’

Helle allowed her thoughts to transfer to Cyrus using their telepathic connection, but her words come out strangely as if half of them are being thought by another person, which is the case. The divinity within her mind seems to share none of Helle’s concern for the situation which elicits a sigh from the blonde Quincy. “Her trauma is great. Miss Montero wounded her greatly before leaving her to rot with the demons.” Helle’s eyes opened as she felt her mind pound in irritation with her other's thoughts.

“I apologize for losing my temper, my Liege.”

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God of Love
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:11 am
Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Hd0GJlj


"We have sworn to keep others from suffering those crises which can be avoided."

There was an undeniable bite in Cyrus' voice as he said that, particularly emphasizing the word "we." He understood fully the struggle that Helle was undergoing, even with her faintest sliver of divinity compared to his own. In another lifetime, he would not have ever cursed her with an existence such as this one, but she had sworn to be his equal, as he had sworn to treat her as such. His equal...

"Do not apologize, neither for requiring my intervention nor for your loss of composure. I would not wish to exist in any sort of state wherein I cannot offer my assistance in a time of need. That is, after all, what I have sworn to do for all who live."

Finally opening his own eyes and standing, taking very great care to consider the words Helle had used, her obvious shift in tone and lack of ease. He could certainly have said a great many words of reassurance, but such things were not what she needed, and he was keenly aware of this. Instead, he simply took her hand in his, gently and with a very human compassion that certainly caused him searing pain within.

"Come, Helle."

He said no more to her, but first walked to Anis' bedside, looking into her listless eyes with no small degree of grief. She had suffered so dearly. He could only now hope that his gift to her would ease those burdens, however faintly.

"If you ever require a hand of assistance, Anis, you need only call for me, and I will arrive."

With that promise made, he turned once more and left the room, leading Helle with him and still very much holding her hand in his. But he did not have anything he wished to say to her, not yet. To speak with her as his equal would surely be for the worse at this point in time. The Vandenreich had not yet reached a place wherein he could make even the faintest misstep. His authority was tenuous at best in the eyes of many- risking that would put far too many lives at risk. Each step he took was calm, composed, and he led the way entirely in silence toward the one place they could speak entirely in private.

The Sternritter's building was relatively empty, at least today and at this time, and only Ninsianna's clinical eyes met them as they entered. She said nothing, and Cyrus only spoke three words as he passed by her desk-

"Do not listen."

And with that, he and Helle were within his office. He did not release her hand, but simply looked into her eyes, the flame he embodied certainly present in his gaze now, however faintly. He still did not fully know what to say to her, but he imagined she might have much more to say to him.


Last edited by Rawk on Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:28 am

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

There was a visible twitch in Helle’s left eye; her other self demanding the right to voice its opinion. However, Helle did not allow for her mental headspace to shift once more and kept herself together through the pressure the other half created. There is much that the blonde Quincy wished to relate, but she couldn’t trust her own mouth to speak the correct words, not at this very moment, so she kept her lips sealed and only gave a nod to Cyrus’s reprimand. Helle did not expect a minor aspect of Cyrus’ power to cause her such emotional and mental disbalance so easily. Things as simply as showing sympathy felt out of her reach at times in favor of hardened cynicism. Though, Helle believes she can get a grip of herself with more time. This new facet of herself is simply that, a facet of herself. It will take time to nurture and develop, but she will not let it change her as it is attempting.

However, her lips do not move to speak. In all honesty, this situation has devolved into an awkwardness that Helle has yet to ever deal with with any other. May it be the bond she shares with Cyrus or just the way events have transpired, she is unsure, but she wants nothing more than the day to quickly pass her by. Cyrus, on the other hand, desires to drag it on longer. What words were Helle to speak besides, “Yes, my Liege,” when her hand was taken by him after his sudden stirring. He’s doing it again, suffering, but for what reason? A sudden anger boiled within Helle, but that was quickly smothered by the sight of Anis once more. Now, there is only pity, but that too is quick to drown as the two Quincy leave the abused woman to attempt to understand her newfound freedom. ‘Suffering is natural.’

Their situation does not better itself with their newfound privacy. The walk, oh what a dreadful thing. Neither of them spoke, neither of them seemed capable of finding any ground to speak. How strange it felt to walk in public with her hand in his. Even if the world seems absent, there will be someone, something, that will share this event with the world. Rumours will evolve, but that actuality felt the lesser of evils that may arise from their interaction. Helle could not flee from the dread that had built within her, and not even Ninsianna’s gaze could settle the knot that squeezed her stomach. ‘Do not listen’ Even Kelheh Zam expressed concern within Helle’s mind, or maybe it is more akin to curiosity.

God. How much of a little girl is she? Is she not the SubCaptain of an army, a person dedicated to leading men and women to their deaths? Is this the full extent of her bravado? Surely, her Liege, alone, is not enough to reduce her to a measly puddle that splashes without resistance? Her eyes move to his, and she knows, she knows that he is enough. Damn it all. Silence befalls the two. He has no words that come to mind. She cannot speak without feeling her thoughts would betray her. Ninsianna will find herself nothing to even accidentally hear at this rate. That is fine. This is fine. Helle is… fine.

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God of Love
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:13 am
Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Hd0GJlj


"If you will not speak, then I will do so."

Despite the gentle tone in his voice, inevitable in this aspect, it was clear that he was chiding her with those words. Cyrus was not one who simply allowed for silence when there were words to be spoken. He was a man of action first and foremost, and action, in this moment, was necessary.

"I know fully what it feels to suffer the fragmentation of one's psyche by way of your divinity. Your humanity, however, is still very much intact, while mine has been lost to those pieces. I know fully that one may simply sway toward the attitudes of your aspect without any action on your behalf. And, Helle, above all, I do not ask that you suffer as I do by simply holding that divinity on a leash."

Cyrus was not angry with her. He found it tremendously difficult to be angry with much of anyone, particularly one as important to him as she was. Ah- Yes, he supposed that was as simply as he could allow that to be said. She was important to him, even in this guise of divinity. Was not Ahura Mazda above such things as that? He could not say anymore. He wondered if it mattered at all, and in what capacity his understanding of this emotional investment was even correct. But there was little time to be simply pondering these emotional complexities at the moment.

"I, unlike others, am fully capable of listening to whatever it is that you might say, and understanding better than anyone else who might ever listen why it is that you say those things. If you wish to speak to me as Helle, then do so. If as Kelheh Zam, I welcome that as well. If it is by way of struggling to gain hold on this aspect of yourself, then you may relieve yourself of that and act without restraint in this moment. None but I will hear it, and I trust in you that even your aspect would not act in such a way that I would need to prevent you from acting."

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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:14 am
Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 CBKA3Di


No, not more chastisement. Helle did not enjoy the implications of Cyrus’ voice. Applying emotion to his voice is something he’s incapable of doing easily, but Helle understood the implications. Despite her mental groin, she paid heed to his concerns. Yet, she did not desire to apply such advice. Already, she has started experiencing her aspect’s straightforward disdain for issues. Whether it be the aspect’s own feelings or Helle’s repressed thoughts, hopefully not the latter, such aggressiveness proves inapplicable in certain situations.

However, holding back that desire proves difficult. Cyrus has already seen the contradicting ways that Helle’s speech changes in tone and wording when dealing with Kelheh Zam. Helle couldn’t help but wonder if Cyrus struggles much like she is with controlling his aspects. Though, as with relieving her inner woes to him, she struggles conversing about her issues. ‘If you won’t, then I shall.’ She mentally winces as the other voice in her head insists on the chance of being free, if even for a small amount of time. Oh, how it desires to relay its thoughts to Cyrus, to its brethren that share his body.

“My Liege. If I were to speak my mind here, are you sure to not hold it against me or Kelheh Zam. I fear we both struggle with this newfound sentience. Maybe a nigh powerful entity as itself simply does not understand humanity yet, not to say you had any hand in such. I… Eh… Nevermind. Kelheh Zam desires to speak, so I will allow it to.”

The change happens immediately after Helle verbally addressed her desire to allow the other a chance at controlling their shared body. Her eyes closed for mere seconds before they opened revealing a different coloring to them; a sickly pale yellow that shows little signs of life compared to Helle’s normally dazzling emerald gaze. The energy about the woman shifts even though she remains still as if something unnaturally natural has taken her place.

“Ahura Mazda. Delightful to finally have a voice, even if hers. You know me already as Kelheh Zam: The Earth. Heh. Look at me introducing myself as if we were not one and the same not too long ago.” Kelheh Zam is quick to remove her hand from his and take steps towards his office with an awfully arrogant air about herself. “Yes, now our conversation can truly flourish. Oh, the poor woman you have chosen to host me. She can barely muster a word before thy grace without her mind a jumbled mess. It proves entertaining to watch, but with all things, sours far too quickly.”

Taking a seat right on his desk, crossing her armored legs, Kelheh Zam gives Cyrus an innocent look twisted by her sickly gaze and aura. “Let us begin, shall we?”

God of Love
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:38 am
Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 3 Anl52ks


Looking directly into Kelheh Zam's eyes, Cyrus' countenance shifted, the ever-pleasant smile of the Affectionate Flame now replaced by the Swift Flame. Knowing fully that Kelheh Zam would not step around any conversation, Cyrus had shifted into an aspect which would certainly be able to keep up with her. As she offered her arrogant smile to him, his gaze hardened, and he stepped toward her with an air that could only be called menacing.

"First and foremost, my dear Kelheh, do not let your arrogance make you feel as though she and yourself are anything separate. She does not host you. You and she are wholly the same, and your self-aggrandizing smile would suggest to me that you are not one to insult yourself. Keep that in mind in future."

He crossed his arms, taking a seat directly next to her atop the desk. He closed his eyes once more, but it was not the tired, pensive gesture it had been in the hospital. It was simply a lack of desire to look her in the eye at this moment.

"Whatever causes you to lose your internal composure when speaking to me, let us lay it in the open then. I will not have it simply ignored as an issue, particularly not when it seems such a point of contention in your own heart."

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