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God of Love
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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:00 pm
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] XaNsDFO


Most were not privy to the personal life of the Captain Commander, the White Gold Queen of Vastime. However, such was not the case for a very select few, and the wife of the Gotei's executioner was one of those precious few. Minerva St. Vendemiaire, in many ways, reminded Abalia a great deal of herself. Not in all ways, certainly, but in her ideals, her drive.

Knocking on the door to the St. Vendemiaire house, Abalia was already prepared to greet quite many children the moment she entered. She only barely kept from tapping her finger against her hip impatiently, and she supposed that told her the degree to which she felt it necessary to speak on this. For once, it felt crucial to her that she speak about her emotional state with someone, and the vast majority of those she might normally trust simply did not have the right temperament to discuss these topics.

Minerva, however, was someone she knew would only offer her whatever advice she found most sound, and who she knew could see things from a perspective that was thoroughly...human.


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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:13 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Minerva1

MINERVA ST. Vendemiaire

"The door! Mum! Mama! There's a knock at the door!!"

A chorus erupted when the door was knocked on, it was always like that though. Anytime anyone was at the door the whole house knew with those three descending into a chorus to all relay the last bit.

"Yes, yes. It's fine. I can handle it, can you all go help Airi and Renate so I can answer it?"

The biggest but also one of the more younger ones puffed out his chest proudly. Nodding like a little invincible trooper while leading the gang to go help the girls and leaving Minerva with a small grin. First obstacle cleared, now to actually answer the door and hopefully not have a bunch of kids hanging from her while doing it.

"Who is- Oh, Abalia! I wasn't expecting you today- Ah, don't sneak up on me like that Rena."

An interruption in the form of a small little girl who still had traces of her hard life in the Rukongai came up behind her and wrapped her arms around Minerva's waist while staring at Abalia intently with caution. Rena didn't like new people, though she settled when she realised it was just Abalia.

"I'm sorry, if I knew you were coming I'd have organised help. Come in though, please. You must be hungry or thirsty, hmm?


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God of Love
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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:20 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] XaNsDFO


It was genuinely refreshing to hear the myriad young voices echoing through the house even from outside. It occurred to Abalia that such a family environment was, for her, quite alien. Nastya was still young, and of course she was watched at all times. Blackheart was a special case, and though Abalia certainly saw the demon as her own daughter through and through, she was not a clild in any traditional sense. Liu's children were distant, she supposed. To see Minerva open the door with one of her children at her almost seemed enviable.

"Oh, no, you need not apologize. I ought to apologize for coming unannounced. Good evening, Rena. I hope you are doing well."

Abalia offered the young girl a small smile, surely something very few might ever have been able to claim. Entering the house with little reservation, she looked around the room only briefly as she considered Minerva's question. In truth, she had no particular need for food or drink, but she would never deny the hospitality of a friend.

"Yes, I do think that a meal and tea might be quite welcome, if such an offer is open."


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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:36 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Minerva1

MINERVA ST. Vendemiaire

Rena was the first to act, giving Abalia a curt nod before running off to go do her own thing now that the visitor had been verified. Minerva took the chance to refocus back onto Abalia though and smile, ushering her in while nodding to both Abalia and herself. Just to try and not forget the tea and food with everything else she carried in her head from a day to day routine.

"We can go upstairs in the study. I just need to ask Yuri if she could watch the children for me while we're busy."

Yuri was her little trump card, the oldest child who was more a teenager than child but Minerva would never try and lump the other children on her too often but for Abalia, it was a special circumstance. Letting Abalia make her way up there herself, the lady of the house made it her business to prepare some tea and some little snacks to eat before bringing them up and joining her.

The study though was quite large and featured a couch, she still hosted members of the former Coalition and her own not so little network at times. It was definitely furnished with that in mind with a bit of a more classic taste bleeding through, very distinct from the Eastern setting of the Rukongai. Besides the basic looking katana left on the desk nothing about it seemed to really evoke the same feeling of the world outside.

"Alright, it's already now."

Minerva chimed, putting the tea and snacks on the table while taking a seat on the couch and inviting Abalia to sit. She wasn't a fool, her intuition was deceptively keen and Abalia wasn't the type to make visits without organising them which told her all she needed to know. Something wasn't right though she trusted that it would eventually come to light. Minerva had a knack for people feeling comfortabl to tell her things.


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God of Love
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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:19 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] XaNsDFO


Abalia was perfectly fine to be ushered along by Minerva, making her way to the study and taking a seat almost tiredly on the sofa. She did not feel exhausted in any traditional sense, not physically, mentally, and certainly not emotionally. There was simply a weight on her that she could scarcely describe. Perhaps it was merely guilt.

"Thank you dearly for having me uninvited, Minerva, I understand you are busy with the children, so I will do my best not to waste your time."

Despite herself, it was simply in her nature to focus on the needs of another over herself. She had come here for selfish reasons, but to rely so heavily on another was not how she operated.

"I have not had a meal such as this in some time now. Quiet, in the home..."

Abalia paused, hesitant to continue. She did not especially wish to be a burden.

"...I have been busy lately."


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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:41 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Minerva1

MINERVA ST. Vendemiaire

"You're not wasting my time. You know it's so nice having people visit. Especially you."

That was the first thing she wanted to address and the first thing that stood out to her, well it had stood out to her the moment she met Abalia really but at the same time she didn't like hearing the woman think she was just wasting people's time that was spent on her.

"Has something happened, dear? You seem very reserved, more than usual."

Minerva asked while pretending to be distracted with pouring tea but her senses were very focused on Abalia. The tone of her voice, the way her body spoke its hidden little lingo and finally what she said. The tea was served and offerred to the captain commander who at this point was more just a woman in need, Minerva might not know how to handle a Captain Commander but friends and women who needed help. That was a talent she had and never boasted about.


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God of Love
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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:56 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] XaNsDFO


Minerva was a good woman. One who, in many ways, Abalia thought she might have wished to be like in another life. She would have responded in any manner of ways, but even if Minerva did not consider her to be wasting any time, Abalia simply was not one to sidestep an issue. She took the tea as it was offered, and simply looked down into the cup, thinking for a short moment before speaking plainly.

"My husband is dead."

There was no grief in Abalia's voice as she spoke. If anything it rang completely hollow. She was a woman who felt very little, whose heart was of stone and who had ordered the death of her own husband without hesitation if it meant the security of the realms. She was not upset at the loss of him--no, that had been necessary. She had been given no other alternative.

"I ordered it, and yet I feel nothing, Minerva. No sorrow, no grief. I have not shed a single tear at the thought that I have sealed away the man I love forever."

It did not upset Abalia that Hayden was gone. It upset her that she could not lament it.


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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:16 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Minerva1

MINERVA ST. Vendemiaire

Minerva sips away at her tea while listening, nodding to acknowledge that she heard what she was saying. It was a dilemma and a pain that she could only say she had never felt. If Julian would die her world would feel empty, a hollow monochrome existence and while she would never find herself able to throw her own life away in despair. She'd live for the sake of those that she cared about but it would feel much emptier.

That's why she couldn't empathise.

She put her arm around Abalia's waist and pulled her in for a small hug and a bit of comfort.

"It's okay. We all deal with grief different, it's entirely possible the way you try to deal with grief is by depriving it of being able to take root in the first place. When I was a prostitute, it was always easier to detach myself from the things I was doing. I didn't think about the men or women I was with Abalia. I didn't feel attached to them with what I was doing, I was thinking about the greater reason for doing it."

Trying to be vague with the details but get the point across, Minerva was doing her best to find some common ground and allieviate the feelings for her. She didn't want to ask the question of if she actually loved him, that would be very rude.


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God of Love
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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:44 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] XaNsDFO


"I have never felt much of anything, in truth. I married Desmond not because I loved him, but because I knew that if I were to love anyone, it would assuredly be him."

It was so very unlike Abalia to speak about herself, but that was the reason she had come here to begin with. She did not lean into Minerva's embrace, but she did not shy away from it, either. That in itself was most unusual, and she knew as much--perhaps she simply understood that to admit these things about herself would only push others away. Even a simple embrace was reassuring.

"I know, Minerva, that I should feel grief. I think that I should weep, that I should even for a brief moment be consumed by the despair of knowing that he is gone. But today feels no differently from any other. I am not burdened by this loss, Minerva, and I hate that fact more than I might ever put to words."

She was quiet again after that, and when she spoke again, it sounded almost unsure, perhaps even fragile. It was a voice so very distant from that of the White Gold Queen, of the Captain Commander.

"I could not say goodbye to him. I think that I ought to have, Minerva. That I should have stopped before I made that decision, if only to tell him one final time that I loved him."


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A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Empty Re: A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia]

Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:59 am
A Perfectly Normal Conversation [Minerva, Abalia] Minerva1

MINERVA ST. Vendemiaire

She tried to avoid grimacing when she heard Abalia's rationale for her decision, for a couple of reasons. On one hand it was just very depressing for her to hear and on the other she disagreed with it. To make such a commitment because you think that's how it should be in your head, not because you desire it.

"You don't really sound like you're being true to yourself or your feelings, Abalia. You keep talking about this is how you should be, this is how you think it would be. You don't sound like a person who's living for themselves. You don't sound like you're happy as the person you are and you're running away from it."

The hand that was on Abalia's waist for their small hug made a reassuring caress to try and comfort her while Minerva explained her observations, especially the part she was biting her tongue over.

"Abalia dear.. Are you happy, despite these things you loathe about yourself?"


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